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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Cesnet z.s.p.o
# Use of this source is governed by a 3-clause BSD-style license, see LICENSE file.

import sys
import logging
import logging.handlers
import ConfigParser
from traceback import format_tb
import M2Crypto.X509
import json
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import MySQLdb as my
import MySQLdb.cursors as mycursors
from uuid import uuid4
from time import time, gmtime
from math import trunc
from io import BytesIO
from urlparse import parse_qs
from os import path

# for local version of up to date jsonschema
sys.path.append(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "..", "lib"))

from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, FormatChecker

VERSION = "3.0-not-even-alpha"

class Error(Exception):

    def __init__(self, message, error=500, method=None,
            detail=None, exc=(None, None, None)):
        self.error = int(error)
        self.method = method
        self.message = message
        self.detail = detail
        (self.exctype, self.excval, self.exctb) = exc or sys.exc_info()
        self.cause = self.excval # compatibility with other exceptions

    def __str__(self):
        out = []
        out.append("Error(%s)" % (self.error))
        if self.method is not None:
            out.append(" in \"%s\"" % self.method)
        if self.message is not None:
            out.append(": %s" % self.message)
        if self.excval is not None:
            out.append(" - cause was %s: %s" % (type(self.excval).__name__, str(self.excval)))
        return "".join(out)

    def info_str(self):
        return ("Detail: %s" % self.detail) or ""

    def debug_str(self):
        out = []
        if self.excval is not None:
            out.append("Exception %s: %s\n" % (type(self.excval).__name__, str(self.excval)))
        if self.exctb is not None:
            out.append("Traceback:\n%s" % "".join(format_tb(self.exctb)))
        return "".join(out)

    def to_dict(self):
        d = {}
        if self.error is not None:
            d["error"] = self.error
        if self.method is not None:
            d["method"] = self.method
        if self.message is not None:
            d["message"] = self.message
        if self.detail is not None:
            d["detail"] = self.detail
        if self.excval is not None:
            d["message"] = d["message"] + ", cause was %s: %s" % (type(self.excval).__name__, str(self.excval))
        return d

def get_clean_root_logger(level=logging.INFO):
    """ Attempts to get logging module into clean slate state """

    # We want to be able to set up at least stderr logger before any
    # configuration is read, and then later get rid of it and set up
    # whatever administrator requires.
    # However, there can exist only one logger, but we want to get a clean
    # slate everytime we initialize StreamLogger or FileLogger... which
    # is not exactly supported by logging module.
    # So, we look directly inside logger class and clean up handlers/filters
    # manually.
    logger = logging.getLogger()  # no need to create new
    while logger.handlers:
    while logger.filters:
    return logger

def StreamLogger(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.INFO):
    """ Fallback handler just for setup, not meant to be used from
        configuration file because during wsgi query stdout/stderr
        is forbidden.

    fhand = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
    fform = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(filename)s[%(process)d]: (%(levelname)s) %(message)s')
    logger = get_clean_root_logger(level)

def FileLogger(filename, level=logging.INFO):

    fhand = logging.FileHandler(filename)
    fform = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(filename)s[%(process)d]: (%(levelname)s) %(message)s')
    logger = get_clean_root_logger(level)
    logger.addHandler(fhand)"Initialized FileLogger(filename=\"%s\", \"%s\")" % (filename, level))

def SysLogger(socket="/dev/log", facility=logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON, level=logging.INFO):

    fhand = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address=socket, facility=facility)
    fform = logging.Formatter('%(filename)s[%(process)d]: (%(levelname)s) %(message)s')
    logger = get_clean_root_logger(level)
    logger.addHandler(fhand)"Initialized SysLogger(socket=\"%s\", facility=\"%s\", level=\"%s\")" % (socket, facility, level))

class Object(object):

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s()" % type(self).__name__

class NoAuthenticator(Object):

    def __init__(self):

    def authenticate (self, env):
        return "anybody"    # or None

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    def authorize(self, env, client, method, event, args):
        return (client is not None)

class X509Authenticator(NoAuthenticator):

    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s(db=%s)" % (type(self).__name__, type(self.db).__name__)

    def get_cert_dns_names(self, pem):

        cert = M2Crypto.X509.load_cert_string(pem)

        subj = cert.get_subject()
        commons = [n.get_data().as_text() for n in subj.get_entries_by_nid(subj.nid["CN"])]

        ext = cert.get_ext("subjectAltName")
        extstrs = [val.strip() for val in ext.get_value().split(",")]
        altnames = [val[4:] for val in extstrs if val.startswith("DNS:")]

        # bit of mangling to get rid of duplicates and leave commonname first
        firstcommon = commons[0]
        return [firstcommon] + list(set(altnames+commons) - set([firstcommon]))

    def authenticate (self, env):
        names = self.get_cert_dns_names(env["SSL_CLIENT_CERT"])
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        return self.db.get_client_by_name(names)
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    def authorize(self, env, client, method, event, args):
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        # Authorize for debug
        if (method == 'getDebug'):
            if not client["debug"]:
      "Auth failed: client does not have debug enabled")
                return None
            return client
            identity = event['Node'][0]['Name'].lower()
        except KeyError:
            # Event does not bear valid Node attribute
  "Auth failed: event does not bear valid Node attribute")
            return None
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            service = client["services"][identity]
        except KeyError:
            # We are unable to pair service in message to service in db
  "Auth failed: '%s' from event not found in services for client %i" % (identity, client["id"]))
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            return None

        client["service"] = service
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        # Authorize for sending events
        if (method == "sendEvents"):
            if not (service["write"] or service["test"]):
      "Auth failed: service %i (%s) is not allowed to write or test" % (service["service_id"], identity))
                return None

            test = 'Test' in event.get('Category', [])
            if not test:
      "Auth failed: service %i (%s) does not send Test category in event" % (service["service_id"], identity))
                return None
        return client

class NoValidator(Object):

    def check(self, event):
        return []

class JSONSchemaValidator(NoValidator):

    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        self.path = filename or path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "idea.schema")
        with open(self.path) as f:
            self.schema = json.load(f)
        self.validator = Draft4Validator(self.schema, format_checker=FormatChecker())

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s(filename=\"%s\")" % (type(self).__name__, self.path)

    def check(self, event):

        def sortkey(k):
            """ Treat keys as lowercase, prefer keys with less path segments """
            return (len(k.path), "/".join(str(k.path)).lower())

        res = []
        for error in sorted(self.validator.iter_errors(event), key=sortkey):
                "Validation error: key \"%s\", value \"%s\", expected - %s, error message - %s\n" % (
                    u"/".join(str(v) for v in error.path),
                    error.schema.get('description', 'no additional info'),

        return res

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class MySQL(Object):

    def __init__(self, host, user, password, dbname, port): = host
        self.user = user
        self.password = password
        self.dbname = dbname
        self.port = port

        self.con = my.connect(, user=self.user, passwd=self.password,
            db=self.dbname, port=self.port, cursorclass=mycursors.DictCursor) = self.con.cursor()

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s(host='%s', user='%s', dbname='%s', port=%d)" % (
            type(self).__name__,, self.user, self.dbname, self.port)

    def get_client_by_name(self, name):
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        format_strings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(name))
Michal Kostenec's avatar
Michal Kostenec committed"SELECT cl.`id`, cl.`hostname`, s.`service`, s.`service_id`, s.`identity`, cl.`read`, s.`write`, s.`test`, cl.`debug` FROM `clients` cl LEFT JOIN `services` s ON cl.`id` = s.`client_id` WHERE cl.`valid` = 1 AND s.`valid` = 1 AND `hostname` IN (%s)" % format_strings, tuple(name))
        rows =
        if not rows:
            return None

        client = {}
        for n in ["id", "hostname", "read", "debug"]:
            client[n] = rows[0][n]

        services = {}
        for row in rows:
            service = {}
            for n in ["service", "service_id", "identity", "write", "test"]:
                service[n] = row[n]
            services[row["identity"]] = service

        client["services"] = services

        logging.debug("Client/services: " + str(client))
        return client
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    def get_debug(self):
Michal Kostenec's avatar
Michal Kostenec committed"SELECT VERSION() AS VER")
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        row =
        return {
            "db": "MySQL",
            "version": row["VER"]

    def get_status(self):
        return {}

    def gen_random_idea(self):

        def get_precise_timestamp():
            t = time()
            us = trunc((t-trunc(t))*1000000)
            g = gmtime(t)
            iso = '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%0dZ' % (g[0:6]+(us,))
            return iso

        return {
           "Format": "IDEA0",
           "ID": str(uuid4()),
           "DetectTime": get_precise_timestamp(),
           "Category": ["Test"],

    def fetch_events(self, client, id, count,
            cat=None, nocat=None,
            tag=None, notag=None,
            group=None, nogroup=None):
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        sqlwhere = []
        sqltemp = {}

        logging.debug("fetch_events: id=%i, count=%i, cat=%s, nocat=%s, tag=%s, notag=%s, group=%s, nogroup=%s" % (id, count, str(cat), str(nocat), str(tag), str(notag), str(group), str(nogroup)))

