// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Yoran Heling <projects@yorhel.nl> // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT const std = @import("std"); const main = @import("main.zig"); const model = @import("model.zig"); const scan = @import("scan.zig"); const delete = @import("delete.zig"); const ui = @import("ui.zig"); const c = @cImport(@cInclude("time.h")); const util = @import("util.zig"); // Currently opened directory. pub var dir_parent: *model.Dir = undefined; // Sorted list of all items in the currently opened directory. // (first item may be null to indicate the "parent directory" item) var dir_items = std.ArrayList(?*model.Entry).init(main.allocator); var dir_max_blocks: u64 = 0; var dir_max_size: u64 = 0; var dir_has_shared: bool = false; // Index into dir_items that is currently selected. var cursor_idx: usize = 0; const View = struct { // Index into dir_items, indicates which entry is displayed at the top of the view. // This is merely a suggestion, it will be adjusted upon drawing if it's // out of bounds or if the cursor is not otherwise visible. top: usize = 0, // The hash(name) of the selected entry (cursor), this is used to derive // cursor_idx after sorting or changing directory. // (collisions may cause the wrong entry to be selected, but dealing with // string allocations sucks and I expect collisions to be rare enough) cursor_hash: u64 = 0, fn hashEntry(entry: ?*model.Entry) u64 { return if (entry) |e| std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, e.name()) else 0; } // Update cursor_hash and save the current view to the hash table. fn save(self: *@This()) void { self.cursor_hash = if (dir_items.items.len == 0) 0 else hashEntry(dir_items.items[cursor_idx]); opened_dir_views.put(@ptrToInt(dir_parent), self.*) catch {}; } // Should be called after dir_parent or dir_items has changed, will load the last saved view and find the proper cursor_idx. fn load(self: *@This(), sel: ?*const model.Entry) void { if (opened_dir_views.get(@ptrToInt(dir_parent))) |v| self.* = v else self.* = @This(){}; cursor_idx = 0; for (dir_items.items) |e, i| { if (if (sel != null) e == sel else self.cursor_hash == hashEntry(e)) { cursor_idx = i; break; } } } }; var current_view = View{}; // Directories the user has browsed to before, and which item was last selected. // The key is the @ptrToInt() of the opened *Dir; An int because the pointer // itself may have gone stale after deletion or refreshing. They're only for // lookups, not dereferencing. var opened_dir_views = std.AutoHashMap(usize, View).init(main.allocator); fn sortIntLt(a: anytype, b: @TypeOf(a)) ?bool { return if (a == b) null else if (main.config.sort_order == .asc) a < b else a > b; } fn sortLt(_: void, ap: ?*model.Entry, bp: ?*model.Entry) bool { const a = ap.?; const b = bp.?; if (main.config.sort_dirsfirst and a.isDirectory() != b.isDirectory()) return a.isDirectory(); switch (main.config.sort_col) { .name => {}, // name sorting is the fallback .blocks => { if (sortIntLt(a.blocks, b.blocks)) |r| return r; if (sortIntLt(a.size, b.size)) |r| return r; }, .size => { if (sortIntLt(a.size, b.size)) |r| return r; if (sortIntLt(a.blocks, b.blocks)) |r| return r; }, .items => { const ai = if (a.dir()) |d| d.items else 0; const bi = if (b.dir()) |d| d.items else 0; if (sortIntLt(ai, bi)) |r| return r; if (sortIntLt(a.blocks, b.blocks)) |r| return r; if (sortIntLt(a.size, b.size)) |r| return r; }, .mtime => { if (!a.isext or !b.isext) return a.isext; if (sortIntLt(a.ext().?.mtime, b.ext().?.mtime)) |r| return r; }, } const an = a.name(); const bn = b.name(); return if (main.config.sort_order == .asc) util.strnatcmp(an, bn) == .lt else util.strnatcmp(bn, an) == .lt; } // Should be called when: // - config.sort_* changes // - dir_items changes (i.e. from loadDir()) // - files in this dir have changed in a way that affects their ordering fn sortDir(next_sel: ?