Long running task to record work progress
Continually develop and improve project documentation.
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- Pavel Kácha assigned to @Jan_Mach · Imported
assigned to @Jan_Mach
By Jan Mach on 2024-12-26T14:05:45
- Pavel Kácha changed milestone to %Long running · Imported
changed milestone to %Long running
- Pavel Kácha changed title from Dokumentace to Documentation · Imported
changed title from Dokumentace to Documentation
By Jan Mach on 2024-12-26T14:12:49
- Pavel Kácha added S-In Progress label and removed S-New label · Imported
added S-In Progress label and removed S-New label
- Author Owner
Before tomorrows video-conference with Protective team members, I have created wiki page about installation, that could help them see thing more clearly. It is not accessible from menu or other pages, so it is currently hidden from random users. Additionally, I have updated the demo description wiki page according to the email regarding the meeting agenda.
By Jan Mach on 2017-03-30T16:56:58
- Pavel Kácha added P5 label and removed P4 label · Imported
- Author Owner
Closing as good idea, but mostly unused - let's track in own tickets, or tickets related to changes.
By Pavel Kácha on 2021-03-09T16:05:37
- Pavel Kácha unassigned @Jan_Mach · Imported
unassigned @Jan_Mach
By Pavel Kácha on 2024-12-26T14:12:50
- Pavel Kácha added S-Closed label and removed S-In Progress label · Imported
added S-Closed label and removed S-In Progress label
- Pavel Kácha closed · Imported