--- languages: - en - cs --- # s3cmd command line tool [S3cmd](https://s3tools.org/download) is a free command line tool. It allows you to upload and download your data to the S3 object storage. S3cmd is written in Python. S3cmd is an open-source project available under GNU Public License v2 (GPLv2) and it is free for personal as well as commercial usage. !!! warning We recommend you **use preferably [AWS CLI](s3cmd.md)**. We encountered some issues while using s3cmd. For instance, bucket names cannot begin with numbers or capital letters. ## Installation of s3cmd tool S3cmd is available in the system repositories for CentOS, RHEL and Ubuntu. You can install it via following guide. **On CentOS/RHEL** sudo yum install s3cmd **On Ubuntu/Debian** sudo apt install s3cmd ## Configuration of s3cmd tool Please insert the following lines into the config file located at **/home/user/.s3cfg**. [default] host_base = https://s3.clX.du.cesnet.cz use_https = True access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx secret_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx host_bucket = s3.clX.du.cesnet.cz **Host base** and **Host bucket** is S3 endpoint URL, which you received via email together with **Access Key** and **Secret Key**. You should receive it via email during the S3 account creation. **Config file with GPG encryption** [default] host_base = https://s3.clX.du.cesnet.cz use_https = True access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx secret_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx host_bucket = s3.clX.du.cesnet.cz gpg_command = /usr/bin/gpg gpg_decrypt = %(gpg_command)s -d --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s gpg_encrypt = %(gpg_command)s -c --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s gpg_passphrase = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ## Basic s3cmd commands S3cmd commands support elementary operations with buckets - creation, listing, and deletion. ### Bucket operations ???+ note "Bucket name" The bucket name should be unique within tenant and should contain only small letters, capital letters, numerals, dashes, and dots. The bucket name must begin only with a letter or numeral and it cannot contain dots next to dashes or multiple dots. **Listing all s3 buckets** s3cmd ls **Creation of new s3 bucket** s3cmd mb s3://newbucket **Removing s3 bucket** s3cmd rb s3://newbucket _Only emptied bucket can be removed!_ **Listing s3 bucket size** s3cmd s3://newbucket/ du ### Files and directories operation **Listing of s3 bucket** s3cmd ls s3://newbucket/ **File upload** s3cmd put file.txt s3://newbucket/ **Upload of encrypted files** s3cmd put -e file.txt s3://newbucket/ **Directory upload** s3cmd put -r directory s3://newbucket/ _Please make sure, that you didn't forget to remove the trailing slash (e.g. .: directory/), trailing slash denotes uploading only the content of the desired directory._ **Download file from s3 bucket** s3cmd get s3://newbucket/file.txt **Data deletion from s3 bucket** s3cmd del s3://newbucket/file.txt s3cmd del s3://newbucket/directory **Data sync into s3 bucket from local machine** s3cmd sync /local/path/ s3://newbucket/backup/ **Data sync from s3 bucket to local machine** 3cmd sync s3://newbucket/backup/ ~/restore/