*const model.Entry) void { // No need to sort the first item if that's the parent dir reference, // excluding that allows sortLt() to ignore null values. const lst = dir_items.items[(if (dir_items.items.len > 0 and dir_items.items[0] == null) @as(usize, 1) else 0)..]; std.sort.sort(?*model.Entry, lst, @as(void, undefined), sortLt); current_view.load(next_sel); } // Must be called when: // - dir_parent changes (i.e. we change directory) // - config.show_hidden changes // - files in this dir have been added or removed pub fn loadDir(next_sel: ?*const model.Entry) void { dir_items.shrinkRetainingCapacity(0); dir_max_size = 1; dir_max_blocks = 1; dir_has_shared = false; if (dir_parent != model.root) dir_items.append(null) catch unreachable; var it = dir_parent.sub; while (it) |e| { if (e.blocks > dir_max_blocks) dir_max_blocks = e.blocks; if (e.size > dir_max_size) dir_max_size = e.size; const shown = main.config.show_hidden or blk: { const excl = if (e.file()) |f| f.excluded else false; const name = e.name(); break :blk !excl and name[0] != '.' and name[name.len-1] != '~'; }; if (shown) { dir_items.append(e) catch unreachable; if (e.dir()) |d| if (d.shared_blocks > 0 or d.shared_size > 0) { dir_has_shared = true; }; } it = e.next; } sortDir(next_sel); } const Row = struct { row: u32, col: u32 = 0, bg: ui.Bg = .default, item: ?*model.Entry, const Self = @This(); fn flag(self: *Self) void { defer self.col += 2; const item = self.item orelse return; const ch: u7 = ch: { if (item.file()) |f| { if (f.err) break :ch '!'; if (f.excluded) break :ch '<'; if (f.other_fs) break :ch '>'; if (f.kernfs) break :ch '^'; if (f.notreg) break :ch '@'; } else if (item.dir()) |d| { if (d.err) break :ch '!'; if (d.suberr) break :ch '.'; if (d.sub == null) break :ch 'e'; } else if (item.link()) |_| break :ch 'H'; return; }; ui.move(self.row, self.col); self.bg.fg(.flag); ui.addch(ch); } fn size(self: *Self) void { var width = if (main.config.si) @as(u32, 9) else 10; if (dir_has_shared and main.config.show_shared != .off) width += 2 + width; defer self.col += width; const item = self.item orelse return; const siz = if (main.config.show_blocks) util.blocksToSize(item.blocks) else item.size; var shr = if (item.dir()) |d| (if (main.config.show_blocks) util.blocksToSize(d.shared_blocks) else d.shared_size) else 0; if (main.config.show_shared == .unique) shr = siz -| shr; ui.move(self.row, self.col); ui.addsize(self.bg, siz); if (dir_has_shared and shr > 0 and main.config.show_shared != .off) { self.bg.fg(.flag); ui.addstr(if (main.config.show_shared == .unique) " U " else " S "); ui.addsize(self.bg, shr); } } fn graph(self: *Self) void { if ((!main.config.show_graph and !main.config.show_percent) or self.col + 20 > ui.cols) return; const bar_size = std.math.max(ui.cols/7, 10); defer self.col += 3 + (if (main.config.show_graph) bar_size else 0) + (if (main.config.show_percent) @as(u32, 6) else 0) + (if (main.config.show_graph and main.config.show_percent) @as(u32, 1) else 0); const item = self.item orelse return; ui.move(self.row, self.col); self.bg.fg(.default); ui.addch('['); if (main.config.show_percent) { self.bg.fg(.num); ui.addprint("{d:>5.1}", .{ 100 * if (main.config.show_blocks) @intToFloat(f32, item.blocks) / @intToFloat(f32, std.math.max(1, dir_parent.entry.blocks)) else @intToFloat(f32, item.size) / @intToFloat(f32, std.math.max(1, dir_parent.entry.size)) }); self.bg.fg(.default); ui.addch('%'); } if (main.config.show_graph and main.config.show_percent) ui.addch(' '); if (main.config.show_graph) { var max = if (main.config.show_blocks) dir_max_blocks else dir_max_size; var num = if (main.config.show_blocks) item.blocks else item.size; if (max < bar_size) { max *= bar_size; num *= bar_size; } const perblock = std.math.divFloor(u64, max, bar_size) catch unreachable; var i: u32 = 0; self.bg.fg(.graph); while (i < bar_size) : (i += 1) { const frac = std.math.min(@as(usize, 8), (num *| 8) / perblock); ui.addstr(switch (main.config.graph_style) { .hash => ([_][:0]const u8{ " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "#" })[frac], .half => ([_][:0]const u8{ " ", " ", " ", " ", "▌", "▌", "▌", "▌", "█" })[frac], .eighth => ([_][:0]const u8{ " ", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉", "█" })[frac], }); num -|= perblock; } } self.bg.fg(.default); ui.addch(']'); } fn items(self: *Self) void { if (!main.config.show_items or self.col + 10 > ui.cols) return; defer self.col += 7; const n = (if (self.item) |d| d.dir() orelse return else return).items; ui.move(self.row, self.col); self.bg.fg(.num); if (n < 1000) ui.addprint(" {d:>4}", .{n}) else if (n < 10_000) { ui.addch(' '); ui.addnum(self.bg, n); } else if (n < 100_000) ui.addnum(self.bg, n) else if (n < 1000_000) { ui.addprint("{d:>5.1}", .{ @intToFloat(f32, n) / 1000 }); self.bg.fg(.default); ui.addch('k'); } else if (n < 1000_000_000) { ui.addprint("{d:>5.1}", .{ @intToFloat(f32, n) / 1000_000 }); self.bg.fg(.default); ui.addch('M'); } else { self.bg.fg(.default); ui.addstr(" > "); self.bg.fg(.num); ui.addch('1'); self.bg.fg(.default); ui.addch('G'); } } fn mtime(self: *Self) void { if (!main.config.show_mtime or self.col + 37 > ui.cols) return; defer self.col += 27; ui.move(self.row, self.col+1); const ext = (if (self.item) |e| e.ext() else @as(?*model.Ext, null)) orelse dir_parent.entry.ext(); if (ext) |e| ui.addts(self.bg, e.mtime) else ui.addstr(" no mtime"); } fn name(self: *Self) void { ui.move(self.row, self.col); if (self.item) |i| { self.bg.fg(if (i.etype == .dir) .dir else .default); ui.addch(if (i.isDirectory()) '/' else ' '); ui.addstr(ui.shorten(ui.toUtf8(i.name()), ui.cols -| self.col -| 1)); } else { self.bg.fg(.dir); ui.addstr("/.."); } } fn draw(self: *Self) void { if (self.bg == .sel) { self.bg.fg(.default); ui.move(self.row, 0); ui.hline(' ', ui.cols); } self.flag(); self.size(); self.graph(); self.items(); self.mtime(); self.name(); } }; var state: enum { main, quit, help, info } = .main; var message: ?[:0]const u8 = null; const quit = struct { fn draw() void { const box = ui.Box.create(4, 22, "Confirm quit"); box.move(2, 2); ui.addstr("Really quit? ("); ui.style(.key); ui.addch('y'); ui.style(.default); ui.addch('/'); ui.style(.key); ui.addch('N'); ui.style(.default); ui.addch(')'); } fn keyInput(ch: i32) void { switch (ch) { 'y', 'Y' => ui.quit(), else => state = .main, } } }; const info = struct { const Tab = enum { info, links }; var tab: Tab = .info; var entry: ?*model.Entry = null; var links: ?std.ArrayList(*model.Link) = null; var links_top: usize = 0; var links_idx: usize = 0; fn lt(_: void, a: *model.Link, b: *model.Link) bool { var pa = a.path(false); var pb = b.path(false); defer main.allocator.free(pa); defer main.allocator.free(pb); return std.mem.lessThan(u8, pa, pb); } // Set the displayed entry to the currently selected item and open the tab. fn set(e: ?*model.Entry, t: Tab) void { if (e != entry) { if (links) |*l| l.deinit(); links = null; links_top = 0; links_idx = 0; } entry = e; if (e == null) { state = .main; return; } state = .info; tab = t; if (tab == .links and links == null) { var list = std.ArrayList(*model.Link).init(main.allocator); var l = e.?.link().?; while (true) { list.append(l) catch unreachable; l = l.next; if (&l.entry == e) break; } // TODO: Zig's sort() implementation is type-generic and not very // small. I suspect we can get a good save on our binary size by using // a smaller or non-generic sort. This doesn't have to be very fast. std.sort.sort(*model.Link, list.items, @as(void, undefined), lt); for (list.items) |n,i| if (&n.entry == e) { links_idx = i; }; links = list; } } fn drawLinks(box: ui.Box, row: *u32, rows: u32, cols: u32) void { const numrows = rows -| 4; if (links_idx < links_top) links_top = links_idx; if (links_idx >= links_top + numrows) links_top = links_idx - numrows + 1; var i: u32 = 0; while (i < numrows) : (i += 1) { if (i + links_top >= links.?.items.len) break; const e = links.?.items[i+links_top]; ui.style(if (i+links_top == links_idx) .sel else .default); box.move(row.*, 2); ui.addch(if (&e.entry == entry) '*' else ' '); const path = e.path(false); defer main.allocator.free(path); ui.addstr(ui.shorten(ui.toUtf8(path), cols -| 5)); row.* += 1; } ui.style(.default); box.move(rows-2, 4); ui.addprint("{:>3}/{}", .{ links_idx+1, links.?.items.len }); } fn drawSizeRow(box: ui.Box, row: *u32, label: [:0]const u8, size: u64) void { box.move(row.*, 3); ui.addstr(label); ui.addsize(.default, size); ui.addstr(" ("); ui.addnum(.default, size); ui.addch(')'); row.* += 1; } fn drawSize(box: ui.Box, row: *u32, label: [:0]const u8, size: u64, shared: u64) void { ui.style(.bold); drawSizeRow(box, row, label, size); if (shared > 0) { ui.style(.default); drawSizeRow(box, row, " > shared: ", shared); drawSizeRow(box, row, " > unique: ", size -| shared); } } fn drawInfo(box: ui.Box, row: *u32, cols: u32, e: *model.Entry) void { // Name box.move(row.*, 3); ui.style(.bold); ui.addstr("Name: "); ui.style(.default); ui.addstr(ui.shorten(ui.toUtf8(e.name()), cols-11)); row.* += 1; // Type / Mode+UID+GID box.move(row.*, 3); ui.style(.bold); if (e.ext()) |ext| { ui.addstr("Mode: "); ui.style(.default); ui.addmode(ext.mode); var buf: [32]u8 = undefined; ui.style(.bold); ui.addstr(" UID: "); ui.style(.default); ui.addstr(std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&buf, "{d:<6}", .{ ext.uid }) catch unreachable); ui.style(.bold); ui.addstr(" GID: "); ui.style(.default); ui.addstr(std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&buf, "{d:<6}", .{ ext.gid }) catch unreachable); } else { ui.addstr("Type: "); ui.style(.default); ui.addstr(if (e.isDirectory()) "Directory" else if (if (e.file()) |f| f.notreg else false) "Other" else "File"); } row.* += 1; // Last modified if (e.ext()) |ext| { box.move(row.*, 3); ui.style(.bold); ui.addstr("Last modified: "); ui.addts(.default, ext.mtime); row.* += 1; } // Disk usage & Apparent size drawSize(box, row, " Disk usage: ", util.blocksToSize(e.blocks), if (e.dir()) |d| util.blocksToSize(d.shared_blocks) else 0); drawSize(box, row, "Apparent size: ", e.size, if (e.dir()) |d| d.shared_size else 0); // Number of items if (e.dir()) |d| { box.move(row.*, 3); ui.style(.bold); ui.addstr(" Sub items: "); ui.addnum(.default, d.items); row.* += 1; } // Number of links + inode (dev?) if (e.link()) |l| { box.move(row.*, 3); ui.style(.bold); ui.addstr(" Link count: "); ui.addnum(.default, model.inodes.map.get(l).?.nlink); box.move(row.*, 23); ui.style(.bold); ui.addstr(" Inode: "); ui.style(.default); var buf: [32]u8 = undefined; ui.addstr(std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&buf, "{}", .{ l.ino }) catch unreachable); row.* += 1; } } fn draw() void { const e = dir_items.items[cursor_idx].?; // XXX: The dynamic height is a bit jarring, especially when that // causes the same lines of information to be placed on different rows // for each item. Think it's better to have a dynamic height based on // terminal size and scroll if the content doesn't fit. const rows = 5 // border + padding + close message + if (tab == .links) 8 else 4 // name + type + disk usage + apparent size + (if (e.ext() != null) @as(u32, 1) else 0) // last modified + (if (e.link() != null) @as(u32, 1) else 0) // link count + (if (e.dir()) |d| 1 // sub items + (if (d.shared_size > 0) @as(u32, 2) else 0) + (if (d.shared_blocks > 0) @as(u32, 2) else 0) else 0); const cols = 60; // TODO: dynamic width? const box = ui.Box.create(rows, cols, "Item info"); var row: u32 = 2; // Tabs if (e.etype == .link) { box.tab(cols-19, tab == .info, 1, "Info"); box.tab(cols-10, tab == .links, 2, "Links"); } switch (tab) { .info => drawInfo(box, &row, cols, e), .links => drawLinks(box, &row, rows, cols), } // "Press i to close this window" box.move(rows-2, cols-30); ui.style(.default); ui.addstr("Press "); ui.style(.key); ui.addch('i'); ui.style(.default); ui.addstr(" to close this window"); } fn keyInput(ch: i32) bool { if (entry.?.etype == .link) { switch (ch) { '1', 'h', ui.c.KEY_LEFT => { set(entry, .info); return true; }, '2', 'l', ui.c.KEY_RIGHT => { set(entry, .links); return true; }, else => {}, } } if (tab == .links) { if (keyInputSelection(ch, &links_idx, links.?.items.len, 5)) return true; if (ch == 10) { // Enter - go to selected entry const l = links.?.items[links_idx]; dir_parent = l.parent; loadDir(&l.entry); set(null, .info); } } if (keyInputSelection(ch, &cursor_idx, dir_items.items.len, ui.rows -| 3)) { set(dir_items.items[cursor_idx], .info); return true; } switch (ch) { 'i', 'q' => set(null, .info), else => return false, } return true; } }; const help = struct { const keys = [_][:0]const u8{ "up, k", "Move cursor up", "down, j", "Move cursor down", "right/enter", "Open selected directory", "left, <, h", "Open parent directory", "n", "Sort by name (ascending/descending)", "s", "Sort by size (ascending/descending)", "C", "Sort by items (ascending/descending)", "M", "Sort by mtime (-e flag)", "d", "Delete selected file or directory", "t", "Toggle dirs before files when sorting", "g", "Show percentage and/or graph", "u", "Show/hide hard link shared sizes", "a", "Toggle between apparent size and disk usage", "c", "Toggle display of child item counts", "m", "Toggle display of latest mtime (-e flag)", "e", "Show/hide hidden or excluded files", "i", "Show information about selected item", "r", "Recalculate the current directory", "b", "Spawn shell in current directory", "q", "Quit ncdu" }; const keylines = 10; const flags = [_][:0]const u8{ "!", "An error occurred while reading this directory", ".", "An error occurred while reading a subdirectory", "<", "File or directory is excluded from the statistics", "e", "Empty directory", ">", "Directory was on another filesystem", "@", "This is not a file nor a dir (symlink, socket, ...)", "^", "Excluded Linux pseudo-filesystem", "H", "Same file was already counted (hard link)", }; // It's kinda ugly, but for nostalgia's sake... const logo = [_]u29{ 0b11111100111110000001100110011, 0b11001100110000000001100110011, 0b11001100110000011111100110011, 0b11001100110000011001100110011, 0b11001100111110011111100111111, }; var tab: enum { keys, flags, about } = .keys; var offset: u32 = 0; fn drawKeys(box: ui.Box) void { var line: u32 = 1; var i = offset*2; while (i < (offset + keylines)*2) : (i += 2) { line += 1; box.move(line, 13 - @intCast(u32, keys[i].len)); ui.style(.key); ui.addstr(keys[i]); ui.style(.default); ui.addch(' '); ui.addstr(keys[i+1]); } if (offset < keys.len/2-keylines) { box.move(12, 25); ui.addstr("-- more --"); } } fn drawFlags(box: ui.Box) void { box.move(2, 3); ui.style(.bold); ui.addstr("X [size] [graph] [file or directory]"); box.move(3, 4); ui.style(.default); ui.addstr("The X is only present in the following cases:"); var i: u32 = 0; while (i < flags.len) : (i += 2) { box.move(i/2+5, 