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        if cat is not None and nocat is not None:
            raise Error("Unrealizable conditions. Choose cat or nocat option.", 500, method='getEvents', 
                        exc=sys.exc_info(), detail={'cat': cat, 'nocat' : nocat})

        if cat is not None or nocat is not None:
            if cat is not None:
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                parent_cats = []
                sqltemp['cat'] = self.generateDynamicQuery("Category", "category_id IN (%s)", cat, parent_cats)
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                for pcats in parent_cats:
                    sqltemp['cat'] += " %s category_id DIV %s = 1 " % (("OR" if sqltemp['cat'] else ""), pcats)
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            if nocat is not None:
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                parent_cats = []
                sqltemp['cat'] = self.generateDynamicQuery("Category", "category_id NOT IN (%s)", nocat, parent_cats)
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                for pcats in parent_cats:
                    sqltemp['cat'] += " %s category_id DIV %s = 1 " % (("OR" if sqltemp['cat'] else ""), pcats)
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            sqlwhere.append(" IN (SELECT event_id FROM event_category_mapping WHERE %s)" % sqltemp['cat'])
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        if tag is not None and notag is not None:
            raise Error("Unrealizable conditions. Choose tag or notag option.", 500, method='getEvents', 
                        exc=sys.exc_info(), detail={'tag': cat, 'notag' : nocat})

        if tag is not None or notag is not None:
            if tag is not None:
                sqltemp['tag'] = self.generateDynamicQuery("Tag", "tag_id IN (%s)", tag)
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            if notag is not None:
                sqltemp['tag'] = self.generateDynamicQuery("Tag", "tag_id NOT IN (%s)", notag)
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            sqlwhere.append(" IN (SELECT event_id FROM event_tag_mapping WHERE %s)" % sqltemp['tag'])
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        if group is not None and nogroup is not None:       
            raise Error("Unrealizable conditions. Choose group or nogroup option.", 500, method='getEvents', 
                        exc=sys.exc_info(), detail={'tag': cat, 'notag' : nocat})

        if group is not None or nogroup is not None:
            sqltemp['group'] = ""

            if group is not None:
                    sqltemp['group'] += ("s.identity LIKE '%s' AND " % (identity)) 
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            if nogroup is not None:
                    sqltemp['group'] += ("s.identity NOT LIKE '%s' AND " % (identity)) 
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            # logging.debug(sqltemp['group'][:-4])

        sqlwhere_string = (" AND " . join(sqlwhere))
        # logging.debug(sqlwhere_string)
        # logging.debug(' AND ' . join(sqlwhere))
        #sqlwhere = sqlwhere[:-4]
        and_op = "" if not sqlwhere_string else "AND"

        logging.debug("SELECT, FROM services s RIGHT JOIN events e ON = e.service_id WHERE > %s AND %s %s e.valid = 1 LIMIT %s" % (str(id or 0), sqlwhere_string, and_op, str(count)))"SELECT, FROM services s RIGHT JOIN events e ON s.service_id = e.service_id WHERE > %s AND %s %s e.valid = 1 LIMIT %s" % (str(id or 0), sqlwhere_string, and_op, str(count)))
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        row =

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        if row:
            maxid = max(r['id'] for r in row)
            maxid = self.getLastEventId()

        # logging.debug("MAX ID = %s", str(maxid))
        #for r in row:
        #    logging.debug(json.loads(r["data"]))
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            "lastid": maxid,
            # "lastid": row[-1]['id'] if row else str(id),
            "events": [json.loads(r["data"]) for r in row]
    def store_event(self, client, event):
  "INSERT INTO events (received,service_id,data) VALUES (NOW(), %s, %s)", (client["service"]["service_id"], json.dumps(event)))
            logging.debug("store_event: Last ID in events - %i" % lastid)

            for cat in event.get('Category', ["Other"]):
                cat_id = self.map_id('Category', cat) or self.map_id('Category', 'Other')
                logging.debug("store_event: Category \"%s\" translated to %i" % (cat, cat_id))
      "INSERT INTO event_category_mapping (event_id,category_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", (lastid, cat_id))
                tags = event['Node'][0]['Tags']
            except (KeyError, IndexError):
                tags = []
            for tag in tags:
                tag_id = self.map_id('Tag', tag) or self.map_id('Tag', 'Other')
                logging.debug("store_event: Tag \"%s\" translated to %i" % (tag, tag_id))
      "INSERT INTO event_tag_mapping (event_id,tag_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", (lastid, tag_id))    

            return []
        except Exception as e:
            return [type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)]
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    def insertLastReceivedId(self, client, id):
        logging.debug("INSERT INTO last_events(client_id, event_id, timestamp) VALUES(%s, %s, NOW())" % (str(client["id"]), id))"INSERT INTO last_events(client_id, event_id, timestamp) VALUES(%s, %s, NOW())" % (str(client["id"]), id))
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    def getLastEventId(self):
Michal Kostenec's avatar
Michal Kostenec committed"SELECT MAX(id) as id FROM events")
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        row =

        return row['id'] if row['id'] is not None else 0

    def getLastReceivedId(self, client):
        client_id = client["id"] 
        logging.debug("getLastReceivedId (client_id) = %s", str(client_id))
        logging.debug("SELECT MAX(event_id) as id FROM last_events WHERE client_id = %s" % (str(client_id)))"SELECT MAX(event_id) as id FROM last_events WHERE client_id = %s" % (str(client_id)))
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        row =

        logging.debug("getLastReceivedId - %s" % str(row['id']))

        return row['id'] if row is not None else 0

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        # Should by placed in config file
        data = {}
        data['Tag'] = {
                "Connection" : 1, 
                "Datagram" : 2, 
                "Content" : 3, 
                "Data" : 4, 
                "File" : 5, 
                "Flow" : 6, 
                "Log": 7, 
                "Protocol" : 8, 
                "Host" : 9, 
                "Network" : 10, 
                "Correlation" : 11, 
                "External" : 12, 
                "Reporting" : 13,
                "Other" : 99

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        data['Category'] = {
                        "Abusive" : 100,  
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Abusive.Spam" : 101,
                        "Abusive.Harassment" : 102,
                        "Abusive.Child" : 103,
                        "Abusive.Sexual" : 104,
                        "Abusive.Violence" : 105,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Malware" : 200,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Malware.Virus" : 201,
                        "Malware.Worm" : 202,
                        "Malware.Trojan" : 203,
                        "Malware.Spyware" : 204,
                        "Malware.Dialer" : 205,
                        "Malware.Rootkit" : 206,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Recon.Scanning" : 3,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Recon.Scanning" : 301,
                        "Recon.Sniffing" : 302,
                        "Recon.SocialEngineering" : 303,
                        "Recon.Searching" : 304,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Attempt" : 400,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Attempt.Exploit" : 401,
                        "Attempt.Login" : 402,
                        "Attempt.NewSignature" : 403,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Intrusion" : 500,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Intrusion.AdminCompromise" : 501,
                        "Intrusion.UserCompromise" : 502,
                        "Intrusion.AppCompromise" : 503,
                        "Intrusion.Botnet" : 504,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Availability" : 600,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Availability.DoS" : 601,
                        "Availability.DDoS" : 602,
                        "Availability.Sabotage" : 603,
                        "Availability.Outage" : 604,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Information" : 700,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Information.UnauthorizedAccess" : 701,
                        "Information.UnauthorizedModification" : 702,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Fraud" : 800,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Fraud.UnauthorizedUsage" : 801,
                        "Fraud.Copyright" : 802,
                        "Fraud.Masquerade" : 803,
                        "Fraud.Phishing" : 804,
                        "Fraud.Scam" : 805,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Vulnerable" : 900,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Vulnerable.Open" : 901,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Anomaly" : 1000,
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                        "Anomaly.Traffic" : 1001,
                        "Anomaly.Connection" : 1002,
                        "Anomaly.Protocol" : 1003,
                        "Anomaly.System" : 1004,        
                        "Anomaly.Application" : 1005,
                        "Anomaly.Behaviour" : 1006,
                        "Other" : 9998,
                        "Test" : 9999,

            return data[section][key]
    def generateDynamicQuery(self, section, query_string, variables, parent_cats = []):
        variables_id = []
        # parent_cats = []
        for v in variables:
            mapped_id = self.map_id(section, v)
            if mapped_id % 100 != 0:
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        # variables_id = [self.map_id(section, v) for v in variables if self.map_id(section, v) % 100 != 0]
        format_strings = ','.join(['\'%s\''] * len(variables_id))
        temp_string = query_string % format_strings
        return temp_string % tuple(variables_id)

def expose(meth): = True
    return meth

class Server(Object):

    def __init__(self, auth, handler):
        self.auth = auth
        self.handler = handler

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s(auth=%s, handler=%s)" % (type(self).__name__, type(self.auth).__name__, type(self.handler).__name__)

    def sanitize_args(self, path, func, args, exclude=["self", "_env", "_client"]):
        # silently remove internal args, these should never be used
        # but if somebody does, we do not expose them by error message
        intargs = set(args).intersection(exclude)
        for a in intargs:
            del args[a]
        if intargs:
  "%s called with internal args: %s" % (path, ", ".join(intargs)))

        # silently remove surplus arguments - potential forward
        # compatibility (unknown args will get ignored)
        badargs = set(args)-set(func.func_code.co_varnames[0:func.func_code.co_argcount])
        for a in badargs:
            del args[a]
        if badargs:
  "%s called with superfluous args: %s" % (path, ", ".join(badargs)))

        return args

    def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response, exc_info=None):
        path = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "").lstrip("/")
        output = ""
        status = "200 OK"
        headers = [('Content-type', 'application/json')]
        exception = None

                injson = environ['wsgi.input'].read()
                raise Error("Data read error", 400, method=path, exc=sys.exc_info())

                method = getattr(self.handler, path)
          # dummy access to trigger AttributeError
            except Exception:
                raise Error("You've fallen of the cliff.", 404, method=path)

            client = self.auth.authenticate(environ)
            if not client:
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                raise Error("I'm watching YOU. (Authenticate)", 403, method=path)

                events = json.loads(injson) if injson else None
            except Exception:
                raise Error("Deserialization error", 400, method=path,
                    exc=sys.exc_info(), detail={"args": injson})

            args = parse_qs(environ.get('QUERY_STRING', ""))
            #for k, v in args.iteritems():
            #    args[k] = v[0]
            logging.debug("%s called with %s" % (path, str(args)))
            if events:
                args["events"] = events

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            # if not self.auth.authorize(environ, client, path, args):
            #     raise Error("I'm watching YOU.", 403, method=path, detail={"client": client})

            args = self.sanitize_args(path, method, args)
            result = method(_env=environ, _client=client, **args)   # call requested method

            # 'default': takes care of non JSON serializable objects,
            # which could (although shouldn't) appear in handler code
                output = json.dumps(result, default=lambda v: str(v))
            except Exception as e:
                raise Error("Serialization error", 500, method=path,
                    exc=sys.exc_info(), detail={"args": str(result)})

        except Error as e:
            exception = e
        except Exception as e:
            exception = Error("Server exception", 500, method=path, exc=sys.exc_info())

        if exception:
            status = "%d %s" % (exception.error, exception.message)
            result = exception.to_dict()
                output = json.dumps(result, default=lambda v: str(v))
            except Exception as e:
                # Here all bets are off, generate at least sane output
                output = '{"error": %d, "message": "%s"}' % (
                    exception.error, exception.message)

            i = exception.info_str()
            if i:
            d = exception.debug_str()
            if d:

        headers.append(('Content-Length', str(len(output))))
        start_response(status, headers)
        return [output]

    __call__ = wsgi_app

class WardenHandler(Object):

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Michal Kostenec committed
    def __init__(self, validator, db, auth,
            send_events_limit=100000, get_events_limit=100000,

Michal Kostenec's avatar
Michal Kostenec committed
        self.auth = auth
        self.db = db
        self.validator = validator
        self.send_events_limit = send_events_limit
        self.get_events_limit = get_events_limit
        self.description = description

    def __str__(self):
        return "%s(validator=%s, db=%s, send_events_limit=%s, get_events_limit=%s, description=\"%s\")" % (
            type(self).__name__, type(self.validator).__name__, type(self.db).__name__,
            self.get_events_limit, self.send_events_limit, self.description)

    def getDebug(self, _env, _client):
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        auth = self.auth.authorize(_env, _client, 'getDebug', None, None)
        if not auth:
            raise Error("I'm watching YOU. (Authorization)", 403, method='getDebug', detail={"client": _client})
Pavel Kácha's avatar
Pavel Kácha committed
        return {
            "environment": _env,
            "database": self.db.get_debug()

    def getInfo(self, _env, _client):
        info = {
            "version": VERSION,
            "send_events_limit": self.send_events_limit,
            "get_events_limit": self.get_events_limit
        if self.description:
            info["description"] = self.description
        return info

    def getEvents(self, _env, _client, id=None, count=None,
            cat=None, nocat=None,
            tag=None, notag=None,
            group=None, nogroup=None):

            id = int(id[0])
        except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError):
            id = 0
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                id = self.db.getLastReceivedId(_client)
                # logging.debug("Last received ID for %s is %s" % (_client['hostname'], str(id)))
            except Exception, e:
                logging.error("getEvents: cannot getLastReceivedId - " + type(e).__name__ + ": " + e)
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                id = 0
Michal Kostenec's avatar
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                id = self.db.getLastEventId()
            except Exception as e:
                raise Error("Last event id receiving error", 500, detail={"client": _client})
Michal Kostenec's avatar
Michal Kostenec committed
            self.db.insertLastReceivedId(_client, id)

            return {
                "lastid": id,
                "events": []

            count = int(count[0])
        except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError):
            count = 1

        if self.get_events_limit:
            count = min(count, self.get_events_limit)

        logging.debug("getEvents - count: %s" % count)
        res = self.db.fetch_events(_client, id, count, cat, nocat, tag, notag, group, nogroup)"getEvents(%d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s): sending %d events" % (
            id, count, cat, nocat, tag, notag, group, nogroup, len(res["events"])))
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        self.db.insertLastReceivedId(_client, res['lastid'])
        logging.debug("lastid inserting: %s" % {'lastid': res['lastid'], 'client' : _client})

        return res

    def sendEvents(self, _env, _client, events=[]):
        if not isinstance(events, list):
            raise Error("List of events expected", 400, method="sendEvents")

        if len(events)>self.send_events_limit:
            raise Error("Too much events in one batch", 400, method="sendEvents",
                detail={"limit": self.send_events_limit})

        saved = 0
        errs = {}
        for i, event in enumerate(events):
            ev_errs = []
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            auth_cl = self.auth.authorize(_env, _client, 'sendEvents', event, None)
            if not auth_cl:
                errs[i] = ["Client %i(%s) does not correspond with event Node info or is not allowed to write" % (_client["service"]["service_id"], _client["service"]["identity"])]
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            v_errs = self.validator.check(event)
            if v_errs:
                errs[i] = v_errs
            db_errs = self.db.store_event(auth_cl, event)
            if db_errs:
                errs[i] = db_errs"sendEvents: Saved %i events" % saved)
        if errs:
  "sendEvents errors: \n%s\n" % str(errs))

def read_ini(path):
    c = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
    res =
    if not res or not path in res:
        # We don't have loggin yet, hopefully this will go into webserver log
        raise Error("Unable to read config: %s" % path)
    data = {}
    for sect in c.sections():
        for opts in c.options(sect):
            lsect = sect.lower()
            if not lsect in data:
                data[lsect] = {}
            data[lsect][opts] = c.get(sect, opts)
    return data

def read_cfg(path):
    with open(path, "r") as f:
        stripcomments = "\n".join((l for l in f if not l.lstrip().startswith("#")))
        conf = json.loads(stripcomments)

    # Lowercase keys
    conf = dict((sect.lower(), dict(
        (subkey.lower(), val) for subkey, val in subsect.iteritems())
    ) for sect, subsect in conf.iteritems())

    return conf

def fallback_wsgi(environ, start_response, exc_info=None):

    # If server does not start, set up simple server, returning
    # Warden JSON compliant error message
    message="Server not running due to initialization error"
    headers = [('Content-type', 'application/json')]

    logline = "Error(%d): %s" % (error, message)
    status = "%d %s" % (error, message)
    output = '{"error": %d, "message": "%s"}' % (
        error, message)

    start_response(status, headers)
    return [output]

def build_server(conf):

    # Functions for validation and conversion of config values
    def facility(name):
        return int(getattr(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler, "LOG_" + name.upper()))

    def loglevel(name):
        return int(getattr(logging, name.upper()))

    def natural(name):
        num = int(name)
        if num<1:
            raise ValueError("Not a natural number")
        return num

    def filepath(name):
        # Make paths relative to dir of this script
        return path.join(path.dirname(__file__), name)

    def objdef(name):
        return objects[name.lower()]

    obj = objdef    # Draw into local namespace for init_obj

    objects = {}    # Already initialized objects

    # List of sections and objects, configured by them
    # First object in each object list is the default one, otherwise
    # "type" keyword in section may be used to choose other
    section_def = {
        "log": ["FileLogger", "SysLogger"],
Pavel Kácha's avatar
Pavel Kácha committed
        "db": ["MySQL"],
        "auth": ["X509Authenticator", "NoAuthenticator"],
        "validator": ["JSONSchemaValidator", "NoValidator"],
        "handler": ["WardenHandler"],
        "server": ["Server"]

    # Object parameter conversions and defaults
    param_def = {
        "FileLogger": {
            "filename": {"type": filepath, "default": path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.splitext(path.split(__file__)[1])[0] + ".log")},
            "level": {"type": loglevel, "default": "info"},
        "SysLogger": {
            "socket": {"type": filepath, "default": "/dev/log"},
            "facility": {"type": facility, "default": "daemon"},
            "level": {"type": loglevel, "default": "info"}
        "NoAuthenticator": {},
        "X509Authenticator": {
            "db": {"type": obj, "default": "db"}
        "NoValidator": {},
        "JSONSchemaValidator": {
            "filename": {"type": filepath, "default": path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "idea.schema")}
Pavel Kácha's avatar
Pavel Kácha committed
        "MySQL": {
            "host": {"type": str, "default": "localhost"},
            "user": {"type": str, "default": "warden"},
            "password": {"type": str, "default": ""},
Michal Kostenec's avatar
Michal Kostenec committed
            "dbname": {"type": str, "default": "warden3"},
Pavel Kácha's avatar
Pavel Kácha committed
            "port": {"type": natural, "default": 3306}
        "WardenHandler": {
            "validator": {"type": obj, "default": "validator"},
            "db": {"type": obj, "default": "DB"},
Michal Kostenec's avatar
Michal Kostenec committed
            "auth": {"type": obj, "default": "auth"},
            "send_events_limit": {"type": natural, "default": 10000},
            "get_events_limit": {"type": natural, "default": 10000},
            "description": {"type": str, "default": ""}
        "Server": {
            "auth": {"type": obj, "default": "auth"},
            "handler": {"type": obj, "default": "handler"}

    def init_obj(sect_name):
        config = conf.get(sect_name, {})
        sect_name = sect_name.lower()
        sect_def = section_def[sect_name]

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        #logging.debug("Testing %s" % sect_name)

        try:    # Object type defined?
            objtype = config["type"]
            del config["type"]
        except KeyError:    # No, fetch default object type for this section
            objtype = sect_def[0]
            if not objtype in sect_def:
                raise KeyError("Unknown type %s in section %s" % (objtype, sect_name))

        params = param_def[objtype]

        # No surplus parameters? Disallow also 'obj' attributes, these are only
        # to provide default referenced section
        for name in config:
            if name not in params or (name in params and params[name]["type"] is objdef):
                raise KeyError("Unknown key %s in section %s" % (name, sect_name))

        # Process parameters
        kwargs = {}
        for name, definition in params.iteritems():
            raw_val = config.get(name, definition["default"])
                val = definition["type"](raw_val)
            except Exception:
                raise KeyError("Bad value \"%s\" for %s in section %s" % (raw_val, name, sect_name))
            kwargs[name] = val

        cls = globals()[objtype]   # get class/function type
            obj = cls(**kwargs)         # run it
        except Exception as e:
            raise KeyError("Cannot initialize %s from section %s: %s" % (
                objtype, sect_name, str(e)))

        if isinstance(obj, Object):
            # Log only objects here, functions must take care of themselves