From 9f277f319da1283126435a236a0ff1e6e8b05df1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Franti=C5=A1ek=20Dvo=C5=99=C3=A1k?= <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 12:17:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] New staging2 deployment @ SafeSpring + cleanups

 common/deployments/hub-staging.yaml           | 449 +++++++++++++++++
 staging1/deployments/hub.yaml                 | 450 +-----------------
 staging2/deployments/hub.yaml                 |   1 +
 staging2/inventory/1-safespring.yaml          |  31 ++
 staging2/inventory/99-all.yaml                |   3 +-
 staging2/playbooks/cvmfs.yaml                 |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/files/calico.yaml          |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/files/etc                  |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/files/jupyterhub-jwt.yaml  |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/files/usr                  |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/k8s.yaml                   |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/notebooks.yaml             |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/public_keys                |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/squid.yaml                 |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/exports      |   1 +
 .../playbooks/templates/etc/mailutils.conf    |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/squid        |   1 +
 staging2/playbooks/upgrade.yaml               |   1 +
 staging2/terraform/terraform.tfvars           |   6 +-
 staging2/terraform/                     |   2 +-
 20 files changed, 501 insertions(+), 454 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 common/deployments/hub-staging.yaml
 mode change 100644 => 120000 staging1/deployments/hub.yaml
 create mode 120000 staging2/deployments/hub.yaml
 create mode 100644 staging2/inventory/1-safespring.yaml
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/cvmfs.yaml
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/files/calico.yaml
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/files/etc
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/files/jupyterhub-jwt.yaml
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/files/usr
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/k8s.yaml
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/notebooks.yaml
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/public_keys
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/squid.yaml
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/exports
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/mailutils.conf
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/squid
 create mode 120000 staging2/playbooks/upgrade.yaml

diff --git a/common/deployments/hub-staging.yaml b/common/deployments/hub-staging.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c75a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/deployments/hub-staging.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+  service:
+    type: NodePort
+  enabled: true
+  annotations:
+ "nginx"
+ "true"
+  hosts:
+    - "{{ notebooks_hostname }}"
+  tls:
+    - hosts:
+        - "{{ notebooks_hostname }}"
+      secretName: acme-tls-hub
+  # keep resource limits in sync with:
+  # - profileList
+  storage:
+    type: none
+    extraVolumes:
+      - name: cvmfs-host
+        hostPath:
+          path: /cvmfs
+          type: Directory
+      - name: owncloud-home
+        empty_dir:
+      # - name: scratch
+      #   ephemeral:
+      #     volumeClaimTemplate:
+      #       spec:
+      #         accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
+      #         storageClassName: local-path
+      #         resources:
+      #           requests:
+      #             storage: "10Gi"
+    extraVolumeMounts:
+      - name: cvmfs-host
+        mountPath: "/cvmfs:shared"
+      - name: owncloud-home
+        mountPath: '/home/jovyan:shared'
+      # - name: scratch
+      #   mountPath: '/scratch'
+  memory:
+    limit: 4G
+    guarantee: 512M
+  cpu:
+    limit: 2
+    guarantee: .2
+  defaultUrl: "/lab"
+  image:
+    name: eginotebooks/single-user
+    tag: "sha-b94a3ef"
+  profileList:
+    - display_name: Small Environment - 2 vCPU / 4 GB RAM
+      description: >
+        The notebook environment includes Python, R, Julia and Octave kernels.
+      default: true
+      kubespawner_override:
+        args:
+          - "--CondaKernelSpecManager.env_filter='/opt/conda$'"
+        extra_annotations:
+          "": "small-environment-2-vcpu-4-gb-ram"
+    - display_name: Medium Environment - 4 vCPU / 8 GB RAM
+      description: >
+        The notebook environment includes Python, R, Julia and Octave kernels.
+      kubespawner_override:
+        args:
+          - "--CondaKernelSpecManager.env_filter='/opt/conda$'"
+        extra_annotations:
+          "": "medium-environment-4-vcpu-8-gb-ram"
+        cpu_guarantee: 0.4
+        cpu_limit: 4
+        mem_guarantee: 1G
+        mem_limit: 8G
+    - display_name: Large Environment - 8 vCPU / 16 GB RAM / GPU
+      description: >
+        The notebook environment includes Python, R, Julia and Octave kernels with GPU.
+      kubespawner_override:
+        args:
+          - "--CondaKernelSpecManager.env_filter='/opt/conda$'"
+        cpu_guarantee: 0.8
+        cpu_limit: 8
+        mem_guarantee: 2G
+        mem_limit: 16G
+        extra_annotations:
+          "": "large-environment-8-vcpu-16-gb-ram-gpu"
+        extra_resource_guarantees:
+ 1
+        extra_resource_limits:
+ 1
+  cmd: jupyterhub-singleuser-webdav-wrapper
+  extraFiles:
+      mode: 0755
+      mountPath: /usr/local/bin/jupyterhub-wait-remote-home
+      stringData: |-
+        #! /bin/sh
+        i=0
+        while ! grep '^webdav-fs: /home/jovyan ' /proc/mounts && test $i -lt 30; do
+          echo 'Waiting for ownClound mount...'
