#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MASTER MAKEFILE FOR MENTAT-NG PROJECT # # This file is part of Mentat system (https://mentat.cesnet.cz/). # # Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (http://www.ces.net/) # Author: Jan Mach <jan.mach@cesnet.cz> # Use of this source is governed by an MIT license, see LICENSE file. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Default make target, alias for 'help', you must explicitly choose the target. # default: help #=============================================================================== PROJECT_ID = mentat PROJECT_NAME = Mentat DIR_BIN = bin DIR_DOC = doc DIR_LIB = lib DIR_LIB_HAWAT = lib/hawat DIR_TEMPLATES_INFORMANT = $(shell pwd)/conf/templates/informant DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER = $(shell pwd)/conf/templates/reporter DIR_TEMPLATES_UTEST = $(shell pwd)/conf/templates/utest DIR_EVENT_CLASSES = $(shell pwd)/conf/event_classes BIN_FILES := $(wildcard bin/mentat-*.py) LIB_FILES := $(shell find $(DIR_LIB) -name '*.py' | grep -v 'test_') VENV_PYTHON ?= python3 VENV_PATH ?= venv PYTHON = python3 PIP = pip NOSETESTS = nosetests COVERAGE = coverage TWINE = twine CURRENT_DIR = $(shell pwd) DEV_SERVER = localhost DEV_PORT = 5000 DEV_MAIL_SERVER = localhost DEV_MAIL_PORT = 1025 # # Include common makefile configurations. # include ${DIR_LIB_HAWAT}/Makefile.inc # # Include local customized configurations. # include Makefile.cfg # # Populate certain variables with appropriate default values. # BUILD_NUMBER ?= 0 BUILD_SUITE ?= 'development' #=============================================================================== # # Display extensive help information page. # help: @echo "" @echo " ███╗ ███╗███████╗███╗ ██╗████████╗ █████╗ ████████╗" @echo " ████╗ ████║██╔════╝████╗ ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝" @echo " ██╔████╔██║█████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║ ██║ ███████║ ██║" @echo " ██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║ ██║ ██╔══██║ ██║" @echo " ██║ ╚═╝ ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║" @echo " ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝" @echo " $(FAINT)Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o$(NC)" @echo "" @echo " $(GREEN)$(BOLD)╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗$(NC)" @echo " $(GREEN)$(BOLD)║ LIST OF AVAILABLE MAKE TARGETS ║$(NC)" @echo " $(GREEN)$(BOLD)╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝$(NC)" @echo "" @echo " $(BLUE)$(BOLD)MAIN TARGETS$(NC)" @echo " $(BLUE)$(BOLD)────────────$(NC)" @echo " * $(GREEN)default$(NC): alias for help, you have to pick a target" @echo " * $(GREEN)help$(NC): print this help message and exit" @echo " * $(GREEN)show-version$(NC): show current project version" @echo " * $(GREEN)show-envstamp$(NC): show information about current development environment" @echo " * $(GREEN)venv [VENV_PYTHON=python3.7] [VENV_PATH=venv]$(NC): install Python virtual environment for local development" @echo " * $(GREEN)develop$(NC): install and configure project locally for development" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps$(NC): install project dependencies" @echo " * $(GREEN)clean$(NC): cleanup development and build environment" @echo " * $(GREEN)docs$(NC): generate project documentation" @echo " * $(GREEN)check$(NC): perform all checks and tests" @echo " * $(GREEN)build-whl$(NC): perform local build of Python distribution package" @echo " * $(GREEN)build-deb$(NC): perform local build of Debian distribution package" @echo "" @echo " $(BLUE)$(BOLD)HELPER TARGETS$(NC)" @echo " $(BLUE)$(BOLD)──────────────$(NC)" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-prerequisites$(NC): check for development prerequisites" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-lwchroot$(NC): creating local lightweight chroot subdirectory structure" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-python$(NC): install Python dependencies" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-python-dev$(NC): install Python development dependencies" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-python-upgrade$(NC): upgrade Python dependencies to latest versions" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-python-upgrade-dev$(NC): upgrade Python development dependencies to latest versions" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-webui$(NC): install web interface dependencies" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-webui-upgrade$(NC): upgrade web interface dependencies" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-geoip$(NC): install geolocation databases" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-negistry$(NC): install