// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Yoran Heling <projects@yorhel.nl> // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pub const program_version = "2.0-beta2"; const std = @import("std"); const model = @import("model.zig"); const scan = @import("scan.zig"); const ui = @import("ui.zig"); const browser = @import("browser.zig"); const delete = @import("delete.zig"); const util = @import("util.zig"); const c = @cImport(@cInclude("locale.h")); // "Custom" allocator that wraps the libc allocator and calls ui.oom() on error. // This allocator never returns an error, it either succeeds or causes ncdu to quit. // (Which means you'll find a lot of "catch unreachable" sprinkled through the code, // they look scarier than they are) fn wrapAlloc(alloc: *std.mem.Allocator, len: usize, alignment: u29, len_align: u29, return_address: usize) error{OutOfMemory}![]u8 { while (true) { if (std.heap.c_allocator.allocFn(alloc, len, alignment, len_align, return_address)) |r| return r else |_| {} ui.oom(); } } fn wrapResize(alloc: *std.mem.Allocator, buf: []u8, buf_align: u29, new_len: usize, len_align: u29, return_address: usize) std.mem.Allocator.Error!usize { // AFAIK, all uses of resizeFn to grow an allocation will fall back to allocFn on failure. return std.heap.c_allocator.resizeFn(alloc, buf, buf_align, new_len, len_align, return_address); } var allocator_state = std.mem.Allocator{ .allocFn = wrapAlloc, .resizeFn = wrapResize, }; pub const allocator = &allocator_state; //var general_purpose_allocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; //pub const allocator = &general_purpose_allocator.allocator; pub const config = struct { pub const SortCol = enum { name, blocks, size, items, mtime }; pub const SortOrder = enum { asc, desc }; pub var same_fs: bool = false; pub var extended: bool = false; pub var follow_symlinks: bool = false; pub var exclude_caches: bool = false; pub var exclude_kernfs: bool = false; pub var exclude_patterns: std.ArrayList([:0]const u8) = std.ArrayList([:0]const u8).init(allocator); pub var update_delay: u64 = 100*std.time.ns_per_ms; pub var scan_ui: ?enum { none, line, full } = .full; pub var si: bool = false; pub var nc_tty: bool = false; pub var ui_color: enum { off, dark, darkbg } = .off; pub var thousands_sep: []const u8 = ","; pub var show_hidden: bool = true; pub var show_blocks: bool = true; pub var show_shared: enum { off, shared, unique } = .shared; pub var show_items: bool = false; pub var show_mtime: bool = false; pub var show_graph: bool = true; pub var show_percent: bool = false; pub var sort_col: SortCol = .blocks; pub var sort_order: SortOrder = .desc; pub var sort_dirsfirst: bool = false; pub var imported: bool = false; pub var can_delete: ?bool = true; pub var can_shell: ?bool = true; pub var can_refresh: ?bool = true; pub var confirm_quit: bool = false; pub var confirm_delete: bool = true; pub var ignore_delete_errors: bool = false; }; pub var state: enum { scan, browse, refresh, shell, delete } = .scan; // Simple generic argument parser, supports getopt_long() style arguments. // T can be any type that has a 'fn next(T) ?[:0]const u8' method, e.g.: // var args = Args(std.process.ArgIteratorPosix).init(std.process.ArgIteratorPosix.init()); fn Args(T: anytype) type { return struct { it: T, short: ?[:0]const u8 = null, // Remainder after a short option, e.g. -x<stuff> (which may be either more short options or an argument) last: ?[]const u8 = null, last_arg: ?[:0]const u8 = null, // In the case of --option=<arg> shortbuf: [2]u8 = undefined, argsep: bool = false, const Self = @This(); const Option = struct { opt: bool, val: []const u8, fn is(self: @This(), cmp: []const u8) bool { return self.opt and std.mem.eql(u8, self.val, cmp); } }; fn init(it: T) Self { return Self{ .it = it }; } fn shortopt(self: *Self, s: [:0]const u8) Option { self.shortbuf[0] = '-'; self.shortbuf[1] = s[0]; self.short = if (s.len > 1) s[1.. :0] else null; self.last = &self.shortbuf; return .{ .opt = true, .val = &self.shortbuf }; } /// Return the next option or positional argument. /// 'opt' indicates whether it's an option or positional argument, /// 'val' will be either -x, --something or the argument. pub fn next(self: *Self) ?Option { if (self.last_arg != null) ui.die("Option '{s}' does not expect an argument.