Forked from
713 / Warden / Warden
35 commits behind the upstream repository.
Radko Krkoš authored
* Needed to correctly support UTF-8 ReadableSTR decoding on Py3
Radko Krkoš authored* Needed to correctly support UTF-8 ReadableSTR decoding on Py3 23.98 KiB
"""Warden3 Server Test Suite"""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import getpass
import sys
import warnings
from os import path
from copy import deepcopy
import unittest2 as unittest
import MySQLdb as my
from warden_server import build_server
import warden_server
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
from io import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
USER = 'warden3test'
PASSWORD = 'h7w*D>4B)3omcvLM$oJp'
DB = 'w3test'
def setUpModule(): # pylint: disable = locally-disabled, invalid-name
"""Initialize the test database"""
conn = None
conn = my.connect(user=USER, passwd=PASSWORD)
cur = conn.cursor()
with warnings.catch_warnings(): # The database is not supposed to exist
cur.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s" % (DB,)) # NOT SECURE
cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % (DB,)) # NOT SECURE
cur.execute("USE %s" % (DB,)) # NOT SECURE
with open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'warden_3.0.sql')) as script:
statements = ''.join([line.replace('\n', '') for line in script if line[0:2] != '--']).split(';')[:-1]
for statement in statements:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO clients VALUES(NULL, NOW(), '', '', NULL, 1, 'cz.cesnet.warden3test', 'abc', 1, 1, 1, 0)")
except my.OperationalError as ex:
if conn:
conn = None
print('Setup failed, have you tried --init ? Original exception: %s' % (str(ex),))
if conn:
NO_PURGE = False
def tearDownModule(): # pylint: disable = locally-disabled, invalid-name
"""Clean up by purging the test database"""
if not NO_PURGE:
conn = my.connect(user=USER, passwd=PASSWORD)
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s" % (DB,)) # NOT SECURE
class ReadableSTR(str):
"""Mission: To boldly quack like a buffer, like no str has quacked before"""
def read(self, content_length=None):
"""Return own content"""
return ReadableSTR(self[0:content_length])
if getattr(str, 'decode', None) is None:
def decode(self, encoding="UTF-8", errors="strict"): # pylint: disable = locally-disabled, unused-argument
"""For Py3 return own content, no decoding necessary"""
return self
class Request(object):
"""Abstraction layer to perform an WSGI request"""
def __init__(self, app, uri, payload=""):
env = self.get_environ(uri, payload)
self.status = None
self.headers = None
raw_out = app(env, self.start_response)
self.out = [item.decode('ascii') for item in raw_out]
def __call__(self):
return self.status, self.headers, self.out
def get_environ(uri, payload):
"""Prepares an (partial) environ for WSGI app, almost like an WSGI server would"""
full_path, query_string = uri.split('?')
except ValueError:
full_path = uri
query_string = ''
path_info = '/' + full_path.split('/')[-1]
env = {
"PATH_INFO": path_info,
"QUERY_STRING": query_string,
"SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN": "cz.cesnet.warden3test",
"SSL_CLIENT_CERT": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\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\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", # pylint: disable = locally-disabled, line-too-long
"wsgi.input": ReadableSTR(payload),
"CONTENT_LENGTH": len(payload)
return env
def start_response(self, status, headers):
"""Mocked start_response to record returned status and headers"""
self.status = status
self.headers = headers
class Warden3ServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""High level Warden3 Server tests"""
config = {'log': {'level': 'debug'}, 'validator': {'type': 'NoValidator'}, 'auth': {'type': 'PlainAuthenticator'},
'db': {'user': USER, 'password': PASSWORD, 'dbname': DB}, 'handler': {'description': 'Warden Test Server'}}
getInfo_interface_tests_specific = [
("/getInfo", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate."),
("/getInfo?client=", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate."),
("/getInfo?client=cz.cesnet.warden3test", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate."),
("/getInfo?client=cz.cesnet.warden3test&secret=123", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate."),
("/getInfo?secret=123", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate."),
getEvents_interface_tests_specific = [
("/getEvents", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate.", None),
("/getEvents?secret=123", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate.", None),
def setUpClass(cls):
"""Pre-test cleanup"""
cls.clean_lastid() = build_server(cls.config)
def clean_lastid(cls):
"""Cleans the lastid information for all clients"""
conn = my.connect(user=USER, passwd=PASSWORD, db=DB)
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DELETE FROM events")
cur.execute("DELETE FROM last_events")
def test_getInfo_interface(self): # pylint: disable = locally-disabled, invalid-name
"""Tests the getInfo method invocation"""
tests_common = [
("/getInfo?secret=abc", "200 OK"),
("/getInfo?secret=abc&evil=false", "200 OK"), # RFC3514
("/getInfo?client=cz.cesnet.warden3test&secret=abc", "200 OK"),
("/getInfo?client=asdf.blefub", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate."),
("/getInfo?client=asdf.blefub&secret=abc", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate."),
("/getInfo?secret=abc&self=test", "200 OK"), # Internal parameter
for query, expected_status in tests_common + self.getInfo_interface_tests_specific:
with self.subTest(query=query, expected_status=expected_status):
status, _, _ = Request(, query)()
self.assertEqual(status, expected_status)
def test_getEvents_interface(self): # pylint: disable = locally-disabled, invalid-name
"""Tests the getEvents method invocation"""
tests_common = [
("/getEvents?secret=abc", "200 OK", ['{"lastid": 1, "events": []}']),
("/getEvents?client=foo", "403 I'm watching. Authenticate.", None),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&foo=bar", "200 OK", ['{"lastid": 1, "events": []}']),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&lastid=1", "200 OK", ['{"lastid": 1, "events": []}']),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&lastid=0", "200 OK", ['{"lastid": 1, "events": []}']),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&lastid=9", "200 OK", ['{"lastid": 1, "events": []}']),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&cat=bflm", "422 Wrong tag or category used in query.", None),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&cat=Other", "200 OK", None),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&tag=Other", "200 OK", None),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&group=Other", "200 OK", None),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&cat=Other&nocat=Test", "422 Unrealizable conditions. Choose cat or nocat option.", None),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&tag=Other¬ag=Test", "422 Unrealizable conditions. Choose tag or notag option.", None),
("/getEvents?secret=abc&group=Other&nogroup=Test", "422 Unrealizable conditions. Choose group or nogroup option.", None),
("/getEvents?client=cz.cesnet.warden3test&secret=abc&count=3&id=10", "200 OK", None)
for query, expected_status, expected_response in tests_common + self.getEvents_interface_tests_specific:
with self.subTest(query=query, expected_status=expected_status, expected_response=expected_response):
status, _, out = Request(, query)()
self.assertEqual(status, expected_status)
if expected_response is not None:
self.assertEqual(out, expected_response)
def test_getDebug_interface(self): # pylint: disable = locally-disabled, invalid-name
"""Tests the getDebug method invocation"""
tests = [
("/getDebug?secret=abc", "200 OK"),
("/getDebug?client=cz.cesnet.warden3test&secret=abc", "200 OK"),
("/getDebug?secret=abc&self=test", "200 OK"),
for query, expected_status in tests:
with self.subTest(query=query, expected_status=expected_status):
status, _, _ = Request(, query)()
self.assertEqual(status, expected_status)
def test_methods(self):
"""Tests application behaviour in method parsing"""
tests = [
("", "404 You've fallen off the cliff."),
("/blefub?client=client&secret=secret", "404 You've fallen off the cliff."),
("/?client=client&secret=secret", "404 You've fallen off the cliff."),
for query, expected_status in tests:
with self.subTest(query=query, expected_status=expected_status):
status, _, _ = Request(, query)()
self.assertEqual(status, expected_status)
def test_payload(self):
"""Tests parsing of transported data"""
tests = [
("/getInfo?secret=abc", "", "200 OK", None),
("/getInfo?secret=abc", "[1]", "200 OK", None),
("/getInfo?secret=abc", "{#$%^", "200 OK", None),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", "", "200 OK", ['{"saved": 0}']),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", "{'test': 'true'}", "400 Deserialization error.", None),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", '{"test": "true"}', "400 List of events expected.", None),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", '[{"test": "true"}]', "422 Event does not bear valid Node attribute", None),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", '[{"Node": ["test", "test2"]}]', "422 Event does not bear valid Node attribute", None),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", '[{"Node": ["Name", "test"]}]', "422 Event does not bear valid Node attribute", None),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", '[{"Node": [{"Name"}]}]', "400 Deserialization error.", None),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", '[{"Node": [{"Name": "test"}]}]', "422 Node does not correspond with saving client", None),
("/sendEvents?secret=abc", '[{"Node": [{"Name": "cz.cesnet.warden3test"}]}]', "200 OK", ['{"saved": 1}']),
for query, payload, expected_status, expected_response in tests:
with self.subTest(query=query, payload=payload, expected_status=expected_status, expected_response=expected_response):
status, _, out = Request(, query, payload)()
self.assertEqual(status, expected_status)
if expected_response is not None:
self.assertEqual(out, expected_response)
class X509AuthenticatorTest(Warden3ServerTest):
"""Performs the basic test suite using the X509Authenticator"""
config = deepcopy(Warden3ServerTest.config)
config['auth']['type'] = 'X509Authenticator'
class X509NameAuthenticatorTest(Warden3ServerTest):
"""Performs the basic test suite using the X509NameAuthenticator"""
config = deepcopy(Warden3ServerTest.config)
config['auth']['type'] = 'X509NameAuthenticator'
getInfo_interface_tests_specific = [
("/getInfo", "200 OK"),
("/getInfo?client=", "200 OK"),
("/getInfo?client=cz.cesnet.warden3test", "200 OK"),
("/getInfo?client=cz.cesnet.warden3test&secret=123", "200 OK"),
("/getInfo?secret=123", "200 OK"),
getEvents_interface_tests_specific = [
("/getEvents", "200 OK", None),
("/getEvents?secret=123", "200 OK", None),
class WScliTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tester of the Warden Server command line interface"""
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.config = {'log': {'level': 'debug'}, 'validator': {'type': 'NoValidator'}, 'auth': {'type': 'PlainAuthenticator'},
'db': {'user': USER, 'password': PASSWORD, 'dbname': DB}, 'handler': {'description': 'Warden Test Server'}}
warden_server.server = build_server(cls.config)
def do_cli(command_line):
"""Performs the command line action requested by argv and presents the results"""
argv_backup = sys.argv
sys.argv = command_line
out = StringIO()
err = StringIO()
sys.stdout = out
sys.stderr = err
args = warden_server.get_args()
command = args.command
subargs = vars(args)
del subargs["command"]
del subargs["config"]
ret = command(**subargs)
except SystemExit as sys_exit:
ret = sys_exit.code
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
sys.argv = argv_backup
return ret, out.getvalue(), err.getvalue()
def do_sql_select(query, params):
"""Reads data from database"""
conn = my.connect(user=USER, passwd=PASSWORD, db=DB)
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(query, params)
result = cur.fetchall()
return result
def test_list(self):
"""Tests the list command line option"""
tests = [
(['list'], 0, 4),
(['list', '--id=1'], 0, 4),
(['list', '--id=1000'], 0, 3),
(['list', '--id', '1'], 0, 4),
(['list', '--id', '1000'], 0, 3),
for supplied_arguments, expected_return, output_lines in tests:
with self.subTest(supplied_arguments=supplied_arguments, expected_return=expected_return, output_lines=output_lines):
ret, out, _ = self.do_cli(['./'] + supplied_arguments)
self.assertEqual(ret, expected_return)
self.assertEqual(len(out.split('\n')), output_lines)
def test_register_modify(self):
"""Tests the client registration and its modification"""
tests = [
(['register', '-n', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', '-h', '', '-r', ''], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--novalid'], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--valid'], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--valid', '--novalid'], 2,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--read'], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--noread', '--write'], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--debug', '--read'], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--notest', '--nodebug'], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '--notest', '--nodebug'], 2,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', '1000', '--notest', '--nodebug'], 251,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test2', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-n', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3'], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-n', '..'], 254,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-h', ''], 0,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-h', ''.zfill(256)], 253,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-h', '..'], 253,
(('', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', ','], 0,
((',', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', ' ,'], 0,
((' ,', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', 'Warden Info <>'], 0,
(('Warden Info <>', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', 'Other Info <'], 252,
(('Warden Info <>', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', 'Other'], 252,
(('Warden Info <>', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', 'a@b, '], 252,
(('Warden Info <>', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', 'a@b'], 0,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', '@'], 252,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', 'abc'], 252,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-r', 'a@b@c'], 252,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-n', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3'], 250,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-s', 'abc'], 249,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', None, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-s', 'top_secret'], 0,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', 'top_secret', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '-s', 'top_secret'], 249,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', 'top_secret', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, None),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--note', ''.zfill(1024)], 0,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', 'top_secret', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, ''.zfill(1024)),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--note', 'Valid until: 18.01.2038'], 0,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', 'top_secret', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 'Valid until: 18.01.2038'),)),
(['modify', '-i', 'CLIENT_ID', '--note', 'Valid until:', '20.1.2038'], 2,
(('a@b', '', 'cz.cesnet.warden.test3', 'top_secret', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 'Valid until: 18.01.2038'),)),
test_sql = "SELECT requestor, hostname, name, secret, valid,, debug, clients.write, test, note FROM clients WHERE id = %s"
client_id = None
for supplied_arguments, expected_return, expected_sql_result in tests:
with self.subTest(supplied_arguments=supplied_arguments, expected_return=expected_return, expected_sql_result=expected_sql_result):
supplied_arguments = [entry.replace('CLIENT_ID', str(client_id)) for entry in supplied_arguments]
ret, out, _ = self.do_cli(['./'] + supplied_arguments)
self.assertEqual(ret, expected_return)
client_id = int(out.split('\n')[-2].split(' ')[0])
except IndexError: # No modification was performed, keep the previous client_id
result = self.do_sql_select(test_sql, (client_id,))
self.assertEqual(result, expected_sql_result)
def init_user():
"""DB user rights setup"""
conn = None
conn = my.connect(user='root', passwd=getpass.getpass('Enter MySQL Root password:'))
with conn as cur: # Not a canonical connector implementation, for sure
print("DB User set up successfuly")
except my.OperationalError as ex:
if conn:
conn = None
print('Connection unsuccessful, bad password? Original exception: %s' % (str(ex)))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if conn:
def main():
"""Parses arguments and acts accordingly"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('-i', '--init', action='store_true', help='Set up an user with rights to CREATE/DROP the test database')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--nopurge', action='store_true', help='Skip the database purge after running the tests')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.init:
if args.nopurge:
global NO_PURGE # pylint: disable = locally-disabled, global-statement
sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]]
if __name__ == "__main__":