diff --git a/src/mol-model/structure/model/types.ts b/src/mol-model/structure/model/types.ts
index 76c0982a1f65792f5597106ad90b011c01420d79..8b5e1b947e970cc7bf8fcb6533801849423e972e 100644
--- a/src/mol-model/structure/model/types.ts
+++ b/src/mol-model/structure/model/types.ts
@@ -391,6 +391,31 @@ export namespace SecondaryStructureType {
+/** Maximum accessible surface area observed for amino acids. Taken from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0080635 */
+export const MaxAsa = {
+    'ALA': 121.0,
+    'ARG': 265.0,
+    'ASN': 187.0,
+    'ASP': 187.0,
+    'CYS': 148.0,
+    'GLU': 214.0,
+    'GLN': 214.0,
+    'GLY': 97.0,
+    'HIS': 216.0,
+    'ILE': 195.0,
+    'LEU': 191.0,
+    'LYS': 230.0,
+    'MET': 203.0,
+    'PHE': 228.0,
+    'PRO': 154.0,
+    'SER': 143.0,
+    'THR': 163.0,
+    'TRP': 264.0,
+    'TYR': 255.0,
+    'VAL': 165.0
+export const DefaultMaxAsa = 121.0
 export const VdwRadii = {
     'H': 1.1,
     'HE': 1.4,
diff --git a/src/mol-model/structure/structure/accessible-surface-area.ts b/src/mol-model/structure/structure/accessible-surface-area.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..754aaf7d6aef86c7cc1443ce7426e2fe1eb9f5ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mol-model/structure/structure/accessible-surface-area.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * @author Sebastian Bittrich <sebastian.bittrich@rcsb.org>
+ */
+import Structure from './structure';
+import { Task, RuntimeContext } from 'mol-task';
+import { BitFlags } from 'mol-util';
+import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition'
+import { Vec3 } from 'mol-math/linear-algebra';
+import { isPolymer, ElementSymbol, isNucleic, MoleculeType } from '../model/types';
+import { VdwRadius } from '../model/properties/atomic';
+import { isHydrogen, getElementIdx } from './unit/links/common';
+namespace AccessibleSurfaceArea {
+    // Chothia's amino acid and nucleotide atom vdw radii
+    export const VdWLookup = [
+        -1.0, // 0: missing
+        1.76, // 1: trigonal C
+        1.87, // 2: tetrahedral C
+        1.65, // 3: trigonal N
+        1.50, // 4: tetrahedral N
+        1.40, // 5: O
+        1.85, // 6: S
+        1.80, // 7: C (nucleic)
+        1.60, // 8: N (nucleic)
+        1.40  // 9: P (nucleic)
+    ] // can still be appended on-the-fly for rare elements like selenium
+    /**
+     * Adapts the BioJava implementation by Jose Duarte. That implementation is based on the publication by Shrake, A., and
+     * J. A. Rupley. "Environment and Exposure to Solvent of Protein Atoms. Lysozyme and Insulin." JMB (1973).
+     */
+    export function compute(structure: Structure,
+        params: Partial<PD.Values<AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParams>> = {}) {
+        params = { ...PD.getDefaultValues(AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParams), ...params };
+        return Task.create('Compute Accessible Surface Area', async rtctx => {
+            return await _compute(rtctx, structure, params);
+        }).run();
+    }
+    async function _compute(rtctx: RuntimeContext, structure: Structure, params: Partial<PD.Values<AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParams>> = {}): Promise<AccessibleSurfaceArea> {
+        const ctx = initialize(rtctx, structure, params);
+        assignRadiusForHeavyAtoms(ctx);
+        computePerResidue(ctx);
+        normalizeAccessibleSurfaceArea(ctx);
+        return {
+            accessibleSurfaceArea: ctx.accessibleSurfaceArea!,
+            relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea: ctx.relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea!,
+            buried: (index: number) => ctx.relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea![index] < 0.16 // TODO this doesnt seem super elegant
+        };
+    }
+    interface AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext {
+        rtctx: RuntimeContext,
+        structure: Structure,
+        params: Partial<PD.Values<AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParams>>,
+        spherePoints: Vec3[],
+        cons: number,
+        maxLookupRadius: number,
+        atomRadius?: Int8Array,
+        accessibleSurfaceArea?: Float32Array,
+        relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea?: Float32Array
+    }
+    function normalizeAccessibleSurfaceArea(ctx: AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext) {
+        const { accessibleSurfaceArea, relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea, structure } = ctx;