\n", .{ self.last.? }); if (self.short) |s| return self.shortopt(s); const val = self.it.next() orelse return null; if (self.argsep or val.len == 0 or val[0] != '-') return Option{ .opt = false, .val = val }; if (val.len == 1) ui.die("Invalid option '-'.\n", .{}); if (val.len == 2 and val[1] == '-') { self.argsep = true; return self.next(); } if (val[1] == '-') { if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, val, '=')) |sep| { if (sep == 2) ui.die("Invalid option '{s}'.\n", .{val}); self.last_arg = val[sep+1.. :0]; self.last = val[0..sep]; return Option{ .opt = true, .val = self.last.? }; } self.last = val; return Option{ .opt = true, .val = val }; } return self.shortopt(val[1..:0]); } /// Returns the argument given to the last returned option. Dies with an error if no argument is provided. pub fn arg(self: *Self) [:0]const u8 { if (self.short) |a| { defer self.short = null; return a; } if (self.last_arg) |a| { defer self.last_arg = null; return a; } if (self.it.next()) |o| return o; ui.die("Option '{s}' requires an argument.\n", .{ self.last.? }); } }; } const ArgsFile = struct { f: std.fs.File, path: []const u8, buf: std.io.BufferedReader(4096, std.fs.File.Reader), hasarg: bool = false, ch: u8 = 0, fn open(path: [:0]const u8) ?ArgsFile { const f = std.fs.cwd().openFileZ(path, .{}) catch |e| switch (e) { error.FileNotFound => return null, else => ui.die("Error opening {s}: {s}\n", .{ path, ui.errorString(e) }), }; var self = ArgsFile{ .f = f, .path = path, .buf = std.io.bufferedReader(f.reader()), }; self.con(); return self; } fn con(self: *ArgsFile) void { self.ch = self.buf.reader().readByte() catch |e| switch (e) { error.EndOfStream => 0, else => ui.die("Error reading from {s}: {s}\n", .{ self.path, ui.errorString(e) }), }; } // Return value /should/ be freed, but the rest of the argument parsing // code won't bother with that. Leaking arguments isn't a big deal. fn next(self: *ArgsFile) ?[:0]const u8 { while (true) { while (true) { switch (self.ch) { 0 => return null, '\n', ' ', '\t', '\r' => {}, else => break, } self.con(); } if (self.ch == '#') { while (true) { self.con(); if (self.ch == 0) return null; if (self.ch == '\n') break; } } else break; } var val = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); if (self.hasarg) { while (self.ch != '\n' and self.ch != 0) { val.append(self.ch) catch unreachable; self.con(); } self.hasarg = false; } else { while (true) { switch (self.ch) { '=', ' ', '\t', '\r' => { self.hasarg = true; break; }, '\n' => break, 0 => return null, else => val.append(self.ch) catch unreachable, } self.con(); } } return util.arrayListBufZ(&val); } }; // TODO: Rewrite this (and Args(), I guess) to be non-generic, it rather bloats // the binary this way. fn argConfig(args: anytype, opt: anytype) bool { if (opt.is("-q") or opt.is("--slow-ui-updates")) config.update_delay = 2*std.time.ns_per_s else if (opt.is("--fast-ui-updates")) config.update_delay = 100*std.time.ns_per_ms else if (opt.is("-x") or opt.is("--one-file-system")) config.same_fs = true else if (opt.is("--cross-file-system")) config.same_fs = false else if (opt.is("-e") or opt.is("--extended")) config.extended = true else if (opt.is("--no-extended")) config.extended = false else if (opt.is("-r") and !(config.can_delete orelse true)) config.can_shell = false else if (opt.is("-r")) config.can_delete = false else if (opt.is("--enable-shell")) config.can_shell = true else if (opt.is("--disable-shell")) config.can_shell = false else if (opt.is("--enable-delete")) config.can_delete = true else if (opt.is("--disable-delete")) config.can_delete = false else if (opt.is("--enable-refresh")) config.can_refresh = true else if (opt.is("--disable-refresh")) config.can_refresh = false else if (opt.is("--show-hidden")) config.show_hidden = true else if (opt.is("--hide-hidden")) config.show_hidden = false else if (opt.is("--show-itemcount")) config.show_items = true else if (opt.is("--hide-itemcount")) config.show_items = false else if (opt.is("--show-mtime")) config.show_mtime = true else if (opt.is("--hide-mtime")) config.show_mtime = false else if (opt.is("--show-graph")) config.show_graph = true else if (opt.is("--hide-graph")) config.show_graph = false else if (opt.is("--show-percent")) config.show_percent = true else if (opt.is("--hide-percent")) config.show_percent = false else if (opt.is("--group-directories-first")) config.sort_dirsfirst = true else if (opt.is("--no-group-directories-first")) config.sort_dirsfirst = false else if (opt.is("--sort")) { var val: []const u8 = args.arg(); var ord: ?config.SortOrder = null; if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, val, "-asc")) { val = val[0..val.len-4]; ord = .asc; } else if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, val, "-desc")) { val = val[0..val.len-5]; ord = .desc; } if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "name")) { config.sort_col = .name; config.sort_order = ord orelse .asc; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "disk-usage")) { config.sort_col = .blocks; config.sort_order = ord orelse .desc; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "apparent-size")) { config.sort_col = .size; config.sort_order = ord orelse .desc; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "itemcount")) { config.sort_col = .items; config.sort_order = ord orelse .desc; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "mtime")) { config.sort_col = .mtime; config.sort_order = ord orelse .asc; } else ui.die("Unknown --sort option: {s}.\n", .{val}); } else if (opt.is("--shared-column")) { const val = args.arg(); if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "off")) config.show_shared = .off else if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "shared")) config.show_shared = .shared else if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "unique")) config.show_shared = .unique else ui.die("Unknown --shared-column option: {s}.\n", .{val}); } else if (opt.is("--apparent-size")) config.show_blocks = false else if (opt.is("--disk-usage")) config.show_blocks = true else if (opt.is("-0")) config.scan_ui = .none else if (opt.is("-1")) config.scan_ui = .line else if (opt.is("-2")) config.scan_ui = .full else if (opt.is("--si")) config.si = true else if (opt.is("--no-si")) config.si = false else if (opt.is("-L") or opt.is("--follow-symlinks")) config.follow_symlinks = true else if (opt.is("--no-follow-symlinks")) config.follow_symlinks = false else if (opt.is("--exclude")) config.exclude_patterns.append(args.arg()) catch unreachable else if (opt.is("-X") or opt.is("--exclude-from")) { const arg = args.arg(); readExcludeFile(arg) catch |e| ui.die("Error reading excludes from {s}: {s}.\n", .{ arg, ui.errorString(e) }); } else if (opt.is("--exclude-caches")) config.exclude_caches = true else if (opt.is("--include-caches")) config.exclude_caches = false else if (opt.is("--exclude-kernfs")) config.exclude_kernfs = true else if (opt.is("--include-kernfs")) config.exclude_kernfs = false else if (opt.is("--confirm-quit")) config.confirm_quit = true else if (opt.is("--no-confirm-quit")) config.confirm_quit = false else if (opt.is("--confirm-delete")) config.confirm_delete = true else if (opt.is("--no-confirm-delete")) config.confirm_delete = false else if (opt.is("--color")) { const val = args.arg(); if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "off")) config.ui_color = .off else if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "dark")) config.ui_color = .dark else if (std.mem.eql(u8, val, "dark-bg")) config.ui_color = .darkbg else ui.die("Unknown --color option: {s}.\n", .{val}); } else return false; return true; } fn tryReadArgsFile(path: [:0]const u8) void { var args = Args(ArgsFile).init(ArgsFile.open(path) orelse return); while (args.next()) |opt| { if (!argConfig(&args, opt)) ui.die("Uncrecognized option in config file '{s}': {s}.\n", .{path, opt.val}); } } fn version() noreturn { std.io.getStdOut().writer().writeAll("ncdu " ++ program_version ++ "\n") catch {}; std.process.exit(0); } fn help() noreturn { std.io.getStdOut().writer().writeAll( "ncdu <options> <directory>\n\n" ++ " -h,--help This help message\n" ++ " -q Quiet mode, refresh interval 2 seconds\n" ++ " -v,-V,--version Print version\n" ++ " -x Same filesystem\n" ++ " -e Enable extended information\n" ++ " -r Read only\n" ++ " -o FILE Export scanned directory to FILE\n" ++ " -f FILE Import scanned directory from FILE\n" ++ " -0,-1,-2 UI to use when scanning (0=none,2=full ncurses)\n" ++ " --si Use base 10 (SI) prefixes instead of base 2\n" ++ " --exclude PATTERN Exclude files that match PATTERN\n" ++ " -X, --exclude-from FILE Exclude files that match any pattern in FILE\n" ++ " -L, --follow-symlinks Follow symbolic links (excluding directories)\n" ++ " --exclude-caches Exclude directories containing CACHEDIR.TAG\n" ++ " --exclude-kernfs Exclude Linux pseudo filesystems (procfs,sysfs,cgroup,...)\n" ++ " --confirm-quit Confirm quitting ncdu\n" ++ " --color SCHEME Set color scheme (off/dark/dark-bg)\n" ) catch {}; std.process.exit(0); } fn spawnShell() void { ui.deinit(); defer ui.init(); var path = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer path.deinit(); browser.dir_parent.fmtPath(true, &path); var env = std.process.getEnvMap(allocator) catch unreachable; defer env.deinit(); // NCDU_LEVEL can only count to 9, keeps the implementation simple. if (env.get("NCDU_LEVEL")) |l| env.put("NCDU_LEVEL", if (l.len == 0) "1" else switch (l[0]) { '0'...'8' => @as([]const u8, &.{l[0]+1}), '9' => "9", else => "1" }) catch unreachable else env.put("NCDU_LEVEL", "1") catch unreachable; const shell = std.os.getenvZ("NCDU_SHELL") orelse std.os.getenvZ("SHELL") orelse "/bin/sh"; var child = std.ChildProcess.init(&.{shell}, allocator) catch unreachable; defer child.deinit(); child.cwd = path.items; child.env_map = &env; const term = child.spawnAndWait() catch |e| blk: { _ = std.io.getStdErr().writer().print( "Error spawning shell: {s}\n\nPress enter to continue.\n", .{ ui.errorString(e) } ) catch {}; _ = std.io.getStdIn().reader().skipUntilDelimiterOrEof('\n') catch unreachable; break :blk std.ChildProcess.Term{ .Exited = 0 }; }; if (term != .Exited) { const n = switch (term) { .Exited => "status", .Signal => "signal", .Stopped => "stopped", .Unknown => "unknown", }; const v = switch (term) { .Exited => |v| v, .Signal => |v| v, .Stopped => |v| v, .Unknown => |v| v, }; _ = std.io.getStdErr().writer().print( "Shell returned with {s} code {}.\n\nPress enter to continue.\n", .{ n, v } ) catch {}; _ = std.io.getStdIn().reader().skipUntilDelimiterOrEof('\n') catch unreachable; } } fn readExcludeFile(path: [:0]const u8) !void { const f = try std.fs.cwd().openFileZ(path, .{}); defer f.close(); var rd = std.io.bufferedReader(f.reader()).reader(); var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); while (true) { rd.readUntilDelimiterArrayList(&buf, '\n', 4096) catch |e| if (e != error.EndOfStream) return e else if (buf.items.len == 0) break; if (buf.items.len > 0) config.exclude_patterns.append(buf.toOwnedSliceSentinel(0) catch unreachable) catch unreachable; } } pub fn main() void { // Grab thousands_sep from the current C locale. _ = c.setlocale(c.LC_ALL, ""); if (c.localeconv()) |locale| { if (locale.*.thousands_sep) |sep| { const span = std.mem.spanZ(sep); if (span.len > 0) config.thousands_sep = span; } } if (std.os.getenvZ("NO_COLOR") == null) config.ui_color = .darkbg; tryReadArgsFile("/etc/ncdu.conf"); if (std.os.getenvZ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) |p| { var path = std.fs.path.joinZ(allocator, &.{p, "ncdu", "config"}) catch unreachable; defer allocator.free(path); tryReadArgsFile(path); } else if (std.os.getenvZ("HOME")) |p| { var path = std.fs.path.joinZ(allocator, &.{p, ".config", "ncdu", "config"}) catch unreachable; defer allocator.free(path); tryReadArgsFile(path); } var args = Args(std.process.ArgIteratorPosix).init(std.process.ArgIteratorPosix.init()); var scan_dir: ?[]const u8 = null; var import_file: ?[:0]const u8 = null; var export_file: ?[:0]const u8 = null; _ = args.next(); // program name while (args.next()) |opt| { if (!opt.opt) { // XXX: ncdu 1.x doesn't error, it just silently ignores all but the last argument. if (scan_dir != null) ui.die("Multiple directories given, see ncdu -h for help.\n", .{}); scan_dir = opt.val; continue; } if (opt.is("-h") or opt.is("-?") or opt.is("--help")) help() else if (opt.is("-v") or opt.is("-V") or opt.is("--version")) version() else if (opt.is("-o") and export_file != null) ui.die("The -o flag can only be given once.