From be7d6cfbe1cf8323f0c9c2b21e4a0380d84e0b90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Rose <>
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2018 19:31:15 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] wip

 src/mol-repr/representation.ts                |   2 +-
 .../structure/complex-representation.ts       |   2 +-
 src/mol-repr/structure/complex-visual.ts      |  18 +--
 src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts            |   4 +-
 .../representation/molecular-surface.ts       |  84 +++++------
 .../structure/units-representation.ts         |  15 +-
 src/mol-repr/structure/units-visual.ts        |  18 +--
 .../visual/carbohydrate-link-cylinder.ts      |   2 +-
 .../visual/carbohydrate-symbol-mesh.ts        |   6 +-
 .../carbohydrate-terminal-link-cylinder.ts    |   2 +-
 .../visual/cross-link-restraint-cylinder.ts   |   2 +-
 .../structure/visual/element-point.ts         |   6 +-
 .../visual/gaussian-density-point.ts          | 130 +++++++++---------
 .../visual/gaussian-density-volume.ts         |  96 ++++++-------
 .../structure/visual/gaussian-surface-mesh.ts | 102 +++++++-------
 .../visual/gaussian-surface-wireframe.ts      | 100 +++++++-------
 .../visual/inter-unit-link-cylinder.ts        |   2 +-
 .../visual/intra-unit-link-cylinder.ts        |   2 +-
 .../structure/visual/nucleotide-block-mesh.ts |   5 +-
 .../visual/polymer-backbone-cylinder.ts       |   9 +-
 .../visual/polymer-direction-wedge.ts         |   5 +-
 .../structure/visual/polymer-gap-cylinder.ts  |   5 +-
 .../structure/visual/polymer-trace-mesh.ts    |   5 +-
 src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/element.ts |   6 +-
 src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/link.ts    |   6 +-
 25 files changed, 303 insertions(+), 331 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mol-repr/representation.ts b/src/mol-repr/representation.ts
index b990ba87a..139019a52 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/representation.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/representation.ts
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ export interface Visual<D, P extends PD.Params> {
     /** Number of addressable groups in all instances of the visual */
     readonly groupCount: number
     readonly renderObject: RenderObject | undefined
-    createOrUpdate: (ctx: VisualContext, theme: Theme, props?: Partial<PD.Values<P>>, data?: D) => Promise<void>
+    createOrUpdate: (ctx: VisualContext, theme: Theme, props?: Partial<PD.Values<P>>, data?: D) => void
     getLoci: (pickingId: PickingId) => Loci
     mark: (loci: Loci, action: MarkerAction) => boolean
     setVisibility: (value: boolean) => void
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/complex-representation.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/complex-representation.ts
index 2bbfa2955..40e528521 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/complex-representation.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/complex-representation.ts
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export function ComplexRepresentation<P extends StructureParams>(label: string,
         return Task.create('Creating or updating ComplexRepresentation', async runtime => {
             if (!visual) visual = visualCtor()
-            await visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, structure)
+            visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, structure)
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/complex-visual.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/complex-visual.ts
index 65086af89..5d028dd7a 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/complex-visual.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/complex-visual.ts
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type ComplexRenderObject = MeshRenderObject | LinesRenderObject | PointsRenderOb
 interface ComplexVisualBuilder<P extends ComplexParams, G extends Geometry> {
     defaultProps: PD.Values<P>
-    createGeometry(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<P>, geometry?: G): Promise<G>
+    createGeometry(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<P>, geometry?: G): G
     createLocationIterator(structure: Structure): LocationIterator
     getLoci(pickingId: PickingId, structure: Structure, id: number): Loci
     mark(loci: Loci, structure: Structure, apply: (interval: Interval) => boolean): boolean,
@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@ export function ComplexVisual<P extends ComplexParams>(builder: ComplexVisualGeo
     let locationIt: LocationIterator
     let conformationHash: number
-    async function create(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}) {
+    function create(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}) {
         currentProps = Object.assign({}, defaultProps, props)
         currentTheme = theme
         currentStructure = structure
         conformationHash = Structure.conformationHash(currentStructure)
-        geometry = await createGeometry(ctx, currentStructure, theme, currentProps, geometry)
+        geometry = createGeometry(ctx, currentStructure, theme, currentProps, geometry)
         locationIt = createLocationIterator(structure)
         renderObject = createRenderObject(structure, geometry, locationIt, theme, currentProps)
-    async function update(ctx: VisualContext, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>>) {
+    function update(ctx: VisualContext, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>>) {
         const newProps = Object.assign({}, currentProps, props, { structure: currentStructure })
         if (!renderObject) return false
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export function ComplexVisual<P extends ComplexParams>(builder: ComplexVisualGeo
         if (updateState.createGeometry) {
-            geometry = await createGeometry(ctx, currentStructure, theme, newProps, geometry)
+            geometry = createGeometry(ctx, currentStructure, theme, newProps, geometry)
             ValueCell.update(renderObject.values.drawCount, Geometry.getDrawCount(geometry))
             updateBoundingSphere(renderObject.values, geometry)
             updateState.updateColor = true
@@ -126,18 +126,18 @@ export function ComplexVisual<P extends ComplexParams>(builder: ComplexVisualGeo
     return {
         get groupCount() { return locationIt ? locationIt.count : 0 },
         get renderObject () { return renderObject },
-        async createOrUpdate(ctx: VisualContext, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}, structure?: Structure) {
+        createOrUpdate(ctx: VisualContext, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}, structure?: Structure) {
             if (!structure && !currentStructure) {
                 throw new Error('missing structure')
             } else if (structure && (!currentStructure || !renderObject)) {
-                await create(ctx, structure, theme, props)
+                create(ctx, structure, theme, props)
             } else if (structure && !Structure.areEquivalent(structure, currentStructure)) {
-                await create(ctx, structure, theme, props)
+                create(ctx, structure, theme, props)
             } else {
                 if (structure && Structure.conformationHash(structure) !== Structure.conformationHash(currentStructure)) {
                     currentStructure = structure
-                await update(ctx, theme, props)
+                update(ctx, theme, props)
         getLoci(pickingId: PickingId) {
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts
index 058a9c178..16d90e630 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/registry.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
 import { RepresentationProvider, RepresentationRegistry } from '../representation';
 import { CartoonRepresentationProvider } from './representation/cartoon';
 import { BallAndStickRepresentationProvider } from './representation/ball-and-stick';
-import { MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider } from './representation/molecular-surface';
+// import { MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider } from './representation/molecular-surface';
 import { CarbohydrateRepresentationProvider } from './representation/carbohydrate';
 export class StructureRepresentationRegistry extends RepresentationRegistry<Structure> {
