--- languages: - en - cs --- # Advanced S3 features In the following sections, you can find a basic description of advanced S3 features that can enhance the effectiveness of your data workflow. ## Sharing S3 object using (presigned) URL !!! warning To be able to generate the URL links for objects stored on the S3 storage you have to setup **[aws tool first](aws-cli.md)**. All objects and buckets are by default private. The pre-signed URL is a reference to Ceph S3 object, which allows anyone who receives the URL to retrieve the S3 object with an HTTP GET request. The following presigning command generates a pre-signed URL for a specified bucket and key that is valid for one hour: aws s3 --profile myprofile presign s3://bucket/file If you want to create a pre-signed URL with a custom lifetime that links to an object in an S3 bucket you have to use: aws s3 --profile myprofile presign s3://bucket/file --expires-in 2419200 This will create URL accessible for a month. Parametr `--expires-in` is in seconds. When pre-signed URL has been expired, you will see something like following: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <Error> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" id="dark-mode-general-link"/> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" id="dark-mode-custom-link"/> <style lang="en" type="text/css" id="dark-mode-custom-style"/> <Code>AccessDenied</Code> <RequestId>tx0000000000000000f8f26-00sd242d-1a2234a7-storage-cl2</RequestId> <HostId>1aasd67-storage-cl2-storage</HostId> </Error> ???+ note "Changing the URL lifetime" Once you generate pre-signed URL, you can't change its lifetime, you have to generate a new pre-signed URL. It applies to both, expired and non-expired URLs.