+          sleep 0.5
+          i=$((i+1))
+        done
+      mode: 0755
+      mountPath: /usr/local/bin/jupyterhub-singleuser-webdav-wrapper
+      stringData: |-
+        #! /bin/sh
+        #
+        # Dirty hack to make remote mount on home directory working properly:
+        #
+        # 1) wait for webdav sidecar image to kick in
+        # 2) change directory to the mounted version of itself
+        # 3) launch notebook server
+        #
+        /usr/local/bin/jupyterhub-wait-remote-home
+        cd .
+        exec jupyterhub-singleuser \
+          --FileCheckpoints.checkpoint_dir='/home/jovyan/.notebookCheckpoints' \
+          --LabApp.news_url=None \
+          "$@"
+  services:
+    status:
+      url: "http://status-web/"
+      admin: true
+    jwt:
+      url: "http://jwt/"
+      display: false
+  # recommended to keep in sync with common/playbooks/files/jupyterhub-jwt.yaml
+  image:
+    name: eginotebooks/hub
+    tag: "sha-323c75e"
+  config:
+    Authenticator:
+      enable_auth_state: true
+      admin_users:
+        #
+        -
+      allowed_groups:
+        -
+      auto_login: true
+      claim_groups_key: "entitlements"
+    EGICheckinAuthenticator:
+      checkin_host: "{{ secret['checkin_host'] }}"
+      authorize_url: "https://{{ secret['checkin_host'] }}/OIDC/authorization"
+      token_url: "https://{{ secret['checkin_host'] }}/OIDC/token"
+      userdata_url: "https://{{ secret['checkin_host'] }}/OIDC/userinfo"
+      client_id: "{{ secret['client_id'] }}"
+      client_secret: "{{ secret['client_secret'] }}"
+      oauth_callback_url: "https://{{ notebooks_hostname }}/hub/oauth_callback"
+      openid_configuration_url: ""
+      scope: ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline_access", "entitlements"]
+      username_claim: "sub"
+      extra_authorize_params:
+        prompt: consent
+    JupyterHub:
+      admin_access: true
+      authenticate_prometheus: false
+      authenticator_class: egi_notebooks_hub.egiauthenticator.EOSCNodeAuthenticator
+      # spawner_class: (in egi-notebooks-b2drop)
+    LabApp:
+      check_for_updates_class: jupyterlab.NeverCheckForUpdate
+  extraConfig:
+    egi-notebooks-welcome: |-
+      from egi_notebooks_hub.welcome import WelcomeHandler
+      c.JupyterHub.default_url = "/welcome"
+      c.JupyterHub.extra_handlers = [(r'/welcome', WelcomeHandler)]
+    egi-notebooks-b2drop: |-
+{%- raw %}
+      import base64
+      import json
+      from jinja2 import BaseLoader
+      from jinja2 import Environment
+      from egi_notebooks_hub.onedata import OnedataSpawner
+      from import ApiException
+      from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPClientError, HTTPRequest
+      class B2DropSpawner(OnedataSpawner):
+          async def auth_state_hook(self, spawner, auth_state):
+              await super().auth_state_hook(spawner, auth_state)
+              self.b2drop_ready = False
+              self.b2drop_user = ""
+              self.b2drop_pwd = ""
+              try:
+                  secret = await self.api.read_namespaced_secret(self.token_secret_name, self.namespace)
+              except ApiException:
+                  return
+              if secret and
+                   self.b2drop_user = base64.b64decode("b2drop-user", "")).decode()
+                   self.b2drop_pwd = base64.b64decode("b2drop-pwd", "")).decode()
+                   self.b2drop_ready = (self.b2drop_user and self.b2drop_pwd)
+          def _render_options_form(self, profile_list):
+              # old:self._profile_list = self._init_profile_list(profile_list)
+              self._profile_list = self._get_initialized_profile_list(profile_list)
+              profile_form_template = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string(
+                  self.profile_form_template
+              )
+              return profile_form_template.render(profile_list=self._profile_list, b2drop_ready=self.b2drop_ready, b2drop_user=self.b2drop_user, b2drop_pwd=self.b2drop_pwd)
+          async def pre_spawn_hook(self, spawner):
+              await super(B2DropSpawner, self).pre_spawn_hook(spawner)
+              b2drop_user = self.user_options.get("b2drop-user", "")
+              b2drop_pwd = self.user_options.get("b2drop-pwd", "")
+              if not (b2drop_user and b2drop_pwd):
+                  secret = await self.api.read_namespaced_secret(self.token_secret_name, self.namespace)
+                  if secret and
+                      b2drop_user = base64.b64decode("b2drop-user", "")).decode()
+                      b2drop_pwd = base64.b64decode("b2drop-pwd", "")).decode()
+              if b2drop_user and b2drop_pwd:
+                  volume_mounts = [
+                    {"mountPath": "/owncloud:shared", "name": "owncloud-home"},
+                  ]
+                  spawner.extra_containers.append(
+                    {
+                        "name": "b2drop",
+                        "image": "eginotebooks/webdav-rclone-sidecar:sha-0a62679",
+                        "env": [
+                            {"name": "WEBDAV_URL", "value": ""},
+                            {"name": "WEBDAV_PWD", "value": b2drop_pwd},
+                            {"name": "WEBDAV_USER", "value": b2drop_user},
+                            {"name": "WEBDAV_VENDOR", "value": "other"},
+                            {"name": "MOUNT_PATH", "value": "/owncloud/b2drop"},
+                            {"name": "MOUNT_WAIT_POINT", "value": "webdav-fs: /owncloud fuse.rclone"},
+                        ],
+                        "resources": self.sidecar_resources,
+                        "securityContext": {
+                            "runAsUser": 1000,
+                            "fsUser": 1000,
+                            "fsGroup": 100,
+                            "privileged": True,
+                            "capabilities": {"add": ["SYS_ADMIN"]},
+                        },
+                        "volumeMounts": volume_mounts,
+                    }
+                  )
+          def options_from_form(self, formdata):
+              data = super(B2DropSpawner, self)._options_from_form(formdata)
+              data.update({'b2drop-user': formdata.get('b2drop-user', [None])[0],
+                           'b2drop-pwd': formdata.get('b2drop-pwd', [None])[0]})
+              return data
+      class WebDavOIDCSpawner(B2DropSpawner):
+          # ownCloud Infinite Scale parameters
+          # (
+          OCIS_URL = ""
+          # personal space
+          OCIS_PERSONAL_SPACE = "/graph/v1.0/me/drives?%24filter=driveType+eq+personal"
+          # shared space
+          OCIS_SHARED_WITH_ME = "/graph/v1.0/me/drives?%24filter=driveType+eq+virtual"
+          # otter spaces
+          OCIS_SPACES = "/graph/v1.0/me/drives?%24filter=driveType+eq+project"
+          async def append_owncloud_sidecar(self, spawner, type, query, fallback_url=None, headers={}):
+              owncloud_url = fallback_url
+              http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
+              req = HTTPRequest(
+                  self.OCIS_URL + query,
+                  headers=headers,
+                  method="GET",
+              )
+              try:
+                  resp = await http_client.fetch(req)
+                  body = json.loads(resp.body.decode("utf8", "replace"))
+                  self.log.debug("OCIS response: %s", body)
+                  if "value" in body:
+                      ocis_infos = body["value"]
+                      if len(ocis_infos) >= 1 and "root" in ocis_infos[0]:
+                          owncloud_url = ocis_infos[0]["root"].get("webDavUrl", None)
+              except HTTPClientError as e:
+                  self.log.error("can't query ownCloud: %s", e)
+    "ownCloud %s URL: %s", type, owncloud_url)
+              if owncloud_url is None:
+                  return
+              if type == "home":
+                  subpath = ""
+              else:
+                 subpath = "/" + type.capitalize()
+              env = [
+                  {"name": "WEBDAV_URL", "value": owncloud_url},
+                  {"name": "WEBDAV_VENDOR", "value": "owncloud"},
+                  # XXX: strict permissions needed for .local/share/jupyter/runtime/jupyter_cookie_secret
+                  # quicker directory cache and polling
+                  {"name": "MOUNT_OPTS", "value": "--file-perms=0600 --dir-perms=0770 --dir-cache-time=1m0s --poll-interval=0m20s"},
+                  {"name": "MOUNT_PATH", "value": "/owncloud" + subpath},
+                  # default mode is "full"
+                  {"name": "VFS_CACHE_MODE", "value": "full"},
+              ]
+              if type != "home":
+                  env.append({"name": "MOUNT_WAIT_POINT", "value": "webdav-fs: /owncloud fuse.rclone"})
+              volume_mounts = [
+                  {"mountPath": "/owncloud:shared", "name": "owncloud-home"},
+                  {"mountPath": self.token_mount_path, "name": self.token_secret_volume_name, "readOnly": True},
+              ]
+              spawner.extra_containers.append(
+                  {
+                      "name": "owncloud-" + type,
+                      "image": "eginotebooks/webdav-rclone-sidecar:sha-0a62679",
+                      "args": ["bearer_token_command=cat " + self.token_path],
+                      "env": env,
+                      "resources": self.sidecar_resources,
+                      "securityContext": {
+                          "runAsUser": 1000,
+                          "fsUser": 1000,
+                          "fsGroup": 100,
+                          "privileged": True,
+                          "capabilities": {"add": ["SYS_ADMIN"]},
+                      },
+                      "volumeMounts": volume_mounts,
+                  }
+              )
+          async def pre_spawn_hook(self, spawner):
+              await super(WebDavOIDCSpawner, self).pre_spawn_hook(spawner)
+              auth_state = await self.user.get_auth_state()
+              # volume name as in EGI spawner
+              self.token_secret_volume_name = self._expand_user_properties(
+                self.token_secret_volume_name_template
+              )
+              self.token_path = os.path.join(self.token_mount_path, "access_token")
+              if auth_state:
+                  access_token = auth_state.get("access_token", None)
+                  headers = {
+                      "Accept": "application/json",
+                      "User-Agent": "JupyterHub",
+                      "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % access_token,
+                  }
+                  await self.append_owncloud_sidecar(spawner, "home", self.OCIS_PERSONAL_SPACE, headers=headers)
+                  await self.append_owncloud_sidecar(spawner, "shares", self.OCIS_SHARED_WITH_ME, headers=headers)
+                  await self.append_owncloud_sidecar(spawner, "spaces", self.OCIS_SPACES, headers=headers)
+              else:
+      "No auth state, skipping ownCloud")
+      c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = WebDavOIDCSpawner
+      c.B2DropSpawner.http_timeout = 90
+      c.B2DropSpawner.profile_form_template = """
+        <style>
+            /*
+                .profile divs holds two div tags: one for a radio button, and one
+                for the profile's content.
+            */
+            #kubespawner-profiles-list .profile {
+                display: flex;
+                flex-direction: row;
+                font-weight: normal;
+                border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
+                padding-bottom: 12px;
+            }
+            #kubespawner-profiles-list .profile .radio {
+                padding: 12px;
+            }
+            /* .option divs holds a label and a select tag */
+            #kubespawner-profiles-list .profile .option {
+                display: flex;
+                flex-direction: row;
+                align-items: center;
+                padding-bottom: 12px;
+            }
+            #kubespawner-profiles-list .profile .option label {
+                font-weight: normal;
+                margin-right: 8px;
+                min-width: 96px;
+            }
+        </style>
+        <div class='form-group' id='kubespawner-profiles-list'>
+            {%- for profile in profile_list %}
+            {#- Wrap everything in a <label> so clicking anywhere selects the option #}
+            <label for='profile-item-{{ profile.slug }}' class='profile'>
+                <div class='radio'>
+                    <input type='radio' name='profile' id='profile-item-{{ profile.slug }}' value='{{ profile.slug }}' {% if profile.default %}checked{% endif %} />
+                </div>
+                <div>
+                    <h3>{{ profile.display_name }}</h3>
+                    {%- if profile.description %}
+                    <p>{{ profile.description }}</p>
+                    {%- endif %}
+                    {%- if profile.profile_options %}
+                    <div>
+                        {%- for k, option in profile.profile_options.items() %}
+                        <div class='option'>
+                            <label for='profile-option-{{profile.slug}}-{{k}}'>{{option.display_name}}</label>
+                            <select name="profile-option-{{profile.slug}}-{{k}}" class="form-control">
+                                {%- for k, choice in option['choices'].items() %}
+                                <option value="{{ k }}" {% if choice.default %}selected{%endif %}>{{ choice.display_name }}</option>
+                                {%- endfor %}
+                            </select>
+                        </div>
+                        {%- endfor %}
+                    </div>
+                    {%- endif %}
+                </div>
+            </label>
+            {%- endfor %}
+            <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
+              <div class="panel panel-default">
+                <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingOne">
+                  <h4 class="panel-title">
+                    <a class="collabpsed" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne">
+                      B2DROP connection
+                    </a>
+                    {%if b2drop_ready %}<span class="label label-success">Already configured!</span>{% endif %}
+                  </h4>
+                </div>
+                <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="headingOne">
+                  <div class="panel-body">
+                    <div class='form-group'>
+                      <label for="b2drop-user" class="form-label">B2DROP app Username</label>
+                      <input type="text" class="form-control" name="b2drop-user" id="b2drop-user" aria-describedby="b2drop-user-help" value="{{ b2drop_user }}">
+                      <div id="b2drop-user-help" class="form-text">Create new app password at <a href="">B2DROP security configuration</a></div>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class='form-group'>
+                        <label for="b2drop-pwd" class="form-label">B2DROP app Password</label>
+                        <input type="password" class="form-control" name="b2drop-pwd" id="b2drop-pwd" value="{{ b2drop_pwd }}">
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+        </div>
+        """
+{% endraw %}
+  extraFiles:
+    welcome.html:
+      mountPath: /usr/local/share/jupyterhub/templates/welcome.html
+      stringData: |-
+{%- raw %}
+        {% extends "login.html" %}
+{% endraw %}
diff --git a/staging1/deployments/hub.yaml b/staging1/deployments/hub.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c75a56..0000000
--- a/staging1/deployments/hub.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-  service:
-    type: NodePort
-  enabled: true
-  annotations:
- "nginx"
- "true"
-  hosts:
-    - "{{ notebooks_hostname }}"
-  tls:
-    - hosts:
-        - "{{ notebooks_hostname }}"
-      secretName: acme-tls-hub
-  # keep resource limits in sync with:
-  # - profileList
-  storage:
-    type: none
-    extraVolumes:
-      - name: cvmfs-host
-        hostPath:
-          path: /cvmfs
-          type: Directory
-      - name: owncloud-home
-        empty_dir:
-      # - name: scratch
-      #   ephemeral:
-      #     volumeClaimTemplate:
-      #       spec:
-      #         accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
-      #         storageClassName: local-path
-      #         resources:
-      #           requests:
-      #             storage: "10Gi"
-    extraVolumeMounts:
-      - name: cvmfs-host
-        mountPath: "/cvmfs:shared"
-      - name: owncloud-home
-        mountPath: '/home/jovyan:shared'
-      # - name: scratch
-      #   mountPath: '/scratch'
-  memory:
-    limit: 4G
-    guarantee: 512M
-  cpu:
-    limit: 2
-    guarantee: .2
-  defaultUrl: "/lab"
-  image:
-    name: eginotebooks/single-user
-    tag: "sha-b94a3ef"
-  profileList:
-    - display_name: Small Environment - 2 vCPU / 4 GB RAM
-      description: >
-        The notebook environment includes Python, R, Julia and Octave kernels.
