--- # template: home.html hide: - toc --- # Object Storage Services Object Storage Services is a portfolio of services allowing to facilitate your archive and backup data. <div class="grid cards" markdown> - :fontawesome-solid-server:{ .lg .middle } __S3 Service__ --- Do you need common **Object Storage Services**? [:octicons-arrow-right-24: S3 Service](https://du.cesnet.cz/en/navody/object_storage/start) [:octicons-arrow-right-24: RBD Service](https://du.cesnet.cz/en/navody/sluzby/start) <!--- [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Account properties and lifecycle](/account/properties) ---> - :fontawesome-solid-server:{ .lg .middle } __RBD Service__ --- Do you need to cooperate with your colleagues, edit documents and share data? [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Owncloud](https://du.cesnet.cz/en/navody/owncloud/start) </div>