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Eleventh round of improvements in 2.x series

Quite a bunch of features, improvements and fixes have accumulated in the new release.

The new important feature goes hand in hand with companion part on Warden side – the credibility of detectors. The functionality allows to leverage client reliability knowledge for report generation.

The timeline queries are now reworked to run only for the visible tab, not for all the data, shortening latency considerably. Tabs are also cached on the client, avoiding round trip to server on showing already received data.

As there is a limit for running query per user, users are now able to manage their running events queries and possibly kill them on their own discretion. The plan is to extend this functionality to all the possibly long running queries in the future.

There are some additions to user interface for more consistency and discoverability, and also loads of bug fixes thereof – datetime picker switch/upgrade, more discoverable buttons for new group/network creation, changelog consistency fixes, user registration consistency fixes, network rank visibility, basic filters modification fix, context search update, dashboards review, search case sensitivity and white space fixes, address validation and more.

A set of timezone fixes have been developed in both event search and timeline, which affected lots of query parts, graph bucket deductions, pregenerated bounds and so on.

Other fixes involve last login computation, precache crashing, better cronjob locking, better handling of mailing errors, fixes for network data import, data typing and validation, tooling fixes and upgrades and so on.

We have also managed to shed a considerable amount of cruft by removing dependencies and upgrading important libraries (and adapting code for new versions), like Flask, WTForms, SQLAlchemy, dnspython, requests, rrdtool, nose2, pyflakes, pylint, sphinx, jquery, moment, grunt and others.

Please, visit the issue tracker for list for related issues: