{%- if chsection[0] not in hide_sections and (not only_sections or chsection[0] in only_sections) %}
{%- if chsection[0] in statistics or render_empty %}
<lirole="presentation"class="text-center{% if active_first and not tmp['cntr'] %} active{% endif %}">
<lirole="presentation"class="text-center{% if active_section == chsection[0] or (active_section == None and active_first and not tmp['cntr']) %} active{% endif %}">
{%- if chsection[0] not in hide_sections and (not only_sections or chsection[0] in only_sections) %}
{%- if chsection[0] in statistics or render_empty %}
<divrole="tabpanel"class="tab-pane fade{% if active_first and not tmp['cntr'] %} in active{% endif %}"id="tab-{{ id_prefix.replace('_', '-') }}-{{ chsection[0] }}">
<divrole="tabpanel"class="tab-pane fade{% if active_section == chsection[0] or (active_section == None and active_first and not tmp['cntr']) %} in active{% endif %}"id="tab-{{ id_prefix.replace('_', '-') }}-{{ chsection[0] }}">