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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Cesnet z.s.p.o
# Use of this source is governed by a BSD-style license, see LICENSE file.  

use strict;
use DateTime;

# Warden 2.2. Command-line Client, Sender
# Command-line warden-client sender. For detailed info how to use particular
# variables and/or values see warden-client/doc/README file. 

# Preparation of event attributes.

# Mandatory attributes
my $opt_s;      # service
my $opt_t = "" . DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => time()) . ""; # time of detection
my $opt_e;      # type of detected event
my $opt_o;      # event source type
my $opt_v = ""; # event source value
my $opt_p = ""; # target protocol
my $opt_r = ""; # target port
my $opt_a = ""; # attack scale
my $opt_n = ""; # note
my $opt_w = "../../warden-client"; # path to warden directory
my $opt_h; # display help

# Check whether mandatory fields are given. Otherwise print help and exit.
if (!GetOptions("service|s=s" => \$opt_s,
                "timestamp|t=s"    => \$opt_t,
                "event-type|e=s"   => \$opt_e,
                "source-type|o=s"  => \$opt_o,
                "source-value|v=s" => \$opt_v,
                "proto|p=s"        => \$opt_p,
                "port|r=i"         => \$opt_r,
                "attack-scale|a=i" => \$opt_a,
                "note|n=s"         => \$opt_n,
                "warden-dir|w=s"   => \$opt_w,
                "help|h"           => \$opt_h) || 
    !defined($opt_s) || !defined($opt_e) || !defined($opt_o) || 
  print "\nAbout\n";
  print "\n  Script is supposed to be used as a simple command-line warden client that can send one event to the warden server at a time. For more information about the Warden system and it's events' structure, please see warden-client/doc/README file.\n";
  print "\nUsage:\n\n  ./ -s <service> -e <event_type> -o <source_type> [-t <timestamp_of_detection>] [-v <source>] [-p <protocol>] [-r <port>] [-a <attack_scale>] [-n <note>] [-w <warden_directory>] [-h]\n";
  print "\nArguments:\n\n";
  print "  -s SERVICE, --service=SERVICE                -  Name of detection service\n\n";
  print "  -e EVENT_TYPE, --event-type=EVENT_TYPE       -  Type of detected event\n\n";
  print "  -o SOURCE_TYPE, --source-type=SOURCE_TYPE    -  Type of detected event\'s source\n\n";
  print "\n";
  print "Optional (but important) arguments:\n\n";
  print "  -t TIMESTAMP, --timestamp=TIMESTAMP          -  Timestamp of detection.\n";
  print "                                                  Default is current system time (" . DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => time()) . ")\n\n";
  print "  -v SOURCE_VALUE, --source-value=SOURCE_VALUE -  Source of detected event\n\n";
  print "  -p PROTO, --proto=PROTO                      -  Protocol\n\n";
  print "  -r PORT, --port=PORT                         -  Port\n\n";
  print "  -a ATTACK_SCALE, --attack-scale=ATTACK_SCALE -  Scale of detected event\n\n";
  print "  -n NOTE, --note=NOTE                         -  Note, comment or other data\n\n";
  print "  -w WARDEN_DIR, --warden-dir=WARDEN_DIR       -  Path to the warden-client directory. Default is \'../../warden-client\'\n\n";
  print "  -h, --help                                   -  Print help\n\n";

  print "\nExample #1: ./ -s PhishTracker -e webattack -o URL -v -p TCP -r 443 -a 100 -n \"important notice\"\n";
  print "\nExample #2: ./ --service=ScanGuardian --event-type=portscan --source-type=IP --timestamp=\"2013-04-25T13:36:31\" --source-value=\"\" --proto=TCP --port=25 --attack-scale=1234 --note=\"The very first run of ScanGuardian :)\" --warden-dir \"/opt/warden/warden-client\"\n";

  print "\nNOTE: For more information how to use particular values see warden-client/doc/README file.\n\n";

  exit 0;

my @event 		= ($opt_s, $opt_t, $opt_e, $opt_o, $opt_v,
			   $opt_p, $opt_r, $opt_a, $opt_n);

# Use of warden-client sender.

# Path to warden-client folder
my $warden_path = $opt_w;

# Inclusion of warden-client sender module
require $warden_path . '/lib/';

# Sending event to Warden server
WardenClientSend::saveNewEvent($warden_path, \@event);

exit 0;