# This file is part of idea-format package (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/idea-format).
# Copyright (c) since 2016, CESNET, z. s. p. o.
# Author: Pavel Kácha <pavel.kacha@cesnet.cz>
# Use of this source is governed by an ISC license, see LICENSE file.

DIR_LIB = idea

SPHINXBUILD     = sphinx-build
SPHINXPROJ      = idea-format
SPHINXBUILDDIR  = doc/_build

# Color code definitions for colored terminal output
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947742/how-to-change-the-output-color-of-echo-in-linux
RED    = \033[0;31m
GREEN  = \033[0;32m
ORANGE = \033[0;33m
BLUE   = \033[0;34m
PURPLE = \033[0;35m
CYAN   = \033[0;36m
NC     = \033[0m


# Default make target, alias for 'help', you must explicitly choose the target.
default: help

# Perform all reasonable tasks to do full build.
full: docs archive bdist deploy

# Perform local build.
build: archive bdist

# Perfom build from automated system.
buildbot: bdist

# Check the project code.
check: pyflakes pylint test


	@echo ""
	@echo " ${GREEN}─────────────────────────────────────────────────${NC}"
	@echo " ${GREEN}              LIST OF MAKE TARGETS${NC}"
	@echo " ${GREEN}─────────────────────────────────────────────────${NC}"
	@echo ""
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}default${NC}: alias for help, you have to pick a target"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}help${NC}: print this help and exit"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}show-version${NC}: show current project version"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}full${NC}: generate documentation, archive previous packages, build new distribution and deploy to PyPI"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}build${NC}: archive previous packages and build new distribution"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}buildbot${NC}: build new distribution using buildbot automated system"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}deps${NC}: install various dependencies"
	@echo "     = ${ORANGE}deps-python${NC}: install Python dependencies with pip3"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}docs${NC}: generate project documentation"
	@echo "     = ${ORANGE}docs-help${NC}: show list of all available html build targets"
	@echo "     = ${ORANGE}docs-html${NC}: generate project documentation in HTML format"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}check${NC}: perform extensive code checking"
	@echo "     = ${ORANGE}pyflakes${NC}: check source code with pyflakes"
	@echo "        - pyflakes-lib: check library with pyflakes, exclude test files"
	@echo "        - pyflakes-test: check test files with pyflakes"
	@echo "     = ${ORANGE}pylint${NC}: check source code with pylint"
	@echo "        - pylint-lib: check library with pylint, exclude test files"
	@echo "        - pylint-test: check test files with pylint"
	@echo "     = ${ORANGE}test${NC}: run unit tests with nosetest"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}archive${NC}: archive previous packages"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}bdist${NC}:   build new distribution"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}install${NC}: install distribution on local machine"
	@echo "  * ${GREEN}deploy${NC}:  deploy to PyPI"
	@echo ""
	@echo " ${GREEN}─────────────────────────────────────────────────${NC}"
	@echo ""


show-version: FORCE
	@PYTHONPATH=lib python -c "import idea; print(idea.__version__);"


deps: deps-python deps-python-dev

deps-python-dev: FORCE
	@echo "\n$(GREEN)*** Installing Python development dependencies ***$(NC)\n"
	@pip install -r requirements-dev.pip

deps-python: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Installing Python dependencies ***${NC}\n"
	@pip install -r requirements.pip --upgrade


docs: docs-html

docs-help: FORCE

docs-html: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Generating project documentation ***${NC}\n"


#pyflakes: pyflakes-lib pyflakes-test
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Checking code with pyflakes - DISABLED ***${NC}\n"

pyflakes-lib: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Checking code with pyflakes ***${NC}\n"
	-@python -m pyflakes $(DIR_LIB)/*.py

pyflakes-test: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Checking test files with pyflakes ***${NC}\n"
	-@python -m pyflakes bench_idea.py test_idea.py

#pylint: pylint-lib pylint-test
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Checking code with pylint - DISABLED ***${NC}\n"

pylint-lib: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Checking code with pylint ***${NC}\n"
	-@python -m pylint $(DIR_LIB)/*.py --rcfile .pylintrc-lib

pylint-test: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Checking test files with pylint ***${NC}\n"
	-@python -m pylint bench_idea.py test_idea.py --rcfile .pylintrc-test

test: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Checking code with nosetests ***${NC}\n"
	@python -W always::DeprecationWarning -m nose2 --junit-xml


archive: FORCE
	@if ! [ `ls dist/idea* | wc -l` = "0" ]; then\
		echo "\n${GREEN}*** Moving old distribution files to archive ***${NC}\n";\
		mv -f dist/idea* archive;\

bdist: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Building Python packages ***${NC}\n"
	@python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel --universal

install: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Performing local installation ***${NC}\n"
	@pip install dist/idea*.whl --upgrade

deploy: FORCE
	@echo "\n${GREEN}*** Deploying packages to PyPI ***${NC}\n"
	@twine upload dist/* --skip-existing

# Empty rule as dependency will force make to always perform target
# Source: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Force-Targets.html