# template: home.html
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# Object Storage Services
Object Storage Services is a portfolio of services allowing to facilitate your archive and backup data.
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- :fontawesome-solid-server:{ .lg .middle } __S3 Service__
**S3** is a general service suitable for most of the usecases (archives, backups, special applications...). It also allows to share your data with other users or publicly via link.
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Bucket Sharing](./
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Bucket Encryption](./
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Worm model](./
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Veeam setup against S3](./
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Account properties and lifecycle](/account/properties)
- :fontawesome-solid-server:{ .lg .middle } __RBD Service__
Do you need to cooperate with your colleagues, edit documents and share data?
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Owncloud](
[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Account properties and lifecycle](/account/properties)