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export class StructureRepresentationRegistry extends RepresentationRegistry<Stru
 export const BuiltInStructureRepresentations = {
     'cartoon': CartoonRepresentationProvider,
     'ball-and-stick': BallAndStickRepresentationProvider,
-    'molecular-surface': MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider,
+    // 'molecular-surface': MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider,
     'carbohydrate': CarbohydrateRepresentationProvider,
 export type BuiltInStructureRepresentationsName = keyof typeof BuiltInStructureRepresentations
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/representation/molecular-surface.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/representation/molecular-surface.ts
index 4181217d3..02182081e 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/representation/molecular-surface.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/representation/molecular-surface.ts
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
- *
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- */
+// /**
+//  * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+//  *
+//  * @author Alexander Rose <>
+//  */
-import { GaussianSurfaceVisual, GaussianSurfaceParams } from '../visual/gaussian-surface-mesh';
-import { UnitsRepresentation } from '../units-representation';
-import { GaussianWireframeVisual, GaussianWireframeParams } from '../visual/gaussian-surface-wireframe';
-import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
-import { GaussianDensityVolumeParams, GaussianDensityVolumeVisual } from '../visual/gaussian-density-volume';
-import { StructureRepresentation, StructureRepresentationProvider } from '../representation';
-import { Representation, RepresentationParamsGetter, RepresentationContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
-import { ThemeRegistryContext } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-import { Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
+// import { GaussianSurfaceVisual, GaussianSurfaceParams } from '../visual/gaussian-surface-mesh';
+// import { UnitsRepresentation } from '../units-representation';
+// import { GaussianWireframeVisual, GaussianWireframeParams } from '../visual/gaussian-surface-wireframe';
+// import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+// import { GaussianDensityVolumeParams, GaussianDensityVolumeVisual } from '../visual/gaussian-density-volume';
+// import { StructureRepresentation, StructureRepresentationProvider } from '../representation';
+// import { Representation, RepresentationParamsGetter, RepresentationContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
+// import { ThemeRegistryContext } from 'mol-theme/theme';
+// import { Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
-const MolecularSurfaceVisuals = {
-    'gaussian-surface': (ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, GaussianSurfaceParams>) => UnitsRepresentation('Gaussian surface', ctx, getParams, GaussianSurfaceVisual),
-    'gaussian-wireframe': (ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, GaussianWireframeParams>) => UnitsRepresentation('Gaussian wireframe', ctx, getParams, GaussianWireframeVisual),
-    'gaussian-volume': (ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, GaussianDensityVolumeParams>) => UnitsRepresentation('Gaussian volume', ctx, getParams, GaussianDensityVolumeVisual)
-type MolecularSurfaceVisualName = keyof typeof MolecularSurfaceVisuals
-const MolecularSurfaceVisualOptions = Object.keys(MolecularSurfaceVisuals).map(name => [name, name] as [MolecularSurfaceVisualName, string])
+// const MolecularSurfaceVisuals = {
+//     'gaussian-surface': (ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, GaussianSurfaceParams>) => UnitsRepresentation('Gaussian surface', ctx, getParams, GaussianSurfaceVisual),
+//     'gaussian-wireframe': (ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, GaussianWireframeParams>) => UnitsRepresentation('Gaussian wireframe', ctx, getParams, GaussianWireframeVisual),
+//     'gaussian-volume': (ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, GaussianDensityVolumeParams>) => UnitsRepresentation('Gaussian volume', ctx, getParams, GaussianDensityVolumeVisual)
+// }
+// type MolecularSurfaceVisualName = keyof typeof MolecularSurfaceVisuals
+// const MolecularSurfaceVisualOptions = Object.keys(MolecularSurfaceVisuals).map(name => [name, name] as [MolecularSurfaceVisualName, string])
-export const MolecularSurfaceParams = {
-    ...GaussianSurfaceParams,
-    ...GaussianWireframeParams,
-    ...GaussianDensityVolumeParams,
-    visuals: PD.MultiSelect<MolecularSurfaceVisualName>(['gaussian-surface'], MolecularSurfaceVisualOptions),
-export type MolecularSurfaceParams = typeof MolecularSurfaceParams
-export function getMolecularSurfaceParams(ctx: ThemeRegistryContext, structure: Structure) {
-    return PD.clone(MolecularSurfaceParams)
+// export const MolecularSurfaceParams = {
+//     ...GaussianSurfaceParams,
+//     ...GaussianWireframeParams,
+//     ...GaussianDensityVolumeParams,
+//     visuals: PD.MultiSelect<MolecularSurfaceVisualName>(['gaussian-surface'], MolecularSurfaceVisualOptions),
+// }
+// export type MolecularSurfaceParams = typeof MolecularSurfaceParams
+// export function getMolecularSurfaceParams(ctx: ThemeRegistryContext, structure: Structure) {
+//     return PD.clone(MolecularSurfaceParams)
+// }
-export type MolecularSurfaceRepresentation = StructureRepresentation<MolecularSurfaceParams>
-export function MolecularSurfaceRepresentation(ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, MolecularSurfaceParams>): MolecularSurfaceRepresentation {
-    return Representation.createMulti('Molecular Surface', ctx, getParams, MolecularSurfaceVisuals as unknown as Representation.Def<Structure, MolecularSurfaceParams>)
+// export type MolecularSurfaceRepresentation = StructureRepresentation<MolecularSurfaceParams>
+// export function MolecularSurfaceRepresentation(ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, MolecularSurfaceParams>): MolecularSurfaceRepresentation {
+//     return Representation.createMulti('Molecular Surface', ctx, getParams, MolecularSurfaceVisuals as unknown as Representation.Def<Structure, MolecularSurfaceParams>)
+// }
-export const MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider: StructureRepresentationProvider<MolecularSurfaceParams> = {
-    label: 'Molecular Surface',
-    description: 'Displays a gaussian molecular surface.',
-    factory: MolecularSurfaceRepresentation,
-    getParams: getMolecularSurfaceParams,
-    defaultValues: PD.getDefaultValues(MolecularSurfaceParams)
\ No newline at end of file
+// export const MolecularSurfaceRepresentationProvider: StructureRepresentationProvider<MolecularSurfaceParams> = {
+//     label: 'Molecular Surface',
+//     description: 'Displays a gaussian molecular surface.',
+//     factory: MolecularSurfaceRepresentation,
+//     getParams: getMolecularSurfaceParams,
+//     defaultValues: PD.getDefaultValues(MolecularSurfaceParams)
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/units-representation.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/units-representation.ts
index 01b381c9e..59ba0b2fa 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/units-representation.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/units-representation.ts
@@ -56,8 +56,9 @@ export function UnitsRepresentation<P extends UnitsParams>(label: string, ctx: R
                 for (let i = 0; i < _groups.length; i++) {
                     const group = _groups[i];
                     const visual = visualCtor()
-                    await visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
+                    visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
                     visuals.set(group.hashCode, { visual, group })
+                    if (runtime.shouldUpdate) await runtime.update({ message: 'Creating or updating UnitsVisual', current: i, max: _groups.length })
             } else if (structure && !Structure.areEquivalent(structure, _structure)) {
                 // console.log(label, 'structure not equivalent')
@@ -75,16 +76,17 @@ export function UnitsRepresentation<P extends UnitsParams>(label: string, ctx: R
                         // console.log('old',
                         // console.log('new', group)
