# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Cesnet z.s.p.o
# Use of this source is governed by a 3-clause BSD-style license, see LICENSE file.
from warden_client import Client, Error, read_cfg, format_timestamp
from time import time, gmtime
from math import trunc
from uuid import uuid4
from pprint import pprint
from os import path
from random import randint, randrange, choice, random;
from base64 import b64encode;
return {
"Format": "IDEA0",
"ID": str(uuid4()),
def gen_random_idea(client_name="cz.example.warden.test"):
def geniprange(gen):
def iprange():
u = v = 0
while u==v:
u, v = gen(), gen()
u, v = min(u, v), max(u, v)
return "%s-%s" % (u, v)
return iprange
def rand4ip():
return "%s%d" % ('192.0.2.', randint(1, 254))
def rand4cidr():
return "%s%d/%d" % ('192.0.2.', randint(1, 254), randint(24, 31))
def randip4():
return [rand4ip, geniprange(rand4ip), rand4cidr][randint(0, 2)]()
def rand6ip():
return "2001:DB8:%s" % ":".join("%x" % randint(0, 65535) for i in range(6))
def rand6cidr():
m = randint(0, 5)
return "2001:DB8%s%s::/%d" % (":" if m else "", ":".join("%x" % randint(0, 65535) for i in range(m)), (m+2)*16)
def randip6():
return [rand6ip, geniprange(rand6ip), rand6cidr][randint(0, 2)]()

Pavel Kácha
def randstr(charlist=string.ascii_letters, maxlen=32, minlen=1):
return ''.join(choice(charlist) for i in range(randint(minlen, maxlen)))
event = {
"Format": "IDEA0",
"ID": str(uuid4()),
"CreateTime": format_timestamp(),
"DetectTime": format_timestamp(),
"WinStartTime": format_timestamp(),
"WinEndTime": format_timestamp(),
"EventTime": format_timestamp(),
"CeaseTime": format_timestamp(),
#"Category": ["Abusive.Spam","Abusive.Harassment","Malware","Fraud.Copyright","Test","Fraud.Phishing","Fraud.Scam"],
# "Category": ["Abusive.Spam","Fraud.Copyright"],
"Category": [choice(["Abusive.Spam","Abusive.Harassment","Malware","Fraud.Copyright","Test","Fraud.Phishing","Fraud.Scam"]) for dummy in range(randint(1, 3))],
"Ref": ["cve:CVE-%s-%s" % (randstr(string.digits, 4), randstr()), "" % randstr()],
"Confidence": random(),
"Note": "Random event",
"ConnCount": randint(0, 65535),

Pavel Kácha
# "ConnCount": choice([randint(0, 65535), "asdf"]), # Send wrong event sometimes
"Source": [
"Type": ["Phishing"],
"IP4": [randip4() for i in range(randrange(1, 5))],
"IP6": [randip6() for i in range(randrange(1, 5))],
"Hostname": [""],
"Port": [randint(1, 65535) for i in range(randrange(1, 3))],
"AttachHand": ["att1"],
"Netname": ["arin:TEST-NET-1"]
"Target": [
"IP4": [randip4() for i in range(randrange(1, 5))],
"IP6": [randip6() for i in range(randrange(1, 5))],
"URL": ["" % randstr()],
"Proto": ["tcp", "http"],
"Netname": ["arin:TEST-NET-1"]
"Attach": [
"Handle": "att1",
"FileName": [randstr()],
"Type": ["Malware"],
"ContentType": "application/octet-stream",
"Hash": ["sha1:%s" % randstr(string.hexdigits, 24)],
"Size": 46,
"Ref": ["cve:CVE-%s-%s" % (randstr(string.digits, 4), randstr())],
"ContentEncoding": "base64",
"Content": b64encode(randstr().encode('ascii')).decode("ascii")
"Name": client_name,
"Type": [choice(["Data", "Protocol", "Honeypot", "Heuristic", "Log"]) for dummy in range(randint(1, 3))],
"SW": ["Kippo"],
"AggrWin": "00:05:00"
"Name": "org.example.warden.client",
"Type": [choice(["Connection", "Datagram"]) for dummy in range(randint(1, 2))],
return event
def main():
wclient = Client(**read_cfg("warden_client.cfg"))
# Also inline arguments are possible:
# wclient = Client(
# url = '',
# keyfile = '/opt/warden3/etc/key.pem',
# certfile = '/opt/warden3/etc/cert.pem',
# cafile = '/opt/warden3/etc/tcs-ca-bundle.pem',
# timeout=10,
# errlog={"level": "debug"},
# filelog={"level": "debug"},
# idstore="",
# name="cz.example.warden.test")
print("=== Debug ===")
info = wclient.getDebug()
# All methods return something.
# If you want to catch possible errors (for example implement some
# form of persistent retry, or save failed events for later, you may
# check for Error instance and act based on contained info.
# If you want just to be informed, this is not necessary, just
# configure logging correctly and check logs.
if isinstance(info, Error):
print("=== Server info ===")
info = wclient.getInfo()
print("=== Sending 10 event(s) ===")
start = time()
ret = wclient.sendEvents([gen_random_idea( for i in range(10)])
print("Time: %f" % (time()-start))
print("=== Getting 10 events ===")
# cat = ['Availability', 'Abusive.Spam','Attempt.Login']
# cat = ['Attempt', 'Information','Fraud.Scam','Malware.Virus']
# cat = ['Fraud', 'Abusive.Spam']
# nocat = ['Availability', 'Information', 'Fraud.Scam']
cat = []
nocat = []
#tag = ['Log', 'Data']
#notag = ['Flow', 'Datagram']
tag = []
notag = []
#group = ['cz.tul.ward.kippo','cz.vsb.buldog.kippo']
#nogroup = ['cz.zcu.civ.afrodita','']
group = []
nogroup = []
ret = wclient.getEvents(count=10, cat=cat, nocat=nocat, tag=tag, notag=notag, group=group, nogroup=nogroup)
print("Time: %f" % (time()-start))
print("Got %i events" % len(ret))
print(e.get("Category"), e.get("Node")[0].get("Type"), e.get("Node")[0].get("Name"))