From 609aa648b27f9a246850ea95151cb1ca5600b31e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Rose <>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2017 11:28:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] added dist files

 dist/molio.esm.js | 641 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dist/molio.js     |   1 +
 2 files changed, 642 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dist/molio.esm.js
 create mode 100644 dist/molio.js

diff --git a/dist/molio.esm.js b/dist/molio.esm.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..572b8877b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/molio.esm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 molio contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * from
+ * @author David Sehnal <>
+ */
+ * Efficient integer and float parsers.
+ *
+ * For the purposes of parsing numbers from the mmCIF data representations,
+ * up to 4 times faster than JS parseInt/parseFloat.
+ */
+function parseInt(str, start, end) {
+    var ret = 0, neg = 1;
+    if (str.charCodeAt(start) === 45 /* - */) {
+        neg = -1;
+        start++;
+    }
+    for (; start < end; start++) {
+        var c = str.charCodeAt(start) - 48;
+        if (c > 9 || c < 0)
+            { return (neg * ret) | 0; }
+        else
+            { ret = (10 * ret + c) | 0; }
+    }
+    return neg * ret;
+function parseScientific(main, str, start, end) {
+    // handle + in '1e+1' separately.
+    if (str.charCodeAt(start) === 43 /* + */)
+        { start++; }
+    return main * Math.pow(10.0, parseInt(str, start, end));
+function parseFloat(str, start, end) {
+    var neg = 1.0, ret = 0.0, point = 0.0, div = 1.0;
+    if (str.charCodeAt(start) === 45) {
+        neg = -1.0;
+        ++start;
+    }
+    while (start < end) {
+        var c = str.charCodeAt(start) - 48;
+        if (c >= 0 && c < 10) {
+            ret = ret * 10 + c;
+            ++start;
+        }
+        else if (c === -2) {
+            ++start;
+            while (start < end) {
+                c = str.charCodeAt(start) - 48;
+                if (c >= 0 && c < 10) {
+                    point = 10.0 * point + c;
+                    div = 10.0 * div;
+                    ++start;
+                }
+                else if (c === 53 || c === 21) {
+                    return parseScientific(neg * (ret + point / div), str, start + 1, end);
+                }
+                else {
+                    return neg * (ret + point / div);
+                }
+            }
+            return neg * (ret + point / div);
+        }
+        else if (c === 53 || c === 21) {
+            return parseScientific(neg * ret, str, start + 1, end);
+        }
+        else
+            { break; }
+    }
+    return neg * ret;
+ * Eat everything until a newline occurs.
+ */
+function eatLine(state) {
+    while (state.position < state.length) {
+        switch ( {
+            case 10:// \n
+                state.currentTokenEnd = state.position;
+                ++state.position;
+                ++state.currentLineNumber;
+                return;
+            case 13:// \r
+                state.currentTokenEnd = state.position;
+                ++state.position;
+                ++state.currentLineNumber;
+                if ( === 10) {
+                    ++state.position;
+                }
+                return;
+            default:
+                ++state.position;
+        }
+    }
+    state.currentTokenEnd = state.position;
+ * Eat everything until a whitespace/newline occurs.
+ */
+function eatValue(state) {
+    while (state.position < state.length) {
+        switch ( {
+            case 9: // \t
+            case 10: // \n
+            case 13: // \r
+            case 32:// ' '
+                state.currentTokenEnd = state.position;
+                return;
+            default:
+                ++state.position;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    state.currentTokenEnd = state.position;
+ * Skips all the whitespace - space, tab, newline, CR
+ * Handles incrementing line count.
+ */
+function skipWhitespace(state) {
+    var prev = 10;
+    while (state.position < state.length) {
+        var c =;
+        switch (c) {
+            case 9: // '\t'
+            case 32:// ' '
+                prev = c;
+                ++state.position;
+                break;
+            case 10:// \n
+                // handle \r\n
+                if (prev !== 13) {
+                    ++state.currentLineNumber;
+                }
+                prev = c;
+                ++state.position;
+                break;
+            case 13:// \r
+                prev = c;
+                ++state.position;
+                ++state.currentLineNumber;
+                break;
+            default:
+                return prev;
+        }
+    }
+    return prev;
+var Tokens;
+(function (Tokens) {
+    function resize(tokens) {
+        // scale the size using golden ratio, because why not.
