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  • devel
  • hruska-feature-#6799-filter-keys
  • hruska-feature-5066-duplicateIdeaID
  • hruska-feature-clients-api
  • malostik-#5066-deduplicate-idea-ids
  • master default protected
  • warden-postgresql-port
  • warden-client-3.0-beta3
  • warden-server-3.0-beta3
  • warden-client-2.2-final
  • warden-server-2.2-final
  • warden-client-3.0-beta2
  • warden-server-3.0-beta2
  • warden-client-2.2
  • warden-server-2.2-patch3
  • warden-client-3.0-beta1
  • warden-server-3.0-beta1
  • warden-server-2.2-patch1
  • warden-client-3.0-beta0
  • warden-server-3.0-beta0
  • warden-server-2.2
  • warden-server-2.1-patch1
  • warden-client-2.1
  • warden-server-2.1
  • warden-server-2.1-beta6
  • warden-server-2.1-beta5
  • warden-server-2.1-beta4
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Mar18105227Feb2625231896327Jan262322191716151413128754327Dec262518171611428Nov1554222Oct1716149323Sep1628Aug261931Jul3014874320Jun189526May23212024Apr2319Mar1221Feb16Jan11Dec28Nov31Oct62127Sep2622191712222Aug31Jul3019Jun107424May2322157126Apr2524191812109227Mar26212019151413121121Feb1915118642130Jan292824232221171615149319Dec171312115330Nov262214131265231Oct3029252319181298227Sep252419141176331Aug292221171615141396327Jul25232016119226Jun25216530May2824181110924Apr20430Mar2928272523uprava tabulky klientu podle getClients.plpridana funkce trim(); otrimovani chybovych hlasekopravny balicek warden-server-2.2-patch1 - zmena datazmena datumuopravny balicek warden-server-2.2-patch1bugfix: Use of uninitialized valuebugfix: Empty compile time value given to use libbugfix: defined(%hash) is deprecatedMerge branch 'master' of info hlasek a doplneni komentaruServer now indexes tags (Types) of all event Nodes, not just first oneDefault values addedREADME addedBumped version number, updated copyrightwarden-client-3…warden-client-3.0-beta0 warden-server-3.0-beta0warden_filer: added LSB compliant SYSV init scripts* Server and client now return at least one item dict (so it's bool distinguishable from Error)Merge branch 'warden-3' of into warden-3On MySQLdb (1.2.2) we still experience stale uncommitted transactions and different warden_server processes don't see actual db data. Looks like there is at least one stale transaction per daemon, appearing at any call to execute. I have no better idea than to implicitly commit after each SELECT (INSERTs are committed/rolled back explicitly).Kippo connector - initial commitwarden_server: fixed quoting typowarden_filer: bugfix, error on sending now saves into right dirwarden_filer now supports adding Node for receiver* warden_filer: now able to filter outgoing messages in sender modeRevert "Changed opening last id file - it's now automatically created even when only reading"Changed opening last id file - it's now automatically created even when only reading* warden_server: Added "events_id" key into errors along with "events" - makes error messages bigger, but allows client operators to identify offending messages by stable identifiers based on logs.Reworked error handling in server, client and filer (again :( ). We definitely have to support multiple errors so let's do it right. Error now contains list of errors. Got rid of "detail" section everything now goes directly within particular error. Error can bear "events" attribute for list of sent events concerned (or none if all sent events erred). Streamlined error logging.Added warden_filer daemon for sending and receiving events to/fromAllow for JavaScript "//" comments in configuration - better forBugfix - when using transactions (InnoDB), ALL insert sets must get correctly committedAllow for JavaScript "//" comments in configuration - better for- Apache times out connection, but httplib does not signal thatuprava chybove hlasky pri deserializaci odpovedi serverusmazano nastaveni lib; odmazany prazdne znaky; oprava volani funkce c2spwd zjistovana pomoci modulu FindBin; smazany zakomentovane casti kodu; timeout a priority nastaveny na undefpwd zjistovana pomoci modulu FindBin; smazana volba warden-dirpwd zjistovana pomoci modulu FindBin; polozky timeout a priority nastaveny na undefpwd zjistovana pomoci modulu FindBinpwd zjistovana pomoci modulu FindBinTree cleanup before alpha release