Dnes 28.3.2025 od 16:00CET, budou Gitlab, Gitlab Pages a Gitlab Runners servery aktualizované z důvodu vydání urgentní bezpečnostní aktualizace. Počítejte s několika krátkými (cca 5min) nedostupnostmi služeb až do odvolání, běžně do hodiny. Děkuji, masters@cesnet.cz
Class info is now separated in numerous places - inspector class assignment
configuration, two macros in templates, webpage It would be nice to have at
least some of the class related info consolidated.
Let's start with configurable folder, within which subfolders (named by
class label) would hold most of the data concerning one class.
JSON for basic info - description for reporter, web reference, maybe severity
Babel translations subfolder (we're ok with need for Apache/Flask reload on changes)
Related Jinja templates/macros for reporter (txt and html)
Later (in following issues) we might address coupling with inspector rules,
templates/coupling with other places of Hawat (like Events search), and/or
consolidation of wiki information.
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for every class we have just label to translate, maybe will have reference (all links are to czech description without english counterpart) in future, so nearly all classes have just one line in translations
macros will probably very similar, so there won't be duplicates in many subfolders
Macros cannot be defined once and included/referenced to avoid duplicates?
Yes, they can, but I meant duplicates of strings in translation files. Columns like count, ip, url and alike will be in nearly all macros even when the rest of macro will be different.
What is the status of this issue, do you consider it production ready? We should discuss this on our next meeting. If you are happy with the test results, we could consider it done and proceed to release next version.
What is the status of this issue, do you consider it production ready? We should discuss this on our next meeting. If you are happy with the test results, we could consider it done and proceed to release next version.
If nobody has any more requirements and you didn't find any problems than it is ready.