negistry whois database" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-postgresql$(NC): configure required PostgreSQL user accounts and databases" @echo " * $(GREEN)deps-translations$(NC): compile all available translations" @echo "" @echo " * $(GREEN)run-webui-dev$(NC): run development web server with development configuration on $(DEV_SERVER):$(DEV_PORT)" @echo " * $(GREEN)run-mailserver-sendria$(NC): run development mail server Sendria on $(DEV_MAIL_SERVER):$(DEV_MAIL_PORT)" @echo " * $(GREEN)run-mailserver-python$(NC): run python-based development mail server on $(DEV_MAIL_SERVER):$(DEV_MAIL_PORT)" @echo "" @echo " * $(GREEN)clean-pycs$(NC): clean up Python compiled files" @echo " * $(GREEN)clean-build-docs$(NC): clean up documentation build directories" @echo " * $(GREEN)clean-build-python$(NC): clean up Python build directories" @echo " * $(GREEN)clean-build-debian$(NC): clean up Debian build directories" @echo "" @echo " * $(GREEN)docs-sync$(NC): synchronize documentation from submodules" @echo " * $(GREEN)docs-sphinx$(NC): generate local project documentation" @echo " * $(GREEN)docs-view$(NC): view local project documentation" @echo " * $(GREEN)presentations$(NC): project presentations" @echo "" @echo " * $(GREEN)pybabel-patch$(NC): patch babel library" @echo " * ${GREEN}cpybabel-init INIT_LOCALE=lc${NC}: extract and init event_classes translations for given locale $(FAINT)lc$(NC)" @echo " * $(GREEN)cpybabel-update$(NC): extract and update event_classes translations" @echo " * $(GREEN)cpybabel-compile$(NC): compile event_classes translations" @echo " * ${GREEN}hpybabel-init INIT_LOCALE=lc${NC}: extract and init Hawat translations for given locale $(FAINT)lc$(NC)" @echo " * $(GREEN)hpybabel-update$(NC): extract and update Hawat translations" @echo " * $(GREEN)hpybabel-compile$(NC): compile Hawat translations" @echo " * ${GREEN}mpybabel-init INIT_LOCALE=lc${NC}: extract and init Mentat translations for given locale $(FAINT)lc$(NC)" @echo " * $(GREEN)mpybabel-update$(NC): extract and update Mentat translations" @echo " * $(GREEN)mpybabel-compile$(NC): compile Mentat translations" @echo " * $(GREEN)translations-compile$(NC): compile all available translations" @echo "" @echo " * $(GREEN)pyflakes$(NC): check project with pyflakes" @echo " * $(GREEN)pylint$(NC): check project with pylint" @echo " * $(GREEN)test$(NC): run unit tests with nosetest" @echo " * $(GREEN)coverage$(NC): check test code coverage with nosetest and coverage" @echo "" @echo " * $(GREEN)build-webui$(NC): setup web interface locally" @echo " * $(GREEN)build-package-whl$(NC): actually generate Python package" @echo " * $(GREEN)build-package-deb$(NC): actually generate Debian package" @echo "" @echo " * $(GREEN)install-whl-dev$(NC): installing project for development in editable mode" @echo "" @echo " $(GREEN)════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════$(NC)" @echo "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Install and configure Python virtual environment for local project development. # venv: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing Python virtual environment for local development ***$(NC)\n" @echo "Requested version: $(VENV_PYTHON)" @echo "Path to binary: `which $(VENV_PYTHON)`" @echo "Path to venv: $(VENV_PATH)" @echo "" @if [ -d $(VENV_PATH) ]; then\ echo "$(CYAN)Virtual environment already exists in '$(VENV_PATH)'.$(NC)";\ else\ $(VENV_PYTHON) -m venv $(VENV_PATH);\ echo "$(CYAN)Virtual environment successfully created in '$(VENV_PATH)'.$(NC)";\ fi @echo "" @echo "Upgrading 'pip' and 'wheel' within the virtual environment to latest versions" @echo "" @$(VENV_PATH)/bin/pip install --upgrade pip @$(VENV_PATH)/bin/pip install --upgrade wheel @echo "" @echo "Venv path: `. $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && python -c 'import sys; print(sys.prefix)'`" @echo "Python stuff versions:" @echo "" @$(VENV_PATH)/bin/python --version @$(VENV_PATH)/bin/pip --version @echo "" @ls -al $(VENV_PATH)/bin | grep python @ls -al $(VENV_PATH)/bin | grep pip @echo "\n$(CYAN)Your development environment is ready in `. $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && python -c 'import sys; print(sys.prefix)'`.$(NC)\n" @echo "Please activate it manually with following command:\n" @echo "\t$(ORANGE). $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate$(NC)\n" @echo "Consider adding following alias to your ~/.bashrc file for easier environment activation:\n" @echo "\t$(ORANGE)alias entervenv='. venv/bin/activate'$(NC)\n" @echo "$(BOLD)!!! Please keep in mind, that all makefile targets except this one ('develop') leave it up to you to activate the correct virtual environment !!!$(NC)" @echo "" # # Install and configure project locally for development. This target will perform # following tasks for you: # - check for development prerequisites # - create lightweight chroot directory structure # - install all Python requirements (conf/requirements.pip) # - install all Python development requirements (conf/requirements-dev.pip) # - install web interface libraries # - compile translations # - install Negistry whois database stub # - download IP geolocation databases # - install the project in editable mode # develop: deps build-webui develop-vagrant: deps-vagrant build-webui deps: deps-prerequisites deps-lwchroot deps-python-dev deps-python deps-editable deps-webui deps-geoip deps-negistry deps-postgresql translations-compile deps-vagrant: deps-prerequisites deps-runenv deps-python-dev deps-python deps-editable deps-webui deps-geoip-vagrant deps-negistry-vagrant deps-postgresql translations-compile clean: clean-pycs clean-build-docs clean-build-python clean-build-debian docs: docs-sync docs-sphinx check: pyflakes pylint test build-whl: clean build-webui build-package-whl build-deb: clean build-package-deb install-whl: FORCE @echo "\n${GREEN}*** Performing local installation of Python packages ***${NC}\n" @$(PIP) install dist/mentat-ng*.whl --upgrade --force-reinstall install-whl-dev: FORCE @echo "\n${GREEN}*** Installing project locally for development in editable mode***${NC}\n" @$(PIP) install -e . release-whl: FORCE @echo "\n${GREEN}*** Deploying packages to PyPI ***${NC}\n" @$(TWINE) upload dist/* --skip-existing #=============================================================================== deps-build: deps-prerequisites deps-lwchroot deps-python deps-python-dev deps-editable deps-webui translations-compile deps-build-whl: deps-build deps-build-deb: deps-build # # Check for development prerequisites. The prerequisites are certain commands and # applications that have to be already installed on local system, otherwise the # installation can not proceed further. These prerequisites ussually require more # complex installation process, or their installation is not straightforward, or # there are multiple installation procedures and it is not possible to choose the # best option. In any case, it is best to leave the installation to the user. # deps-prerequisites: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Checking for development prerequisites ***$(NC)\n" @for prereq in $(PYTHON) $(PIP) yarn grunt psql geoipupdate ; do \ if command -v $$prereq >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo "Prerequisite: $$prereq (`$$prereq --version 2>&1 | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e s/,$$//g;`)"; \ else \ echo "$(RED)PREREQUISITE: $$prereq (missing).$(NC)\n"; \ echo "You have to install this prerequisite manually.\n"; \ exit 1; \ fi \ done @echo "" # # Install project`s runtime environment. # deps-lwchroot: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Creating local lightweight chroot subdirectory structure ***$(NC)\n" @./conf/scripts/lwchroot-init.sh deps-runenv: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Creating local runtime environment subdirectory structure ***$(NC)\n" @./conf/scripts/init-runenv.sh # # Install project`s Python dependencies using pip requirements file. The dependencies # are already listed in setup.py file and pip can install them automatically. It # is however better to use requirements file directly, because its syntax enables # users to provide addditonal options to pip binary and thus enable for example # an installation of binary packages. It is much more powerfull than simple syntax # of 'install_requires' keyword of 'setup.py'. # deps-python: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing Python dependencies ***$(NC)\n" @$(PIP) --version @$(PIP) install -r conf/requirements.pip @echo "" # # Install project`s Python development dependencies using pip requirements file. # These dependencies are essential for development, but not required for production # deployment. For more information on why to use pip requirements file explicitly # instead of letting it install the dependencies from the list in 'setup.py' file # please see the documentation of 'deps-python' target above. # deps-python-dev: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing Python development dependencies ***$(NC)\n" @$(PIP) --version @$(PIP) install -r conf/requirements-dev.pip @echo "" # # Install project in editable mode. # deps-editable: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing project in editable mode ***$(NC)\n" @$(PIP) install -e ".[dev]" # # Upgrade project`s Python dependencies using pip requirements file to latest # versions. # deps-python-upgrade: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Upgrading Python dependencies to latest versions ***$(NC)\n" @$(PIP) --version @$(PIP) install -r conf/requirements-latest.pip --upgrade @echo "" # # Upgrade project`s Python development dependencies using pip requirements file # to latest versions. # deps-python-upgrade-dev: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Upgrading Python development dependencies to latest versions ***$(NC)\n" @$(PIP) --version @$(PIP) install -r conf/requirements-latest-dev.pip --upgrade @echo "" # # Install project`s web interface dependencies using yarn. # deps-webui: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing web interface dependencies ***$(NC)\n" @yarn install @echo "" # # Upgrade project`s web interface dependencies using yarn to latest versions. # deps-webui-upgrade: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Upgrading web interface dependencies ***$(NC)\n" @yarn upgrade @echo "" # # Fetch and install IP geolocation databases. # deps-geoip: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing IP geolocation databases ***$(NC)\n" @mkdir -p ./chroot/usr/share/GeoIP @geoipupdate --verbose --database-directory $(shell realpath ./chroot/usr/share/GeoIP) @echo "" deps-geoip-vagrant: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing IP geolocation databases ***$(NC)\n" @mkdir -p $(shell realpath ./data/geoip) @geoipupdate --verbose --database-directory $(shell realpath ./data/geoip) @echo "" # # Fetch and install Negistry whois database. # deps-negistry: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing Negistry whois database ***$(NC)\n" @./conf/scripts/fetch-negistry.sh --stub --target=$(shell realpath ./chroot/var/mentat/whois-negistry.json) @echo "" deps-negistry-vagrant: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing Negistry whois database ***$(NC)\n" @./conf/scripts/fetch-negistry.sh --stub --target=/var/mentat/whois-negistry.json @echo "" # # Create and configure required PostgreSQL user accounts and databases. # deps-postgresql: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing and configuring PostgreSQL database ***$(NC)\n" @./conf/scripts/sqldb-init.sh @echo "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- run-webui-dev: @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Running development web server with development configuration on $(DEV_SERVER):$(DEV_PORT) ***$(NC)\n" #APP_ROOT_PATH=$(shell realpath ./chroot) hawat-cli run --host $(DEV_SERVER) --port $(DEV_PORT) HAWAT_CONFIG_FILE=$(shell realpath ./hawat.local.conf) hawat-cli run --host $(DEV_SERVER) --port $(DEV_PORT) run-webui-vagrant: @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Running development web server with development configuration on $(DEV_SERVER):$(DEV_PORT) ***$(NC)\n" FLASK_ENV=development HAWAT_CONFIG_FILE=$(shell realpath ./conf/mentat-hawat-dev.py.conf) hawat-cli run --host "" --port $(DEV_PORT) run-mailserver-dev: @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Running development mail server on $(DEV_MAIL_SERVER):$(DEV_MAIL_PORT) ***$(NC)\n" $(PYTHON) -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer $(DEV_MAIL_SERVER):$(DEV_MAIL_PORT) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clean-pycs: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Cleaning up Python precompiled files ***$(NC)\n" @find . -name '*.pyc' -delete @find . -name '*.pyo' -delete @find . -name '*~' -delete @echo "" clean-build-docs: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Cleaning up documentation build directories ***$(NC)\n" @cd $(DIR_DOC)/sphinx && make clean @echo "" clean-build-python: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Cleaning up Python build directories ***$(NC)\n" @rm --force --recursive build/ @rm --force --recursive dist/ @rm --force --recursive *.egg-info @echo "" clean-build-debian: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Cleaning up Debian build directories ***$(NC)\n" @rm -rf ./debdist @rm -rf ./packaging/debian/mentat-ng @rm -f ./packaging/debian/mentat-ng.debhelper.log @rm -f ./packaging/debian/mentat-ng.substvars @echo "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- docs-sync: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Synchronizing documentation source code from submodules ***$(NC)\n" @cd ./submodules/pynspect/ && make docs @cd ./submodules/pyzenkit/ && make docs @rsync -r --progress --archive --update --delete --force ./submodules/pynspect/doc/_doclib/api_*.rst ./doc/sphinx/_doclib/apidoc/ @rsync -r --progress --archive --update --delete --force ./submodules/pyzenkit/doc/_doclib/apidoc/pyzenkit.