4); ui.style(.flag); ui.addstr(flags[i]); ui.style(.default); ui.addch(' '); ui.addstr(flags[i+1]); } } fn drawAbout(box: ui.Box) void { for (logo) |s, n| { box.move(@intCast(u32, n)+3, 12); var i: u5 = 28; while (true) { ui.style(if (s & (@as(u29,1)<<i) > 0) .sel else .default); ui.addch(' '); if (i == 0) break; i -= 1; } } ui.style(.default); box.move(3, 43); ui.addstr("NCurses"); box.move(4, 43); ui.addstr("Disk"); box.move(5, 43); ui.addstr("Usage"); ui.style(.num); box.move(7, 43); ui.addstr(main.program_version); ui.style(.default); box.move(9, 9); ui.addstr("Written by Yoran Heling <projects@yorhel.nl>"); box.move(10,16); ui.addstr("https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu"); } fn draw() void { const box = ui.Box.create(15, 60, "ncdu help"); box.tab(30, tab == .keys, 1, "Keys"); box.tab(39, tab == .flags, 2, "Format"); box.tab(50, tab == .about, 3, "About"); box.move(13, 42); ui.addstr("Press "); ui.style(.key); ui.addch('q'); ui.style(.default); ui.addstr(" to close"); switch (tab) { .keys => drawKeys(box), .flags => drawFlags(box), .about => drawAbout(box), } } fn keyInput(ch: i32) void { const ctab = tab; defer if (ctab != tab or state != .help) { offset = 0; }; switch (ch) { '1' => tab = .keys, '2' => tab = .flags, '3' => tab = .about, 'h', ui.c.KEY_LEFT => tab = if (tab == .about) .flags else .keys, 'l', ui.c.KEY_RIGHT => tab = if (tab == .keys) .flags else .about, 'j', ' ', ui.c.KEY_DOWN, ui.c.KEY_NPAGE => { const max = switch (tab) { .keys => keys.len/2 - keylines, else => @as(u32, 0), }; if (offset < max) offset += 1; }, 'k', ui.c.KEY_UP, ui.c.KEY_PPAGE => { if (offset > 0) offset -= 1; }, else => state = .main, } } }; pub fn draw() void { ui.style(.hd); ui.move(0,0); ui.hline(' ', ui.cols); ui.move(0,0); ui.addstr("ncdu " ++ main.program_version ++ " ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press "); ui.style(.key_hd); ui.addch('?'); ui.style(.hd); ui.addstr(" for help"); if (main.config.imported) { ui.move(0, ui.cols -| 10); ui.addstr("[imported]"); } else if (!main.config.can_delete.?) { ui.move(0, ui.cols -| 10); ui.addstr("[readonly]"); } ui.style(.default); ui.move(1,0); ui.hline('-', ui.cols); ui.move(1,3); ui.addch(' '); ui.style(.dir); var pathbuf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(main.allocator); dir_parent.fmtPath(true, &pathbuf); ui.addstr(ui.shorten(ui.toUtf8(util.arrayListBufZ(&pathbuf)), ui.cols -| 5)); pathbuf.deinit(); ui.style(.default); ui.addch(' '); const numrows = ui.rows -| 3; if (cursor_idx < current_view.top) current_view.top = cursor_idx; if (cursor_idx >= current_view.top + numrows) current_view.top = cursor_idx - numrows + 1; var i: u32 = 0; var sel_row: u32 = 0; while (i < numrows) : (i += 1) { if (i+current_view.top >= dir_items.items.len) break; var row = Row{ .row = i+2, .item = dir_items.items[i+current_view.top], .bg = if (i+current_view.top == cursor_idx) .sel else .default, }; if (row.bg == .sel) sel_row = i+2; row.draw(); } ui.style(.hd); ui.move(ui.rows-1, 0); ui.hline(' ', ui.cols); ui.move(ui.rows-1, 1); ui.style(if (main.config.show_blocks) .bold_hd else .hd); ui.addstr("Total disk usage: "); ui.addsize(.hd, util.blocksToSize(dir_parent.entry.blocks)); ui.style(if (main.config.show_blocks) .hd else .bold_hd); ui.addstr(" Apparent size: "); ui.addsize(.hd, dir_parent.entry.size); ui.addstr(" Items: "); ui.addnum(.hd, dir_parent.items); switch (state) { .main => {}, .quit => quit.draw(), .help => help.draw(), .info => info.draw(), } if (message) |m| { const box = ui.Box.create(6, 60, "Message"); box.move(2, 2); ui.addstr(m); box.move(4, 33); ui.addstr("Press any key to continue"); } if (sel_row > 0) ui.move(sel_row, 0); } fn sortToggle(col: main.config.SortCol, default_order: main.config.SortOrder) void { if (main.config.sort_col != col) main.config.sort_order = default_order else if (main.config.sort_order == .asc) main.config.sort_order = .desc else main.config.sort_order = .asc; main.config.sort_col = col; sortDir(null); } fn keyInputSelection(ch: i32, idx: *usize, len: usize, page: u32) bool { switch (ch) { 'j', ui.c.KEY_DOWN => { if (idx.*+1 < len) idx.* += 1; }, 'k', ui.c.KEY_UP => { if (idx.* > 0) idx.* -= 1; }, ui.c.KEY_HOME => idx.* = 0, ui.c.KEY_END, ui.c.KEY_LL => idx.* = len -| 1, ui.c.KEY_PPAGE => idx.* = idx.* -| page, ui.c.KEY_NPAGE => idx.* = std.math.min(len -| 1, idx.* + page), else => return false, } return true; } pub fn keyInput(ch: i32) void { defer current_view.save(); if (message != null) { message = null; return; } switch (state) { .main => {}, // fallthrough .quit => return quit.keyInput(ch), .help => return help.keyInput(ch), .info => if (info.keyInput(ch)) return, } switch (ch) { 'q' => if (main.config.confirm_quit) { state = .quit; } else ui.quit(), '?' => state = .help, 'i' => if (dir_items.items.len > 0) info.set(dir_items.items[cursor_idx], .info), 'r' => { if (!main.config.can_refresh.?) message = "Directory refresh feature disabled." else { main.state = .refresh; scan.setupRefresh(dir_parent); } }, 'b' => { if (!main.config.can_shell.?) message = "Shell feature disabled." else main.state = .shell; }, 'd' => { if (dir_items.items.len == 0) { } else if (!main.config.can_delete.?) message = "Deletion feature disabled." else if (dir_items.items[cursor_idx]) |e| { main.state = .delete; const next = if (cursor_idx+1 < dir_items.items.len) dir_items.items[cursor_idx+1] else if (cursor_idx == 0) null else dir_items.items[cursor_idx-1]; delete.setup(dir_parent, e, next); } }, // Sort & filter settings 'n' => sortToggle(.name, .asc), 's' => sortToggle(if (main.config.show_blocks) .blocks else .size, .desc), 'C' => sortToggle(.items, .desc), 'M' => if (main.config.extended) sortToggle(.mtime, .desc), 'e' => { main.config.show_hidden = !main.config.show_hidden; loadDir(null); state = .main; }, 't' => { main.config.sort_dirsfirst = !main.config.sort_dirsfirst; sortDir(null); }, 'a' => { main.config.show_blocks = !main.config.show_blocks; if (main.config.show_blocks and main.config.sort_col == .size) { main.config.sort_col = .blocks; sortDir(null); } if (!main.config.show_blocks and main.config.sort_col == .blocks) { main.config.sort_col = .size; sortDir(null); } }, // Navigation 10, 'l', ui.c.KEY_RIGHT => { if (dir_items.items.len == 0) { } else if (dir_items.items[cursor_idx]) |e| { if (e.dir()) |d| { dir_parent = d; loadDir(null); state = .main; } } else if (dir_parent.parent) |p| { dir_parent = p; loadDir(null); state = .main; } }, 'h', '<', ui.c.KEY_BACKSPACE, ui.c.KEY_LEFT => { if (dir_parent.parent) |p| { const e = dir_parent; dir_parent = p; loadDir(&e.entry); state = .main; } }, // Display settings 'c' => main.config.show_items = !main.config.show_items, 'm' => if (main.config.extended) { main.config.show_mtime = !main.config.show_mtime; }, 'g' => { if (!main.config.show_graph and !main.config.show_percent) { main.config.show_graph = true; main.config.show_percent = false; } else if ( main.config.show_graph and !main.config.show_percent) { main.config.show_graph = false; main.config.show_percent = true; } else if (!main.config.show_graph and main.config.show_percent) { main.config.show_graph = true; main.config.show_percent = true; } else if ( main.config.show_graph and main.config.show_percent) { main.config.show_graph = false; main.config.show_percent = false; } }, 'u' => main.config.show_shared = switch (main.config.show_shared) { .off => .shared, .shared => .unique, .unique => .off, }, else => _ = keyInputSelection(ch, &cursor_idx, dir_items.items.len, ui.rows -| 3), } }