import * as IDs from './idents'; import * as RefCfmr from './reference-conformers'; import { ReDNATCOMspApi as Api } from './api'; import { ReDNATCOMsp, Display, VisualRepresentations } from './index'; import { NtCColors } from './colors'; import { Filters } from './filters'; import { Filtering } from './filtering'; import { ReferenceConformersPdbs } from './reference-conformers-pdbs'; import { Step } from './step'; import { Superpose } from './superpose'; import { Traverse } from './traverse'; import { isoBounds, prettyIso } from './util'; import { DnatcoNtCs } from '../../extensions/dnatco'; import { DnatcoTypes } from '../../extensions/dnatco/types'; import { NtCTubeTypes } from '../../extensions/dnatco/ntc-tube/types'; import { ConfalPyramidsParams } from '../../extensions/dnatco/confal-pyramids/representation'; import { OrderedSet } from '../../mol-data/int/ordered-set'; import { BoundaryHelper } from '../../mol-math/geometry/boundary-helper'; import { Vec3 } from '../../mol-math/linear-algebra/3d'; import { EmptyLoci, Loci } from '../../mol-model/loci'; import { ElementIndex, Model, Structure, StructureElement, StructureProperties, StructureSelection, Trajectory } from '../../mol-model/structure'; import { Volume } from '../../mol-model/volume'; import { structureUnion, structureSubtract } from '../../mol-model/structure/query/utils/structure-set'; import { Location } from '../../mol-model/structure/structure/element/location'; import { MmcifFormat } from '../../mol-model-formats/structure/mmcif'; import { PluginBehavior, PluginBehaviors } from '../../mol-plugin/behavior'; import { PluginCommands } from '../../mol-plugin/commands'; import { PluginConfig } from '../../mol-plugin/config'; import { PluginContext } from '../../mol-plugin/context'; import { PluginSpec } from '../../mol-plugin/spec'; import { LociLabel } from '../../mol-plugin-state/manager/loci-label'; import { StateTransforms } from '../../mol-plugin-state/transforms'; import { RawData } from '../../mol-plugin-state/transforms/data'; import { createPluginUI } from '../../mol-plugin-ui'; import { PluginUIContext } from '../../mol-plugin-ui/context'; import { DefaultPluginUISpec, PluginUISpec } from '../../mol-plugin-ui/spec'; import { Representation } from '../../mol-repr/representation'; import { StateObjectCell, StateObject, StateTransformer } from '../../mol-state'; import { StateBuilder } from '../../mol-state/state/builder'; import { Script } from '../../mol-script/script'; import { MolScriptBuilder as MSB } from '../../mol-script/language/builder'; import { formatMolScript } from '../../mol-script/language/expression-formatter'; import { lociLabel } from '../../mol-theme/label'; import { arrayMax } from '../../mol-util/array'; import { Binding } from '../../mol-util/binding'; import { Color } from '../../mol-util/color'; import { ButtonsType, ModifiersKeys } from '../../mol-util/input/input-observer'; import { ParamDefinition as PD } from '../../mol-util/param-definition'; import { ObjectKeys } from '../../mol-util/type-helpers'; import './molstar.css'; import './rednatco-molstar.css'; const Extensions = { 'ntcs-prop': PluginSpec.Behavior(DnatcoNtCs), }; const AnimationDurationMsec = 150; const BaseRef = 'rdo'; const RCRef = 'rc'; const NtCSupPrev = 'ntc-sup-prev'; const NtCSupSel = 'ntc-sup-sel'; const NtCSupNext = 'ntc-sup-next'; const SphereBoundaryHelper = new BoundaryHelper('98'); function ntcStepToElementLoci(step: DnatcoTypes.Step, stru: Structure) { let expr = MSB.core.rel.eq([MSB.struct.atomProperty.macromolecular.auth_asym_id(), step.auth_asym_id_1]); expr = MSB.core.logic.and([ MSB.core.rel.eq([MSB.struct.atomProperty.macromolecular.auth_seq_id(), step.auth_seq_id_1]), expr ]); expr = MSB.core.logic.and([ MSB.core.rel.eq([MSB.struct.atomProperty.macromolecular.label_alt_id(), step.label_alt_id_1]), expr ]); expr = MSB.struct.generator.atomGroups({ 'atom-test': expr, 'group-by': MSB.struct.atomProperty.macromolecular.label_asym_id() }); return Loci.normalize( Script.toLoci( Script(formatMolScript(expr), 'mol-script'), stru ), 'two-residues' ); } function rcref(c: string, where: 'sel' | 'prev' | 'next' | '' = '') { return `${RCRef}-${c}-${where}`; } function superpositionAtomsIndices(loci: StructureElement.Loci) { const es = loci.elements[0]; const loc = Location.create(loci.structure, es.unit, es.unit.elements[OrderedSet.getAt(es.indices, 0)]); const len = OrderedSet.size(es.indices); const indices = new Array<ElementIndex>(); const gather = (atoms: string[], start: number, end: number) => { for (const atom of atoms) { let idx = start; for (; idx < end; idx++) { loc.element = es.unit.elements[OrderedSet.getAt(es.indices, idx)]; const _atom = StructureProperties.atom.label_atom_id(loc); if (atom === _atom) { indices.push(loc.element); break; } } if (idx === end) { console.error(`Cannot find backbone atom ${atom} in first residue of a step`); return false; } } return true; }; // Find split between first and second residue const resNo1 = StructureProperties.residue.label_seq_id(loc); let secondIdx = -1; for (let idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { loc.element = es.unit.elements[OrderedSet.getAt(es.indices, idx)]; const resNo = StructureProperties.residue.label_seq_id(loc); if (resNo !== resNo1) { secondIdx = idx; break; } } if (secondIdx === -1) { console.log('No first/second residue split'); return []; } // Gather element indices for the first residue loc.element = es.unit.elements[OrderedSet.getAt(es.indices, 0)]; const compId1 = StructureProperties.atom.label_comp_id(loc); const atoms1 = RefCfmr.referenceAtoms(compId1.toUpperCase(), 'first'); if (!gather(atoms1, 0, secondIdx)) { console.log('No ref atoms for first'); return []; } // Gather element indices for the second residue loc.element = es.unit.elements[OrderedSet.getAt(es.indices, secondIdx)]; const compId2 = StructureProperties.atom.label_comp_id(loc); const atoms2 = RefCfmr.referenceAtoms(compId2.toUpperCase(), 'second'); if (!gather(atoms2, secondIdx, len)) { console.log('No ref atoms for second'); return []; } return indices; } function visualForSubstructure(sub: IDs.Substructure, display: Display) { if (sub === 'nucleic') { return display.structures.nucleicRepresentation === 'ntc-tube' ? SubstructureVisual.NtC('ntc-tube', display.structures.conformerColors) : SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn(display.structures.nucleicRepresentation, Color(display.structures.chainColor)); } else if (sub === 'protein') { return SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn(display.structures.proteinRepresentation, Color(display.structures.chainColor)); } else /* water */ { return SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn('ball-and-stick', Color(display.structures.waterColor)); } } const ReDNATCOLociLabelProvider = PluginBehavior.create({ name: 'watlas-loci-label-provider', category: 'interaction', ctor: class implements PluginBehavior<undefined> { private f = { label: (loci: Loci) => { switch (loci.kind) { case 'structure-loci': case 'element-loci': case 'data-loci': return lociLabel(loci); default: return ''; } }, group: (label: LociLabel) => label.toString().replace(/Model [0-9]+/g, 'Models'), priority: 100 }; register() { this.ctx.managers.lociLabels.addProvider(this.f); } unregister() { this.ctx.managers.lociLabels.removeProvider(this.f); } constructor(protected ctx: PluginContext) { } }, display: { name: 'ReDNATCO labeling' } }); const ReDNATCOLociSelectionBindings = { clickFocus: Binding([Binding.Trigger(ButtonsType.Flag.Secondary)], 'Focus camera on selected loci using ${triggers}'), clickSelectOnly: Binding([Binding.Trigger(ButtonsType.Flag.Primary)], 'Select the clicked element using ${triggers}.'), clickDeselectAllOnEmpty: Binding([Binding.Trigger(ButtonsType.Flag.Primary)], 'Deselect all when clicking on nothing using ${triggers}.'), }; const ReDNATCOLociSelectionParams = { bindings: PD.Value(ReDNATCOLociSelectionBindings, { isHidden: true }), onDeselected: PD.Value(() => {}, { isHidden: true }), onSelected: PD.Value((loci: Representation.Loci) => {}, { isHidden: true }), }; type ReDNATCOLociSelectionProps = PD.Values<typeof ReDNATCOLociSelectionParams>; const ReDNATCOLociSelectionProvider = PluginBehavior.create({ name: 'rednatco-loci-selection-provider', category: 'interaction', display: { name: 'Interactive step selection' }, params: () => ReDNATCOLociSelectionParams, ctor: class extends PluginBehavior.Handler<ReDNATCOLociSelectionProps> { private focusOnLoci(loci: Representation.Loci) { if (!this.ctx.canvas3d) return; const sphere = Loci.getBoundingSphere(loci.loci); if (!sphere) return; const snapshot =; =; PluginCommands.Camera.SetSnapshot(this.ctx, { snapshot, durationMs: AnimationDurationMsec }); } register() { const lociIsEmpty = (current: Representation.Loci) => Loci.isEmpty(current.loci); const lociIsNotEmpty = (current: Representation.Loci) => !Loci.isEmpty(current.loci); const actions: [keyof typeof ReDNATCOLociSelectionBindings, (current: Representation.Loci) => void, ((current: Representation.Loci) => boolean) | undefined][] = [ ['clickFocus', current => this.focusOnLoci(current), lociIsNotEmpty], [ 'clickDeselectAllOnEmpty', () => { this.ctx.managers.interactivity.lociSelects.deselectAll(); this.params.onDeselected(); }, lociIsEmpty ], [ 'clickSelectOnly', current => { this.ctx.managers.interactivity.lociSelects.deselectAll(); if (current.loci.kind === 'element-loci') { this.params.onSelected(current); } else if (current.loci.kind === 'data-loci') { console.log(current.loci.tag,; this.params.onSelected(current); } }, lociIsNotEmpty ], ]; // sort the action so that the ones with more modifiers trigger sooner. actions.sort((a, b) => { const x = this.params.bindings[a[0]], y = this.params.bindings[b[0]]; const k = x.triggers.length === 0 ? 0 : arrayMax( => ModifiersKeys.size(t.modifiers))); const l = y.triggers.length === 0 ? 0 : arrayMax( => ModifiersKeys.size(t.modifiers))); return l - k; }); this.subscribeObservable(, ({ current, button, modifiers }) => { if (!this.ctx.canvas3d) return; // only trigger the 1st action that matches for (const [binding, action, condition] of actions) { if (Binding.match(this.params.bindings[binding], button, modifiers) && (!condition || condition(current))) { action(current); break; } } }); } unregister() { } constructor(ctx: PluginContext, params: ReDNATCOLociSelectionProps) { super(ctx, params); } }, }); export namespace SubstructureVisual { export type BuiltIn = { type: 'built-in', repr: Omit<VisualRepresentations, 'ntc-tube'>, color: Color } export function BuiltIn(repr: BuiltIn['repr'], color: BuiltIn['color']): BuiltIn { return { type: 'built-in', repr, color }; } export type NtC = { type: 'ntc', repr: 'ntc-tube', colors: NtCColors.Conformers } export function NtC(repr: NtC['repr'], colors: NtC['colors']): NtC { return { type: 'ntc', repr, colors }; } export type Types = BuiltIn | NtC; } export class ReDNATCOMspViewer { private haveMultipleModels = false; private steps: Step.ExtendedDescription[] = []; private stepNames: Map<string, number> = new Map(); private app: ReDNATCOMsp; constructor(public plugin: PluginUIContext, interactionContext: { self?: ReDNATCOMspViewer }, app: ReDNATCOMsp) { interactionContext.self = this; = app; } private densityMapVisuals(vis: Display['densityMaps'][0], visKind: 'absolute' | 'positive' | 'negative') { const isoValue = visKind === 'absolute' ? Volume.IsoValue.absolute(vis.isoValue) : visKind === 'positive' ? Volume.IsoValue.relative(vis.isoValue) : Volume.IsoValue.relative(-vis.isoValue); const color = visKind === 'absolute' || visKind === 'positive' ? vis.colors[0] : vis.colors[1]; return { type: { name: 'isosurface', params: { alpha: vis.alpha, isoValue, visuals: vis.representations, sizeFactor: 0.75, } }, colorTheme: { name: 'uniform', params: { value: Color(color.color) }, }, }; } private focusOnLoci(loci: StructureElement.Loci) { if (!this.plugin.canvas3d) return; const sphere = Loci.getBoundingSphere(loci); if (!sphere) return; const snapshot =; const v = Vec3(); const u = Vec3(); Vec3.set(v,[0],[1],[2]); Vec3.set(u, snapshot.position[0], snapshot.position[1], snapshot.position[2]); Vec3.sub(u, u, v); Vec3.normalize(u, u); Vec3.scale(u, u, sphere.radius * 8); Vec3.add(v, u, v); =; snapshot.position = v; PluginCommands.Camera.SetSnapshot(this.plugin, { snapshot, durationMs: AnimationDurationMsec }); } private getBuilder(id: IDs.ID, sub: IDs.Substructure | '' = '', ref = BaseRef) { return, sub, ref)); } private getStructureParent(cell: StateObjectCell) { if (!cell.sourceRef) return undefined; const parent =; if (!parent) return undefined; return parent.obj? === 'Structure' ? parent.obj : undefined; } private ntcRef(ntc: string, where: 'sel' | 'prev' | 'next') { return rcref(ntc, where); } private pyramidsParams(colors: NtCColors.Conformers, visible: Map<string, boolean>, transparent: boolean) { const typeParams = {} as PD.Values<ConfalPyramidsParams>; for (const k of Reflect.ownKeys(ConfalPyramidsParams) as (keyof ConfalPyramidsParams)[]) { if (ConfalPyramidsParams[k].type === 'boolean') (typeParams[k] as any) = visible.get(k) ?? ConfalPyramidsParams[k]['defaultValue']; } return { type: { name: 'confal-pyramids', params: { ...typeParams, alpha: transparent ? 0.5 : 1.0 } }, colorTheme: { name: 'confal-pyramids', params: { colors: { name: 'custom', params: colors, }, }, }, }; } private resetCameraRadius() { if (!this.plugin.canvas3d) return; const spheres = []; for (const [ref, cell] of Array.from( { if (!IDs.isVisual(ref)) continue; const parent = this.getStructureParent(cell); if (parent) { const loci = StructureSelection.toLociWithSourceUnits(StructureSelection.Singletons(,; const s = Loci.getBoundingSphere(loci); if (s) spheres.push(s); } } if (spheres.length === 0) return; SphereBoundaryHelper.reset(); for (const s of spheres) SphereBoundaryHelper.includePositionRadius(, s.radius); SphereBoundaryHelper.finishedIncludeStep(); for (const s of spheres) SphereBoundaryHelper.radiusPositionRadius(, s.radius); const bs = SphereBoundaryHelper.getSphere(); const snapshot =; snapshot.radius = bs.radius; =; PluginCommands.Camera.SetSnapshot(this.plugin, { snapshot, durationMs: AnimationDurationMsec }); } private stepFromName(name: string) { const idx = this.stepNames.get(name); if (idx === undefined) return undefined; return this.steps[idx]; } private substructureVisuals(visual: SubstructureVisual.Types) { if (visual.type === 'built-in') { switch (visual.repr) { case 'cartoon': return { type: { name: 'cartoon', params: { sizeFactor: 0.2, sizeAspectRatio: 0.35, aromaticBonds: false }, }, colorTheme: { name: 'uniform', params: { value: visual.color } } }; case 'ball-and-stick': return { type: { name: 'ball-and-stick', params: { sizeFactor: 0.2, sizeAspectRatio: 0.35, excludeTypes: ['hydrogen-bond', 'aromatic'], aromaticBonds: false, }, }, colorTheme: { name: 'element-symbol', params: { carbonColor: { name: 'custom', params: visual.color } } }, }; } } else if (visual.type === 'ntc') { switch (visual.repr) { case 'ntc-tube': return { type: { name: 'ntc-tube', params: {}, }, colorTheme: { name: 'ntc-tube', params: { colors: { name: 'custom', params: visual.colors, }, }, }, }; } } } private superpose(reference: StructureElement.Loci, stru: StructureElement.Loci) { const refElems = superpositionAtomsIndices(reference); const struElems = superpositionAtomsIndices(stru); return Superpose.superposition( { elements: refElems, conformation: reference.elements[0].unit.conformation }, { elements: struElems, conformation: stru.elements[0].unit.conformation } ); } private async toggleNucleicSubstructure(show: boolean, visual: SubstructureVisual.Types) { if (this.has('structure', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef)) { const b = this.getBuilder('structure', 'remainder-slice'); if (show) { b.apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.substructureVisuals(visual), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef) } ); } else b.delete(IDs.ID('visual', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef)); await b.commit(); } else { const b = this.getBuilder('structure', 'nucleic'); if (show) { b.apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.substructureVisuals(visual), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', 'nucleic', BaseRef) } ); } else b.delete(IDs.ID('visual', 'nucleic', BaseRef)); await b.commit(); } } private toStepLoci(name: string, struLoci: StructureElement.Loci) { const step = this.stepFromName(name); if (!step) return EmptyLoci; return Traverse.findStep( step.chain, step.resNo1, step.altId1, step.insCode1, step.resNo2, step.altId2, step.insCode2, struLoci, 'auth' ); } private waterVisuals(color: Color) { return { type: { name: 'ball-and-stick', params: { sizeFactor: 0.2, sizeAspectRatio: 0.35, aromaticBonds: false }, }, colorTheme: { name: 'uniform', params: { value: color } }, }; } static async create(target: HTMLElement, app: ReDNATCOMsp) { const interactCtx: { self?: ReDNATCOMspViewer } = { self: undefined }; const defaultSpec = DefaultPluginUISpec(); const spec: PluginUISpec = { ...defaultSpec, behaviors: [ PluginSpec.Behavior(ReDNATCOLociLabelProvider), PluginSpec.Behavior(PluginBehaviors.Representation.HighlightLoci), PluginSpec.Behavior( ReDNATCOLociSelectionProvider, { bindings: ReDNATCOLociSelectionBindings, onDeselected: () => interactCtx.self!.notifyStepDeselected(), onSelected: (loci) => interactCtx.self!.onLociSelected(loci), } ), ...ObjectKeys(Extensions).map(k => Extensions[k]), ], components: { ...defaultSpec.components, controls: { ...defaultSpec.components?.controls, top: 'none', right: 'none', bottom: 'none', left: 'none' }, }, layout: { initial: { isExpanded: false, showControls: false, } }, config: [ [PluginConfig.Viewport.ShowExpand, false], [PluginConfig.Viewport.ShowControls, false], [PluginConfig.Viewport.ShowSettings, false], [PluginConfig.Viewport.ShowTrajectoryControls, false], [PluginConfig.Viewport.ShowAnimation, false], [PluginConfig.Viewport.ShowSelectionMode, false], ] }; const plugin = await createPluginUI(target, spec); plugin.managers.interactivity.setProps({ granularity: 'two-residues' }); plugin.selectionMode = true; return new ReDNATCOMspViewer(plugin, interactCtx, app); } async changeChainColor(subs: IDs.Substructure[], display: Display) { const b =; const color = Color(display.structures.chainColor); for (const sub of subs) { const vis = visualForSubstructure(sub, display); if (this.has('visual', sub)) {'visual', sub, BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.substructureVisuals(vis), }) ); } } if (this.has('visual', 'selected-slice', BaseRef)) {'visual', 'selected-slice', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.substructureVisuals(SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn('ball-and-stick', color)), }) ); } if (this.has('visual', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef)) { const vis = visualForSubstructure('nucleic', display);'visual', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.substructureVisuals(vis), }) ); } await b.commit(); } async changeNtCColors(display: Display) { if (!this.has('pyramids', 'nucleic')) return; const b ='pyramids', 'nucleic', BaseRef)); b.update( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, colorTheme: { name: 'confal-pyramids', params: { colors: { name: 'custom', params: display.structures.conformerColors ?? NtCColors.Conformers, }, }, }, }) ); await b.commit(); } async changePyramids(display: Display) { if (display.structures.showPyramids) { if (!this.has('pyramids', 'nucleic')) { const b = this.getBuilder('structure', 'nucleic'); if (b) { b.apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.pyramidsParams(display.structures.conformerColors ?? NtCColors.Conformers, new Map(), display.structures.pyramidsTransparent ?? false), { ref: IDs.ID('pyramids', 'nucleic', BaseRef) } ); await b.commit(); } } else { const b = this.getBuilder('pyramids', 'nucleic'); b.update( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.pyramidsParams(display.structures.conformerColors ?? NtCColors.Conformers, new Map(), display.structures.pyramidsTransparent ?? false), }) ); await b.commit(); } } else await PluginCommands.State.RemoveObject(this.plugin, { state:, ref: IDs.ID('pyramids', 'nucleic', BaseRef) }); } async changeWaterColor(display: Display) { const color = Color(display.structures.waterColor); const b =; if (this.has('visual', 'water', BaseRef)) {'visual', 'water', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.waterVisuals(color), }) ); await b.commit(); } } async changeRepresentation(sub: IDs.Substructure, display: Display) { const b =; const vis = visualForSubstructure(sub, display); if (this.has('visual', sub)) {'visual', sub, BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.substructureVisuals(vis), }) ); } if (sub === 'nucleic') { if (this.has('visual', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef)) {'visual', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.substructureVisuals(vis), }) ); } } await b.commit(); } async changeDensityMap(index: number, display: Display) { if (!this.hasDensityMaps()) return; const dm = display.densityMaps[index]; if (dm.kind === 'fo-fc') { await, 'visual', BaseRef + '_pos')) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.VolumeRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.densityMapVisuals(dm, 'positive'), }) ) .to(IDs.DensityID(index, 'visual', BaseRef + '_neg')) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.VolumeRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.densityMapVisuals(dm, 'negative'), }) ) .commit(); } else { await, 'visual', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Representation.VolumeRepresentation3D, old => ({ ...old, ...this.densityMapVisuals(dm, 'absolute'), }) ) .commit(); } } currentModelNumber() { const model ='model', '', BaseRef))?.obj; if (!model) return -1; return (model as StateObject<Model>).data.modelNum; } densityMapIsoRange(index: number, ref = BaseRef): { min: number, max: number } | undefined { const cell =, 'volume', ref)); if (!cell || !cell.obj) return void 0; const grid = ( as Volume).grid; return { min: grid.stats.min, max: grid.stats.max }; } focusOnSelectedStep() { const sel ='superposition', '', NtCSupSel)); const prev ='superposition', '', NtCSupPrev)); const next ='superposition', '', NtCSupNext)); const prevLoci = prev?.obj ? StructureSelection.toLociWithSourceUnits(StructureSelection.Singletons(prev.obj!.data, prev.obj!.data)) : EmptyLoci; const nextLoci = next?.obj ? StructureSelection.toLociWithSourceUnits(StructureSelection.Singletons(next.obj!.data, next.obj!.data)) : EmptyLoci; let focusOn = sel?.obj ? StructureSelection.toLociWithSourceUnits(StructureSelection.Singletons(sel!.obj!.data, sel!.obj!.data)) : EmptyLoci; if (focusOn.kind === 'empty-loci') return; if (prevLoci.kind === 'element-loci') focusOn = StructureElement.Loci.union(focusOn, prevLoci); if (nextLoci.kind === 'element-loci') focusOn = StructureElement.Loci.union(focusOn, nextLoci); this.focusOnLoci(focusOn); } gatherStepInfo(): { steps: Step.ExtendedDescription[], stepNames: Map<string, number> } | undefined { const obj ='model', '', BaseRef))?.obj; if (!obj) return void 0; const struModel = (obj as StateObject<Model>); const sourceData =; if (! return void 0; const tableSum =['ndb_struct_ntc_step_summary']; const tableStep =['ndb_struct_ntc_step']; if (!tableSum || !tableStep) { console.warn('NtC information not present'); return void 0; } const _ids = tableStep.getField('id')?.toIntArray(); const _names = tableStep.getField('name')?.toStringArray(); const _chains = tableStep.getField('auth_asym_id_1')?.toStringArray(); const _authSeqId1 = tableStep.getField('auth_seq_id_1')?.toIntArray(); const _authSeqId2 = tableStep.getField('auth_seq_id_2')?.toIntArray(); const _compId1 = tableStep.getField('label_comp_id_1')?.toStringArray(); const _compId2 = tableStep.getField('label_comp_id_2')?.toStringArray(); const _labelAltId1 = tableStep.getField('label_alt_id_1')?.toStringArray(); const _labelAltId2 = tableStep.getField('label_alt_id_2')?.toStringArray(); const _PDBinsCode1 = tableStep.getField('PDB_ins_code_1')?.toStringArray(); const _PDBinsCode2 = tableStep.getField('PDB_ins_code_2')?.toStringArray(); const _stepIds = tableSum.getField('step_id')?.toIntArray(); const _assignedNtCs = tableSum.getField('assigned_NtC')?.toStringArray(); const _closestNtCs = tableSum.getField('closest_NtC')?.toStringArray(); const _models = tableStep.getField('PDB_model_number')?.toIntArray(); if (!_ids || !_names || !_chains || !_stepIds || !_assignedNtCs || !_closestNtCs || !_labelAltId1 || !_labelAltId2 || !_authSeqId1 || !_authSeqId2 || !_compId1 || !_compId2 || !_PDBinsCode1 || !_PDBinsCode2 || !_models) { console.warn('Expected fields are not present in NtC categories'); return void 0; } const len = _ids.length; const stepNames = new Map<string, number>(); const steps = new Array<Step.ExtendedDescription>(len); for (let idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { const id = _ids[idx]; const name = _names[idx]; for (let jdx = 0; jdx < len; jdx++) { if (_stepIds[jdx] === id) { const assignedNtC = _assignedNtCs[jdx]; const closestNtC = _closestNtCs[jdx]; const chain = _chains[jdx]; const resNo1 = _authSeqId1[jdx]; const resNo2 = _authSeqId2[jdx]; const compId1 = _compId1[jdx]; const compId2 = _compId2[jdx]; const altId1 = _labelAltId1[jdx] === '' ? void 0 : _labelAltId1[jdx]; const altId2 = _labelAltId2[jdx] === '' ? void 0 : _labelAltId2[jdx]; const insCode1 = _PDBinsCode1[jdx]; const insCode2 = _PDBinsCode2[jdx]; const model = _models[jdx]; // We're assuming that steps are ID'd with a contigious, monotonic sequence starting from 1 steps[id - 1] = { name, model, entryId:, assignedNtC, closestNtC, chain, resNo1, resNo2, compId1, compId2, altId1, altId2, insCode1, insCode2, }; stepNames.set(name, id - 1); break; } } } return { steps, stepNames }; } getModelCount() { const obj ='trajectory', '', BaseRef))?.obj; if (!obj) return 0; return (obj as StateObject<Trajectory>).data.frameCount; } getPresentConformers() { const obj ='model', '', BaseRef))?.obj; if (!obj) return []; const model = (obj as StateObject<Model>); const modelNum =; const sourceData =; if ( { const tableSum =['ndb_struct_ntc_step_summary']; const tableStep =['ndb_struct_ntc_step']; if (!tableSum || !tableStep) { console.warn('NtC information not present'); return []; } const _stepIds = tableSum.getField('step_id'); const _assignedNtCs = tableSum.getField('assigned_NtC'); const _ids = tableStep.getField('id'); const _modelNos = tableStep.getField('PDB_model_number'); if (!_stepIds || !_assignedNtCs || !_ids || !_modelNos) { console.warn('Expected fields are not present in NtC categories'); return []; } const stepIds = _stepIds.toIntArray(); const assignedNtCs = _assignedNtCs.toStringArray(); const ids = _ids.toIntArray(); const modelNos = _modelNos.toIntArray(); const present = new Array<string>(); for (let row = 0; row < stepIds.length; row++) { const idx = ids.indexOf(stepIds[row]); if (modelNos[idx] === modelNum) { const ntc = assignedNtCs[row]; if (!present.includes(ntc)) present.push(ntc); } } present.sort(); return present; } return []; } has(id: IDs.ID, sub: IDs.Substructure | '' = '', ref = BaseRef) { return !!, sub, ref))?.obj?.data; } hasDensityMaps(ref = BaseRef) { return !!, 'volume', ref))?.obj?.data; } isReady() { return this.has('entire-structure', '', BaseRef); } async loadStructure( coords: { data: string, type: Api.CoordinatesFormat }, densityMaps: { data: Uint8Array, type: Api.DensityMapFormat, kind: Api.DensityMapKind }[] | null, display: Display ) { // TODO: Remove the currently loaded structure const chainColor = Color(display.structures.chainColor); const waterColor = Color(display.structures.waterColor); const b = (t => coords.type === 'pdb' ? t.apply(StateTransforms.Model.TrajectoryFromPDB, {}, { ref: IDs.ID('trajectory', '', BaseRef) }) : t.apply(StateTransforms.Data.ParseCif).apply(StateTransforms.Model.TrajectoryFromMmCif, {}, { ref: IDs.ID('trajectory', '', BaseRef) }) )(, { data: }, { ref: IDs.ID('data', '', BaseRef) })) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.ModelFromTrajectory, { modelIndex: display.structures.modelNumber ? display.structures.modelNumber - 1 : 0 }, { ref: IDs.ID('model', '', BaseRef) }) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.StructureFromModel, {}, { ref: IDs.ID('entire-structure', '', BaseRef) }) // Extract substructures .apply(StateTransforms.Model.StructureComplexElement, { type: 'nucleic' }, { ref: IDs.ID('entire-structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef) }) .to(IDs.ID('entire-structure', '', BaseRef)) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.StructureComplexElement, { type: 'protein' }, { ref: IDs.ID('entire-structure', 'protein', BaseRef) }) .to(IDs.ID('entire-structure', '', BaseRef)) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.StructureComplexElement, { type: 'water' }, { ref: IDs.ID('entire-structure', 'water', BaseRef) }); // Commit now so that we can check whether individual substructures are available and apply filters await b.commit(); // Create the "possibly filtered" structure PSOs const b2 =; if (this.has('entire-structure', 'nucleic')) {'entire-structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Model.StructureSelectionFromExpression, { expression: Filtering.toExpression(Filters.Empty()) }, { ref: IDs.ID('structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef) } ); } if (this.has('entire-structure', 'protein')) {'entire-structure', 'protein', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Model.StructureSelectionFromExpression, { expression: Filtering.toExpression(Filters.Empty()) }, { ref: IDs.ID('structure', 'protein', BaseRef) } ); } if (this.has('entire-structure', 'water')) {'entire-structure', 'water', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Model.StructureSelectionFromExpression, { expression: Filtering.toExpression(Filters.Empty()) }, { ref: IDs.ID('structure', 'water', BaseRef) } ); } await b2.commit(); // Create default visuals const b3 =; if (display.structures.showNucleic && this.has('structure', 'nucleic')) {'structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.substructureVisuals(SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn('cartoon', chainColor)), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', 'nucleic', BaseRef) } ); if (display.structures.showPyramids) {'structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.pyramidsParams(display.structures.conformerColors ?? NtCColors.Conformers, new Map(), false), { ref: IDs.ID('pyramids', 'nucleic', BaseRef) } ); } } if (display.structures.showProtein && this.has('structure', 'protein')) {'structure', 'protein', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.substructureVisuals(SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn('cartoon', chainColor)), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', 'protein', BaseRef) } ); } if (display.structures.showWater && this.has('structure', 'water')) {'structure', 'water', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.waterVisuals(waterColor), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', 'water', BaseRef) } ); } await b3.commit(); // Load density map, if any if (densityMaps) { for (let idx = 0; idx < densityMaps.length; idx++) { const dm = densityMaps[idx]; if (dm.type === 'ccp4') { await .apply(RawData, { data: }, { ref: IDs.DensityID(idx, 'data', BaseRef) }) .apply(StateTransforms.Data.ParseCcp4) .apply(StateTransforms.Volume.VolumeFromCcp4, {}, { ref: IDs.DensityID(idx, 'volume', BaseRef) }) .commit(); } else if (dm.type === 'dsn6') { await .apply(RawData, { data: }, { ref: IDs.DensityID(idx, 'data', BaseRef) }) .apply(StateTransforms.Data.ParseDsn6) .apply(StateTransforms.Volume.VolumeFromDsn6, {}, { ref: IDs.DensityID(idx, 'volume', BaseRef) }) .commit(); } const isoRange = this.densityMapIsoRange(idx)!; const bounds = isoBounds(isoRange.min, isoRange.max); if (dm.kind === 'fo-fc') { display.densityMaps[idx].isoValue = prettyIso(isoRange.max * 0.67, bounds.step);, 'volume', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.VolumeRepresentation3D, this.densityMapVisuals(display.densityMaps[idx], 'positive'), { ref: IDs.DensityID(idx, 'visual', BaseRef + '_pos') } ) .to(IDs.DensityID(idx, 'volume', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.VolumeRepresentation3D, this.densityMapVisuals(display.densityMaps[idx], 'negative'), { ref: IDs.DensityID(idx, 'visual', BaseRef + '_neg') } ) .commit(); } else { display.densityMaps[idx].isoValue = prettyIso(((isoRange.max - isoRange.min) / 2) + isoRange.min, bounds.step); await, 'volume', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.VolumeRepresentation3D, this.densityMapVisuals(display.densityMaps[idx], 'absolute'), { ref: IDs.DensityID(idx, 'visual', BaseRef) } ) .commit(); } } } this.haveMultipleModels = this.getModelCount() > 1; const ntcInfo = this.gatherStepInfo(); if (!ntcInfo) { this.steps.length = 0; this.stepNames.clear(); } else { this.steps = ntcInfo.steps; this.stepNames = ntcInfo.stepNames; } } async loadReferenceConformers() { const b =; for (const c in ReferenceConformersPdbs) { const cfmr = ReferenceConformersPdbs[c as keyof typeof ReferenceConformersPdbs]; const bRef = rcref(c); const mRef = IDs.ID('model', '', bRef); b.toRoot(); b.apply(RawData, { data: cfmr, label: `Reference ${c}` }, { ref: IDs.ID('data', '', bRef) }) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.TrajectoryFromPDB, {}, { ref: IDs.ID('trajectory', '', bRef) }) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.ModelFromTrajectory, {}, { ref: mRef }) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.StructureFromModel, {}, { ref: IDs.ID('structure', '', rcref(c, 'sel')) }) .to(mRef) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.StructureFromModel, {}, { ref: IDs.ID('structure', '', rcref(c, 'prev')) }) .to(mRef) .apply(StateTransforms.Model.StructureFromModel, {}, { ref: IDs.ID('structure', '', rcref(c, 'next')) }); } await b.commit(); } notifyStepDeselected() {; } notifyStepSelected(name: string) {; } async onLociSelected(selected: Representation.Loci) { const normalized = (() => { if (selected.loci.kind === 'data-loci') { if (selected.loci.tag === 'dnatco-tube-segment-data') { const stru ='entire-structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef)); if (stru) { const tubeLoci = selected.loci as NtCTubeTypes.Loci; const stepIdx = tubeLoci.elements[0] / 4; // There are 4 tube segments per step const step =[stepIdx]; if (step) return ntcStepToElementLoci(step, stru.obj!.data); else return EmptyLoci; } return EmptyLoci; } else return EmptyLoci; } else if (selected.loci.kind === 'element-loci') return Loci.normalize(selected.loci, 'two-residues'); else return EmptyLoci; })(); if (normalized.kind === 'element-loci') { const stepDesc = Step.describe(normalized, this.haveMultipleModels); if (stepDesc && this.stepNames.has( this.notifyStepSelected(; } } async actionApplyFilter(filter: Filters.All) { const b =; if (this.has('structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef)) {'structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Model.StructureSelectionFromExpression, old => ({ ...old, expression: Filtering.toExpression(filter) }) ); } if (this.has('structure', 'protein', BaseRef)) {'structure', 'protein', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Model.StructureSelectionFromExpression, old => ({ ...old, expression: Filtering.toExpression(filter) }) ); } if (this.has('structure', 'water', BaseRef)) {'structure', 'water', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Model.StructureSelectionFromExpression, old => ({ ...old, expression: Filtering.toExpression(filter) }) ); } await b.commit(); return true; } async actionDeselectStep(display: Display) { await .delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupSel)) .delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupPrev)) .delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupNext)) .delete(IDs.ID('structure', 'selected-slice', BaseRef)) .delete(IDs.ID('structure', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef)) .commit(); await this.toggleSubstructure('nucleic', display); } async actionSelectStep(stepSel: Api.Payloads.StepSelection, prevSel: Api.Payloads.StepSelection | undefined, nextSel: Api.Payloads.StepSelection | undefined, display: Display) { const step = this.stepFromName(; if (!step) return false; // Switch to a different model if the selected step is from a different model // This is the first thing we need to do if (step.model !== this.currentModelNumber()) await this.switchModel(step.model); const entireStruCell ='structure', 'nucleic', BaseRef)); if (!entireStruCell) return false; const stru = entireStruCell.obj!.data!; const struLoci = StructureSelection.toLociWithSourceUnits(StructureSelection.Singletons(stru, stru)); const stepLoci = Traverse.findStep( step.chain, step.resNo1, step.altId1, step.insCode1, step.resNo2, step.altId2, step.insCode2, struLoci, 'auth' ); if (stepLoci.kind !== 'element-loci') return false; const prevLoci = prevSel ? this.toStepLoci(, struLoci) : EmptyLoci; const nextLoci = nextSel ? this.toStepLoci(, struLoci) : EmptyLoci; const toUnionize = [stepLoci.structure]; if (prevLoci.kind !== 'empty-loci') toUnionize.push(prevLoci.structure); if (nextLoci.kind !== 'empty-loci') toUnionize.push(nextLoci.structure); const slice = structureUnion(stru, toUnionize); const stepBundle = StructureElement.Bundle.fromSubStructure(stru, slice); const subtracted = structureSubtract(stru, slice); const remainderBundle = StructureElement.Bundle.fromSubStructure(stru, subtracted); const chainColor = Color(display.structures.chainColor); const b =; .apply( StateTransforms.Model.StructureSelectionFromBundle, { bundle: stepBundle, label: 'Step' }, { ref: IDs.ID('structure', 'selected-slice', BaseRef) } ) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.substructureVisuals(SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn('ball-and-stick', chainColor)), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', 'selected-slice', BaseRef) } ) .to(entireStruCell) .apply( StateTransforms.Model.StructureSelectionFromBundle, { bundle: remainderBundle, label: 'Remainder' }, { ref: IDs.ID('structure', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef) } ); // Only show the remainder if the nucleic substructure is shown if (display.structures.showNucleic) { const vis = display.structures.nucleicRepresentation === 'ntc-tube' ? SubstructureVisual.NtC('ntc-tube', display.structures.conformerColors) : SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn(display.structures.nucleicRepresentation, Color(display.structures.chainColor));'structure', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.substructureVisuals(vis), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', 'remainder-slice', BaseRef) } ) .delete(IDs.ID('visual', 'nucleic', BaseRef)); } this.superposeReferences( b.toRoot(), stepSel.reference ? { loci: stepLoci, reference: stepSel.reference } : void 0, prevSel?.reference && prevLoci.kind === 'element-loci' ? { loci: prevLoci, reference: prevSel.reference } : void 0, nextSel?.reference && nextLoci.kind === 'element-loci' ? { loci: nextLoci, reference: nextSel.reference } : void 0 ); await b.commit(); return true; } redraw() { setTimeout( () => window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')), 0 ); } async switchModel(modelNumber?: number) { if (modelNumber && modelNumber === this.currentModelNumber()) return; const b = .delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupSel)) .delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupPrev)) .delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupNext)) .to(IDs.ID('model', '', BaseRef)) .update( StateTransforms.Model.ModelFromTrajectory, old => ({ ...old, modelIndex: modelNumber ? modelNumber - 1 : 0 }) ); await b.commit(); } superposeReferences<A extends StateObject, T extends StateTransformer>( b: StateBuilder.To<A, T>, step?: { loci: StructureElement.Loci, reference: Api.Payloads.StepSelection['reference'] }, prev?: { loci: StructureElement.Loci, reference: Api.Payloads.StepSelection['reference'] }, next?: { loci: StructureElement.Loci, reference: Api.Payloads.StepSelection['reference'] } ) { const ReferenceVisuals = (color: number) => { return { type: { name: 'ball-and-stick', params: { sizeFactor: 0.15, aromaticBonds: false } }, colorTheme: { name: 'uniform', params: { value: Color(color) } }, }; }; b.delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupSel)) .delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupPrev)) .delete(IDs.ID('superposition', '', NtCSupNext)); const addReference = (ntcRef: string, superposRef: string, stepLoci: StructureElement.Loci, color: number) => { const refStru ='structure', '', ntcRef))!.obj!; const refLoci = StructureSelection.toLociWithSourceUnits(StructureSelection.Singletons(,; const { bTransform } = this.superpose(refLoci, stepLoci); if (isNaN(bTransform[0])) { console.error(`Cannot superpose reference conformer ${ntcRef} onto selection`); return; }'structure', '', ntcRef)) .apply( StateTransforms.Model.TransformStructureConformation, { transform: { name: 'matrix', params: { data: bTransform, transpose: false } } }, { ref: IDs.ID('superposition', '', superposRef) } ).apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, ReferenceVisuals(color), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', '', superposRef) } ); }; if (step?.reference) { const ref = this.ntcRef(step.reference.NtC, 'sel'); addReference(ref, NtCSupSel, step.loci, step.reference.color); } if (prev?.reference) { const ref = this.ntcRef(prev.reference.NtC, 'prev'); addReference(ref, NtCSupPrev, prev.loci, prev.reference.color); } if (next?.reference) { const ref = this.ntcRef(next?.reference.NtC, 'next'); addReference(ref, NtCSupNext, next.loci, next.reference.color); } } async toggleSubstructure(sub: IDs.Substructure, display: Display) { if (sub === 'nucleic') { const show = display.structures.showNucleic; const vis = display.structures.nucleicRepresentation === 'ntc-tube' ? SubstructureVisual.NtC('ntc-tube', display.structures.conformerColors) : SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn(display.structures.nucleicRepresentation, Color(display.structures.chainColor)); await this.toggleNucleicSubstructure(show, vis); this.resetCameraRadius(); } else if (sub === 'protein') { if (!display.structures.showProtein) { await PluginCommands.State.RemoveObject(this.plugin, { state:, ref: IDs.ID('visual', sub, BaseRef) }); this.resetCameraRadius(); } else { const b = this.getBuilder('structure', sub); if (b) { b.apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.substructureVisuals(SubstructureVisual.BuiltIn(display.structures.proteinRepresentation, display.structures.chainColor)), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', sub, BaseRef) } ); await b.commit(); } } } else if (sub === 'water') { if (!display.structures.showWater) { await PluginCommands.State.RemoveObject(this.plugin, { state:, ref: IDs.ID('visual', sub, BaseRef) }); this.resetCameraRadius(); } else { const b = this.getBuilder('structure', sub); if (b) { b.apply( StateTransforms.Representation.StructureRepresentation3D, this.waterVisuals(display.structures.waterColor), { ref: IDs.ID('visual', sub, BaseRef) } ); await b.commit(); } } } } }