+        const { residues, derived } = structure.model.atomicHierarchy;
+        for (let i = 0; i < residues.label_comp_id.rowCount; ++i) {
+            // skip entities not part of a polymer chain
+            if (!ctx.params.nonPolymer) {
+                if (!isPolymer(derived.residue.moleculeType[i])) continue;
+            }
+            const maxAsa = (MaxAsa as any)[residues.label_comp_id.value(i)];
+            const rasa = accessibleSurfaceArea![i] / (maxAsa === undefined ? DefaultMaxAsa : maxAsa);
+            relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea![i] = rasa;
+        }
+    }
+    async function computePerResidue(ctx: AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext) {
+        const { structure, atomRadius, accessibleSurfaceArea, spherePoints, cons, params, maxLookupRadius } = ctx;
+        const { probeSize } = params;
+        const { model, elementCount: atomCount } = structure;
+        const { x, y, z } = model.atomicConformation;
+        const { residueAtomSegments } = model.atomicHierarchy;
+        const { lookup3d } = structure;
+        const position = (i: number, v: Vec3) => Vec3.set(v, x[i], y[i], z[i]);
+        const aPos = Vec3.zero();
+        const bPos = Vec3.zero();
+        let testPoint = Vec3.zero();
+        for (let aI = 0; aI < atomCount; ++aI) {
+            if (aI % 10000 === 0) {
+                if (ctx.rtctx.shouldUpdate) {
+                    await ctx.rtctx.update({ message: 'calculating accessible surface area', current: aI, max: atomCount });
+                }
+            }
+            const radius1 = VdWLookup[atomRadius![aI]];
+            if (radius1 === VdWLookup[0]) continue;
+            // pre-filter by lookup3d
+            // 36275 ms - lookup ~3000 ms
+            const { count, units, indices, squaredDistances } = lookup3d.find(x[aI], y[aI], z[aI], maxLookupRadius);
+            // collect neighbors for each atom
+            const cutoff1 = probeSize! + probeSize! + radius1;
+            const neighbors = [];
+            for (let iI = 0; iI < count; ++iI) {
+                const bI = units[iI].elements[indices[iI]];
+                const radius2 = VdWLookup[atomRadius![bI]];
+                if (aI === bI || radius2 === VdWLookup[0]) continue;
+                const cutoff2 = (cutoff1 + radius2) * (cutoff1 + radius2);
+                if (squaredDistances[iI] < cutoff2) {
+                    neighbors[neighbors.length] = bI;
+                }
+            }
+            // for all neighbors: test all sphere points
+            position(aI, aPos);
+            const scalar = probeSize! + radius1;
+            let accessiblePointCount = 0;
+            for (let sI = 0; sI < spherePoints.length; ++sI) {
+                const spherePoint = spherePoints[sI];
+                testPoint = [spherePoint[0] * scalar + aPos[0], spherePoint[1] * scalar + aPos[1], spherePoint[2] * scalar + aPos[2]] as Vec3;
+                let accessible = true;
+                for (let _nI = 0; _nI < neighbors.length; ++_nI) {
+                    const nI = neighbors[_nI];
+                    position(nI, bPos);
+                    const radius3 = VdWLookup[atomRadius![nI]];
+                    const cutoff3 = (radius3 + probeSize!) * (radius3 + probeSize!);
+                    if (Vec3.squaredDistance(testPoint, bPos) < cutoff3) {
+                        accessible = false;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (accessible) ++accessiblePointCount;
+            }
+            accessibleSurfaceArea![residueAtomSegments.index[aI]] += cons * accessiblePointCount * scalar * scalar;
+        }
+    }
+    function assignRadiusForHeavyAtoms(ctx: AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext) {
+        const { structure } = ctx;
+        const { model, elementCount: atomCount } = structure;
+        const { atoms: atomInfo, derived, residues, residueAtomSegments } = model.atomicHierarchy;
+        const { label_comp_id } = residues;
+        const { moleculeType } = derived.residue;
+        const { type_symbol, label_atom_id } = atomInfo;
+        const residueCount = moleculeType.length;
+        // with atom and residue count at hand: initialize arrays
+        ctx.atomRadius = new Int8Array(atomCount - 1);
+        ctx.accessibleSurfaceArea = new Float32Array(residueCount - 1);
+        ctx.relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea = new Float32Array(residueCount - 1);
+        for (let aI = 0; aI < atomCount; ++aI) {
+            const rI = residueAtomSegments.index[aI];
+            const element = type_symbol.value(aI);
+            const elementIdx = getElementIdx(element);
+            // skip hydrogen atoms
+            if (isHydrogen(elementIdx)) {
+                ctx.atomRadius[aI] = VdWLookup[0];
+                continue;
+            }
+            const residueType = moleculeType[rI];
+            // skip non-polymer groups
+            if (!ctx.params.nonPolymer) {
+                if (!isPolymer(residueType)) {
+                    ctx.atomRadius[aI] = VdWLookup[0];
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            const atomId = label_atom_id.value(aI);
+            let compId = label_comp_id.value(rI);
+            // handle modified residues
+            const parentId = model.properties.modifiedResidues.parentId.get(compId);
+            if (parentId !== void 0) compId = parentId;
+            if (isNucleic(residueType)) {
+                 ctx.atomRadius[aI] = determineRadiusNucl(atomId, element, compId);
+            } else if (residueType === MoleculeType.protein) {
+                ctx.atomRadius[aI] = determineRadiusAmino(atomId, element, compId);
+            } else {
+                ctx.atomRadius[aI] = handleNonStandardCase(element);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the van der Waals radius of the given atom following the values defined by Chothia (1976)
+     * J.Mol.Biol.105,1-14. NOTE: the vdw values defined by the paper assume no Hydrogens and thus "inflates" slightly
+     * the heavy atoms to account for Hydrogens.
+     */
+    function determineRadiusAmino(atomId: string, element: ElementSymbol, compId: string): number {
+        switch (element) {
+            case 'O':
+            return 5;
+            case 'S':
+            return 6;
+            case 'N':
+            return atomId === 'NZ' ? 4 : 3;
+            case 'C':
+            switch (atomId) {
+                case 'C': case 'CE1': case'CE2': case 'CE3': case 'CH2': case 'CZ': case 'CZ2': case 'CZ3':
+                return 1;
+                case 'CA': case 'CB': case 'CE': case 'CG1': case 'CG2':
+                return 2;
+                default:
+                switch (compId) {
+                    case 'PHE': case 'TRP': case 'TYR': case 'HIS': case 'ASP': case 'ASN':
+                    return 1;
+                    case 'PRO': case 'LYS': case 'ARG': case 'MET': case 'ILE': case 'LEU':
+                    return 2;
+                    case 'GLU': case 'GLN':
+                    return atomId === 'CD' ? 1 : 2;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return handleNonStandardCase(element);
+    }
+    function determineRadiusNucl(atomId: string, element: ElementSymbol, compId: string): number {
+        switch (element) {
+            case 'C':
+            return 7;
+            case 'N':
+            return 8;
+            case 'P':
+            return 9;
+            case 'O':
+            return 5;
+        }
+        return handleNonStandardCase(element);
+    }
+    function handleNonStandardCase(element: ElementSymbol): number {
+        const radius = VdwRadius(element);
+        let index = VdWLookup.indexOf(radius);
+        if (index === -1) {
+            // add novel value to lookup array
+            index = VdWLookup.length;
+            VdWLookup[index] = radius;
+        }
+        return index;
+    }
+    function initialize(rtctx: RuntimeContext, structure: Structure, params: Partial<PD.Values<AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParams>>): AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext {
+        return {
+            rtctx: rtctx,
+            structure: structure,
+            params: params,
+            spherePoints: generateSpherePoints(params.numberOfSpherePoints!),
+            cons: 4.0 * Math.PI / params.numberOfSpherePoints!,
+            maxLookupRadius: 2 * params.probeSize! + 2 * VdWLookup[2] // 2x probe size + 2x largest VdW
+        }
+    }
+    /** Creates a collection of points on a sphere by the Golden Section Spiral algorithm. */
+    function generateSpherePoints(numberOfSpherePoints: number): Vec3[] {
+        const points: Vec3[] = [];
+        const inc = Math.PI * (3.0 - Math.sqrt(5.0));
+        const offset = 2.0 / numberOfSpherePoints;
+        for (let k = 0; k < numberOfSpherePoints; ++k) {
+            const y = k * offset - 1.0 + (offset / 2.0);
+            const r = Math.sqrt(1.0 - y * y);
+            const phi = k * inc;
+            points[points.length] = [Math.cos(phi) * r, y, Math.sin(phi) * r] as Vec3;
+        }
+        return points;
+    }
+    /** Maximum accessible surface area observed for amino acids. Taken from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0080635 */
+    export const MaxAsa = {
+        'ALA': 121.0,
+        'ARG': 265.0,
+        'ASN': 187.0,
+        'ASP': 187.0,
+        'CYS': 148.0,
+        'GLU': 214.0,
+        'GLN': 214.0,
+        'GLY': 97.0,
+        'HIS': 216.0,
+        'ILE': 195.0,
+        'LEU': 191.0,
+        'LYS': 230.0,
+        'MET': 203.0,
+        'PHE': 228.0,
+        'PRO': 154.0,
+        'SER': 143.0,
+        'THR': 163.0,
+        'TRP': 264.0,
+        'TYR': 255.0,
+        'VAL': 165.0
+    }
+    export const DefaultMaxAsa = 121.0
+    export const AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParams = {
+        numberOfSpherePoints: PD.Numeric(92, {}, { description: 'number of sphere points to sample per atom: 92 (original paper), 960 (BioJava), 3000 (EPPIC) - see Shrake A, Rupley JA: Environment and exposure to solvent of protein atoms. Lysozyme and insulin. J Mol Biol 1973.' }),
+        probeSize: PD.Numeric(1.4, {}, { description: 'corresponds to the size of a water molecule: 1.4 (original paper), 1.5 (occassionally used)' }),
+        buriedRasaThreshold: PD.Numeric(0.16, { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 }, { description: 'below this cutoff of relative accessible surface area a residue will be considered buried - see: Rost B, Sander C: Conservation and prediction of solvent accessibility in protein families. Proteins 1994.' }),
+        nonPolymer: PD.Boolean(false, { description: 'Include non-polymer atoms in computation.' })
+    }
+    export type AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParams = typeof AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParams
+    export namespace SolventAccessibility {
+        export const is: (t: number, f: Flag) => boolean = BitFlags.has
+        export const create: (f: Flag) => number = BitFlags.create
+        export const enum Flag {
+            _ = 0x0,
+            BURIED = 0x1,
+            ACCESSIBLE = 0x2
+        }
+    }
+interface AccessibleSurfaceArea {
+    readonly accessibleSurfaceArea?: ArrayLike<number>
+    readonly relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea?: ArrayLike<number>
+    buried(index: number): boolean
+export { AccessibleSurfaceArea }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mol-model/structure/structure/unit.ts b/src/mol-model/structure/structure/unit.ts
index 258141272e6fe52857ea23f20a2619b94e37fdf9..28869515a8ab573b618a463aaaf92f5b3b84927c 100644
--- a/src/mol-model/structure/structure/unit.ts
+++ b/src/mol-model/structure/structure/unit.ts
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace Unit {
             rings: ValueRef.create(void 0),
             polymerElements: ValueRef.create(void 0),
             gapElements: ValueRef.create(void 0),
-            nucleotideElements: ValueRef.create(void 0),
+            nucleotideElements: ValueRef.create(void 0)
diff --git a/src/mol-model/structure/structure/util/lookup3d.ts b/src/mol-model/structure/structure/util/lookup3d.ts
index 2427ba51e2d0bb44a4200fe4b0384a63f8669664..d63fb8721dcb5c57df5cb326139d0a8a9b12bc04 100644
--- a/src/mol-model/structure/structure/util/lookup3d.ts
+++ b/src/mol-model/structure/structure/util/lookup3d.ts
@@ -5,12 +5,30 @@
 import Structure from '../structure'
-import { Lookup3D, GridLookup3D, Result, Box3D, Sphere3D } from 'mol-math/geometry';
+import { Lookup3D, GridLookup3D, Box3D, Sphere3D, Result } from 'mol-math/geometry';
 import { Vec3 } from 'mol-math/linear-algebra';
 import { computeStructureBoundary } from './boundary';
 import { OrderedSet } from 'mol-data/int';
 import { StructureUniqueSubsetBuilder } from './unique-subset-builder';
 import StructureElement from '../element';
+import Unit from '../unit';
+export interface StructureResult extends Result<number> {
+    units: Unit[]
+export namespace StructureResult {
+    export function add(result: StructureResult, unit: Unit, index: number, distSq: number) {
+        result.indices[result.count] = index;
+        result.units[result.count] = unit;
+        result.squaredDistances[result.count] = distSq;
+        result.count++;
+    }
+    export function create(): StructureResult {
+        return { count: 0, indices: [], units: [], squaredDistances: [] };
+    }
 export class StructureLookup3D {
     private unitLookup: Lookup3D;
@@ -20,28 +38,27 @@ export class StructureLookup3D {
         return this.unitLookup.find(x, y, z, radius);
-    // TODO: find another efficient way how to implement this instead of using "tuple".
-    // find(x: number, y: number, z: number, radius: number): Result<Element.Packed> {
-    //     Result.reset(this.result);
-    //     const { units } = this.structure;
-    //     const closeUnits = this.unitLookup.find(x, y, z, radius);
-    //     if (closeUnits.count === 0) return this.result;
-    //     for (let t = 0, _t = closeUnits.count; t < _t; t++) {
-    //         const unit = units[closeUnits.indices[t]];
-    //         Vec3.set(this.pivot, x, y, z);
-    //         if (!unit.conformation.operator.isIdentity) {
-    //             Vec3.transformMat4(this.pivot, this.pivot, unit.conformation.operator.inverse);
-    //         }
-    //         const unitLookup = unit.lookup3d;
-    //         const groupResult = unitLookup.find(this.pivot[0], this.pivot[1], this.pivot[2], radius);
-    //         for (let j = 0, _j = groupResult.count; j < _j; j++) {
-    //             Result.add(this.result, Element.Packed.create(unit.id, groupResult.indices[j]), groupResult.squaredDistances[j]);
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     return this.result;
-    // }
+    private result: StructureResult = StructureResult.create();
+    find(x: number, y: number, z: number, radius: number): StructureResult {
+        Result.reset(this.result);
+        const { units } = this.structure;
+        const closeUnits = this.unitLookup.find(x, y, z, radius);
+        if (closeUnits.count === 0) return this.result;
+        for (let t = 0, _t = closeUnits.count; t < _t; t++) {
+            const unit = units[closeUnits.indices[t]];
+            Vec3.set(this.pivot, x, y, z);
+            if (!unit.conformation.operator.isIdentity) {
+                Vec3.transformMat4(this.pivot, this.pivot, unit.conformation.operator.inverse);
+            }
+            const unitLookup = unit.lookup3d;
+            const groupResult = unitLookup.find(this.pivot[0], this.pivot[1], this.pivot[2], radius);
+            for (let j = 0, _j = groupResult.count; j < _j; j++) {
+                StructureResult.add(this.result, unit, groupResult.indices[j], groupResult.squaredDistances[j]);
+            }
+        }
+        return this.result;
+    }
     findIntoBuilder(x: number, y: number, z: number, radius: number, builder: StructureUniqueSubsetBuilder) {
         const { units } = this.structure;
@@ -98,8 +115,6 @@ export class StructureLookup3D {
     check(x: number, y: number, z: number, radius: number): boolean {
         const { units } = this.structure;
         const closeUnits = this.unitLookup.find(x, y, z, radius);
diff --git a/src/tests/browser/render-asa.ts b/src/tests/browser/render-asa.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a77239225bb01a525e33481bcd6a0403c341b757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/browser/render-asa.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de>
+ */
+import './index.html'
+import { Canvas3D } from 'mol-canvas3d/canvas3d';
+import CIF, { CifFrame } from 'mol-io/reader/cif'
+import { Model, Structure, StructureElement, Unit } from 'mol-model/structure';
+import { ColorTheme, LocationColor } from 'mol-theme/color';
+import { SizeTheme } from 'mol-theme/size';
+import { CartoonRepresentationProvider } from 'mol-repr/structure/representation/cartoon';
+import { trajectoryFromMmCIF } from 'mol-model-formats/structure/mmcif';
+import { AccessibleSurfaceArea } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/accessible-surface-area';
+import { Color, ColorScale } from 'mol-util/color';
+import { Location } from 'mol-model/location';
+import { ThemeDataContext } from 'mol-theme/theme';
+import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+import { ColorListName, ColorListOptions } from 'mol-util/color/scale';
+const parent = document.getElementById('app')!
