diff --git a/lib/mentat/stats/idea.py b/lib/mentat/stats/idea.py
index 354118c651c3182783eb77d858197cdea8c7bb51..4008defbe8528fefe58ca50375489a3a29540f82 100644
--- a/lib/mentat/stats/idea.py
+++ b/lib/mentat/stats/idea.py
@@ -429,6 +429,11 @@ def aggregate_stats_reports(report_list, dt_from, dt_to, result = None):
     # Precalculate list of timeline keys for further bisection search.
     tl_keys = [x[0] for x in result[ST_SKEY_TIMELINE]]
+    # Set the default count of report types to 0. Fixes issue #7627.
+    for report_type_key in (ST_SKEY_CNT_REPS_S, ST_SKEY_CNT_REPS_E):
+        if report_type_key not in result:
+            result[report_type_key] = 0
     for report in report_list:
         report_ct = report.createtime