/** * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info. * * @author David Sehnal <david.sehnal@gmail.com> */ import { State } from '../mol-state'; import { PluginStateObject as SO } from './state/objects'; import { Camera } from '../mol-canvas3d/camera'; import { PluginBehavior } from './behavior'; import { CameraSnapshotManager } from './state/camera'; import { PluginStateSnapshotManager } from './state/snapshots'; import { RxEventHelper } from '../mol-util/rx-event-helper'; import { Canvas3DProps } from '../mol-canvas3d/canvas3d'; import { PluginCommands } from './command'; import { PluginAnimationManager } from './state/animation/manager'; import { ParamDefinition as PD } from '../mol-util/param-definition'; import { UUID } from '../mol-util'; import { Interactivity } from './util/interactivity'; export { PluginState } class PluginState { private ev = RxEventHelper.create(); readonly dataState: State; readonly behaviorState: State; readonly animation: PluginAnimationManager; readonly cameraSnapshots = new CameraSnapshotManager(); readonly snapshots: PluginStateSnapshotManager; readonly behavior = { kind: this.ev.behavior<PluginState.Kind>('data'), currentObject: this.ev.behavior<State.ObjectEvent>({} as any) } setKind(kind: PluginState.Kind) { const current = this.behavior.kind.value; if (kind !== current) { this.behavior.kind.next(kind); this.behavior.currentObject.next(kind === 'data' ? this.dataState.behaviors.currentObject.value : this.behaviorState.behaviors.currentObject.value) } } getSnapshot(params?: PluginState.GetSnapshotParams): PluginState.Snapshot { const p = { ...PluginState.DefaultGetSnapshotParams, ...params }; return { id: UUID.create22(), data: p.data ? this.dataState.getSnapshot() : void 0, behaviour: p.behavior ? this.behaviorState.getSnapshot() : void 0, animation: p.animation ? this.animation.getSnapshot() : void 0, startAnimation: p.startAnimation ? !!p.startAnimation : void 0, camera: p.camera ? { current: this.plugin.canvas3d.camera.getSnapshot(), transitionStyle: p.cameraTranstion.name, transitionDurationInMs: (params && params.cameraTranstion && params.cameraTranstion.name === 'animate') ? params.cameraTranstion.params.durationInMs : undefined } : void 0, cameraSnapshots: p.cameraSnapshots ? this.cameraSnapshots.getStateSnapshot() : void 0, canvas3d: p.canvas3d ? { props: this.plugin.canvas3d.props } : void 0, interactivity: p.interactivity ? { props: this.plugin.interactivity.props } : void 0, durationInMs: params && params.durationInMs }; } async setSnapshot(snapshot: PluginState.Snapshot) { await this.animation.stop(); if (snapshot.behaviour) await this.plugin.runTask(this.behaviorState.setSnapshot(snapshot.behaviour)); if (snapshot.data) await this.plugin.runTask(this.dataState.setSnapshot(snapshot.data)); if (snapshot.canvas3d) { if (snapshot.canvas3d.props) await PluginCommands.Canvas3D.SetSettings.dispatch(this.plugin, { settings: snapshot.canvas3d.props }); } if (snapshot.interactivity) { if (snapshot.interactivity.props) await PluginCommands.Interactivity.SetProps.dispatch(this.plugin, { props: snapshot.interactivity.props }); } if (snapshot.cameraSnapshots) this.cameraSnapshots.setStateSnapshot(snapshot.cameraSnapshots); if (snapshot.animation) { this.animation.setSnapshot(snapshot.animation); } if (snapshot.camera) { PluginCommands.Camera.SetSnapshot.dispatch(this.plugin, { snapshot: snapshot.camera.current, durationMs: snapshot.camera.transitionStyle === 'animate' ? snapshot.camera.transitionDurationInMs : void 0 }); } if (snapshot.startAnimation) { this.animation.start(); } } dispose() { this.ev.dispose(); this.dataState.dispose(); this.behaviorState.dispose(); this.cameraSnapshots.dispose(); this.animation.dispose(); } constructor(private plugin: import('./context').PluginContext) { this.snapshots = new PluginStateSnapshotManager(plugin); this.dataState = State.create(new SO.Root({ }), { globalContext: plugin }); this.behaviorState = State.create(new PluginBehavior.Root({ }), { globalContext: plugin, rootState: { isLocked: true } }); this.dataState.behaviors.currentObject.subscribe(o => { if (this.behavior.kind.value === 'data') this.behavior.currentObject.next(o); }); this.behaviorState.behaviors.currentObject.subscribe(o => { if (this.behavior.kind.value === 'behavior') this.behavior.currentObject.next(o); }); this.behavior.currentObject.next(this.dataState.behaviors.currentObject.value); this.animation = new PluginAnimationManager(plugin); } } namespace PluginState { export type Kind = 'data' | 'behavior' export type CameraTransitionStyle = 'instant' | 'animate' export const GetSnapshotParams = { durationInMs: PD.Numeric(1500, { min: 100, max: 15000, step: 100 }, { label: 'Duration in ms' }), data: PD.Boolean(true), behavior: PD.Boolean(false), animation: PD.Boolean(true), startAnimation: PD.Boolean(false), canvas3d: PD.Boolean(true), interactivity: PD.Boolean(true), camera: PD.Boolean(true), // TODO: make camera snapshots same as the StateSnapshots with "child states?" cameraSnapshots: PD.Boolean(false), cameraTranstion: PD.MappedStatic('animate', { animate: PD.Group({ durationInMs: PD.Numeric(250, { min: 100, max: 5000, step: 500 }, { label: 'Duration in ms' }), }), instant: PD.Group({ }) }, { options: [['animate', 'Animate'], ['instant', 'Instant']] }) }; export type GetSnapshotParams = Partial<PD.Values<typeof GetSnapshotParams>> export const DefaultGetSnapshotParams = PD.getDefaultValues(GetSnapshotParams); export interface Snapshot { id: UUID, data?: State.Snapshot, behaviour?: State.Snapshot, animation?: PluginAnimationManager.Snapshot, startAnimation?: boolean, camera?: { current: Camera.Snapshot, transitionStyle: CameraTransitionStyle, transitionDurationInMs?: number }, cameraSnapshots?: CameraSnapshotManager.StateSnapshot, canvas3d?: { props?: Canvas3DProps }, interactivity?: { props?: Interactivity.Props }, durationInMs?: number } }