+        var newBuffer = new Int32Array((1.61 * tokens.indices.length) | 0);
+        newBuffer.set(tokens.indices);
+        tokens.indices = newBuffer;
+        tokens.indicesLenMinus2 = (newBuffer.length - 2) | 0;
+    }
+    function add(tokens, start, end) {
+        if (tokens.count > tokens.indicesLenMinus2) {
+            resize(tokens);
+        }
+        tokens.indices[tokens.count++] = start;
+        tokens.indices[tokens.count++] = end;
+    }
+    Tokens.add = add;
+    function addUnchecked(tokens, start, end) {
+        tokens.indices[tokens.count++] = start;
+        tokens.indices[tokens.count++] = end;
+    }
+    Tokens.addUnchecked = addUnchecked;
+    function create(size) {
+        return {
+            indicesLenMinus2: (size - 2) | 0,
+            count: 0,
+            indices: new Int32Array(size)
+        };
+    }
+    Tokens.create = create;
+})(Tokens || (Tokens = {}));
+ * Represents a column that is not present.
+ */
+var _UndefinedColumn = function _UndefinedColumn() {
+    this.isDefined = false;
+_UndefinedColumn.prototype.getString = function getString (row) { return null; };
+_UndefinedColumn.prototype.getInteger = function getInteger (row) { return 0; };
+_UndefinedColumn.prototype.getFloat = function getFloat (row) { return 0.0; };
+_UndefinedColumn.prototype.getValuePresence = function getValuePresence (row) { return 1 /* NotSpecified */; };
+_UndefinedColumn.prototype.areValuesEqual = function areValuesEqual (rowA, rowB) { return true; };
+_UndefinedColumn.prototype.stringEquals = function stringEquals (row, value) { return value === null; };
+var UndefinedColumn = new _UndefinedColumn();
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 molio contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * from
+ * @author David Sehnal <>
+ */
+var ShortStringPool;
+(function (ShortStringPool) {
+    function create() { return Object.create(null); }
+    ShortStringPool.create = create;
+    function get(pool, str) {
+        if (str.length > 6)
+            { return str; }
+        var value = pool[str];
+        if (value !== void 0)
+            { return value; }
+        pool[str] = str;
+        return str;
+    }
+    ShortStringPool.get = get;
+})(ShortStringPool || (ShortStringPool = {}));
+ * Represents a single column.
+ */
+var TextColumn = function TextColumn(table, data, name, index) {
+ = data;
+ = name;
+    this.index = index;
+    this.stringPool = ShortStringPool.create();
+    this.isDefined = true;
+    this.indices = table.indices;
+    this.columnCount = table.columnCount;
+ * Returns the string value at given row.
+ */
+TextColumn.prototype.getString = function getString (row) {
+    var i = (row * this.columnCount + this.index) * 2;
+    return ShortStringPool.get(this.stringPool,[i], this.indices[i + 1]));
+ * Returns the integer value at given row.
+ */
+TextColumn.prototype.getInteger = function getInteger (row) {
+    var i = (row * this.columnCount + this.index) * 2;
+    return parseInt(, this.indices[i], this.indices[i + 1]);
+ * Returns the float value at given row.
+ */
+TextColumn.prototype.getFloat = function getFloat (row) {
+    var i = (row * this.columnCount + this.index) * 2;
+    return parseFloat(, this.indices[i], this.indices[i + 1]);
+ * Returns true if the token has the specified string value.
+ */
+TextColumn.prototype.stringEquals = function stringEquals (row, value) {
+        var this$1 = this;
+    var aIndex = (row * this.columnCount + this.index) * 2, s = this.indices[aIndex], len = value.length;
+    if (len !== this.indices[aIndex + 1] - s)
+        { return false; }
+    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        if (this$ + s) !== value.charCodeAt(i))
+            { return false; }
+    }
+    return true;
+ * Determines if values at the given rows are equal.
