diff --git a/src/mol-math/geometry/molecular-surface.ts b/src/mol-math/geometry/molecular-surface.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfd5346804c729ab1e41f8818581576559d0091a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mol-math/geometry/molecular-surface.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * @author Fred Ludlow <fred.ludlow@gmail.com>
+ * @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de>
+ *
+ * ported from NGL (https://github.com/arose/ngl), licensed under MIT
+ */
+import { fillUniform } from 'mol-util/array';
+import { Vec3 } from 'mol-math/linear-algebra';
+import { NumberArray } from 'mol-util/type-helpers';
+import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+import { number } from 'prop-types';
+import { Lookup3D, Result } from './lookup3d/common';
+import { RuntimeContext } from 'mol-task';
+import { OrderedSet } from 'mol-data/int';
+import { PositionData } from './common';
+function normalToLine (out: Vec3, p: Vec3) {
+    out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 1.0
+    if (p[0] !== 0) {
+        out[0] = (p[1] + p[2]) / -p[0]
+    } else if (p[1] !== 0) {
+        out[1] = (p[0] + p[2]) / -p[1]
+    } else if (p[2] !== 0) {
+        out[2] = (p[0] + p[1]) / -p[2]
+    }
+    return out
+function fillGridDim (a: Float32Array, start: number, step: number) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+        a[i] = start + (step * i)
+    }
+type AnglesTables = { cosTable: Float32Array, sinTable: Float32Array }
+function getAngleTables (probePositions: number): AnglesTables {
+    let theta = 0.0
+    const step = 2 * Math.PI / probePositions
+    const cosTable = new Float32Array(probePositions)
+    const sinTable = new Float32Array(probePositions)
+    for (let i = 0; i < probePositions; i++) {
+        cosTable[ i ] = Math.cos(theta)
+        sinTable[ i ] = Math.sin(theta)
+        theta += step
+    }
+    return { cosTable, sinTable}
+ * Is the point at x,y,z obscured by any of the atoms specifeid by indices in neighbours.
+ * Ignore indices a and b (these are the relevant atoms in projectPoints/Torii)
+ *
+ * Cache the last clipped atom (as very often the same one in subsequent calls)
+ */
+function obscured (state: MolSurfCalcState, x: number, y: number, z: number, a: number, b: number) {
+    let ai: number
+    if (state.lastClip !== -1) {
+        ai = state.lastClip
+        if (ai !== a && ai !== b && singleAtomObscures(state, ai, x, y, z)) {
+            return ai
+        } else {
+            state.lastClip = -1
+        }
+    }
+    let ni = 0
+    ai = state.neighbours[ni]
+    while (ai >= 0) {
+        if (ai !== a && ai !== b && singleAtomObscures(state, ai, x, y, z)) {
+            state.lastClip = ai
+            return ai
+        }
+        ai = state.neighbours[++ni]
+    }
+    state.lastClip = -1
+    return -1
+function singleAtomObscures (state: MolSurfCalcState, ai: number, x: number, y: number, z: number) {
+    const ra2 = state.radiusSq[ai]
+    const dx = state.xCoord[ai] - x
+    const dy = state.yCoord[ai] - y
+    const dz = state.zCoord[ai] - z
+    const d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
+    return d2 < ra2
+ * For each atom:
+ *     Iterate over a subsection of the grid, for each point:
+ *         If current value < 0.0, unvisited, set positive
+ *
+ *         In any case: Project this point onto surface of the atomic sphere
+ *         If this projected point is not obscured by any other atom
+ *             Calculate delta distance and set grid value to minimum of
+ *             itself and delta
+ */
+async function projectPoints (ctx:  RuntimeContext, state: MolSurfCalcState) {
+    const { position, radius, scaleFactor, lookup3D, min, delta } = state
+    const { indices, x, y, z } = position
+    const n = OrderedSet.size(indices)
+    const v = Vec3()
+    const p = Vec3()
+    const c = Vec3()
+    const beg = Vec3()
+    const end = Vec3()
+    const gridPad = 1 / Math.max(...delta)
+    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+        const j = OrderedSet.getAt(indices, i)
+        Vec3.set(v, x[j], y[j], z[j])
+        Vec3.sub(v, v, min)
+        Vec3.mul(c, v, delta)
+        const rad = radius(j)
+        const rSq = rad * rad
+        const r2 = rad * 2 + gridPad
+        const rad2 = Vec3.create(r2, r2, r2)
+        Vec3.mul(rad2, rad2, delta)
+        const r2sq = r2 * r2
+        const [ begX, begY, begZ ] = Vec3.floor(beg, Vec3.sub(beg, c, rad2))
+        const [ endX, endY, endZ ] = Vec3.ceil(end, Vec3.add(end, c, rad2))