\n", .{}) else if (opt.is("-o")) export_file = args.arg() else if (opt.is("-f") and import_file != null) ui.die("The -f flag can only be given once.\n", .{}) else if (opt.is("-f")) import_file = args.arg() else if (argConfig(&args, opt)) {} else ui.die("Unrecognized option '{s}'.\n", .{opt.val}); } if (std.builtin.os.tag != .linux and config.exclude_kernfs) ui.die("The --exclude-kernfs tag is currently only supported on Linux.\n", .{}); const out_tty = std.io.getStdOut().isTty(); const in_tty = std.io.getStdIn().isTty(); if (config.scan_ui == null) { if (export_file) |f| { if (!out_tty or std.mem.eql(u8, f, "-")) config.scan_ui = .none else config.scan_ui = .line; } else config.scan_ui = .full; } if (!in_tty and import_file == null and export_file == null) ui.die("Standard input is not a TTY. Did you mean to import a file using '-f -'?\n", .{}); config.nc_tty = !in_tty or (if (export_file) |f| std.mem.eql(u8, f, "-") else false); event_delay_timer = std.time.Timer.start() catch unreachable; defer ui.deinit(); var out_file = if (export_file) |f| ( if (std.mem.eql(u8, f, "-")) std.io.getStdOut() else std.fs.cwd().createFileZ(f, .{}) catch |e| ui.die("Error opening export file: {s}.\n", .{ui.errorString(e)}) ) else null; if (import_file) |f| { scan.importRoot(f, out_file); config.imported = true; } else scan.scanRoot(scan_dir orelse ".", out_file) catch |e| ui.die("Error opening directory: {s}.\n", .{ui.errorString(e)}); if (out_file != null) return; config.can_shell = config.can_shell orelse !config.imported; config.can_delete = config.can_delete orelse !config.imported; config.can_refresh = config.can_refresh orelse !config.imported; config.scan_ui = .full; // in case we're refreshing from the UI, always in full mode. ui.init(); state = .browse; browser.dir_parent = model.root; browser.loadDir(null); while (true) { switch (state) { .refresh => { scan.scan(); state = .browse; browser.loadDir(null); }, .shell => { spawnShell(); state = .browse; }, .delete => { const next = delete.delete(); state = .browse; browser.loadDir(next); }, else => handleEvent(true, false) } } } var event_delay_timer: std.time.Timer = undefined; // Draw the screen and handle the next input event. // In non-blocking mode, screen drawing is rate-limited to keep this function fast. pub fn handleEvent(block: bool, force_draw: bool) void { if (block or force_draw or event_delay_timer.read() > config.update_delay) { if (ui.inited) _ = ui.c.erase(); switch (state) { .scan, .refresh => scan.draw(), .browse => browser.draw(), .delete => delete.draw(), .shell => unreachable, } if (ui.inited) _ = ui.c.refresh(); event_delay_timer.reset(); } if (!ui.inited) { std.debug.assert(!block); return; } var firstblock = block; while (true) { var ch = ui.getch(firstblock); if (ch == 0) return; if (ch == -1) return handleEvent(firstblock, true); switch (state) { .scan, .refresh => scan.keyInput(ch), .browse => browser.keyInput(ch), .delete => delete.keyInput(ch), .shell => unreachable, } firstblock = false; } } test "argument parser" { const L = struct { lst: []const [:0]const u8, idx: usize = 0, fn next(s: *@This()) ?[:0]const u8 { if (s.idx == s.lst.len) return null; defer s.idx += 1; return s.lst[s.idx]; } }; const lst = [_][:0]const u8{ "a", "-abcd=e", "--opt1=arg1", "--opt2", "arg2", "-x", "foo", "", "--", "--arg", "", "-", }; const l = L{ .lst = &lst }; const T = struct { a: Args(L), fn opt(self: *@This(), isopt: bool, val: []const u8) !void { const o = self.a.next().?; try std.testing.expectEqual(isopt, o.opt); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(val, o.val); try std.testing.expectEqual(o.is(val), isopt); } fn arg(self: *@This(), val: []const u8) !void { try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(val, self.a.arg()); } }; var t = T{ .a = Args(L).init(l) }; try t.opt(false, "a"); try t.opt(true, "-a"); try t.opt(true, "-b"); try t.arg("cd=e"); try t.opt(true, "--opt1"); try t.arg("arg1"); try t.opt(true, "--opt2"); try t.arg("arg2"); try t.opt(true, "-x"); try t.arg("foo"); try t.opt(false, ""); try t.opt(false, "--arg"); try t.opt(false, ""); try t.opt(false, "-"); try std.testing.expectEqual(t.a.next(), null); }