* Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <>
import { Transformer } from './transformer';
import { StateSelection } from './state/selection';
import { RxEventHelper } from 'mol-util/rx-event-helper';
private _current: Transform.Ref = this._tree.root.ref;
private transformCache = new Map<Transform.Ref, unknown>();
private ev = RxEventHelper.create();
readonly globalContext: unknown = void 0;
readonly events = {
object: {
cellState: this.ev<State.ObjectEvent & { cell: StateObjectCell }>(),
updated: this.ev<State.ObjectEvent & { obj?: StateObject }>(),
replaced: this.ev<State.ObjectEvent & { oldObj?: StateObject, newObj?: StateObject }>(),
created: this.ev<State.ObjectEvent & { obj: StateObject }>(),
removed: this.ev<State.ObjectEvent & { obj?: StateObject }>()
warn: this.ev<string>(),
updated: this.ev<void>()
readonly behaviors = {
currentObject: this.ev.behavior<State.ObjectEvent>({ state: this, ref: Transform.RootRef })
setSnapshot(snapshot: State.Snapshot) {
updateCellState(ref: Transform.Ref, state?: Partial<StateObjectCell.State>) {
* Select Cells by ref or a query generated on the fly.
* @example'test')
* @example => q.byRef('test').subtree())
select(selector: Transform.Ref | ((q: typeof StateSelection.Generators) => StateSelection.Selector)) {
if (typeof selector === 'string') return, this);
return, this)
query(q: StateSelection.Query) {
return q(this);
update(tree: StateTree): Task<void> {
return Task.create('Update Tree', async taskCtx => {
try {
const oldTree = this._tree;
this._tree = tree;
const ctx: UpdateContext = {
transformCache: this.transformCache
// TODO: have "cancelled" error? Or would this be handled automatically?
await update(ctx);
} finally {;
constructor(rootObject: StateObject, params?: { globalContext?: unknown }) {
(this.cells as Map<Transform.Ref, StateObjectCell>).set(root.ref, {
transform: root,
sourceRef: void 0,
this.globalContext = params && params.globalContext;
export type Cells = ReadonlyMap<Transform.Ref, StateObjectCell>
export interface ObjectEvent {
state: State,
ref: Ref
export function create(rootObject: StateObject, params?: { globalContext?: unknown, defaultObjectProps?: unknown }) {
return new State(rootObject, params);
taskCtx: RuntimeContext,
oldTree: StateTree,
tree: StateTree,
async function update(ctx: UpdateContext) {
const roots = findUpdateRoots(ctx.cells, ctx.tree);
const deletes = findDeletes(ctx);
for (const d of deletes) {
const obj = ctx.cells.has(d) ? ctx.cells.get(d)!.obj : void 0;
ctx.transformCache.delete(d);{ state: ctx.parent, ref: d, obj });
for (const root of roots) {
await updateSubtree(ctx, root);
function findUpdateRoots(cells: Map<Transform.Ref, StateObjectCell>, tree: StateTree) {
const findState = { roots: [] as Ref[], cells };
StateTree.doPreOrder(tree, tree.root, findState, _findUpdateRoots);
return findState.roots;
function _findUpdateRoots(n: Transform, _: any, s: { roots: Ref[], cells: Map<Ref, StateObjectCell> }) {
const cell = s.cells.get(n.ref);
if (!cell || cell.version !== n.version) {
return false;
type FindDeletesCtx = { newTree: StateTree, cells: State.Cells, deletes: Ref[] }
function _visitCheckDelete(n: Transform, _: any, ctx: FindDeletesCtx) {
if (!ctx.newTree.nodes.has(n.ref) && ctx.cells.has(n.ref)) ctx.deletes.push(n.ref);
function findDeletes(ctx: UpdateContext): Ref[] {
const deleteCtx: FindDeletesCtx = { newTree: ctx.tree, cells: ctx.cells, deletes: [] };
StateTree.doPostOrder(ctx.oldTree, ctx.oldTree.root, deleteCtx, _visitCheckDelete);
return deleteCtx.deletes;
function setCellStatus(ctx: UpdateContext, ref: Ref, status: StateObjectCell.Status, errorText?: string) {
const cell = ctx.cells.get(ref)!;
const changed = cell.status !== status;
cell.status = status;
cell.errorText = errorText;
if (changed){ state: ctx.parent, ref, cell });
function _initCellStatusVisitor(t: Transform, _: any, ctx: UpdateContext) {
setCellStatus(ctx, t.ref, 'pending');
function initCellStatus(ctx: UpdateContext, roots: Ref[]) {
StateTree.doPreOrder(ctx.tree, ctx.tree.nodes.get(root), ctx, _initCellStatusVisitor);
function _initCellsVisitor(transform: Transform, _: any, ctx: UpdateContext) {
if (ctx.cells.has(transform.ref)) return;
const obj: StateObjectCell = {
sourceRef: void 0,
ctx.cells.set(transform.ref, obj);
// TODO: created event???