                         const { visual } = visualGroup
-                        await visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
+                        visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
                         visuals.set(group.hashCode, { visual, group })
                     } else {
                         // console.log(label, 'not found visualGroup to reuse, creating new')
                         // newGroups.push(group)
                         const visual = visualCtor()
-                        await visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
+                        visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
                         visuals.set(group.hashCode, { visual, group })
+                    if (runtime.shouldUpdate) await runtime.update({ message: 'Creating or updating UnitsVisual', current: i, max: _groups.length })
                 oldVisuals.forEach(({ visual }) => {
                     // console.log(label, 'removed unused visual')
@@ -113,11 +115,13 @@ export function UnitsRepresentation<P extends UnitsParams>(label: string, ctx: R
                     const group = _groups[i];
                     const visualGroup = visuals.get(group.hashCode)
                     if (visualGroup) {
-                        await visualGroup.visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
+                        visualGroup.visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
                = group
                     } else {
                         throw new Error(`expected to find visual for hashCode ${group.hashCode}`)
+                    if (runtime.shouldUpdate) await runtime.update({ message: 'Creating or updating UnitsVisual', current: i, max: _groups.length })
             } else {
                 // console.log(label, 'no new structure')
@@ -126,7 +130,8 @@ export function UnitsRepresentation<P extends UnitsParams>(label: string, ctx: R
                 visuals.forEach(({ visual, group }) => visualsList.push([ visual, group ]))
                 for (let i = 0, il = visualsList.length; i < il; ++i) {
                     const [ visual ] = visualsList[i]
-                    await visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props)
+                    visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props)
+                    if (runtime.shouldUpdate) await runtime.update({ message: 'Creating or updating UnitsVisual', current: i, max: il })
             if (structure) _structure = structure
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/units-visual.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/units-visual.ts
index 6fde0097d..cc6409d48 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/units-visual.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/units-visual.ts
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type UnitsRenderObject = MeshRenderObject | LinesRenderObject | PointsRenderObje
 interface UnitsVisualBuilder<P extends UnitsParams, G extends Geometry> {
     defaultProps: PD.Values<P>
-    createGeometry(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<P>, geometry?: G): Promise<G>
+    createGeometry(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<P>, geometry?: G): G
     createLocationIterator(group: Unit.SymmetryGroup): LocationIterator
     getLoci(pickingId: PickingId, structureGroup: StructureGroup, id: number): Loci
     mark(loci: Loci, structureGroup: StructureGroup, apply: (interval: Interval) => boolean): boolean
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export function UnitsVisual<P extends UnitsParams>(builder: UnitsVisualGeometryB
     let locationIt: LocationIterator
     let currentConformationId: UUID
-    async function create(ctx: VisualContext, group: Unit.SymmetryGroup, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}) {
+    function create(ctx: VisualContext, group: Unit.SymmetryGroup, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}) {
         currentProps = Object.assign({}, defaultProps, props, { structure: currentStructure })
         currentTheme = theme
         currentGroup = group
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export function UnitsVisual<P extends UnitsParams>(builder: UnitsVisualGeometryB
         const unit = group.units[0]
         currentConformationId = Unit.conformationId(unit)
         geometry = includesUnitKind(currentProps.unitKinds, unit)
-            ? await createGeometry(ctx, unit, currentStructure, theme, currentProps, geometry)
+            ? createGeometry(ctx, unit, currentStructure, theme, currentProps, geometry)
             : createEmptyGeometry(geometry)
         // TODO create empty location iterator when not in unitKinds
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export function UnitsVisual<P extends UnitsParams>(builder: UnitsVisualGeometryB
         renderObject = createRenderObject(group, geometry, locationIt, theme, currentProps)
-    async function update(ctx: VisualContext, group: Unit.SymmetryGroup, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}) {
+    function update(ctx: VisualContext, group: Unit.SymmetryGroup, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}) {
         if (!renderObject) return
         const newProps = Object.assign({}, currentProps, props, { structure: currentStructure })
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ export function UnitsVisual<P extends UnitsParams>(builder: UnitsVisualGeometryB
         if (updateState.createGeometry) {
             // console.log('update geometry')
             geometry = includesUnitKind(newProps.unitKinds, unit)
-                ? await createGeometry(ctx, unit, currentStructure, theme, newProps, geometry)
+                ? createGeometry(ctx, unit, currentStructure, theme, newProps, geometry)
                 : createEmptyGeometry(geometry)
             ValueCell.update(renderObject.values.drawCount, Geometry.getDrawCount(geometry))
             updateBoundingSphere(renderObject.values, geometry)
@@ -168,20 +168,20 @@ export function UnitsVisual<P extends UnitsParams>(builder: UnitsVisualGeometryB
     return {
         get groupCount() { return locationIt ? locationIt.count : 0 },
         get renderObject () { return renderObject },
-        async createOrUpdate(ctx: VisualContext, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}, structureGroup?: StructureGroup) {
+        createOrUpdate(ctx: VisualContext, theme: Theme, props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}, structureGroup?: StructureGroup) {
             if (structureGroup) currentStructure = structureGroup.structure
             const group = structureGroup ? : undefined
             if (!group && !currentGroup) {
                 throw new Error('missing group')
             } else if (group && (!currentGroup || !renderObject)) {
                 // console.log('unit-visual first create')
-                await create(ctx, group, theme, props)
+                create(ctx, group, theme, props)
             } else if (group && group.hashCode !== currentGroup.hashCode) {
                 // console.log('unit-visual group.hashCode !== currentGroup.hashCode')
-                await create(ctx, group, theme, props)
+                create(ctx, group, theme, props)
             } else {
                 // console.log('unit-visual update')
-                await update(ctx, group || currentGroup, theme, props)
+                update(ctx, group || currentGroup, theme, props)
         getLoci(pickingId: PickingId) {
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-link-cylinder.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-link-cylinder.ts
index f4365b289..0eebe27e7 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-link-cylinder.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-link-cylinder.ts
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
 import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
 import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-async function createCarbohydrateLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<CarbohydrateLinkParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createCarbohydrateLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<CarbohydrateLinkParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const { links, elements } = structure.carbohydrates
     const { linkSizeFactor } = props
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-symbol-mesh.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-symbol-mesh.ts
index dbdf3ada0..cf9162b15 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-symbol-mesh.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-symbol-mesh.ts
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const diamondPrism = DiamondPrism()
 const pentagonalPrism = PentagonalPrism()
 const hexagonalPrism = HexagonalPrism()
-async function createCarbohydrateSymbolMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<CarbohydrateSymbolParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createCarbohydrateSymbolMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<CarbohydrateSymbolParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const builder = MeshBuilder.create(256, 128, mesh)
     const { detail, sizeFactor } = props
@@ -136,10 +136,6 @@ async function createCarbohydrateSymbolMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Struc
                 builder.add(t, hexagonalPrism)
-        if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-            await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Carbohydrate symbols', current: i, max: n });
-        }
     return builder.getMesh()
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-terminal-link-cylinder.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-terminal-link-cylinder.ts
index fe9d2414e..44231be6d 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-terminal-link-cylinder.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/carbohydrate-terminal-link-cylinder.ts
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
 import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
 import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-async function createCarbohydrateTerminalLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<CarbohydrateTerminalLinkParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createCarbohydrateTerminalLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<CarbohydrateTerminalLinkParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const { terminalLinks, elements } = structure.carbohydrates
     const { linkSizeFactor } = props
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/cross-link-restraint-cylinder.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/cross-link-restraint-cylinder.ts
index 25303be9e..9412dd09c 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/cross-link-restraint-cylinder.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/cross-link-restraint-cylinder.ts
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { PickingId } from 'mol-geo/geometry/picking';
 import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
 import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-async function createCrossLinkRestraintCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<CrossLinkRestraintParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createCrossLinkRestraintCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<CrossLinkRestraintParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const crossLinks = structure.crossLinkRestraints
     if (!crossLinks.count) return Mesh.createEmpty(mesh)
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/element-point.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/element-point.ts
index 2b146bde3..71f5d4b1f 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/element-point.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/element-point.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export type ElementPointParams = typeof ElementPointParams
 // TODO size
-export async function createElementPoint(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<ElementPointParams>, points: Points) {
+export function createElementPoint(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<ElementPointParams>, points: Points) {
     const elements = unit.elements
     const n = elements.length
     const builder = PointsBuilder.create(n, n / 10, points)
@@ -35,10 +35,6 @@ export async function createElementPoint(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structu
     for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
         pos(elements[i], p)
         builder.add(p[0], p[1], p[2], i)
-        if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-            await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Creating points', current: i, max: n });
-        }
     return builder.getPoints()
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-density-point.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-density-point.ts
index 6a7e20353..612bc5f01 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-density-point.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-density-point.ts
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
- *
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- */
+// /**
+//  * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+//  *
+//  * @author Alexander Rose <>
+//  */
-import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
-import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
-import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
-import { StructureElementIterator } from './util/element';
-import { EmptyLoci } from 'mol-model/loci';
-import { Vec3 } from 'mol-math/linear-algebra';
-import { UnitsPointsVisual, UnitsPointsParams } from '../units-visual';
-import { GaussianDensityProps, GaussianDensityParams } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/gaussian-density';
-import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
-import { Points } from 'mol-geo/geometry/points/points';
-import { PointsBuilder } from 'mol-geo/geometry/points/points-builder';
-import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
-import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
+// import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
+// import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
+// import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
+// import { StructureElementIterator } from './util/element';
+// import { EmptyLoci } from 'mol-model/loci';
+// import { Vec3 } from 'mol-math/linear-algebra';
+// import { UnitsPointsVisual, UnitsPointsParams } from '../units-visual';
+// import { GaussianDensityProps, GaussianDensityParams } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/gaussian-density';
+// import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+// import { Points } from 'mol-geo/geometry/points/points';
+// import { PointsBuilder } from 'mol-geo/geometry/points/points-builder';
+// import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
+// import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-export const GaussianDensityPointParams = {
-    ...UnitsPointsParams,
-    ...GaussianDensityParams,
-    pointSizeAttenuation: PD.Boolean(false),
-export type GaussianDensityPointParams = typeof GaussianDensityPointParams
+// export const GaussianDensityPointParams = {
+//     ...UnitsPointsParams,
+//     ...GaussianDensityParams,
+//     pointSizeAttenuation: PD.Boolean(false),
+// }
+// export type GaussianDensityPointParams = typeof GaussianDensityPointParams
-export async function createGaussianDensityPoint(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: GaussianDensityProps, points?: Points) {
-    const { transform, field: { space, data } } = await unit.computeGaussianDensity(props, ctx.runtime, ctx.webgl)
+// export async function createGaussianDensityPoint(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: GaussianDensityProps, points?: Points) {
+//     const { transform, field: { space, data } } = await unit.computeGaussianDensity(props, ctx.runtime, ctx.webgl)
-    const { dimensions, get } = space
-    const [ xn, yn, zn ] = dimensions
+//     const { dimensions, get } = space
+//     const [ xn, yn, zn ] = dimensions
-    const n = xn * yn * zn * 3
-    const builder = PointsBuilder.create(n, n / 10, points)
+//     const n = xn * yn * zn * 3
+//     const builder = PointsBuilder.create(n, n / 10, points)
-    const p =
-    let i = 0
+//     const p =
+//     let i = 0
-    for (let x = 0; x < xn; ++x) {
-        for (let y = 0; y < yn; ++y) {
-            for (let z = 0; z < zn; ++z) {
-                if (get(data, x, y, z) > 0.001) {
-                    Vec3.set(p, x, y, z)