-      default: true
-      kubespawner_override:
-        args:
-          - "--CondaKernelSpecManager.env_filter='/opt/conda$'"
-        extra_annotations:
-          "": "small-environment-2-vcpu-4-gb-ram"
-    - display_name: Medium Environment - 4 vCPU / 8 GB RAM
-      description: >
-        The notebook environment includes Python, R, Julia and Octave kernels.
-      kubespawner_override:
-        args:
-          - "--CondaKernelSpecManager.env_filter='/opt/conda$'"
-        extra_annotations:
-          "": "medium-environment-4-vcpu-8-gb-ram"
-        cpu_guarantee: 0.4
-        cpu_limit: 4
-        mem_guarantee: 1G
-        mem_limit: 8G
-    - display_name: Large Environment - 8 vCPU / 16 GB RAM / GPU
-      description: >
-        The notebook environment includes Python, R, Julia and Octave kernels with GPU.
-      kubespawner_override:
-        args:
-          - "--CondaKernelSpecManager.env_filter='/opt/conda$'"
-        cpu_guarantee: 0.8
-        cpu_limit: 8
-        mem_guarantee: 2G
-        mem_limit: 16G
-        extra_annotations:
-          "": "large-environment-8-vcpu-16-gb-ram-gpu"
-        extra_resource_guarantees:
- 1
-        extra_resource_limits:
- 1
-  cmd: jupyterhub-singleuser-webdav-wrapper
-  extraFiles:
-      mode: 0755
-      mountPath: /usr/local/bin/jupyterhub-wait-remote-home
-      stringData: |-
-        #! /bin/sh
-        i=0
-        while ! grep '^webdav-fs: /home/jovyan ' /proc/mounts && test $i -lt 30; do
-          echo 'Waiting for ownClound mount...'
-          sleep 0.5
-          i=$((i+1))
-        done
-      mode: 0755
-      mountPath: /usr/local/bin/jupyterhub-singleuser-webdav-wrapper
-      stringData: |-
-        #! /bin/sh
-        #
-        # Dirty hack to make remote mount on home directory working properly:
-        #
-        # 1) wait for webdav sidecar image to kick in
-        # 2) change directory to the mounted version of itself
-        # 3) launch notebook server
-        #
-        /usr/local/bin/jupyterhub-wait-remote-home
-        cd .
-        exec jupyterhub-singleuser \
-          --FileCheckpoints.checkpoint_dir='/home/jovyan/.notebookCheckpoints' \
-          --LabApp.news_url=None \
-          "$@"
-  services:
-    status:
-      url: "http://status-web/"
-      admin: true
-    jwt:
-      url: "http://jwt/"
-      display: false
-  # recommended to keep in sync with common/playbooks/files/jupyterhub-jwt.yaml
-  image:
-    name: eginotebooks/hub
-    tag: "sha-323c75e"
-  config:
-    Authenticator:
-      enable_auth_state: true
-      admin_users:
-        #
-        -
-      allowed_groups:
-        -
-      auto_login: true
-      claim_groups_key: "entitlements"
-    EGICheckinAuthenticator:
-      checkin_host: "{{ secret['checkin_host'] }}"
-      authorize_url: "https://{{ secret['checkin_host'] }}/OIDC/authorization"
-      token_url: "https://{{ secret['checkin_host'] }}/OIDC/token"
-      userdata_url: "https://{{ secret['checkin_host'] }}/OIDC/userinfo"
-      client_id: "{{ secret['client_id'] }}"
-      client_secret: "{{ secret['client_secret'] }}"
-      oauth_callback_url: "https://{{ notebooks_hostname }}/hub/oauth_callback"
-      openid_configuration_url: ""
-      scope: ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline_access", "entitlements"]
-      username_claim: "sub"
-      extra_authorize_params:
-        prompt: consent
-    JupyterHub:
-      admin_access: true
-      authenticate_prometheus: false
-      authenticator_class: egi_notebooks_hub.egiauthenticator.EOSCNodeAuthenticator
-      # spawner_class: (in egi-notebooks-b2drop)
-    LabApp:
-      check_for_updates_class: jupyterlab.NeverCheckForUpdate
-  extraConfig:
-    egi-notebooks-welcome: |-
-      from egi_notebooks_hub.welcome import WelcomeHandler
-      c.JupyterHub.default_url = "/welcome"
-      c.JupyterHub.extra_handlers = [(r'/welcome', WelcomeHandler)]
-    egi-notebooks-b2drop: |-
-{%- raw %}
-      import base64
-      import json
-      from jinja2 import BaseLoader
-      from jinja2 import Environment
-      from egi_notebooks_hub.onedata import OnedataSpawner
-      from import ApiException
-      from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPClientError, HTTPRequest
-      class B2DropSpawner(OnedataSpawner):
-          async def auth_state_hook(self, spawner, auth_state):
-              await super().auth_state_hook(spawner, auth_state)
-              self.b2drop_ready = False
-              self.b2drop_user = ""
-              self.b2drop_pwd = ""
-              try:
-                  secret = await self.api.read_namespaced_secret(self.token_secret_name, self.namespace)
-              except ApiException:
-                  return
-              if secret and
-                   self.b2drop_user = base64.b64decode("b2drop-user", "")).decode()
-                   self.b2drop_pwd = base64.b64decode("b2drop-pwd", "")).decode()
-                   self.b2drop_ready = (self.b2drop_user and self.b2drop_pwd)
-          def _render_options_form(self, profile_list):
-              # old:self._profile_list = self._init_profile_list(profile_list)
-              self._profile_list = self._get_initialized_profile_list(profile_list)
-              profile_form_template = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string(
-                  self.profile_form_template
-              )
-              return profile_form_template.render(profile_list=self._profile_list, b2drop_ready=self.b2drop_ready, b2drop_user=self.b2drop_user, b2drop_pwd=self.b2drop_pwd)
-          async def pre_spawn_hook(self, spawner):
-              await super(B2DropSpawner, self).pre_spawn_hook(spawner)
-              b2drop_user = self.user_options.get("b2drop-user", "")
-              b2drop_pwd = self.user_options.get("b2drop-pwd", "")
-              if not (b2drop_user and b2drop_pwd):
-                  secret = await self.api.read_namespaced_secret(self.token_secret_name, self.namespace)
-                  if secret and
-                      b2drop_user = base64.b64decode("b2drop-user", "")).decode()
-                      b2drop_pwd = base64.b64decode("b2drop-pwd", "")).decode()
-              if b2drop_user and b2drop_pwd:
-                  volume_mounts = [
-                    {"mountPath": "/owncloud:shared", "name": "owncloud-home"},
-                  ]
-                  spawner.extra_containers.append(
-                    {
-                        "name": "b2drop",
-                        "image": "eginotebooks/webdav-rclone-sidecar:sha-0a62679",
-                        "env": [
-                            {"name": "WEBDAV_URL", "value": ""},
-                            {"name": "WEBDAV_PWD", "value": b2drop_pwd},
-                            {"name": "WEBDAV_USER", "value": b2drop_user},
-                            {"name": "WEBDAV_VENDOR", "value": "other"},
-                            {"name": "MOUNT_PATH", "value": "/owncloud/b2drop"},
-                            {"name": "MOUNT_WAIT_POINT", "value": "webdav-fs: /owncloud fuse.rclone"},
-                        ],
-                        "resources": self.sidecar_resources,
-                        "securityContext": {
-                            "runAsUser": 1000,
-                            "fsUser": 1000,
-                            "fsGroup": 100,
-                            "privileged": True,
-                            "capabilities": {"add": ["SYS_ADMIN"]},
-                        },
-                        "volumeMounts": volume_mounts,
-                    }
-                  )
-          def options_from_form(self, formdata):
-              data = super(B2DropSpawner, self)._options_from_form(formdata)
-              data.update({'b2drop-user': formdata.get('b2drop-user', [None])[0],
-                           'b2drop-pwd': formdata.get('b2drop-pwd', [None])[0]})
-              return data
-      class WebDavOIDCSpawner(B2DropSpawner):
-          # ownCloud Infinite Scale parameters
-          # (
-          OCIS_URL = ""
-          # personal space
-          OCIS_PERSONAL_SPACE = "/graph/v1.0/me/drives?%24filter=driveType+eq+personal"
-          # shared space
-          OCIS_SHARED_WITH_ME = "/graph/v1.0/me/drives?%24filter=driveType+eq+virtual"
-          # otter spaces
-          OCIS_SPACES = "/graph/v1.0/me/drives?%24filter=driveType+eq+project"
-          async def append_owncloud_sidecar(self, spawner, type, query, fallback_url=None, headers={}):
-              owncloud_url = fallback_url
-              http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
-              req = HTTPRequest(
-                  self.OCIS_URL + query,
-                  headers=headers,
-                  method="GET",
-              )
-              try:
-                  resp = await http_client.fetch(req)
-                  body = json.loads(resp.body.decode("utf8", "replace"))
-                  self.log.debug("OCIS response: %s", body)
-                  if "value" in body:
-                      ocis_infos = body["value"]
-                      if len(ocis_infos) >= 1 and "root" in ocis_infos[0]:
-                          owncloud_url = ocis_infos[0]["root"].get("webDavUrl", None)
-              except HTTPClientError as e:
-                  self.log.error("can't query ownCloud: %s", e)
-    "ownCloud %s URL: %s", type, owncloud_url)
-              if owncloud_url is None:
-                  return
-              if type == "home":
-                  subpath = ""
-              else:
-                 subpath = "/" + type.capitalize()
-              env = [
-                  {"name": "WEBDAV_URL", "value": owncloud_url},
-                  {"name": "WEBDAV_VENDOR", "value": "owncloud"},
-                  # XXX: strict permissions needed for .local/share/jupyter/runtime/jupyter_cookie_secret
-                  # quicker directory cache and polling
-                  {"name": "MOUNT_OPTS", "value": "--file-perms=0600 --dir-perms=0770 --dir-cache-time=1m0s --poll-interval=0m20s"},
-                  {"name": "MOUNT_PATH", "value": "/owncloud" + subpath},
-                  # default mode is "full"
-                  {"name": "VFS_CACHE_MODE", "value": "full"},
-              ]
-              if type != "home":
-                  env.append({"name": "MOUNT_WAIT_POINT", "value": "webdav-fs: /owncloud fuse.rclone"})
-              volume_mounts = [
-                  {"mountPath": "/owncloud:shared", "name": "owncloud-home"},
-                  {"mountPath": self.token_mount_path, "name": self.token_secret_volume_name, "readOnly": True},
-              ]
-              spawner.extra_containers.append(
-                  {
-                      "name": "owncloud-" + type,
-                      "image": "eginotebooks/webdav-rclone-sidecar:sha-0a62679",
-                      "args": ["bearer_token_command=cat " + self.token_path],
-                      "env": env,
-                      "resources": self.sidecar_resources,
-                      "securityContext": {
-                          "runAsUser": 1000,
-                          "fsUser": 1000,
-                          "fsGroup": 100,
-                          "privileged": True,
-                          "capabilities": {"add": ["SYS_ADMIN"]},
-                      },
-                      "volumeMounts": volume_mounts,
-                  }
-              )
-          async def pre_spawn_hook(self, spawner):
-              await super(WebDavOIDCSpawner, self).pre_spawn_hook(spawner)
