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  • devel
  • hruska-feature-#6799-filter-keys
  • hruska-feature-5066-duplicateIdeaID
  • hruska-feature-clients-api
  • malostik-#5066-deduplicate-idea-ids
  • master default protected
  • warden-postgresql-port
  • warden-client-3.0-beta3
  • warden-server-3.0-beta3
  • warden-client-2.2-final
  • warden-server-2.2-final
  • warden-client-3.0-beta2
  • warden-server-3.0-beta2
  • warden-client-2.2
  • warden-server-2.2-patch3
  • warden-client-3.0-beta1
  • warden-server-3.0-beta1
  • warden-server-2.2-patch1
  • warden-client-3.0-beta0
  • warden-server-3.0-beta0
  • warden-server-2.2
  • warden-server-2.1-patch1
  • warden-client-2.1
  • warden-server-2.1
  • warden-server-2.1-beta6
  • warden-server-2.1-beta5
  • warden-server-2.1-beta4
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Jan262322191716151413128754327Dec262518171611428Nov1554222Oct1716149323Sep1628Aug261931Jul3014874320Jun189526May23212024Apr2319Mar1221Feb16Jan11Dec28Nov31Oct62127Sep2622191712222Aug31Jul3019Jun107424May2322157126Apr2524191812109227Mar26212019151413121121Feb1915118642130Jan292824232221171615149319Dec171312115330Nov262214131265231Oct3029252319181298227Sep252419141176331Aug292221171615141396327Jul25232016119226Jun25216530May2824181110924Apr20430Mar29282725232120152129Feb28pridano nacitani adresare lib a modulu pomoci promenne __FILE__pridano nacitani adresare lib a modulu pomoci promenne __FILE__pridano nacitani adresare lib a modulu pomoci promenne __FILE__zmena upozornovaci hlaskypridan prazdny radekParent categories are now also saved in event_category_mapping, which simplifies fetch_events. Fixed AND->OR in group checking. Group now also matches only at "." boundary.Modified authentication to accept only secret, without client.Added optional client auth by shared secret (also modified schema, client, curl client). Modified Client __str__ method for log display without disclosing secret. Modified wsgi server logging and parameter disposing accordingly.Clients are now authorized by client= argument in URL, schema and client lib is updated accordingly. Method authentication defined in "expose" decorator. Added Client container class for deterministic logging. Schema update to consistent InnoDB and utf8mb4 everywhere.Dynamic SQL query building fixed (negating conditions)uprava buildovaciho skriptu pro sestaveni balicku klientazmena datumuError is now raised via req.error helper, which automatically adds already known info (method, request id), thus calls are terser.Request now retains randomly generated id, distinct for each query.Added Request class for request data shared among instances. Will simplify error handling and loggingMore detailed getDebug callMoved category and tag mappings into configurable json files, wrong cat/tag now raises ErrorServer is now less revealing in error messages to clients (local logging is still as verbose as requested)Diversified HTTP codes, more unified error messages, completed authentication.Nonexistent/wrong id file now reported as "info", not "error"smazany Post-uninstallation stepsvytvoren UPDATE souborvytvoren UNINSTALL souborpridana paticka; uprava datumuvytvoren INSTALL soubor; pridana patickapridana paticka; upraveno formatovani textupridana patickapridan exit kodzmena volani funkce saveNewEvents; pridan modul warnings; uprava datazmena volani funkce saveNewEvents; pridan modul warnings; uprava datazmena volani funkce saveNewEvents; pridan modul warnings; uprava datazmena volani funkce getNewEvents; pridan modul warnings; uprava datazmena volani funkce getClientInfo; pridan modul warnings; uprava dataupraveno volani funkce c2s; odstraneno nacitani modulu z predavane cesty; pridano jednotne nacitani konfiguracniho souboru pro cely modul (pro vsechny funkce); uprava formatovani kodu; uprava error a warning hlasek; uprava komentarufetch_events and friends modified to use SQL placeholdersuprava formatovani koduglobalni promenne jsou pri volani jiz nactene, proto neni potreba je znovu nacitat z konfigurakumodul, a funkce getClientInfo zahrnuty do jedine knihovny klienta WardenClient.pmfunkce getClientInfo presunuta do sloucen do