+ */
+TextColumn.prototype.areValuesEqual = function areValuesEqual (rowA, rowB) {
+        var this$1 = this;
+    var aIndex = (rowA * this.columnCount + this.index) * 2;
+    var bIndex = (rowB * this.columnCount + this.index) * 2;
+    var aS = this.indices[aIndex];
+    var bS = this.indices[bIndex];
+    var len = this.indices[aIndex + 1] - aS;
+    if (len !== this.indices[bIndex + 1] - bS)
+        { return false; }
+    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        if (this$ + aS) !== this$ + bS)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+TextColumn.prototype.getValuePresence = function getValuePresence (row) {
+    var index = 2 * (row * this.columnCount + this.index);
+    if (this.indices[index] === this.indices[index + 1]) {
+        return 1 /* NotSpecified */;
+    }
+    return 0 /* Present */;
+var CifColumn = (function (TextColumn) {
+    function CifColumn () {
+        TextColumn.apply(this, arguments);
+    }
+    if ( TextColumn ) CifColumn.__proto__ = TextColumn;
+    CifColumn.prototype = Object.create( TextColumn && TextColumn.prototype );
+    CifColumn.prototype.constructor = CifColumn;
+    CifColumn.prototype.getString = function getString (row) {
+        var ret =, row);
+        if (ret === '.' || ret === '?')
+            { return null; }
+        return ret;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Returns true if the value is not defined (. or ? token).
+     */
+    CifColumn.prototype.getValuePresence = function getValuePresence (row) {
+        var index = 2 * (row * this.columnCount + this.index);
+        var s = this.indices[index];
+        if (this.indices[index + 1] - s !== 1)
+            { return 0 /* Present */; }
+        var v =;
+        if (v === 46 /* . */)
+            { return 1 /* NotSpecified */; }
+        if (v === 63 /* ? */)
+            { return 2 /* Unknown */; }
+        return 0 /* Present */;
+    };
+    return CifColumn;
+ * Represents a table backed by a string.
+ */
+var TextTable = function TextTable(data, name, columns, tokens) {
+ = name;
+    this.indices = tokens.indices;
+ = data;
+    this.columnCount = columns.length;
+    this.rowCount = (tokens.count / 2 / columns.length) | 0;
+    this.initColumns(columns);
+var prototypeAccessors = { columnNames: {} };
+prototypeAccessors.columnNames.get = function () {
+    return this.columnNameList;
+ * Get a column object that makes accessing data easier.
+ */
+TextTable.prototype.getColumn = function getColumn (name) {
+    var i = this.columnIndices.get(name);
+    if (i !== void 0)
+        { return new TextColumn(this,, name, i); }
+    return UndefinedColumn;
+TextTable.prototype.initColumns = function initColumns (columns) {
+        var this$1 = this;
+    this.columnIndices = new Map();
+    this.columnNameList = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
+        this$1.columnIndices.set(columns[i], i);
+        this$1.columnNameList.push(columns[i]);
+    }
+Object.defineProperties( TextTable.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
+var CifTable = (function (TextTable) {
+    function CifTable () {
+        TextTable.apply(this, arguments);
+    }
+    if ( TextTable ) CifTable.__proto__ = TextTable;
+    CifTable.prototype = Object.create( TextTable && TextTable.prototype );
+    CifTable.prototype.constructor = CifTable;
+    CifTable.prototype.getColumn = function getColumn (name) {
+        var i = this.columnIndices.get(name);
+        if (i !== void 0)
+            { return new CifColumn(this,, name, i); }
+        return UndefinedColumn;
+    };
+    CifTable.prototype.initColumns = function initColumns (columns) {
+        var this$1 = this;
+        this.columnIndices = new Map();
+        this.columnNameList = [];
+        for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
+            var colName = columns[i].substr(this$ + 1);
+            this$1.columnIndices.set(colName, i);
+            this$1.columnNameList.push(colName);
+        }
+    };
+    return CifTable;
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 molio contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * from
+ * @author David Sehnal <>
+ */
+var ParserResult;
+(function (ParserResult) {
+    function error(message, line) {
+        if ( line === void 0 ) line = -1;
+        return new ParserError(message, line);
+    }
+    ParserResult.error = error;
+    function success(result, warnings) {
+        if ( warnings === void 0 ) warnings = [];
+        return new ParserSuccess(result, warnings);
+    }
+    ParserResult.success = success;
+})(ParserResult || (ParserResult = {}));
+var ParserError = function ParserError(message, line) {
+    this.message = message;
+    this.line = line;
+    this.isError = true;
+ParserError.prototype.toString = function toString () {
+    if (this.line >= 0) {
+        return ("[Line " + (this.line) + "] " + (this.message));
+    }
+    return this.message;
+var ParserSuccess = function ParserSuccess(result, warnings) {
+    this.result = result;
+    this.warnings = warnings;
+    this.isError = false;
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 molio contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * @author Alexander Rose <>
+ */
+var GroFile = function GroFile(data) {
+    this.blocks = [];
+ = data;
+var GroBlock = function GroBlock(data) {
+ = data;
+    this.tableMap = new Map();
+    this.tableList = [];
+GroBlock.prototype.getTable = function getTable (name) {
+    return this.tableMap.get(name);
+ * Adds a table.
+ */
+GroBlock.prototype.addTable = function addTable (table) {
+    this.tableList[this.tableList.length] = table;
+    this.tableMap.set(, table);
+function createTokenizer(data) {
+    return {
+        data: data,
+        position: 0,
+        length: data.length,
+        currentLineNumber: 1,
+        currentTokenStart: 0,
+        currentTokenEnd: 0,
+        numberOfAtoms: 0,
+        hasVelocities: false,
+        numberOfDecimalPlaces: 3
+    };
+ * title string (free format string, optional time in ps after 't=')
+ */
+function handleTitleString(state, tokens) {
+    eatLine(state);
+    // console.log('title',, state.currentTokenEnd))
+    var start = state.currentTokenStart;
+    var end = state.currentTokenEnd;
+    var valueStart = state.currentTokenStart;
+    var valueEnd = start;
+    while (valueEnd < end && !isTime(, valueEnd))
+        { ++valueEnd; }
+    if (isTime(, valueEnd)) {
+        var timeStart = valueEnd + 2;
+        while (valueEnd > start && isSpaceOrComma(, valueEnd - 1))
+            { --valueEnd; }
+        Tokens.add(tokens, valueStart, valueEnd); // title
+        while (timeStart < end && === 32)
+            { ++timeStart; }
+        while (valueEnd > timeStart && - 1) === 32)
+            { --valueEnd; }
+        Tokens.add(tokens, timeStart, end); // time
+    }
+    else {
+        Tokens.add(tokens, valueStart, valueEnd); // title
+        Tokens.add(tokens, valueEnd, valueEnd); // empty token for time
+    }
+function isSpaceOrComma(data, position) {
+    var c = data.charCodeAt(position);
+    return c === 32 || c === 44;
+function isTime(data, position) {
+    // T/t
+    var c = data.charCodeAt(position);
+    if (c !== 84 && c !== 116)
+        { return false; }
+    // =
+    if (data.charCodeAt(position + 1) !== 61)
+        { return false; }
+    return true;
+// function isDot(state: TokenizerState): boolean {
+//     // .
+//     if ( !== 46) return false;
+//     return true;
+// }
+// function numberOfDecimalPlaces (state: TokenizerState) {
+//     // var ndec = firstLines[ 2 ].length - firstLines[ 2 ].lastIndexOf('.') - 1
+//     const start = state.currentTokenStart
+//     const end = state.currentTokenEnd
+//     for (let i = end; start < i; --i) {
+//         // .
+//         if ( === 46) return end - start - i
+//     }
+//     throw new Error('Could not determine number of decimal places')
+// }
+ * number of atoms (free format integer)
+ */
+function handleNumberOfAtoms(state, tokens) {
+    skipWhitespace(state);
+    state.currentTokenStart = state.position;
+    eatValue(state);
+    state.numberOfAtoms = parseInt(, state.currentTokenStart, state.currentTokenEnd);
+    Tokens.add(tokens, state.currentTokenStart, state.currentTokenEnd);
+    eatLine(state);
+// function checkForVelocities (state: GroState) {
+// }
+ * This format is fixed, ie. all columns are in a fixed position.
