starts on Dec 30, 2030
Meta-version for future system features
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Feedback should have the reply-to set to the group instead of a user
- Pivot table visualization
- Reports with relapsed events may contain already reported events
- Move configs to pyproject.toml
- Get rid of .env
- Update Apache configuration
- Remove FileWhoisModule from whois service
- System status monitor should also report on warden-filer status
- Add a possibility to search only reports with relapsed events
- Restrict allowed redirect URLs to specific addresses
- IPv4 and IPv6 events should not be reported in a separate summary/target reports
- Design and implement new colors for severities
- Add a bit more "company" customization
- Add UI/integration tests
- When registering to Mentat, it should be more obvious to chose the group
- get_redirect_target does too many things?
- Error when header contains newline
- Client is not authenticated despite providing a correct Authorization header with api key in GET request
- Log request and environment in case of an error
- Catch all úkol pro vytvoření nových tříd událostí
- Menu reorganisation and cleanup
- Users should be able to edit only "manual" feed
- Add tests for more Hawat endpoints
- All fields in search form should have negations
- Users should be able to choose which information about events should be displayed in the event search
- There are no detectors on Hub
- mentat-backup doesn't delete old files
- Script for modification of postgresql.conf for only necessary changes
- A way to load additional data for IPs in 'Show event' in bulk
- Hawat fails with 500 on DB restart, Mentat (Storage) also breaks
- International Domain Names support in Mentat
- Hawat's babel.cfg is missing from deb installation
- Reconsider Mentat command-line tools
- Reconsider Mentat process management
- Split Mentat specific keys and enrichment keys namespaces
- More generic mechanism for time window pager
- Implement support for saving custom queries
- Redesign JS portion of the Hawat web interface
- PGP signing of reports
- Consider/choose/implement different communication protocol
- Improve documentation for Mentat modules/daemons
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- Forms should check for basic logical errors
- Shadow reporting
- Consider switch to opensource GeoIP data
- Optimize client rendering time
- Review SQLAlchemy vs Flask-SQLAlchemy consolidation options
- Streamline documentation concerning VACUUM/CLUSTER/ANALYZE
- Evaluate pg_repack as a way to shorten maintenance downtime on upgrade
- Referential integrity for database arrays
- Reporting events after group name has changed
- Rethink the indices and planner cost optimizations in light of the current usage patterns
Completed Issues (closed)
- Minor UI improvements
- Enricher and Storage modules are too slow
- Timeout error when searching for updates
- Update flask-sqlalchemy
- Daemons and cronjob scripts should report crashes
- Spool dir is sometimes created with wrong privileges on start
- Search hosts view generates too broad database queries
- Implement result caching
- Reenable Metacentrum network list update
- Access permisions prevent warden-filer start after system reboot
- Aggregation of IP address lists to ranges within one event
- Report duplicate IDs
- Implement and make use of cleanup mechanism for "_" namespaces from IDEA messages.
- Improve unit tests for generating various reports
- Hawat: Make use of Flask-Cache plugin
- Improve unit tests for daemon components.
- Implement dynamically loaded modules in Enricher
- Filter cleanup after migration
- Implement sending of critical errors via email
- Attach our central syslog server as data source for our instance of Warden/Mentat