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Seventh round of improvements in 2.x series

 This release brings major improvements in our Timeline search module. It now enables greater search condition customization capabilities, the same as our Events search module. The search forms are almost identical, which provides users ability to quickly jump from one results page to another with same search conditions. We have also improved search performance of the Timeline module by performing data aggregations and calculations in database instead of in the application. Sadly, not all of the previous aggregation calculations are now supported, because the data were not available directly in our database model. We might bring them back in the future.

This release also lays the groundwork for future abandonment of including report data as email attachments. In the future email reports will contain only links, which can be used to obtain full data, or the users will have the option to use web version of our reports (link is also included in the email). We are encountering issues with misconfigured mailers or too aggressive email filters, which prevent our reports from being successfully delivered. Also the email format is very restrictive and we are unable to present all necessary information in clear form. You should, after all, use only 80 characters per line, and that is not much. Also the use of CSV format for data attachments is now deprecated and will be removed in one of the future releases.

We have also focused on squishing some annoying bugs and a lot of invisible man hours went into writing better tests for our web interface codebase, so that we can have some peace of mind and produce better releases.

Please visit our ticket tracking system for more in-depth information about this release: