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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mentat system (
# Copyright (C) since 2011 CESNET, z.s.p.o (
# Use of this source is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

This pluggable module provides access to periodical event reports.

__author__ = "Jan Mach <>"
__credits__ = "Pavel Kácha <>, Andrea Kropáčová <>"

import datetime
import dateutil.parser
from jinja2.loaders import ChoiceLoader, FileSystemLoader
from flask.helpers import locked_cached_property
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import flask_mail
from flask_babel import gettext, lazy_gettext, force_locale, format_datetime
import mentat.const
import mentat.stats.idea
from mentat.datatype.sqldb import EventReportModel, GroupModel, UserModel, ItemChangeLogModel, \
from mentat.const import tr_
import hawat.const

import vial.acl
from import VialBlueprint
from vial.view import RenderableView, FileIdView, BaseSearchView, ItemShowView, ItemDeleteView
from vial.view.mixin import HTMLMixin, AJAXMixin, SQLAlchemyMixin
from vial.utils import URLParamsBuilder
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from hawat.blueprints.reports.forms import EventReportSearchForm, ReportingDashboardForm, \
"""Name of the blueprint as module global constant."""
BABEL_RFC3339_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZZZ"

def build_related_search_params(item):
    Build dictionary containing parameters for searching related report events.
    related_events_search_params = {
        'st_from': item.dt_from,
        'st_to': item.dt_to,
        'severities': item.severity,
        'categories': 'Test',
        'groups': [ for group in item.groups],
        'submit': gettext('Search')
    if not item.flag_testdata:
                'not_categories': 'True'
    return related_events_search_params

def adjust_query_for_groups(query, groups):
    Adjust given SQLAlchemy query for current user. In case user specified set of
    groups, perform query filtering. In case no groups were selected, restrict
    non-administrators only to groups they are member of.

    # Adjust query to filter only selected groups.
    if groups:
        # Naive approach.
        #query = query.filter(model.group_id.in_([ for grp in groups]))
        # "Joined" approach.
        return query.join(_asoc_groups_reports).join(GroupModel).filter([ for grp in groups]))

    # For non-administrators restrict query only to groups they are member of.
    if not flask_login.current_user.has_role(vial.const.ROLE_ADMIN):
        # Naive approach.
        #query = query.filter( ==
        # "Joined" approach.
        return query.join(_asoc_groups_reports).join(GroupModel).filter(GroupModel.members.any( ==
class SearchView(HTMLMixin, SQLAlchemyMixin, BaseSearchView):  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors
    View responsible for searching IDEA event report database and presenting result.
    methods = ['GET']
    def get_view_icon(cls):
        return 'module-{}'.format(cls.module_name)
    def get_view_title(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext('Search event reports')
    def get_menu_title(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext('Reports')

    def dbmodel(self):
        return EventReportModel

    def get_search_form(request_args):
        return EventReportSearchForm(request_args, meta = {'csrf': False})
    def build_query(query, model, form_args):
        # Adjust query based on group selection.
        query = adjust_query_for_groups(query, form_args.get('groups', None))
        # Adjust query based on text search string.
        if 'label' in form_args and form_args['label']:
            query = query.filter('%{}%'.format(form_args['label'])))
        # Adjust query based on lower time boudary selection.
        if 'dt_from' in form_args and form_args['dt_from']:
            query = query.filter(model.createtime >= form_args['dt_from'])
        # Adjust query based on upper time boudary selection.
        if 'dt_to' in form_args and form_args['dt_to']:
            query = query.filter(model.createtime <= form_args['dt_to'])
        # Adjust query based on report severity selection.
        if 'types' in form_args and form_args['severities']:
            query = query.filter(model.severity.in_(form_args['severities']))
        # Adjust query based on report type selection.
        if 'severities' in form_args and form_args['types']:
            query = query.filter(model.type.in_(form_args['types']))
        # Return the result sorted by creation time in descending order and by label.
        return query.order_by(model.createtime.desc()).order_by(model.label.desc())
    def do_after_search(self, items):
        if items:
                max_evcount_rep = max([x.evcount_rep for x in items])
class ShowView(HTMLMixin, SQLAlchemyMixin, ItemShowView):
    Detailed report view.
    methods = ['GET']