-                    Vec3.transformMat4(p, p, transform)
-                    builder.add(p[0], p[1], p[2], i)
-                }
-                if (i % 100000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-                    await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Creating density points', current: i, max: n });
-                }
-                ++i
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return builder.getPoints()
+//     for (let x = 0; x < xn; ++x) {
+//         for (let y = 0; y < yn; ++y) {
+//             for (let z = 0; z < zn; ++z) {
+//                 if (get(data, x, y, z) > 0.001) {
+//                     Vec3.set(p, x, y, z)
+//                     Vec3.transformMat4(p, p, transform)
+//                     builder.add(p[0], p[1], p[2], i)
+//                 }
+//                 if (i % 100000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
+//                     await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Creating density points', current: i, max: n });
+//                 }
+//                 ++i
+//             }
+//         }
+//     }
+//     return builder.getPoints()
+// }
-export function GaussianDensityPointVisual(): UnitsVisual<GaussianDensityPointParams> {
-    return UnitsPointsVisual<GaussianDensityPointParams>({
-        defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(GaussianDensityPointParams),
-        createGeometry: createGaussianDensityPoint,
-        createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
-        getLoci: () => EmptyLoci,
-        mark: () => false,
-        setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<GaussianDensityPointParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<GaussianDensityPointParams>) => {
-            if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.radiusOffset !== currentProps.radiusOffset) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.smoothness !== currentProps.smoothness) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.useGpu !== currentProps.useGpu) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.ignoreCache !== currentProps.ignoreCache) state.createGeometry = true
-        }
-    })
\ No newline at end of file
+// export function GaussianDensityPointVisual(): UnitsVisual<GaussianDensityPointParams> {
+//     return UnitsPointsVisual<GaussianDensityPointParams>({
+//         defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(GaussianDensityPointParams),
+//         createGeometry: createGaussianDensityPoint,
+//         createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
+//         getLoci: () => EmptyLoci,
+//         mark: () => false,
+//         setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<GaussianDensityPointParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<GaussianDensityPointParams>) => {
+//             if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.radiusOffset !== currentProps.radiusOffset) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.smoothness !== currentProps.smoothness) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.useGpu !== currentProps.useGpu) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.ignoreCache !== currentProps.ignoreCache) state.createGeometry = true
+//         }
+//     })
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-density-volume.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-density-volume.ts
index 6e94b12ee..1f5c32fa1 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-density-volume.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-density-volume.ts
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
- *
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- */
+// /**
+//  * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+//  *
+//  * @author Alexander Rose <>
+//  */
-import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
-import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
-import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
-import { UnitsDirectVolumeVisual, UnitsDirectVolumeParams } from '../units-visual';
-import { StructureElementIterator, getElementLoci, markElement } from './util/element';
-import { GaussianDensityProps, GaussianDensityParams, computeUnitGaussianDensityTexture } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/gaussian-density';
-import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
-import { DirectVolume } from 'mol-geo/geometry/direct-volume/direct-volume';
-import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
-import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
+// import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
+// import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
+// import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
+// import { UnitsDirectVolumeVisual, UnitsDirectVolumeParams } from '../units-visual';
+// import { StructureElementIterator, getElementLoci, markElement } from './util/element';
+// import { GaussianDensityProps, GaussianDensityParams, computeUnitGaussianDensityTexture } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/gaussian-density';
+// import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+// import { DirectVolume } from 'mol-geo/geometry/direct-volume/direct-volume';
+// import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
+// import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-async function createGaussianDensityVolume(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: GaussianDensityProps, directVolume?: DirectVolume): Promise<DirectVolume> {
-    const { runtime, webgl } = ctx
-    if (webgl === undefined) throw new Error('createGaussianDensityVolume requires `webgl` object in VisualContext')
+// async function createGaussianDensityVolume(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: GaussianDensityProps, directVolume?: DirectVolume): Promise<DirectVolume> {
+//     const { runtime, webgl } = ctx
+//     if (webgl === undefined) throw new Error('createGaussianDensityVolume requires `webgl` object in VisualContext')
-    const p = { ...props, useGpu: true }
-    const oldTexture = directVolume ? directVolume.gridTexture.ref.value : undefined
-    const densityTextureData = await computeUnitGaussianDensityTexture(unit, p, webgl, oldTexture).runInContext(runtime)
-    const { transform, texture, bbox, gridDimension } = densityTextureData
+//     const p = { ...props, useGpu: true }
+//     const oldTexture = directVolume ? directVolume.gridTexture.ref.value : undefined
+//     const densityTextureData = await computeUnitGaussianDensityTexture(unit, p, webgl, oldTexture).runInContext(runtime)
+//     const { transform, texture, bbox, gridDimension } = densityTextureData
-    return DirectVolume.create(bbox, gridDimension, transform, texture, directVolume)
+//     return DirectVolume.create(bbox, gridDimension, transform, texture, directVolume)
+// }
-export const GaussianDensityVolumeParams = {
-    ...UnitsDirectVolumeParams,
-    ...GaussianDensityParams,
-export type GaussianDensityVolumeParams = typeof GaussianDensityVolumeParams
+// export const GaussianDensityVolumeParams = {
+//     ...UnitsDirectVolumeParams,
+//     ...GaussianDensityParams,
+// }
+// export type GaussianDensityVolumeParams = typeof GaussianDensityVolumeParams
-export function GaussianDensityVolumeVisual(): UnitsVisual<GaussianDensityVolumeParams> {
-    return UnitsDirectVolumeVisual<GaussianDensityVolumeParams>({
-        defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(GaussianDensityVolumeParams),
-        createGeometry: createGaussianDensityVolume,
-        createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
-        getLoci: getElementLoci,
-        mark: markElement,
-        setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<GaussianDensityVolumeParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<GaussianDensityVolumeParams>) => {
-            if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.radiusOffset !== currentProps.radiusOffset) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.smoothness !== currentProps.smoothness) {
-                state.createGeometry = true
-                newProps.isoValue = Math.exp(-newProps.smoothness)
-            }
-            if (newProps.useGpu !== currentProps.useGpu) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.ignoreCache !== currentProps.ignoreCache) state.createGeometry = true
-        }
-    })
\ No newline at end of file
+// export function GaussianDensityVolumeVisual(): UnitsVisual<GaussianDensityVolumeParams> {
+//     return UnitsDirectVolumeVisual<GaussianDensityVolumeParams>({
+//         defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(GaussianDensityVolumeParams),
+//         createGeometry: createGaussianDensityVolume,
+//         createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
+//         getLoci: getElementLoci,
+//         mark: markElement,
+//         setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<GaussianDensityVolumeParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<GaussianDensityVolumeParams>) => {
+//             if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.radiusOffset !== currentProps.radiusOffset) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.smoothness !== currentProps.smoothness) {
+//                 state.createGeometry = true
+//                 newProps.isoValue = Math.exp(-newProps.smoothness)
+//             }
+//             if (newProps.useGpu !== currentProps.useGpu) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.ignoreCache !== currentProps.ignoreCache) state.createGeometry = true
+//         }
+//     })
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-surface-mesh.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-surface-mesh.ts
index 75e5550be..b4dbdce9d 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-surface-mesh.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-surface-mesh.ts
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
- *
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- */
+// /**
+//  * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+//  *
+//  * @author Alexander Rose <>
+//  */
-import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
-import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
-import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
-import { UnitsMeshVisual, UnitsMeshParams } from '../units-visual';
-import { StructureElementIterator, getElementLoci, markElement } from './util/element';
-import { GaussianDensityProps, GaussianDensityParams } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/gaussian-density';
-import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
-import { Mesh } from 'mol-geo/geometry/mesh/mesh';
-import { computeMarchingCubesMesh } from 'mol-geo/util/marching-cubes/algorithm';
-import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
-import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
+// import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
+// import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
+// import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
+// import { UnitsMeshVisual, UnitsMeshParams } from '../units-visual';
+// import { StructureElementIterator, getElementLoci, markElement } from './util/element';
+// import { GaussianDensityProps, GaussianDensityParams } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/gaussian-density';
+// import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+// import { Mesh } from 'mol-geo/geometry/mesh/mesh';
+// import { computeMarchingCubesMesh } from 'mol-geo/util/marching-cubes/algorithm';
+// import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
+// import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-async function createGaussianSurfaceMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: GaussianDensityProps, mesh?: Mesh): Promise<Mesh> {
-    const { smoothness } = props
-    const { transform, field, idField } = await unit.computeGaussianDensity(props, ctx.runtime, ctx.webgl)
+// async function createGaussianSurfaceMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: GaussianDensityProps, mesh?: Mesh): Promise<Mesh> {
+//     const { smoothness } = props
+//     const { transform, field, idField } = await unit.computeGaussianDensity(props, ctx.runtime, ctx.webgl)
-    const params = {
-        isoLevel: Math.exp(-smoothness),
-        scalarField: field,
-        idField
-    }
-    const surface = await computeMarchingCubesMesh(params, mesh).runAsChild(ctx.runtime)
+//     const params = {
+//         isoLevel: Math.exp(-smoothness),
+//         scalarField: field,
+//         idField
+//     }
+//     const surface = await computeMarchingCubesMesh(params, mesh).runAsChild(ctx.runtime)
-    Mesh.transformImmediate(surface, transform)
-    Mesh.computeNormalsImmediate(surface)
-    Mesh.uniformTriangleGroup(surface)
+//     Mesh.transformImmediate(surface, transform)
+//     Mesh.computeNormalsImmediate(surface)
+//     Mesh.uniformTriangleGroup(surface)
-    return surface;
+//     return surface;
+// }
-export const GaussianSurfaceParams = {
-    ...UnitsMeshParams,
-    ...GaussianDensityParams,
-export type GaussianSurfaceParams = typeof GaussianSurfaceParams
+// export const GaussianSurfaceParams = {
+//     ...UnitsMeshParams,
+//     ...GaussianDensityParams,
+// }
+// export type GaussianSurfaceParams = typeof GaussianSurfaceParams
-export function GaussianSurfaceVisual(): UnitsVisual<GaussianSurfaceParams> {
-    return UnitsMeshVisual<GaussianSurfaceParams>({
-        defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(GaussianSurfaceParams),
-        createGeometry: createGaussianSurfaceMesh,
-        createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
-        getLoci: getElementLoci,
-        mark: markElement,
-        setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<GaussianSurfaceParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<GaussianSurfaceParams>) => {
-            if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.radiusOffset !== currentProps.radiusOffset) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.smoothness !== currentProps.smoothness) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.useGpu !== currentProps.useGpu) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.ignoreCache !== currentProps.ignoreCache) state.createGeometry = true
-        }
-    })
\ No newline at end of file
+// export function GaussianSurfaceVisual(): UnitsVisual<GaussianSurfaceParams> {
+//     return UnitsMeshVisual<GaussianSurfaceParams>({
+//         defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(GaussianSurfaceParams),
+//         createGeometry: createGaussianSurfaceMesh,
+//         createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
+//         getLoci: getElementLoci,
+//         mark: markElement,
+//         setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<GaussianSurfaceParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<GaussianSurfaceParams>) => {
+//             if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.radiusOffset !== currentProps.radiusOffset) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.smoothness !== currentProps.smoothness) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.useGpu !== currentProps.useGpu) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.ignoreCache !== currentProps.ignoreCache) state.createGeometry = true
+//         }
+//     })
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-surface-wireframe.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-surface-wireframe.ts
index dea76bc8d..c0a51d592 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-surface-wireframe.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/gaussian-surface-wireframe.ts
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
- *
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- */
+// /**
+//  * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
+//  *
+//  * @author Alexander Rose <>
+//  */
-import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
-import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
-import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
-import { UnitsLinesVisual, UnitsLinesParams } from '../units-visual';
-import { StructureElementIterator, getElementLoci, markElement } from './util/element';
-import { GaussianDensityProps, GaussianDensityParams } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/gaussian-density';
-import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
-import { Lines } from 'mol-geo/geometry/lines/lines';
-import { computeMarchingCubesLines } from 'mol-geo/util/marching-cubes/algorithm';
-import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
-import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
+// import { Unit, Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
+// import { UnitsVisual } from '../representation';
+// import { VisualUpdateState } from '../../util';
+// import { UnitsLinesVisual, UnitsLinesParams } from '../units-visual';
+// import { StructureElementIterator, getElementLoci, markElement } from './util/element';
+// import { GaussianDensityProps, GaussianDensityParams } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/gaussian-density';
+// import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
+// import { Lines } from 'mol-geo/geometry/lines/lines';
+// import { computeMarchingCubesLines } from 'mol-geo/util/marching-cubes/algorithm';
+// import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
+// import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-async function createGaussianWireframe(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: GaussianDensityProps, lines?: Lines): Promise<Lines> {
-    const { smoothness } = props
-    const { transform, field, idField } = await unit.computeGaussianDensity(props, ctx.runtime)
+// function createGaussianWireframe(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: GaussianDensityProps, lines?: Lines): Promise<Lines> {
+//     const { smoothness } = props
+//     const { transform, field, idField } = await unit.computeGaussianDensity(props, ctx.runtime)
-    const params = {
-        isoLevel: Math.exp(-smoothness),
-        scalarField: field,
-        idField
-    }
-    const wireframe = await computeMarchingCubesLines(params, lines).runAsChild(ctx.runtime)
+//     const params = {
+//         isoLevel: Math.exp(-smoothness),
+//         scalarField: field,
+//         idField
+//     }
+//     const wireframe = await computeMarchingCubesLines(params, lines).runAsChild(ctx.runtime)
-    Lines.transformImmediate(wireframe, transform)
+//     Lines.transformImmediate(wireframe, transform)
-    return wireframe
+//     return wireframe
+// }
-export const GaussianWireframeParams = {
-    ...UnitsLinesParams,
-    ...GaussianDensityParams,
-    lineSizeAttenuation: PD.Boolean(false),
-export type GaussianWireframeParams = typeof GaussianWireframeParams
+// export const GaussianWireframeParams = {
+//     ...UnitsLinesParams,
+//     ...GaussianDensityParams,
+//     lineSizeAttenuation: PD.Boolean(false),
+// }
+// export type GaussianWireframeParams = typeof GaussianWireframeParams
-export function GaussianWireframeVisual(): UnitsVisual<GaussianWireframeParams> {
-    return UnitsLinesVisual<GaussianWireframeParams>({
-        defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(GaussianWireframeParams),
-        createGeometry: createGaussianWireframe,
-        createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
-        getLoci: getElementLoci,
-        mark: markElement,
-        setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<GaussianWireframeParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<GaussianWireframeParams>) => {
-            if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.radiusOffset !== currentProps.radiusOffset) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.smoothness !== currentProps.smoothness) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.useGpu !== currentProps.useGpu) state.createGeometry = true
-            if (newProps.ignoreCache !== currentProps.ignoreCache) state.createGeometry = true
-        }
-    })
\ No newline at end of file
+// export function GaussianWireframeVisual(): UnitsVisual<GaussianWireframeParams> {
+//     return UnitsLinesVisual<GaussianWireframeParams>({
+//         defaultProps: PD.getDefaultValues(GaussianWireframeParams),
+//         createGeometry: createGaussianWireframe,
+//         createLocationIterator: StructureElementIterator.fromGroup,
+//         getLoci: getElementLoci,
+//         mark: markElement,
+//         setUpdateState: (state: VisualUpdateState, newProps: PD.Values<GaussianWireframeParams>, currentProps: PD.Values<GaussianWireframeParams>) => {
+//             if (newProps.resolution !== currentProps.resolution) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.radiusOffset !== currentProps.radiusOffset) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.smoothness !== currentProps.smoothness) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.useGpu !== currentProps.useGpu) state.createGeometry = true
+//             if (newProps.ignoreCache !== currentProps.ignoreCache) state.createGeometry = true
+//         }
+//     })
+// }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/inter-unit-link-cylinder.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/inter-unit-link-cylinder.ts
index f9cd1c147..5f298b7d9 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/inter-unit-link-cylinder.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/inter-unit-link-cylinder.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import { PickingId } from 'mol-geo/geometry/picking';
 import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
 import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-async function createInterUnitLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<InterUnitLinkParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createInterUnitLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<InterUnitLinkParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const links = structure.links
     const { bondCount, bonds } = links
     const { sizeFactor, sizeAspectRatio } = props
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/intra-unit-link-cylinder.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/intra-unit-link-cylinder.ts
index beaa507fe..1dcfc59d4 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/intra-unit-link-cylinder.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/intra-unit-link-cylinder.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { PickingId } from 'mol-geo/geometry/picking';
 import { VisualContext } from 'mol-repr/representation';
 import { Theme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
-async function createIntraUnitLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<IntraUnitLinkParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createIntraUnitLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PD.Values<IntraUnitLinkParams>, mesh?: Mesh) {
     if (!Unit.isAtomic(unit)) return Mesh.createEmpty(mesh)
     const location = StructureElement.create(unit)
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/nucleotide-block-mesh.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/nucleotide-block-mesh.ts
index b3be2492c..2cf7c0b2d 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/nucleotide-block-mesh.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/nucleotide-block-mesh.ts
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export const NucleotideBlockMeshParams = {
 export const DefaultNucleotideBlockMeshProps = PD.getDefaultValues(NucleotideBlockMeshParams)
 export type NucleotideBlockMeshProps = typeof DefaultNucleotideBlockMeshProps
-async function createNucleotideBlockMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: NucleotideBlockMeshProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createNucleotideBlockMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: NucleotideBlockMeshProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
     if (!Unit.isAtomic(unit)) return Mesh.createEmpty(mesh)
     const { sizeFactor } = props
@@ -109,9 +109,6 @@ async function createNucleotideBlockMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structu
-                if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-                    await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Nucleotide block mesh', current: i });
-                }
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-backbone-cylinder.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-backbone-cylinder.ts
index 2e27f6e0a..f3fb52f2d 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-backbone-cylinder.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-backbone-cylinder.ts
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ export const PolymerBackboneCylinderParams = {
 export const DefaultPolymerBackboneCylinderProps = PD.getDefaultValues(PolymerBackboneCylinderParams)
 export type PolymerBackboneCylinderProps = typeof DefaultPolymerBackboneCylinderProps
