# EOSC Notebooks This directory has all the files to get started with a new deployment of EOSC Notebooks. ## Admin Environment Setup ### Hashicorp Vault Prepare environment for interrating with Hashicorp Vault: export VAULT_ADDR=https://vault.egi.zcu.cz:8200 # replace $LOGIN for real user name in vault vault login -method=userpass username=$LOGIN Check environment: vault kv get -mount=eosc/dev -field 'data' -format=json test Note: values were created as admin by commands (replace $SECRET\_NAME and $VALUE): vault kv put -mount=eosc/dev $SECRET_NAME value=$VALUE ## Sites ### CESNET Central Kubernetes cluster for the "central" components - Jupyter Hub, image repository, ... ### CESNET MCC Example site. Kubernetes cluster for worker nodes.