*.rst ./doc/sphinx/_doclib/apidoc/ @rsync -r --progress --archive --update --delete --force ./submodules/pyzenkit/doc/_doclib/_inc*.rst ./doc/sphinx/_doclib/ @echo "" docs-sphinx: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Generating project API documentation ***$(NC)\n" @cd $(DIR_DOC)/sphinx && make apidoc @echo "" @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Generating project documentation - HTML ***$(NC)\n" @cd $(DIR_DOC)/sphinx && make html @echo "" presentations: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Generating project presentations ***$(NC)\n" @for presdir in $(DIR_DOC)/presentations/*; do \ if [ -d $$presdir ]; then \ echo "────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"; \ echo " $$presdir"; \ echo "────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"; \ cd $$presdir; \ make; \ cd $(CURRENT_DIR); \ echo; \ fi; \ done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data-fetch-config: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Fetching GeoIP configuration file ***$(NC)\n" @mkdir -p ./data @scp root@mentat-alt.cesnet.cz:/etc/GeoIP.conf ./data/ @echo "" data-fetch-dbsnapshot: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Fetching latest production database dump ***$(NC)\n" @rm -rf ./data/var @mkdir -p ./data @time scp root@mentat-alt.cesnet.cz:/var/mentat/devsnapshots/devsnapshot-latest.tar.gz ./data/ @ls -alh ./data/devsnapshot-latest.tar.gz @cd ./data/ && tar -xzvf ./devsnapshot-latest.tar.gz @rm -f ./data/devsnapshot-latest.tar.gz @mv ./data/var/mentat/devsnapshots/devsnapshot ./data/devsnapshot @rm -rf ./data/var @echo "" data-import-dbsnapshot: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Importing latest production database dump ***$(NC)\n" @sudo -u postgres pg_restore --verbose --clean --if-exists --format=d --dbname=mentat_main ./data/devsnapshot/main @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -c "COPY reports_events ($(cat /vagrant/data/devsnapshot/main/reports_events.cols)) FROM stdin;" < ./data/devsnapshot/chunks/reports_events.dat @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -c "COPY statistics_events ($(cat /vagrant/data/devsnapshot/main/statistics_events.cols)) FROM stdin;" < ./data/devsnapshot/chunks/statistics_events.dat @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -c "COPY changelogs_items ($(cat /vagrant/data/devsnapshot/main/changelogs_items.cols)) FROM stdin;" < ./data/devsnapshot/chunks/changelogs_items.dat @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_events -c "COPY events ($(cat /vagrant/data/devsnapshot/events/events.cols)) FROM stdin;" < ./data/devsnapshot/events/events.dat @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_events -c "COPY events_json ($(cat /vagrant/data/devsnapshot/events/events_json.cols)) FROM stdin;" < ./data/devsnapshot/events/events_json.dat @echo "" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -e -c "select count(*) as user_count, min(createtime) as from_date, max(createtime) as to_date from users;" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -e -c "select count(*) as group_count, min(createtime) as from_date, max(createtime) as to_date from groups;" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -e -c "select count(*) as filter_count, min(createtime) as from_date, max(createtime) as to_date from filters;" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -e -c "select count(*) as network_count, min(createtime) as from_date, max(createtime) as to_date from networks;" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -e -c "select count(*) as report_count, min(createtime) as from_date, max(createtime) as to_date from reports_events;" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -e -c "select count(*) as statistics_count, min(createtime) as from_date, max(createtime) as to_date from statistics_events;" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_main -e -c "select count(*) as changelog_count, min(createtime) as from_date, max(createtime) as to_date from changelogs_items;" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_events -e -c "select count(*) as event_count, min(storagetime) as from_date, max(storagetime) as to_date from events;" @sudo -u postgres psql mentat_events -e -c "select count(*) as event_json_count, min(storagetime) as from_date, max(storagetime) as to_date from events_json;" @echo "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This patch solves following issue: https://github.com/python-babel/flask-babel/issues/43 # Apply when necessary. # pybabel-patch: FORCE make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) pybabel-patch cpybabel-init: FORCE make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) cpybabel-init INIT_LOCALE=$(INIT_LOCALE) DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) cpybabel-update: FORCE make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) cpybabel-update DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) cpybabel-compile: FORCE make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) cpybabel-compile DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) #\ # Alternative solution that uses the hawat-cli utility: # APP_ROOT_PATH=$(shell realpath ./chroot) hawat-cli intl init $(INIT_LOCALE) # hpybabel-init: make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) hpybabel-init INIT_LOCALE=$(INIT_LOCALE) DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) # # Alternative solution that uses the hawat-cli utility: # APP_ROOT_PATH=$(shell realpath ./chroot) hawat-cli intl update # hpybabel-update: make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) hpybabel-update DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER) # # Alternative solution that uses the hawat-cli utility: # APP_ROOT_PATH=$(shell realpath ./chroot) hawat-cli intl compile # hpybabel-compile: make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) hpybabel-compile DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER) mpybabel-init: make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) mpybabel-init INIT_LOCALE=$(INIT_LOCALE) DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) DIR_TEMPLATES_INFORMANT=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_INFORMANT) DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER) DIR_TEMPLATES_UTEST=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_UTEST) mpybabel-update: make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) mpybabel-update DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) DIR_TEMPLATES_INFORMANT=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_INFORMANT) DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER) DIR_TEMPLATES_UTEST=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_UTEST) mpybabel-compile: make -C $(DIR_LIB_HAWAT) mpybabel-compile DIR_EVENT_CLASSES=$(DIR_EVENT_CLASSES) DIR_TEMPLATES_INFORMANT=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_INFORMANT) DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_REPORTER) DIR_TEMPLATES_UTEST=$(DIR_TEMPLATES_UTEST) # # Compile all available translations. # translations-compile: hpybabel-compile mpybabel-compile #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pyflakes: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Checking executables with pyflakes ***$(NC)\n" @echo "Python version: `$(PYTHON) --version`" @echo "" $(PYTHON) -m pyflakes $(DIR_BIN) @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Checking library with pyflakes ***$(NC)\n" @echo "Python version: `$(PYTHON) --version`" @echo "" $(PYTHON) -m pyflakes $(DIR_LIB) pylint: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Checking executables with pylint ***$(NC)\n" @echo "Python version: `$(PYTHON) --version`" @echo "" -PYTHONPATH=$(DIR_LIB) $(PYTHON) -m pylint --rcfile .pylintrc-bin $(DIR_BIN) @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Checking library with pylint ***$(NC)\n" @echo "Python version: `$(PYTHON) --version`" @echo "" -PYTHONPATH=$(DIR_LIB) $(PYTHON) -m pylint --rcfile .pylintrc-lib $(DIR_LIB) test: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Checking code with nosetests ***$(NC)\n" @echo "Python version: `$(PYTHON) --version`" APP_ROOT_PATH=$(shell realpath ./chroot) PYTHONPATH=$(DIR_LIB) $(PYTHON) -W always::DeprecationWarning -m nose2 coverage: FORCE @echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Checking test code coverage with nosetests and coverage ***$(NC)\n" @echo "Python version: `$(PYTHON) --version`" APP_ROOT_PATH=$(shell realpath ./chroot) PYTHONPATH=$(DIR_LIB) $(COVERAGE) run -m nose2 && echo "\n\n" && $(COVERAGE) report #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- build-webui: FORCE @echo "\n${GREEN}*** Building web interface environment ***${NC}\n" grunt webui @echo "" build-package-whl: FORCE @echo "\n${GREEN}*** Building Python packages ***${NC}\n" @echo "Python version: `$(PYTHON) --version`" @echo "" $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist bdist_wheel @echo "" # # Resources: # https://wiki.debian.org/BuildingTutorial # https://github.com/phusion/debian-packaging-for-the-modern-developer # build-package-deb: FORCE @echo "\n${GREEN}*** Building Debian packages ***${NC}\n" mkdir -p debdist cd packaging && fakeroot make -f debian/rules clean cd packaging && fakeroot make -f debian/rules build cd packaging && fakeroot make -f debian/rules binary BUILD_NUMBER=$(BUILD_NUMBER) BUILD_SUITE=$(BUILD_SUITE) @echo "" # Empty rule as dependency will force make to always perform target # Source: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Force-Targets.html FORCE: