Forked from
713 / Warden / Warden
361 commits behind the upstream repository.
Tomáš Plesník authoredTomáš Plesník authored 2.56 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Cesnet z.s.p.o
# Use of this source is governed by a BSD-style license, see LICENSE file.
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
# Warden 2.2 Client, Info, Example
# Simple use of warden-client Info functionality to receive information about
# client registered to Warden server. This code illustrates how to integrate
# warden-client info functionality into local applications.
# This code should developer add into his/her application.
# Load Warden client library and use main module
use lib "$RealBin/../lib";
use WardenClient;
# obtain information about already registered clients
my @clients = WardenClient::getClientInfo() or exit 1; # receive data or exit
print "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
print "| Client ID | Hostname | Registered | Requestor | Service | CT | Type | ROE | Description tags | IP Net Client |\n";
print "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
foreach (@clients) {
printf("| %-14s ", $_->{'client_id'} || "unknown");
printf("| %-36s ", $_->{'hostname'} || "unknown");
printf("| %19s ", $_->{'registered'} || "unknown");
printf("| %-27s ", $_->{'requestor'} || "unknown");
printf("| %-22s ", $_->{'service'} || "-");
printf("| %-1s ", $_->{'client_type'} || "unknown");
printf("| %-16s ", $_->{'type'} || "-");
printf("| %-1s ", $_->{'receive_own_events'} || "-");
printf("| %-47s ", $_->{'description_tags'} || "-");
printf("| %-18s |\n", $_->{'ip_net_client'} || "unknown");
print "+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
print "\n";
print "Current registered clients in: " . scalar localtime(time) . "\n";
exit 0;