# EOSC Notebooks This directory has all the files to get started with a new deployment of EOSC Notebooks. ## Admin Environment Setup ### Hashicorp Vault Prepare environment for interrating with Hashicorp Vault: export VAULT_ADDR=https://secrets.egi.eu Login: # optional (values from environment) # read CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET # export CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET # login to vault ./vault-login.py Note: example commands to create secrets for "eosc-dev": prefix=/users/e1662e20-e34b-468c-b0ce-d899bc878364@egi.eu/eosc-dev vault kv put -mount secrets $prefix/FEDCLOUD_DYNAMIC_DNS $HOST1=$SECRET1 $HOST2=$SECRET2 vault kv put -mount secrets $prefix/deployment-hub checkin_host=... client_id=... client_secret=... ## Inventory parameters Used parameters in ansible recipes: * *mail\_fromdomain*: hostname in from header * *mail_local*: disable e-mail (only local delivery) * *site\_name*: site identifier * *vault\_mount\_point:*: path to secrets in the Vault