/** * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info. * * @author David Sehnal <david.sehnal@gmail.com> * @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de> */ import { Column, Table } from 'mol-data/db'; import { mmCIF_Database, mmCIF_Schema } from 'mol-io/reader/cif/schema/mmcif'; import { Spacegroup, SpacegroupCell, SymmetryOperator } from 'mol-math/geometry'; import { Tensor, Vec3 } from 'mol-math/linear-algebra'; import { RuntimeContext } from 'mol-task'; import UUID from 'mol-util/uuid'; import { Model } from 'mol-model/structure/model/model'; import { Entities } from 'mol-model/structure/model/properties/common'; import { CustomProperties } from 'mol-model/structure/model/properties/custom'; import { ModelSymmetry } from 'mol-model/structure/model/properties/symmetry'; import { createAssemblies } from './assembly'; import { getAtomicHierarchyAndConformation } from './atomic'; import { ComponentBond } from './bonds'; import { getIHMCoarse, EmptyIHMCoarse, IHMData } from './ihm'; import { getSecondaryStructure } from './secondary-structure'; import { getSequence } from './sequence'; import { sortAtomSite } from './sort'; import { StructConn } from './bonds/struct_conn'; import { ChemicalComponent } from 'mol-model/structure/model/properties/chemical-component'; import { getMoleculeType, MoleculeType } from 'mol-model/structure/model/types'; import { ModelFormat } from '../format'; import { SaccharideComponentMap, SaccharideComponent, SaccharidesSnfgMap, SaccharideCompIdMap, UnknownSaccharideComponent } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/carbohydrates/constants'; import mmCIF_Format = ModelFormat.mmCIF import { memoize1 } from 'mol-util/memoize'; export async function _parse_mmCif(format: mmCIF_Format, ctx: RuntimeContext) { const formatData = getFormatData(format) const isIHM = format.data.ihm_model_list._rowCount > 0; return isIHM ? await readIHM(ctx, format, formatData) : await readStandard(ctx, format, formatData); } type AtomSite = mmCIF_Database['atom_site'] function getSymmetry(format: mmCIF_Format): ModelSymmetry { const assemblies = createAssemblies(format); const spacegroup = getSpacegroup(format); const isNonStandardCrytalFrame = checkNonStandardCrystalFrame(format, spacegroup); return { assemblies, spacegroup, isNonStandardCrytalFrame, ncsOperators: getNcsOperators(format) }; } function checkNonStandardCrystalFrame(format: mmCIF_Format, spacegroup: Spacegroup) { const { atom_sites } = format.data; if (atom_sites._rowCount === 0) return false; // TODO: parse atom_sites transform and check if it corresponds to the toFractional matrix return false; } function getSpacegroup(format: mmCIF_Format): Spacegroup { const { symmetry, cell } = format.data; if (symmetry._rowCount === 0 || cell._rowCount === 0) return Spacegroup.ZeroP1; const groupName = symmetry['space_group_name_H-M'].value(0); const spaceCell = SpacegroupCell.create(groupName, Vec3.create(cell.length_a.value(0), cell.length_b.value(0), cell.length_c.value(0)), Vec3.scale(Vec3.zero(), Vec3.create(cell.angle_alpha.value(0), cell.angle_beta.value(0), cell.angle_gamma.value(0)), Math.PI / 180)); return Spacegroup.create(spaceCell); } function getNcsOperators(format: mmCIF_Format) { const { struct_ncs_oper } = format.data; if (struct_ncs_oper._rowCount === 0) return void 0; const { id, matrix, vector } = struct_ncs_oper; const matrixSpace = mmCIF_Schema.struct_ncs_oper.matrix.space, vectorSpace = mmCIF_Schema.struct_ncs_oper.vector.space; const opers: SymmetryOperator[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < struct_ncs_oper._rowCount; i++) { const m = Tensor.toMat3(matrixSpace, matrix.value(i)); const v = Tensor.toVec3(vectorSpace, vector.value(i)); if (!SymmetryOperator.checkIfRotationAndTranslation(m, v)) continue; const ncsId = id.value(i) opers[opers.length] = SymmetryOperator.ofRotationAndOffset(`ncs_${ncsId}`, m, v, ncsId); } return opers; } function getModifiedResidueNameMap(format: mmCIF_Format): Model['properties']['modifiedResidues'] { const data = format.data.pdbx_struct_mod_residue; const parentId = new Map<string, string>(); const details = new Map<string, string>(); const comp_id = data.label_comp_id.isDefined ? data.label_comp_id : data.auth_comp_id; const parent_id = data.parent_comp_id, details_data = data.details; for (let i = 0; i < data._rowCount; i++) { const id = comp_id.value(i); parentId.set(id, parent_id.value(i)); details.set(id, details_data.value(i)); } return { parentId, details }; } function getChemicalComponentMap(format: mmCIF_Format): Model['properties']['chemicalComponentMap'] { const map = new Map<string, ChemicalComponent>(); const { chem_comp } = format.data if (chem_comp._rowCount > 0) { const { id } = format.data.chem_comp for (let i = 0, il = id.rowCount; i < il; ++i) { map.set(id.value(i), Table.getRow(format.data.chem_comp, i)) } } return map } function getSaccharideComponentMap(format: mmCIF_Format): SaccharideComponentMap { const map = new Map<string, SaccharideComponent>(); const { pdbx_chem_comp_identifier } = format.data if (pdbx_chem_comp_identifier._rowCount > 0) { const { comp_id, type, identifier } = pdbx_chem_comp_identifier for (let i = 0, il = pdbx_chem_comp_identifier._rowCount; i < il; ++i) { if (type.value(i) === 'SNFG CARB SYMBOL') { const snfgName = identifier.value(i) const saccharideComp = SaccharidesSnfgMap.get(snfgName) if (saccharideComp) { map.set(comp_id.value(i), saccharideComp) } else { console.warn(`Unknown SNFG name '${snfgName}'`) } } } } else if (format.data.chem_comp._rowCount > 0) { const { id, type } = format.data.chem_comp for (let i = 0, il = id.rowCount; i < il; ++i) { const _id = id.value(i) const _type = type.value(i) if (SaccharideCompIdMap.has(_id)) { map.set(_id, SaccharideCompIdMap.get(_id)!) } else if (!map.has(_id) && getMoleculeType(_type, _id) === MoleculeType.saccharide) { map.set(_id, UnknownSaccharideComponent) } } } else { const uniqueNames = getUniqueComponentNames(format) SaccharideCompIdMap.forEach((v, k) => { if (uniqueNames.has(k)) map.set(k, v) }) } return map } const getUniqueComponentNames = memoize1((format: mmCIF_Format) => { const uniqueNames = new Set<string>() const data = format.data.atom_site const comp_id = data.label_comp_id.isDefined ? data.label_comp_id : data.auth_comp_id; for (let i = 0, il = comp_id.rowCount; i < il; ++i) { uniqueNames.add(comp_id.value(i)) } return uniqueNames }) export interface FormatData { modifiedResidues: Model['properties']['modifiedResidues'] chemicalComponentMap: Model['properties']['chemicalComponentMap'] saccharideComponentMap: Model['properties']['saccharideComponentMap'] } function getFormatData(format: mmCIF_Format): FormatData { return { modifiedResidues: getModifiedResidueNameMap(format), chemicalComponentMap: getChemicalComponentMap(format), saccharideComponentMap: getSaccharideComponentMap(format) } } function createStandardModel(format: mmCIF_Format, atom_site: AtomSite, sourceIndex: Column<number>, entities: Entities, formatData: FormatData, previous?: Model): Model { const atomic = getAtomicHierarchyAndConformation(atom_site, sourceIndex, entities, formatData, previous); if (previous && atomic.sameAsPrevious) { return { ...previous, id: UUID.create22(), modelNum: atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num.value(0), atomicConformation: atomic.conformation, _dynamicPropertyData: Object.create(null) }; } const coarse = EmptyIHMCoarse; const label = format.data.entry.id.valueKind(0) === Column.ValueKind.Present ? format.data.entry.id.value(0) : format.data._name; return { id: UUID.create22(), label, sourceData: format, modelNum: atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num.value(0), entities, symmetry: getSymmetry(format), sequence: getSequence(format.data, entities, atomic.hierarchy, formatData.modifiedResidues.parentId), atomicHierarchy: atomic.hierarchy, atomicConformation: atomic.conformation, coarseHierarchy: coarse.hierarchy, coarseConformation: coarse.conformation, properties: { secondaryStructure: getSecondaryStructure(format.data, atomic.hierarchy, atomic.conformation), ...formatData }, customProperties: new CustomProperties(), _staticPropertyData: Object.create(null), _dynamicPropertyData: Object.create(null) }; } function createModelIHM(format: mmCIF_Format, data: IHMData, formatData: FormatData): Model { const atomic = getAtomicHierarchyAndConformation(data.atom_site, data.atom_site_sourceIndex, data.entities, formatData); const coarse = getIHMCoarse(data, formatData); return { id: UUID.create22(), label: data.model_name, sourceData: format, modelNum: data.model_id, entities: data.entities, symmetry: getSymmetry(format), sequence: getSequence(format.data, data.entities, atomic.hierarchy, formatData.modifiedResidues.parentId), atomicHierarchy: atomic.hierarchy, atomicConformation: atomic.conformation, coarseHierarchy: coarse.hierarchy, coarseConformation: coarse.conformation, properties: { secondaryStructure: getSecondaryStructure(format.data, atomic.hierarchy, atomic.conformation), ...formatData }, customProperties: new CustomProperties(), _staticPropertyData: Object.create(null), _dynamicPropertyData: Object.create(null) }; } function attachProps(model: Model) { ComponentBond.attachFromMmCif(model); StructConn.attachFromMmCif(model); } function findModelEnd(num: Column<number>, startIndex: number) { const rowCount = num.rowCount; if (!num.isDefined) return rowCount; let endIndex = startIndex + 1; while (endIndex < rowCount && num.areValuesEqual(startIndex, endIndex)) endIndex++; return endIndex; } async function readStandard(ctx: RuntimeContext, format: mmCIF_Format, formatData: FormatData) { const atomCount = format.data.atom_site._rowCount; const entities: Entities = { data: format.data.entity, getEntityIndex: Column.createIndexer(format.data.entity.id) }; const models: Model[] = []; let modelStart = 0; while (modelStart < atomCount) { const modelEnd = findModelEnd(format.data.atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num, modelStart); const { atom_site, sourceIndex } = await sortAtomSite(ctx, format.data.atom_site, modelStart, modelEnd); const model = createStandardModel(format, atom_site, sourceIndex, entities, formatData, models.length > 0 ? models[models.length - 1] : void 0); attachProps(model); models.push(model); modelStart = modelEnd; } return models; } function splitTable<T extends Table<any>>(table: T, col: Column<number>) { const ret = new Map<number, { table: T, start: number, end: number }>() const rowCount = table._rowCount; let modelStart = 0; while (modelStart < rowCount) { const modelEnd = findModelEnd(col, modelStart); const id = col.value(modelStart); ret.set(id, { table: Table.window(table, table._schema, modelStart, modelEnd) as T, start: modelStart, end: modelEnd }); modelStart = modelEnd; } return ret; } async function readIHM(ctx: RuntimeContext, format: mmCIF_Format, formatData: FormatData) { const { ihm_model_list } = format.data; const entities: Entities = { data: format.data.entity, getEntityIndex: Column.createIndexer(format.data.entity.id) }; if (format.data.atom_site._rowCount && !format.data.atom_site.ihm_model_id.isDefined) { throw new Error('expected _atom_site.ihm_model_id to be defined') } const atom_sites = splitTable(format.data.atom_site, format.data.atom_site.ihm_model_id); // TODO: will coarse IHM records require sorting or will we trust it? // ==> Probably implement a sort as as well and store the sourceIndex same as with atomSite const sphere_sites = splitTable(format.data.ihm_sphere_obj_site, format.data.ihm_sphere_obj_site.model_id); const gauss_sites = splitTable(format.data.ihm_gaussian_obj_site, format.data.ihm_gaussian_obj_site.model_id); const models: Model[] = []; const { model_id, model_name } = ihm_model_list; for (let i = 0; i < ihm_model_list._rowCount; i++) { const id = model_id.value(i); let atom_site, atom_site_sourceIndex; if (atom_sites.has(id)) { const e = atom_sites.get(id)!; const { atom_site: sorted, sourceIndex } = await sortAtomSite(ctx, e.table, e.start, e.end); atom_site = sorted; atom_site_sourceIndex = sourceIndex; } else { atom_site = Table.window(format.data.atom_site, format.data.atom_site._schema, 0, 0); atom_site_sourceIndex = Column.ofIntArray([]); } const data: IHMData = { model_id: id, model_name: model_name.value(i), entities: entities, atom_site, atom_site_sourceIndex, ihm_sphere_obj_site: sphere_sites.has(id) ? sphere_sites.get(id)!.table : Table.window(format.data.ihm_sphere_obj_site, format.data.ihm_sphere_obj_site._schema, 0, 0), ihm_gaussian_obj_site: gauss_sites.has(id) ? gauss_sites.get(id)!.table : Table.window(format.data.ihm_gaussian_obj_site, format.data.ihm_gaussian_obj_site._schema, 0, 0) }; const model = createModelIHM(format, data, formatData); attachProps(model); models.push(model); } return models; }