# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Cesnet z.s.p.o
# Use of this source is governed by a BSD-style license, see LICENSE file.
package WardenClientCommon;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Lite;
use IO::Socket::SSL qw(debug1);
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);
use Carp;
# trim - remove whitespace from the start and end of the string
sub trim
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
} # End of trim
# errMsg - prints error msg and returns undef or prints warning and returns 1
sub errMsg
my $msg = shift;
my $type = shift;
defined $type or $type = "err"; # default type is err. Other: warn
my $err_msg = $msg;
my $syslog_msg = $msg;
# check verbose logging to STDERR
if ($WardenClientCommon::LOG_STDERR_VERBOSE) {
$err_msg .= "\nStack info: " . Carp::longmess();
# check verbose logging to SYSLOG
if ($WardenClientCommon::SYSLOG_VERBOSE) {
$syslog_msg .= "\nStack info: " . Carp::longmess();
# check logging to STDERR
print STDERR $err_msg . "\n";
# check logging to SYSLOG
openlog("warden-client:", "pid", "$WardenClientCommon::SYSLOG_FACILITY");
syslog("$type|$WardenClientCommon::SYSLOG_FACILITY", $syslog_msg . "\n");
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if ($type eq 'warn') {
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} else {
} # End of errMsg
# c2s - connect to server, send request and receive response
sub c2s
my $client;
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# parse service URI
my ($server, $port, $service) = $WardenClientCommon::URI =~ /https:\/\/(.+)\:(\d+)\/(.+)/;
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eval {
$client = SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client->new();
} or return errMsg("Error in function 'c2s()' when creating SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client object: " . trim($@));
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# setting of connection timeout
eval {$client->timeout($WardenClientCommon::CONNECTION_TIMEOUT);}
or return errMsg("Error in function 'c2s()' when setting connection timeout: " . trim($@));
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# setting of SSL options
eval {
$client->ssl_opts(verify_hostname => 1,
SSL_use_cert => 1,
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SSL_verify_mode => 0x03,
SSL_key_file => $WardenClientCommon::SSL_KEY,
SSL_cert_file => $WardenClientCommon::SSL_CERT,
SSL_ca_file => $WardenClientCommon::SSL_CA_CERT);
return 1; # fix of eval triggering 'or' statement
} or return errMsg("Ërror in function 'c2s()' when setting SSL options: " . trim($@));
Tomáš Plesník
# setting of service URI
$soap = SOAP::Lite->uri($service)->proxy($WardenClientCommon::URI);
} or return errMsg("Error in function 'c2s()' when setting service URI: " . trim($@));
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# serialize SOAP envelope or SOAP envelope and data object
my $envelope;
if (!defined $data) {
eval {
$envelope = $soap->serializer->envelope(method => $method);
} or return errMsg("Error in function 'c2s()' when serializing envelope: " . trim($@));
} else {
eval {
$envelope = $soap->serializer->envelope(method => $method, $data);
} or return errMsg("Error in function 'c2s()' when serializing envelope and data: " . trim($@));
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# setting of complete HTTPs URI and send serialized SOAP envelope and data
my $server_uri = "https://$server:$port/$service";
my $result;
eval {
$result = $client->send_receive(envelope => $envelope, endpoint => $server_uri);
} or return errMsg("Error in function 'c2s()' when sending SOAP envelope and data: " . trim($@));
# check server response
if (!defined $result) {
errMsg("Server returned empty response. Problem with used SSL ceritificate/key or Warden server at $server:$port is down.");
} else {
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# deserialized response from server to SOAP data object
my $response;
eval {
$response = $soap->deserializer->deserialize($result);
} or return errMsg("Error in deserialization of server response: " . trim($@) . "\nReceived response: " . trim($result) . "\n\n(Maybe you don't have permission to SSL cert/key.)");
# check SOAP fault status
$response->fault ? return errMsg("Server sent error message: " . trim($response->faultstring)) : return $response;
# loadConf - load configuration file
sub loadConf
my $conf_file = shift;
our $URI = undef;
our $SSL_KEY = undef;
our $SSL_CERT = undef;
our $SSL_CA_CERT = undef;
our $MAX_RCV_EVENTS_LIMIT = undef;
our $LOG_STDERR = undef;
our $LOG_STDERR_VERBOSE = undef;
our $SYSLOG = undef;
our $SYSLOG_VERBOSE = undef;
our $SYSLOG_FACILITY = undef;
unless (do $conf_file) {
die("Errors in config file '$conf_file': " . trim($@)) if $@;
die("Can't read config file '$conf_file': " . trim($!)) unless defined $_;
# if $_ defined, it's retvalue of last statement of conf, for which we don't care
} # End of loadConf