Add link to NERD to IP address context menus
Beginning of integration - IP address conext menus can be made more useful if they allow linking to related systems. Let's start with NERD.
Note: Also SABU integration request.
Beginning of integration - IP address conext menus can be made more useful if they allow linking to related systems. Let's start with NERD.
Note: Also SABU integration request.
assigned to @Jan_Mach
By Pavel Kácha on 2024-12-26T14:06:44
changed milestone to %2.5
Back Relation 'relates' from: 5068
Back Relation 'relates' from: 5278
Back Relation 'duplicates' from: 5069
Relation Relates - Feature 5068 Add context menu to IP addresses in reports
By Pavel Kácha on 2019-05-14T09:19:24
I now consider this issue to be resolved, additional development of more object data services will be done within the parent #5278 issue.
By Jan Mach on 2019-06-26T10:12:20
Relation Relates - Feature 5278 Implement more complex object data services
By Jan Mach on 2019-06-26T13:46:28
Relation Duplicated - Feature 5069 NERD info integration
By Jan Mach on 2019-09-03T11:03:04