    def get_menu_title(cls, **kwargs):
    def get_menu_legend(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext(
            'View details of event report &quot;%(item)s&quot;',
            item = flask.escape(str(kwargs['item']))
    def get_view_title(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext('Show report')
    def dbmodel(self):
        return EventReportModel

    def authorize_item_action(cls, **kwargs):
        for group in kwargs['item'].groups:
            permission_mm = flask_principal.Permission(
            if permission_mm.can():
                return permission_mm.can()
        return vial.acl.PERMISSION_POWER.can()
    def get_breadcrumbs_menu(cls):  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,unused-argument
        action_menu =
            endpoint = flask.current_app.config['ENDPOINT_HOME']
            endpoint = '{}.search'.format(cls.module_name)
            endpoint = '{}.show'.format(cls.module_name),
        return action_menu

    def get_action_menu(cls):
        action_menu =
            endpoint = '',
            title = lazy_gettext('Search'),
            legend = lambda **x: lazy_gettext('Search for all events related to report &quot;%(item)s&quot;', item = flask.escape(x['item'].label)),
            url = lambda **x: flask.url_for('', **build_related_search_params(x['item']))
            endpoint = 'reports.delete'
            legend = lazy_gettext('More actions')
            endpoint = '',
            title = lazy_gettext('Download data in JSON format'),
            url = lambda **x: flask.url_for('', fileid = x['item'].label, filetype = 'json'),
            icon = 'action-download',
            hidelegend = True
            endpoint = '',
            title = lazy_gettext('Download compressed data in JSON format'),
            url = lambda **x: flask.url_for('', fileid = x['item'].label, filetype = 'jsonzip'),
            icon = 'action-download-zip',
            hidelegend = True
    def format_datetime(val, tzone):
        Static method that take string with isoformat datetime in utc and return
        string with BABEL_RFC3339_FORMAT formated datetime in tz timezone
        return format_datetime(
            rebase = False
    def format_datetime_wz(val, format_str, tzone):
        Static method that take string with isoformat datetime in utc and return
        string with BABEL_RFC3339_FORMAT formated datetime in tz timezone
        return format_datetime(
            rebase = False

        Escape id for use in bootstrap
        return re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9-_]", (lambda x: '\{:X} '.format(ord(, ident)
    def do_before_response(self, **kwargs):
        if 'item' in self.response_context and self.response_context['item']:
                statistics         = self.response_context['item'].statistics,
                template_vars      = flask.current_app.mconfig[mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER][mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER_TEMPLATEVARS],
                form               = FeedbackForm(),
                format_datetime    = ShowView.format_datetime,
                format_datetime_wz = ShowView.format_datetime_wz,
                tz                 = pytz.timezone(self.response_context['item'].structured_data["timezone"]) if self.response_context['item'].structured_data else None,
                event_classes_dir  = flask.current_app.mconfig[mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER][mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER_EVENTCLASSESDIR],
                escape_id          = ShowView.escape_id
            if self.response_context['item'].mail_to:
                mails = self.response_context['item'].mail_to
                    to_mails = [x[3:] if x.startswith('to:') else x for x in mails if not x.startswith('cc:')],
                    cc_mails = [x[3:] for x in mails if x.startswith('cc:')]
class UnauthShowView(ShowView):  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors
    Unauthorized access to report detail view.
    methods = ['GET']

    authentication = False

    def get_view_name(cls):
    def get_view_template(cls):
        return '{}/show.html'.format(cls.module_name)

    def authorize_item_action(cls, **kwargs):
    def search_by(self):
        return self.dbmodel.label
class DataView(FileIdView):
    View responsible for providing access to report data.
    methods = ['GET']
    def get_view_name(cls):
    def get_view_title(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext('Event report data')

    def get_directory_path(cls, fileid, filetype):
        return mentat.const.construct_report_dirpath(

    def get_filename(self, fileid, filetype):
        fileext = ''
        if filetype == 'json':
            fileext = 'json'
        elif filetype == 'jsonzip':
            fileext = ''
            raise ValueError("Requested invalid data file type '{}'".format(filetype))
        return 'security-report-{}.{}'.format(fileid, fileext)
class AbstractDashboardView(SQLAlchemyMixin, BaseSearchView):  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors
    Base class responsible for presenting reporting dashboard.
    def get_view_icon(cls):
        return 'module-{}'.format(cls.module_name)

    def get_menu_title(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext('Reporting')

    def get_view_title(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext('Event reporting dashboards')

    def get_view_template(cls):
        return '{}/dashboard.html'.format(cls.module_name)

    def dbmodel(self):
        return EventReportModel

    def get_search_form(request_args):
        return ReportingDashboardForm(request_args, meta = {'csrf': False})
    def build_query(query, model, form_args):
        # Adjust query based on group selection.
        query = adjust_query_for_groups(query, form_args.get('groups', None))
        # Adjust query based on lower time boudary selection.
        if 'dt_from' in form_args and form_args['dt_from']:
            query = query.filter(model.createtime >= form_args['dt_from'])
        # Adjust query based on upper time boudary selection.
        if 'dt_to' in form_args and form_args['dt_to']:
            query = query.filter(model.createtime <= form_args['dt_to'])

        # Return the result sorted by label.
        return query.order_by(model.label)
    def do_after_search(self, items):
            "Calculating event reporting dashboard overview from %d records.",
            dt_from = self.response_context['form_data'].get('dt_from', None)
            if dt_from:
                dt_from = dt_from.replace(tzinfo = None)
            dt_to   = self.response_context['form_data'].get('dt_to', None)
            if dt_to:
                dt_to = dt_to.replace(tzinfo = None)

            if not dt_from:
                dt_from = self.dbcolumn_min(self.dbmodel.createtime)
            if not dt_to:
                dt_to = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

            stats = mentat.stats.idea.aggregate_stats_reports(items, dt_from, dt_to)

            # Remove to: and cc: prefixes from emails.
            if 'emails' in stats:
                d = {}
                for k, v in stats['emails'].items():
                    key = k[3:] if k.startswith('to:') or k.startswith('cc:') else k
                    if not key in d:
                        d[key] = 0
                    d[key] += v
                stats['emails'] = d

    def do_before_response(self, **kwargs):
            quicksearch_list = self.get_quicksearch_by_time()

class DashboardView(HTMLMixin, AbstractDashboardView):  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors
    View responsible for presenting reporting dashboard in the form of HTML page.

    def get_view_name(cls):
        return 'dashboard'

class APIDashboardView(AJAXMixin, AbstractDashboardView):  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors
    View responsible for presenting reporting dashboard in the form of JSON document.

    def get_view_name(cls):
        return 'apidashboard'

    def process_response_context(self):
        # Prevent certain response context keys to appear in final response.
        for key in ('items', 'quicksearch_list'):
                del self.response_context[key]
            except KeyError:
        return self.response_context

class DeleteView(HTMLMixin, SQLAlchemyMixin, ItemDeleteView):  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,too-many-ancestors
    View for deleting existing user accounts.
    methods = ['GET','POST']

    authentication = True

    authorization = [vial.acl.PERMISSION_ADMIN]
    def get_menu_legend(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext(
            'Delete event report &quot;%(item)s&quot;',
            item = flask.escape(str(kwargs['item']))
        return flask.url_for(
            '{}.{}'.format(self.module_name, 'search')

    def dbmodel(self):
        return EventReportModel

    def dbchlogmodel(self):
        return ItemChangeLogModel

    def get_message_success(**kwargs):
        return gettext(
            'Event report <strong>%(item_id)s</strong> was successfully and permanently deleted.',
            item_id = flask.escape(str(kwargs['item']))

    def get_message_failure(**kwargs):
        return gettext(
            'Unable to delete event report <strong>%(item_id)s</strong>.',
            item_id = flask.escape(str(kwargs['item']))

    def get_message_cancel(**kwargs):
        return gettext(
            'Canceled deleting event report <strong>%(item_id)s</strong>.',
            item_id = flask.escape(str(kwargs['item']))
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class FeedbackView(AJAXMixin, RenderableView):
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    View for sending feedback for reports.
    methods = ['POST']

    authentication = True

    def get_view_name(cls):
        return 'feedback'

    def get_view_title(cls, **kwargs):
        return lazy_gettext('Report feedback')

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    def dispatch_request(self, item_id):  # pylint: disable=locally-disabled,arguments-differ
        Mandatory interface required by the :py:func:`flask.views.View.dispatch_request`.
        Will be called by the *Flask* framework to service the request.

        Feedback for report with label *item_id*.
        More specific part like section and ip can be send in POST data.
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        form = FeedbackForm(flask.request.form)
        if form.validate():
            mail_locale = flask.current_app.config['BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE']
            link = flask.current_app.mconfig[mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER][mentat.const.CKEY_CORE_REPORTER_TEMPLATEVARS]["report_access_url"] + \
                item_id + "/unauth" + "#" +
            feedback_for = item_id + " (" + + ", ip: " + + ")"

            with force_locale(mail_locale):
                msg = flask_mail.Message(
                        "[Mentat] Feedback for report - %(item_id)s",
                msg.body = flask.render_template(
            self.response_context["message"] = gettext('Thank you. Your feedback was sent to administrators.')
                form_errors=[(field_name, err) for field_name, error_messages in form.errors.items() for err in error_messages]
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            self.response_context["message"] = "<br />".join([": ".join(err) for err in self.response_context["form_errors"]])
        return self.generate_response()

class ReportsBlueprint(VialBlueprint):
    """Pluggable module - periodical event reports (*reports*)."""
    def get_module_title(cls):
        return lazy_gettext('Event reports')
            position = 20,
            view = DashboardView
            position = 120,
            view = SearchView,
            resptitle = True
        # Register context actions provided by this module.
            tr_('Search for abuse group <strong>%(name)s</strong> in report database'),
            URLParamsBuilder({'submit': tr_('Search')}).add_rule('groups', True).add_kwrule('dt_from', False, True).add_kwrule('dt_to', False, True)
            tr_('Search for abuse group <strong>%(name)s</strong> in reporting dashboards'),
            URLParamsBuilder({'submit': tr_('Search')}).add_rule('groups', True).add_kwrule('dt_from', False, True).add_kwrule('dt_to', False, True)
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    def jinja_loader(self):
        """The Jinja loader for this package bound object.

        .. versionadded:: 0.5
        return ChoiceLoader([FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(self.root_path, self.template_folder)),
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def get_blueprint():
    Mandatory interface for :py:mod:`vial.Vial` and factory function. This function
    must return a valid instance of :py:class:`` or
    hbp.register_view_class(SearchView,       '/{}/search'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME))
    hbp.register_view_class(ShowView,         '/{}/<int:item_id>/show'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME))
    hbp.register_view_class(UnauthShowView,   '/{}/<item_id>/unauth'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME))
    hbp.register_view_class(DataView,         '/{}/data/<fileid>/<filetype>'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME))
    hbp.register_view_class(DashboardView,    '/{}/dashboard'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME))
    hbp.register_view_class(DeleteView,       '/{}/<int:item_id>/delete'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME))
    hbp.register_view_class(FeedbackView,     '/{}/<item_id>/feedback'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME))
    hbp.register_view_class(APIDashboardView, '/api/{}/dashboard'.format(BLUEPRINT_NAME))