+ * Optionally (for now only yet with trjconv) you can write gro files
+ * with any number of decimal places, the format will then be n+5
+ * positions with n decimal places (n+1 for velocities) in stead
+ * of 8 with 3 (with 4 for velocities). Upon reading, the precision
+ * will be inferred from the distance between the decimal points
+ * (which will be n+5). Columns contain the following information
+ * (from left to right):
+ *     residue number (5 positions, integer)
+ *     residue name (5 characters)
+ *     atom name (5 characters)
+ *     atom number (5 positions, integer)
+ *     position (in nm, x y z in 3 columns, each 8 positions with 3 decimal places)
+ *     velocity (in nm/ps (or km/s), x y z in 3 columns, each 8 positions with 4 decimal places)
+ */
+function handleAtoms(state, block) {
+    var name = 'atoms';
+    var columns = ['residueNumber', 'residueName', 'atomName', 'atomNumber', 'x', 'y', 'z'];
+    if (state.hasVelocities) {
+        columns.push('vx', 'vy', 'vz');
+    }
+    var fieldSizes = [5, 5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8];
+    var columnCount = columns.length;
+    var tokens = Tokens.create(state.numberOfAtoms * 2 * columnCount);
+    var start;
+    var end;
+    var valueStart;
+    var valueEnd = state.position;
+    for (var i = 0; i < state.numberOfAtoms; ++i) {
+        state.currentTokenStart = state.position;
+        end = state.currentTokenStart;
+        for (var j = 0; j < columnCount; ++j) {
+            start = end;
+            end = start + fieldSizes[j];
+            // trim
+            valueStart = start;
+            valueEnd = end;
+            while (valueStart < valueEnd && === 32)
+                { ++valueStart; }
+            while (valueEnd > valueStart && - 1) === 32)
+                { --valueEnd; }
+            Tokens.addUnchecked(tokens, valueStart, valueEnd);
+        }
+        state.position = valueEnd;
+        eatLine(state);
+    }
+    block.addTable(new TextTable(, name, columns, tokens));
+ * box vectors (free format, space separated reals), values:
+ * v1(x) v2(y) v3(z) v1(y) v1(z) v2(x) v2(z) v3(x) v3(y),
+ * the last 6 values may be omitted (they will be set to zero).
+ * Gromacs only supports boxes with v1(y)=v1(z)=v2(z)=0.
+ */
+function handleBoxVectors(state, tokens) {
+    // just read the first three values, ignore any remaining
+    for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        skipWhitespace(state);
+        state.currentTokenStart = state.position;
+        eatValue(state);
+        Tokens.add(tokens, state.currentTokenStart, state.currentTokenEnd);
+    }
+ * Creates an error result.
+ */
+// function error(line: number, message: string) {
+//     return ParserResult.error<GroFile>(message, line);
+// }
+ * Creates a data result.
+ */
+function result(data) {
+    return ParserResult.success(data);
+function parseInternal(data) {
+    var state = createTokenizer(data);
+    var file = new GroFile(data);
+    var block = new GroBlock(data);
+    file.blocks.push(block);
+    var headerColumns = ['title', 'timeInPs', 'numberOfAtoms', 'boxX', 'boxY', 'boxZ'];
+    var headerTokens = Tokens.create(2 * headerColumns.length);
+    var header = new TextTable(, 'header', headerColumns, headerTokens);
+    block.addTable(header);
+    handleTitleString(state, headerTokens);
+    handleNumberOfAtoms(state, headerTokens);
+    handleAtoms(state, block);
+    handleBoxVectors(state, headerTokens);
+    return result(file);
+function parse(data) {
+    return parseInternal(data);
+export { parse as groReader };
diff --git a/dist/molio.js b/dist/molio.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f83341da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/molio.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!function(t,n){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?n(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],n):n(t.MOLIO={})}(this,function(t){"use strict";function n(t,n,e){var i=0,r=1;for(45===t.charCodeAt(n)&&(r=-1,n++);n<e;n++){var o=t.charCodeAt(n)-48;if(o>9||o<0)return r*i|0;i=10*i+o|0}return r*i}function e(t,e,i,r){return 43===e.charCodeAt(i)&&i++,t*Math.pow(10,n(e,i,r))}function i(t,n,i){var r=1,o=0,s=0,u=1;for(45===t.charCodeAt(n)&&(r=-1,++n);n<i;){var a=t.charCodeAt(n)-48;if(!(a>=0&&a<10)){if(-2===a){for(++n;n<i;){if(!((a=t.charCodeAt(n)-48)>=0&&a<10))return 53===a||21===a?e(r*(o+s/u),t,n+1,i):r*(o+s/u);s=10*s+a,u*=10,++n}return r*(o+s/u)}if(53===a||21===a)return e(r*o,t,n+1,i);break}o=10*o+a,++n}return r*o}function r(t){for(;t.position<t.length;)switch({case 10:return t.currentTokenEnd=t.position,++t.position,void++t.currentLineNumber;case 13:return t.currentTokenEnd=t.position,++t.position,++t.currentLineNumber,void(;default:++t.position}t.currentTokenEnd=t.position}function o(t){for(;t.position<t.length;)switch({case 9:case 10:case 13:case 32:return void(t.currentTokenEnd=t.position);default:++t.position}t.currentTokenEnd=t.position}function s(t){for(var n=10;t.position<t.length;){var;switch(e){case 9:case 32:n=e,++t.position;break;case 10:13!==n&&++t.currentLineNumber,n=e,++t.position;break;case 13:n=e,++t.position,++t.currentLineNumber;break;default:return n}}return n}function u(t){return{data:t,position:0,length:t.length,currentLineNumber:1,currentTokenStart:0,currentTokenEnd:0,numberOfAtoms:0,hasVelocities:!1,numberOfDecimalPlaces:3}}function a(t,n){r(t);for(var e=t.currentTokenStart,i=t.currentTokenEnd,o=t.currentTokenStart,s=e;s<i&&!d(,s);)++s;if(d(,s)){for(var u=s+2;s>e&&c(,s-1);)--s;for(v.add(n,o,s);u<i&&;)++u;for(;s>u&&;)--s;v.add(n,u,i)}else v.add(n,o,s),v.add(n,s,s)}function c(t,n){var e=t.charCodeAt(n);return 32===e||44===e}function d(t,n){var e=t.charCodeAt(n);return(84===e||116===e)&&61===t.charCodeAt(n+1)}function h(t,e){s(t),t.currentTokenStart=t.position,o(t),t.numberOfAtoms=n(,t.currentTokenStart,t.currentTokenEnd),v.add(e,t.currentTokenStart,t.currentTokenEnd),r(t)}function f(t,n){var e=["residueNumber","residueName","atomName","atomNumber","x","y","z"];t.hasVelocities&&e.push("vx","vy","vz");for(var i,o,s,u=[5,5,5,5,8,8,8,8,8,8],a=e.length,c=v.create(2*t.numberOfAtoms*a),d=t.position,h=0;h<t.numberOfAtoms;++h){t.currentTokenStart=t.position,o=t.currentTokenStart;for(var f=0;f<a;++f){for(s=i=o,d=o=i+u[f];s<d&&;)++s;for(;d>s&&;)--d;v.addUnchecked(c,s,d)}t.position=d,r(t)}n.addTable(new k(,"atoms",e,c))}function p(t,n){for(var e=0;e<3;++e)s(t),t.currentTokenStart=t.position,o(t),v.add(n,t.currentTokenStart,t.currentTokenEnd)}function l(t){return w.success(t)}function m(t){var n=u(t),e=new E(t),i=new N(t);e.blocks.push(i);var r=["title","timeInPs","numberOfAtoms","boxX","boxY","boxZ"],o=v.create(2*r.length),s=new k(,"header",r,o);return i.addTable(s),a(n,o),h(n,o),f(n,i),p(n,o),l(e)}var v;!function(t){function n(t){var n=new Int32Array(1.61*t.indices.length|0);n.set(t.indices),t.indices=n,t.indicesLenMinus2=n.length-2|0}t.add=function(t,e,i){t.count>t.indicesLenMinus2&&n(t),t.indices[t.count++]=e,t.indices[t.count++]=i},t.addUnchecked=function(t,n,e){t.indices[t.count++]=n,t.indices[t.count++]=e},t.create=function(t){return{indicesLenMinus2:t-2|0,count:0,indices:new Int32Array(t)}}}(v||(v={}));var g=function(){this.isDefined=!1};g.prototype.getString=function(t){return null},g.prototype.getInteger=function(t){return 0},g.prototype.getFloat=function(t){return 0},g.prototype.getValuePresence=function(t){return 1},g.prototype.areValuesEqual=function(t,n){return!0},g.prototype.stringEquals=function(t,n){return null===n};var b,y=new g;!function(t){t.create=function(){return Object.create(null)},t.get=function(t,n){if(n.length>6)return n;var e=t[n];return void 0!