-async function createPolymerBackboneCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PolymerBackboneCylinderProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
+// TODO do group id based on polymer index not element index
+function createPolymerBackboneCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PolymerBackboneCylinderProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const polymerElementCount = unit.polymerElements.length
     if (!polymerElementCount) return Mesh.createEmpty(mesh)
@@ -42,7 +43,6 @@ async function createPolymerBackboneCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit,
     const pB =
     const cylinderProps: CylinderProps = { radiusTop: 1, radiusBottom: 1, radialSegments }
-    let i = 0
     const polymerBackboneIt = PolymerBackboneIterator(unit)
     while (polymerBackboneIt.hasNext) {
         const { centerA, centerB } = polymerBackboneIt.move()
@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ async function createPolymerBackboneCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit,
         cylinderProps.radiusTop = cylinderProps.radiusBottom = theme.size.size(centerB) * sizeFactor
         builder.setGroup(OrderedSet.indexOf(elements, centerB.element))
         addCylinder(builder, pB, pA, 0.5, cylinderProps)
-        if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-            await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Backbone mesh', current: i, max: polymerElementCount });
-        }
-        ++i
     return builder.getMesh()
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-direction-wedge.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-direction-wedge.ts
index 3c9dc41c3..f0df188e9 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-direction-wedge.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-direction-wedge.ts
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export const PolymerDirectionWedgeParams = {
 export const DefaultPolymerDirectionWedgeProps = PD.getDefaultValues(PolymerDirectionWedgeParams)
 export type PolymerDirectionWedgeProps = typeof DefaultPolymerDirectionWedgeProps
-async function createPolymerDirectionWedgeMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PolymerDirectionWedgeProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createPolymerDirectionWedgeMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PolymerDirectionWedgeProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const polymerElementCount = unit.polymerElements.length
     if (!polymerElementCount) return Mesh.createEmpty(mesh)
@@ -80,9 +80,6 @@ async function createPolymerDirectionWedgeMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, s
             builder.add(t, wedge)
-        if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-            await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Polymer direction mesh', current: i, max: polymerElementCount });
-        }
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-gap-cylinder.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-gap-cylinder.ts
index 818837ce1..0bd618b6f 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-gap-cylinder.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-gap-cylinder.ts
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export const PolymerGapCylinderParams = {
 export const DefaultPolymerGapCylinderProps = PD.getDefaultValues(PolymerGapCylinderParams)
 export type PolymerGapCylinderProps = typeof DefaultPolymerGapCylinderProps
-async function createPolymerGapCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PolymerGapCylinderProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createPolymerGapCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PolymerGapCylinderProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const polymerGapCount = unit.gapElements.length
     if (!polymerGapCount) return Mesh.createEmpty(mesh)
@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@ async function createPolymerGapCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, stru
             addFixedCountDashedCylinder(builder, pB, pA, 0.5, segmentCount, cylinderProps)
-        if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-            await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Gap mesh', current: i, max: polymerGapCount });
-        }
         i += 2
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-trace-mesh.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-trace-mesh.ts
index 6890b4853..0f9f4d38a 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-trace-mesh.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/polymer-trace-mesh.ts
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export type PolymerTraceMeshProps = typeof DefaultPolymerTraceMeshProps
 // TODO handle polymer ends properly
-async function createPolymerTraceMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PolymerTraceMeshProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
+function createPolymerTraceMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: PolymerTraceMeshProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const polymerElementCount = unit.polymerElements.length
     if (!polymerElementCount) return Mesh.createEmpty(mesh)
@@ -77,9 +77,6 @@ async function createPolymerTraceMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure:
             addTube(builder, curvePoints, normalVectors, binormalVectors, linearSegments, radialSegments, width, height, 1, v.secStrucFirst, v.secStrucLast)
-        if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-            await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Polymer trace mesh', current: i, max: polymerElementCount });
-        }
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/element.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/element.ts
index 38188c438..e95a606a6 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/element.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/element.ts
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export interface ElementSphereMeshProps {
     sizeFactor: number
-export async function createElementSphereMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: ElementSphereMeshProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
+export function createElementSphereMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, structure: Structure, theme: Theme, props: ElementSphereMeshProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const { detail, sizeFactor } = props
     const { elements } = unit;
@@ -42,10 +42,6 @@ export async function createElementSphereMesh(ctx: VisualContext, unit: Unit, st
         addSphere(meshBuilder, v, theme.size.size(l) * sizeFactor, detail)
-        if (i % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-            await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Sphere mesh', current: i, max: elementCount });
-        }
     return meshBuilder.getMesh()
diff --git a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/link.ts b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/link.ts
index a080395f4..5f102bdfe 100644
--- a/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/link.ts
+++ b/src/mol-repr/structure/visual/util/link.ts
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export interface LinkCylinderMeshBuilderProps {
  * Each edge is included twice to allow for coloring/picking
  * the half closer to the first vertex, i.e. vertex a.
-export async function createLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, linkBuilder: LinkCylinderMeshBuilderProps, props: LinkCylinderProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
+export function createLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, linkBuilder: LinkCylinderMeshBuilderProps, props: LinkCylinderProps, mesh?: Mesh) {
     const { linkCount, referencePosition, position, order, flags, radius } = linkBuilder
     if (!linkCount) return Mesh.createEmpty(mesh)
@@ -109,10 +109,6 @@ export async function createLinkCylinderMesh(ctx: VisualContext, linkBuilder: Li
             cylinderProps.radiusTop = cylinderProps.radiusBottom = linkRadius
             addCylinder(meshBuilder, va, vb, 0.5, cylinderProps)
-        if (edgeIndex % 10000 === 0 && ctx.runtime.shouldUpdate) {
-            await ctx.runtime.update({ message: 'Cylinder mesh', current: edgeIndex, max: linkCount });
-        }
     return meshBuilder.getMesh()