-              auth_state = await self.user.get_auth_state()
-              # volume name as in EGI spawner
-              self.token_secret_volume_name = self._expand_user_properties(
-                self.token_secret_volume_name_template
-              )
-              self.token_path = os.path.join(self.token_mount_path, "access_token")
-              if auth_state:
-                  access_token = auth_state.get("access_token", None)
-                  headers = {
-                      "Accept": "application/json",
-                      "User-Agent": "JupyterHub",
-                      "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % access_token,
-                  }
-                  await self.append_owncloud_sidecar(spawner, "home", self.OCIS_PERSONAL_SPACE, headers=headers)
-                  await self.append_owncloud_sidecar(spawner, "shares", self.OCIS_SHARED_WITH_ME, headers=headers)
-                  await self.append_owncloud_sidecar(spawner, "spaces", self.OCIS_SPACES, headers=headers)
-              else:
-      "No auth state, skipping ownCloud")
-      c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = WebDavOIDCSpawner
-      c.B2DropSpawner.http_timeout = 90
-      c.B2DropSpawner.profile_form_template = """
-        <style>
-            /*
-                .profile divs holds two div tags: one for a radio button, and one
-                for the profile's content.
-            */
-            #kubespawner-profiles-list .profile {
-                display: flex;
-                flex-direction: row;
-                font-weight: normal;
-                border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
-                padding-bottom: 12px;
-            }
-            #kubespawner-profiles-list .profile .radio {
-                padding: 12px;
-            }
-            /* .option divs holds a label and a select tag */
-            #kubespawner-profiles-list .profile .option {
-                display: flex;
-                flex-direction: row;
-                align-items: center;
-                padding-bottom: 12px;
-            }
-            #kubespawner-profiles-list .profile .option label {
-                font-weight: normal;
-                margin-right: 8px;
-                min-width: 96px;
-            }
-        </style>
-        <div class='form-group' id='kubespawner-profiles-list'>
-            {%- for profile in profile_list %}
-            {#- Wrap everything in a <label> so clicking anywhere selects the option #}
-            <label for='profile-item-{{ profile.slug }}' class='profile'>
-                <div class='radio'>
-                    <input type='radio' name='profile' id='profile-item-{{ profile.slug }}' value='{{ profile.slug }}' {% if profile.default %}checked{% endif %} />
-                </div>
-                <div>
-                    <h3>{{ profile.display_name }}</h3>
-                    {%- if profile.description %}
-                    <p>{{ profile.description }}</p>
-                    {%- endif %}
-                    {%- if profile.profile_options %}
-                    <div>
-                        {%- for k, option in profile.profile_options.items() %}
-                        <div class='option'>
-                            <label for='profile-option-{{profile.slug}}-{{k}}'>{{option.display_name}}</label>
-                            <select name="profile-option-{{profile.slug}}-{{k}}" class="form-control">
-                                {%- for k, choice in option['choices'].items() %}
-                                <option value="{{ k }}" {% if choice.default %}selected{%endif %}>{{ choice.display_name }}</option>
-                                {%- endfor %}
-                            </select>
-                        </div>
-                        {%- endfor %}
-                    </div>
-                    {%- endif %}
-                </div>
-            </label>
-            {%- endfor %}
-            <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
-              <div class="panel panel-default">
-                <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingOne">
-                  <h4 class="panel-title">
-                    <a class="collabpsed" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseOne" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne">
-                      B2DROP connection
-                    </a>
-                    {%if b2drop_ready %}<span class="label label-success">Already configured!</span>{% endif %}
-                  </h4>
-                </div>
-                <div id="collapseOne" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="headingOne">
-                  <div class="panel-body">
-                    <div class='form-group'>
-                      <label for="b2drop-user" class="form-label">B2DROP app Username</label>
-                      <input type="text" class="form-control" name="b2drop-user" id="b2drop-user" aria-describedby="b2drop-user-help" value="{{ b2drop_user }}">
-                      <div id="b2drop-user-help" class="form-text">Create new app password at <a href="">B2DROP security configuration</a></div>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class='form-group'>
-                        <label for="b2drop-pwd" class="form-label">B2DROP app Password</label>
-                        <input type="password" class="form-control" name="b2drop-pwd" id="b2drop-pwd" value="{{ b2drop_pwd }}">
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-        </div>
-        """
-{% endraw %}
-  extraFiles:
-    welcome.html:
-      mountPath: /usr/local/share/jupyterhub/templates/welcome.html
-      stringData: |-
-{%- raw %}
-        {% extends "login.html" %}
-{% endraw %}
diff --git a/staging1/deployments/hub.yaml b/staging1/deployments/hub.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..3fda462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging1/deployments/hub.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/deployments/hub.yaml b/staging2/deployments/hub.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..3fda462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/deployments/hub.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/inventory/1-safespring.yaml b/staging2/inventory/1-safespring.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d6bc57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/inventory/1-safespring.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  hosts:
+  hosts:
+    2001:6b0:7d:40::80:
+      # must be IPv4 address or hostname
+      kube_server:
+  hosts:
+    2001:6b0:7d:40::12:
+  hosts:
+    2001:6b0:7d:40::17c:
+  hosts:
+    2001:6b0:7d:40::81:
+  hosts:
+# using public IP of kube_server for ansible delegate_to
+  hosts:
+      ansible_host: 2001:6b0:7d:40::80
diff --git a/staging2/inventory/99-all.yaml b/staging2/inventory/99-all.yaml
index 75f4d04..3c59b9c 100644
--- a/staging2/inventory/99-all.yaml
+++ b/staging2/inventory/99-all.yaml
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ all:
     ansible_become: yes
     ansible_user: egi
-    site_name: safespring-staging
+    mail_local: true
+    site_name: safespring-staging2
     vault_mount_point: secrets/users/
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/cvmfs.yaml b/staging2/playbooks/cvmfs.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..2e82cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/cvmfs.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/files/calico.yaml b/staging2/playbooks/files/calico.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..732c864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/files/calico.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/files/etc b/staging2/playbooks/files/etc
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ed53b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/files/etc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/files/jupyterhub-jwt.yaml b/staging2/playbooks/files/jupyterhub-jwt.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..59f9ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/files/jupyterhub-jwt.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/files/usr b/staging2/playbooks/files/usr
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..b034223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/files/usr
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/k8s.yaml b/staging2/playbooks/k8s.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..117aed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/k8s.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/notebooks.yaml b/staging2/playbooks/notebooks.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..3f1a33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/notebooks.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/public_keys b/staging2/playbooks/public_keys
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6ef4918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/public_keys
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/squid.yaml b/staging2/playbooks/squid.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..114c327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/squid.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/exports b/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/exports
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..3ef288e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/exports
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/mailutils.conf b/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/mailutils.conf
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..dbd8a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/mailutils.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/squid b/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/squid
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..352b598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/templates/etc/squid
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/playbooks/upgrade.yaml b/staging2/playbooks/upgrade.yaml
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..0f9e3f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staging2/playbooks/upgrade.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/staging2/terraform/terraform.tfvars b/staging2/terraform/terraform.tfvars
index 41038d0..fbd4191 100644
--- a/staging2/terraform/terraform.tfvars
+++ b/staging2/terraform/terraform.tfvars
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ site_name = "staging2"
 # These may need some adjustment for your provider
 master_flavor_name = "l2.c4r8.100"
-worker_flavor_name = "l2.c8r16.100"
+worker_flavor_name = "l2.c16r32.100"
 # XXX: replace this for GPU flavor, once available
 gpu_flavor_name = "l2.c2r4.100"
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ gpu_workers = 0
 docker_volumes_size = 384
 # NFS volume
-nfs_volume_size = 256
+nfs_volume_size = 200
 # scratch volume
-scratch_volumes_size = 128
+scratch_volumes_size = 0
 # squid volume
 squid_volume_size = 128
diff --git a/staging2/terraform/ b/staging2/terraform/
index 94976b0..d46b46e 100644
--- a/staging2/terraform/
+++ b/staging2/terraform/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ping6" {
   ethertype         = "IPv6"
   port_range_min    = 128
   port_range_max    = 0
-  protocol          = "icmp"
+  protocol          = "icmp"  # icmp / ipv6-icmp
   remote_ip_prefix  = "::/0"
   security_group_id =