+parent.style.width = '100%'
+parent.style.height = '100%'
+const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
+canvas.style.width = '100%'
+canvas.style.height = '100%'
+const canvas3d = Canvas3D.create(canvas, parent)
+async function parseCif(data: string|Uint8Array) {
+    const comp = CIF.parse(data);
+    const parsed = await comp.run();
+    if (parsed.isError) throw parsed;
+    return parsed.result;
+async function downloadCif(url: string, isBinary: boolean) {
+    const data = await fetch(url);
+    return parseCif(isBinary ? new Uint8Array(await data.arrayBuffer()) : await data.text());
+async function downloadFromPdb(pdb: string) {
+    // const parsed = await downloadCif(`https://files.rcsb.org/download/${pdb}.cif`, false);
+    const parsed = await downloadCif(`https://webchem.ncbr.muni.cz/ModelServer/static/bcif/${pdb}`, true);
+    return parsed.blocks[0];
+async function getModels(frame: CifFrame) {
+    return await trajectoryFromMmCIF(frame).run();
+async function getStructure(model: Model) {
+    return Structure.ofModel(model);
+const reprCtx = {
+    colorThemeRegistry: ColorTheme.createRegistry(),
+    sizeThemeRegistry: SizeTheme.createRegistry()
+function getCartoonRepr() {
+    return CartoonRepresentationProvider.factory(reprCtx, CartoonRepresentationProvider.getParams)
+let accessibleSurfaceArea: AccessibleSurfaceArea;
+async function init(props = {}) {
+    const cif = await downloadFromPdb(
+        // '3j3q'
+        // '1aon'
+        // '1acj'
+        // '1pga'
+        '1brr'
+        // '1hrc'
+    )
+    const models = await getModels(cif)
+    const structure = await getStructure(models[0])
+    // async compute ASA
+    accessibleSurfaceArea = await AccessibleSurfaceArea.compute(structure)
+    const cartoonRepr = getCartoonRepr()
+    // create color theme
+    cartoonRepr.setTheme({
+        color: AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorTheme(reprCtx, { ...PD.getDefaultValues(AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams), ...props }),
+        size: reprCtx.sizeThemeRegistry.create('uniform', { structure })
+    })
+    await cartoonRepr.createOrUpdate({ ...CartoonRepresentationProvider.defaultValues, quality: 'auto' }, structure).run()
+    canvas3d.add(cartoonRepr)
+    canvas3d.resetCamera()
+const DefaultColor = Color(0xFFFFFF)
+const Description = 'Assigns a color based on the relative accessible surface area of a residue.'
+export const AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams = {
+    list: PD.ColorScale<ColorListName>('Rainbow', ColorListOptions)
+export type AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams = typeof AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams
+export function getAccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams(ctx: ThemeDataContext) {
+    return AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams // TODO return copy
+export function AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorTheme(ctx: ThemeDataContext, props: PD.Values<AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams>): ColorTheme<AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams> {
+    let color: LocationColor = () => DefaultColor
+    const scale = ColorScale.create({
+        listOrName: props.list,
+        minLabel: '0.0 (buried)',
+        maxLabel: '1.0 (exposed)',
+        domain: [0.0, 1.0]
+    })
+    color = (location: Location): Color => {
+        if (StructureElement.isLocation(location)) {
+            if (Unit.isAtomic(location.unit)) {
+                const value = accessibleSurfaceArea.relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea![location.unit.residueIndex[location.element]];
+                return value !== AccessibleSurfaceArea.VdWLookup[0] /* signals missing value */ ? scale.color(value) : DefaultColor;
+            }
+        }
+        return DefaultColor
+    }
+    return {
+        factory: AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorTheme,
+        granularity: 'group',
+        color,
+        props,
+        description: Description,
+        legend: scale ? scale.legend : undefined
+    }
+export const AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeProvider: ColorTheme.Provider<AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams> = {
+    label: 'Accessible Surface Area',
+    factory: AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorTheme,
+    getParams: getAccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams,
+    defaultValues: PD.getDefaultValues(AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams),
+    isApplicable: (ctx: ThemeDataContext) => !!ctx.structure
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webpack.config.js b/webpack.config.js
index 90c91d820e6e4c329f4e8c77eed90565f13694ff..28c3be13aab7da7eb0e18b7b6dfeacd9edfa8b97 100644
--- a/webpack.config.js
+++ b/webpack.config.js
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ module.exports = [
+    createBrowserTest('render-asa'),