+        for (let xi = begX; xi < endX; ++xi) {
+            for (let yi = begY; yi < endY; ++yi) {
+                for (let zi = begZ; zi < endZ; ++zi) {
+                    Vec3.set(p, xi, yi, zi)
+                    Vec3.div(p, p, delta)
+                    const distSq = Vec3.squaredDistance(p, v)
+                    if (distSq <= r2sq) {
+                        const dens = Math.exp(-alpha * (distSq / rSq))
+                        space.add(data, xi, yi, zi, dens)
+                        if (dens > space.get(densData, xi, yi, zi)) {
+                            space.set(densData, xi, yi, zi, dens)
+                            space.set(idData, xi, yi, zi, i)
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.shouldUpdate) {
+            await ctx.update({ message: 'projecting points', current: i, max: n })
+        }
+    }
+    for (let i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
+        const ax = xCoord[ i ]
+        const ay = yCoord[ i ]
+        const az = zCoord[ i ]
+        const ar = radius[ i ]
+        const ar2 = radiusSq[ i ]
+        state.neighbours = lookup3D.find(ax, ay, az, ar)
+        // Number of grid points, round this up...
+        const ng = Math.ceil(ar * scaleFactor)
+        // Center of the atom, mapped to grid points (take floor)
+        const iax = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (ax - min[ 0 ]))
+        const iay = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (ay - min[ 1 ]))
+        const iaz = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (az - min[ 2 ]))
+        // Extents of grid to consider for this atom
+        const minx = Math.max(0, iax - ng)
+        const miny = Math.max(0, iay - ng)
+        const minz = Math.max(0, iaz - ng)
+        // Add two to these points:
+        // - iax are floor'd values so this ensures coverage
+        // - these are loop limits (exclusive)
+        const maxx = Math.min(dim[ 0 ], iax + ng + 2)
+        const maxy = Math.min(dim[ 1 ], iay + ng + 2)
+        const maxz = Math.min(dim[ 2 ], iaz + ng + 2)
+        for (let ix = minx; ix < maxx; ix++) {
+            const dx = gridx[ ix ] - ax
+            const xoffset = dim[ 1 ] * dim[ 2 ] * ix
+            for (let iy = miny; iy < maxy; iy++) {
+                const dy = gridy[ iy ] - ay
+                const dxy2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
+                const xyoffset = xoffset + dim[ 2 ] * iy
+                for (let iz = minz; iz < maxz; iz++) {
+                    const dz = gridz[ iz ] - az
+                    const d2 = dxy2 + dz * dz
+                    if (d2 < ar2) {
+                        const idx = iz + xyoffset
+                        if (grid[idx] < 0.0) {
+                            // Unvisited, make positive
+                            grid[ idx ] = -grid[ idx ]
+                        }
+                        // Project on to the surface of the sphere
+                        // sp is the projected point ( dx, dy, dz ) * ( ra / d )
+                        const d = Math.sqrt(d2)
+                        const ap = ar / d
+                        let spx = dx * ap
+                        let spy = dy * ap
+                        let spz = dz * ap
+                        spx += ax
+                        spy += ay
+                        spz += az
+                        if (obscured(state, spx, spy, spz, i, -1) === -1) {
+                            const dd = ar - d
+                            if (dd < grid[ idx ]) {
+                                grid[ idx ] = dd
+                                atomIndex[ idx ] = i
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// Vectors for Torus Projection
+const atob = Vec3()
+const mid = Vec3()
+const n1 = Vec3()
+const n2 = Vec3()
+function projectTorus (state: MolSurfCalcState, a: number, b: number) {
+    const r1 = state.radius[a]
+    const r2 = state.radius[b]
+    const dx = atob[0] = state.xCoord[b] - state.xCoord[a]
+    const dy = atob[1] = state.yCoord[b] - state.yCoord[a]
+    const dz = atob[2] = state.zCoord[b] - state.zCoord[a]
+    const d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
+    // This check now redundant as already done in AVHash.withinRadii
+    // if (d2 > ((r1 + r2) * (r1 + r2))){ return; }
+    const d = Math.sqrt(d2)
+    // Find angle between a->b vector and the circle
+    // of their intersection by cosine rule
+    const cosA = (r1 * r1 + d * d - r2 * r2) / (2.0 * r1 * d)
+    // distance along a->b at intersection
+    const dmp = r1 * cosA
+    Vec3.normalize(atob, atob)
+    // Create normal to line
+    normalToLine(n1, atob)
+    Vec3.normalize(n1, n1)
+    // Cross together for second normal vector
+    Vec3.cross(n2, atob, n1)
+    Vec3.normalize(n2, n2)
+    // r is radius of circle of intersection
+    const rInt = Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 - dmp * dmp)
+    Vec3.scale(n1, n1, rInt)
+    Vec3.scale(n2, n2, rInt)
+    Vec3.scale(atob, atob, dmp)
+    mid[0] = atob[0] + state.xCoord[a]
+    mid[1] = atob[1] + state.yCoord[a]
+    mid[2] = atob[2] + state.zCoord[a]
+    state.lastClip = -1
+    const { ngTorus, cosTable, sinTable, scaleFactor } = state
+    for (let i = 0; i < state.probePositions; i++) {
+        const cost = cosTable[ i ]
+        const sint = sinTable[ i ]
+        const px = mid[0] + cost * n1[0] + sint * n2[0]
+        const py = mid[1] + cost * n1[1] + sint * n2[1]
+        const pz = mid[2] + cost * n1[2] + sint * n2[2]
+        if (obscured(state, px, py, pz, a, b) === -1) {
+            // As above, iterate over our grid...
+            // px, py, pz in grid coords
+            const iax = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (px - min[0]))
+            const iay = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (py - min[1]))
+            const iaz = Math.floor(scaleFactor * (pz - min[2]))
+            const minx = Math.max(0, iax - ngTorus)
+            const miny = Math.max(0, iay - ngTorus)
+            const minz = Math.max(0, iaz - ngTorus)
+            const maxx = Math.min(dim[0], iax + ngTorus + 2)
+            const maxy = Math.min(dim[1], iay + ngTorus + 2)
+            const maxz = Math.min(dim[2], iaz + ngTorus + 2)
+            for (let ix = minx; ix < maxx; ix++) {
+                const dx = px - gridx[ ix ]
+                const xoffset = dim[1] * dim[2] * ix
+                for (let iy = miny; iy < maxy; iy++) {
+                    const dy = py - gridy[iy]
+                    const  dxy2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
+                    const  xyoffset = xoffset + dim[2] * iy
+                    for (let iz = minz; iz < maxz; iz++) {
+                        const dz = pz - gridz[iz]
+                        const d2 = dxy2 + dz * dz
+                        const  idx = iz + xyoffset
+                        const  current = grid[idx]
+                        if (current > 0.0 && d2 < (current * current)) {
+                            grid[idx] = Math.sqrt(d2)
+                            // Is this grid point closer to a or b?
+                            // Take dot product of atob and gridpoint->p (dx, dy, dz)
+                            const dp = dx * atob[0] + dy * atob [1] + dz * atob[2]
+                            atomIndex[idx] = dp < 0.0 ? b : a
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+function projectTorii (state: MolSurfCalcState) {
+    const { n: nAtoms, neighbours, hash, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, radius } = state
+    for (let i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
+        hash.withinRadii(xCoord[i], yCoord[i], zCoord[i], radius[i], neighbours)
+        let ia = 0
+        let ni = neighbours[ ia ]
+        while (ni >= 0) {
+            if (i < ni) {
+            projectTorus(state, i, ni)
+            }
+            ni = neighbours[ ++ia ]
+        }
+    }
+function fixNegatives (grid: NumberArray) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
+        if (grid[i] < 0) grid[i] = 0
+    }
+function fixAtomIDs (atomIndex: NumberArray, indexList: NumberArray) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < atomIndex.length; i++) {
+        atomIndex[i] = indexList[atomIndex[i]]
+    }
+interface MolSurfCalcState {
+    /** Cached last value for obscured test */
+    lastClip: number
+    /** Neighbours as transient result array from lookup3d */
+    neighbours: Result<number>
+    lookup3D: Lookup3D
+    position: PositionData
+    radius: (index: number) => number
+    delta: Vec3
+    min: Vec3
+    maxRadius: number
+    n: number
+    scaleFactor: number
+    /** Angle lookup tables */
+    cosTable: Float32Array
+    sinTable: Float32Array
+    probePositions: number
+    ngTorus: number
+export const MolecularSurfaceCalculationParams = {
+    scaleFactor: PD.Numeric(2, { min: 0.1, max: 10, step: 0.1 }),
+    probeRadius: PD.Numeric(1.4, { min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.1 }),
+    probePositions: PD.Numeric(30, { min: 12, max: 90, step: 1 }),
+export const DefaultMolecularSurfaceCalculationProps = PD.getDefaultValues(MolecularSurfaceCalculationParams)
+export type MolecularSurfaceCalculationProps = typeof DefaultMolecularSurfaceCalculationProps
+function createState(nAtoms: number, props: MolecularSurfaceCalculationProps): MolSurfCalcState {
+    const { scaleFactor, probeRadius, probePositions } = props
+    const { cosTable, sinTable } = getAngleTables(probePositions)
+    const ngTorus = Math.max(5, 2 + Math.floor(probeRadius * scaleFactor))
+    return {
+        lastClip: -1,
+        neighbours: Int32Array,
+        xCoord: new Float32Array(nAtoms),
+        yCoord: new Float32Array(nAtoms),
+        zCoord: new Float32Array(nAtoms),
+        radius: new Float32Array(nAtoms),
+        radiusSq: new Float32Array(nAtoms),
+        maxRadius: 0,
+        n: nAtoms,
+        scaleFactor,
+        cosTable,
+        sinTable,
+        probePositions,
+        ngTorus,
+    }
+export function MolecularSurface(coordList: Float32Array, radiusList: Float32Array, indexList: Uint16Array|Uint32Array) {
+    // Field generation method adapted from AstexViewer (Mike Hartshorn)
+    // by Fred Ludlow.
+    // Other parts based heavily on NGL (Alexander Rose) EDT Surface class
+    //
+    // Should work as a drop-in alternative to EDTSurface (though some of
+    // the EDT paramters are not relevant in this method).
+    const nAtoms = radiusList.length
+    const x = new Float32Array(nAtoms)
+    const y = new Float32Array(nAtoms)
+    const z = new Float32Array(nAtoms)
+    for (let i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
+        const ci = 3 * i
+        x[ i ] = coordList[ ci ]
+        y[ i ] = coordList[ ci + 1 ]
+        z[ i ] = coordList[ ci + 2 ]
+    }
+    let bbox = computeBoundingBox(coordList)
+    if (coordList.length === 0) {
+        bbox[ 0 ].set([ 0, 0, 0 ])
+        bbox[ 1 ].set([ 0, 0, 0 ])
+    }
+    const min = bbox[0]
+    const max = bbox[1]
+    let r: Float32Array, r2: Float32Array // Atom positions, expanded radii (squared)
+    let maxRadius: number
+    // Parameters
+    let probeRadius: number, scaleFactor: number, setAtomID: boolean, probePositions: number
+    // Grid params
+    let dim: Float32Array, matrix: Float32Array, grid: NumberArray, atomIndex: Int32Array
+    // grid indices -> xyz coords
+    let gridx: Float32Array, gridy: Float32Array, gridz: Float32Array
+    // Spatial Hash
+    let hash: iAVHash
+    // Neighbour array to be filled by hash
+    let neighbours: Int32Array
+    let ngTorus: number
+    function init (_probeRadius?: number, _scaleFactor?: number, _setAtomID?: boolean, _probePositions?: number) {
+        probeRadius = defaults(_probeRadius, 1.4)
+        scaleFactor = defaults(_scaleFactor, 2.0)
+        setAtomID = defaults(_setAtomID, true)
+        probePositions = defaults(_probePositions, 30)
+        r = new Float32Array(nAtoms)
+        r2 = new Float32Array(nAtoms)
+        for (let i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) {
+            var rExt = radiusList[ i ] + probeRadius
+            r[ i ] = rExt
+            r2[ i ] = rExt * rExt
+        }
+        maxRadius = 0
+        for (let j = 0; j < r.length; ++j) {
+            if (r[ j ] > maxRadius) maxRadius = r[ j ]
+        }
+        initializeGrid()
+        getAngleTables(probePositions)
+        initializeHash()
+        lastClip = -1
+    }
+    function initializeGrid () {
+        const surfGrid = getSurfaceGrid(
+            min, max, maxRadius, scaleFactor, 0.0
+        )
+        scaleFactor = surfGrid.scaleFactor
+        dim = surfGrid.dim
+        matrix = surfGrid.matrix
+        ngTorus = Math.max(5, 2 + Math.floor(probeRadius * scaleFactor))
+        grid = fillUniform(new Float32Array(dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2]), -1001.0)
+        atomIndex = new Int32Array(grid.length)
+        gridx = new Float32Array(dim[0])
+        gridy = new Float32Array(dim[1])
+        gridz = new Float32Array(dim[2])
+        fillGridDim(gridx, min[0], 1 / scaleFactor)
+        fillGridDim(gridy, min[1], 1 / scaleFactor)
+        fillGridDim(gridz, min[2], 1 / scaleFactor)
+    }
+    function initializeHash () {
+        hash = makeAVHash(x, y, z, r, min, max, 2.01 * maxRadius)
+        neighbours = new Int32Array(hash.neighbourListLength)
+    }
+    function getVolume (probeRadius: number, scaleFactor: number, setAtomID: boolean) {
+        // Basic steps are:
+        // 1) Initialize
+        // 2) Project points
+        // 3) Project torii
+        console.time('AVSurface.getVolume')
+        console.time('AVSurface.init')
+        init(probeRadius, scaleFactor, setAtomID)
+        console.timeEnd('AVSurface.init')
+        console.time('AVSurface.projectPoints')
+        projectPoints()
+        console.timeEnd('AVSurface.projectPoints')
+        console.time('AVSurface.projectTorii')
+        projectTorii()
+        console.timeEnd('AVSurface.projectTorii')
+        fixNegatives()
+        fixAtomIDs()
+        console.timeEnd('AVSurface.getVolume')
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts
index a9f9d8c8681c4286120755ccfdb681c451c91d3c..d21925c6b02fb0c27cfb6c0e21b3855dd8c0aa5d 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { DistanceRestraintRepresentationProvider } from './representation/distan
 import { PointRepresentationProvider } from './representation/point';
 import { StructureRepresentationState } from './representation';
 import { PuttyRepresentationProvider } from './representation/putty';
+import { MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider } from './representation/molecular-surface';
 export class StructureRepresentationRegistry extends RepresentationRegistry<Structure, StructureRepresentationState> {
     constructor() {
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ export const BuiltInStructureRepresentations = {
     'distance-restraint': DistanceRestraintRepresentationProvider,
     'gaussian-surface': GaussianSurfaceRepresentationProvider,
     'gaussian-volume': GaussianVolumeRepresentationProvider,
+    'molecular-surface': MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider,
     'point': PointRepresentationProvider,
     'putty': PuttyRepresentationProvider,
     'spacefill': SpacefillRepresentationProvider,
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/representation/molecular-surface.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/representation/molecular-surface.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a5f0c0510c8d7d3302c5c458d8f3d94a35d4b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/representation/molecular-surface.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de>
+ */
+import { MolecularSurfaceMeshVisual, MolecularSurfaceMeshParams } from '../visual/molecular-surface-mesh';
+import { UnitsRepresentation } from '../units-representation';
+import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+import { StructureRepresentation, StructureRepresentationProvider, StructureRepresentationStateBuilder } from '../representation';
+import { Representation, RepresentationParamsGetter, RepresentationContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
+import { ThemeRegistryContext } from 'mol-theme/theme';
+import { Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
+const MolecularSurfaceVisuals = {
+    'molecular-surface-mesh': (ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, MolecularSurfaceMeshParams>) => UnitsRepresentation('Molecular surface', ctx, getParams, MolecularSurfaceMeshVisual),
+type MolecularSurfaceVisualName = keyof typeof MolecularSurfaceVisuals
+const MolecularSurfaceVisualOptions = Object.keys(MolecularSurfaceVisuals).map(name => [name, name] as [MolecularSurfaceVisualName, string])
+export const MolecularSurfaceParams = {
+    ...MolecularSurfaceMeshParams,
+    visuals: PD.MultiSelect<MolecularSurfaceVisualName>(['molecular-surface-mesh'], MolecularSurfaceVisualOptions),
+export type MolecularSurfaceParams = typeof MolecularSurfaceParams
+export function getMolecularSurfaceParams(ctx: ThemeRegistryContext, structure: Structure) {
+    return PD.clone(MolecularSurfaceParams)
+export type MolecularSurfaceRepresentation = StructureRepresentation<MolecularSurfaceParams>
+export function MolecularSurfaceRepresentation(ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, MolecularSurfaceParams>): MolecularSurfaceRepresentation {
+    return Representation.createMulti('Molecular Surface', ctx, getParams, StructureRepresentationStateBuilder, MolecularSurfaceVisuals as unknown as Representation.Def<Structure, MolecularSurfaceParams>)
+export const MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider: StructureRepresentationProvider<MolecularSurfaceParams> = {
+    label: 'Molecular Surface',
+    description: 'Displays a molecular surface.',
+    factory: MolecularSurfaceRepresentation,
+    getParams: getMolecularSurfaceParams,
+    defaultValues: PD.getDefaultValues(MolecularSurfaceParams),
+    defaultColorTheme: 'polymer-id',
+    defaultSizeTheme: 'uniform'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/molecular-surface-mesh.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/molecular-surface-mesh.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9f317ee66f4cded3fdf64ab33bb13f3f55ce2e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/molecular-surface-mesh.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de>
+ */
+import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
+import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
+import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
+import { UnitsMeshVisual, UnitsMeshParams, UnitsTextureMeshParams } from '../units-visual';
+import { StructureElementIterator, getElementLoci, eachElement } from './util/element';
+import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+import { Mesh } from 'mol-geo/geometry/mesh/mesh';
+import { computeMarchingCubesMesh } from 'mol-geo/util/marching-cubes/algorithm';
+import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/visual';
+import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
+import { MolecularSurfaceCalculationParams, MolecularSurfaceCalculationProps, computeUnitMolecularSurface } from './util/molecular-surface';
+export const MolecularSurfaceMeshParams = {
+    ...UnitsMeshParams,
+    ...UnitsTextureMeshParams,
+    ...MolecularSurfaceCalculationParams,
+export type MolecularSurfaceMeshParams = typeof MolecularSurfaceMeshParams
+async function createMolecularSurfaceMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: MolecularSurfaceCalculationProps, mesh?: Mesh): Promise<Mesh> {
+    const { transform, field, idField } = await computeUnitMolecularSurface(unit, props).runInContext(ctx.runtime)
+    const params = {
+        isoLevel: 1,
+        scalarField: field,
+        idField
+    }
+    const surface = await computeMarchingCubesMesh(params, mesh).runAsChild(ctx.runtime)
+    Mesh.transformImmediate(surface, transform)
+    Mesh.computeNormalsImmediate(surface)
+    Mesh.uniformTriangleGroup(surface)
+    return surface
+export function MolecularSurfaceMeshVisual(materialId: number): UnitsVisual<MolecularSurfaceMeshParams> {
+    return UnitsMeshVisual<MolecularSurfaceMeshParams>({
+        defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(MolecularSurfaceMeshParams),
+        createGeometry: createMolecularSurfaceMesh,
+        createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
+        getLoci: getElementLoci,
+        eachLocation: eachElement,
+        setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<MolecularSurfaceMeshParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<MolecularSurfaceMeshParams>) => {
+            if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
+            if (newProps.probeRadius !== currentProps.probeRadius) state.createGeometry = true
+        }
+    }, materialId)
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diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/molecular-surface.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/molecular-surface.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1e592db6d6939bea295e9cab2da90e9ad157f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/molecular-surface.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+ *
+ * @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de>
+ */
+import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+import { Unit } from 'mol-model/structure';
+import { Task, RuntimeContext } from 'mol-task';
+import { getUnitConformationAndRadius } from './common';
+import { PositionData, Box3D, DensityData } from 'mol-math/geometry';
+export const MolecularSurfaceCalculationParams = {
+    resolution: PD.Numeric(1, { min: 0.1, max: 10, step: 0.1 }),
+    probeRadius: PD.Numeric(0, { min: 0, max: 10, step: 0.1 }),
+export const DefaultMolecularSurfaceCalculationProps = PD.getDefaultValues(MolecularSurfaceCalculationParams)
+export type MolecularSurfaceCalculationProps = typeof DefaultMolecularSurfaceCalculationProps
+export function computeUnitMolecularSurface(unit: Unit, props: MolecularSurfaceCalculationProps) {
+    const { position, radius } = getUnitConformationAndRadius(unit)
+    return Task.create('Molecular Surface', async ctx => {
+        return await MolecularSurface(ctx, position, unit.lookup3d.boundary.box, radius, props);
+    });
+async function MolecularSurface(ctx: RuntimeContext, position: PositionData, box: Box3D, radius: (index: number) => number,  props: MolecularSurfaceCalculationProps): Promise<DensityData> {
+    return {
+        transform: Mat4,
+        field: Tensor,
+        idField: Tensor,
+    }
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