==e?e:(t[n]=n,n)}}(b||(b={}));var C=function(t,n,e,i){,,this.index=i,this.stringPool=b.create(),this.isDefined=!0,this.indices=t.indices,this.columnCount=t.columnCount};C.prototype.getString=function(t){var n=2*(t*this.columnCount+this.index);return b.get(this.stringPool,[n],this.indices[n+1]))},C.prototype.getInteger=function(t){var e=2*(t*this.columnCount+this.index);return n(,this.indices[e],this.indices[e+1])},C.prototype.getFloat=function(t){var n=2*(t*this.columnCount+this.index);return i(,this.indices[n],this.indices[n+1])},C.prototype.stringEquals=function(t,n){var e=this,i=2*(t*this.columnCount+this.index),r=this.indices[i],o=n.length;if(o!==this.indices[i+1]-r)return!1;for(var s=0;s<o;s++)if(!==n.charCodeAt(s))return!1;return!0},C.prototype.areValuesEqual=function(t,n){var e=this,i=2*(t*this.columnCount+this.index),r=2*(n*this.columnCount+this.index),o=this.indices[i],s=this.indices[r],u=this.indices[i+1]-o;if(u!==this.indices[r+1]-s)return!1;for(var a=0;a<u;a++)if(!!1;return!0},C.prototype.getValuePresence=function(t){var n=2*(t*this.columnCount+this.index);return this.indices[n]===this.indices[n+1]?1:0};var A=function(t){function n(){t.apply(this,arguments)}return t&&(n.__proto__=t),n.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n,n.prototype.getString=function(n){var,n);return"."===e||"?"===e?null:e},n.prototype.getValuePresence=function(t){var n=2*(t*this.columnCount+this.index),e=this.indices[n];if(this.indices[n+1]-e!=1)return 0;var;return 46===i?1:63===i?2:0},n}(C),k=function(t,n,e,i){,this.indices=i.indices,,this.columnCount=e.length,this.rowCount=i.count/2/e.length|0,this.initColumns(e)},T={columnNames:{}};T.columnNames.get=function(){return this.columnNameList},k.prototype.getColumn=function(t){var n=this.columnIndices.get(t);return void 0!==n?new C(this,,t,n):y},k.prototype.initColumns=function(t){var n=this;this.columnIndices=new Map,this.columnNameList=[];for(var e=0;e<t.length;e++)n.columnIndices.set(t[e],e),n.columnNameList.push(t[e])},Object.defineProperties(k.prototype,T);var w;!function(t){function n(){t.apply(this,arguments)}t&&(n.__proto__=t),n.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n,n.prototype.getColumn=function(t){var n=this.columnIndices.get(t);return void 0!==n?new A(this,,t,n):y},n.prototype.initColumns=function(t){var n=this;this.columnIndices=new Map,this.columnNameList=[];for(var e=0;e<t.length;e++){var i=t[e].substr(;n.columnIndices.set(i,e),n.columnNameList.push(i)}}}(k);!function(t){t.error=function(t,n){return void 0===n&&(n=-1),new L(t,n)},t.success=function(t,n){return void 0===n&&(n=[]),new x(t,n)}}(w||(w={}));var L=function(t,n){this.message=t,this.line=n,this.isError=!0};L.prototype.toString=function(){return this.line>=0?"[Line "+this.line+"] "+this.message:this.message};var x=function(t,n){this.result=t,this.warnings=n,this.isError=!1},E=function(t){this.blocks=[],},N=function(t){,this.tableMap=new Map,this.tableList=[]};N.prototype.getTable=function(t){return this.tableMap.get(t)},N.prototype.addTable=function(t){this.tableList[this.tableList.length]=t,this.tableMap.set(,t)},t.groReader=function(t){return m(t)},Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})});