function initCells(ctx: UpdateContext, roots: Ref[]) {
for (const root of roots) {
StateTree.doPreOrder(ctx.tree, ctx.tree.nodes.get(root), ctx, _initCellsVisitor);
function doError(ctx: UpdateContext, ref: Ref, errorText: string) {{ state: ctx.parent, ref });
wrap.obj = void 0;
const children = ctx.tree.children.get(ref).values();
while (true) {
const next =;
if (next.done) return;
doError(ctx, next.value, 'Parent node contains error.');
function findAncestor(tree: StateTree, cells: State.Cells, root: Ref, types: { type: StateObject.Type }[]): StateObjectCell | undefined {
let current = tree.nodes.get(root)!;
while (true) {
current = tree.nodes.get(current.parent)!;
const cell = cells.get(current.ref)!;
if (!cell.obj) return void 0;
for (const t of types) if (cell.obj.type === t.type) return cells.get(current.ref)!;
async function updateSubtree(ctx: UpdateContext, root: Ref) {{ state: ctx.parent, ref: root, obj: update.obj! });{ state: ctx.parent, ref: root, obj: update.obj });{ state: ctx.parent, ref: root, oldObj: update.oldObj, newObj: update.newObj });
} catch (e) {
doError(ctx, root, '' + e);
const children = ctx.tree.children.get(root).values();
while (true) {
const next =;
if (next.done) return;
await updateSubtree(ctx, next.value);
async function updateNode(ctx: UpdateContext, currentRef: Ref) {
const { oldTree, tree } = ctx;
const parentCell = findAncestor(tree, ctx.cells, currentRef, transform.transformer.definition.from);
if (!parentCell) {
throw new Error(`No suitable parent found for '${currentRef}'`);
const parent = parentCell.obj!;
const current = ctx.cells.get(currentRef)!;
current.sourceRef = parentCell.transform.ref;
// console.log('parent',, transform.transformer.definition.from[0].type, parent ? parent.ref : 'undefined')
if (!oldTree.nodes.has(currentRef)) {
// console.log('creating...',, oldTree.nodes.has(currentRef), objects.has(currentRef));
const obj = await createObject(ctx, currentRef, transform.transformer, parent, transform.params);
current.obj = obj;
current.version = transform.version;
return { action: 'created', obj };
} else {
const oldParams = oldTree.nodes.get(currentRef)!.params;
const updateKind = current.status === 'ok' || current.transform.ref === Transform.RootRef
? await updateObject(ctx, currentRef, transform.transformer, parent, current.obj!, oldParams, transform.params)
: Transformer.UpdateResult.Recreate;
switch (updateKind) {
case Transformer.UpdateResult.Recreate: {
const oldObj = current.obj;
const newObj = await createObject(ctx, currentRef, transform.transformer, parent, transform.params);
current.obj = newObj;
current.version = transform.version;
return { action: 'replaced', oldObj, newObj: newObj };
case Transformer.UpdateResult.Updated:
current.version = transform.version;
return { action: 'updated', obj: current.obj };
return { action: 'none' };
function runTask<T>(t: T | Task<T>, ctx: RuntimeContext) {
if (typeof (t as any).runInContext === 'function') return (t as Task<T>).runInContext(ctx);
return t as T;
function createObject(ctx: UpdateContext, ref: Ref, transformer: Transformer, a: StateObject, params: any) {
const cache = {};
ctx.transformCache.set(ref, cache);
return runTask(transformer.definition.apply({ a, params, cache }, ctx.parent.globalContext), ctx.taskCtx);
async function updateObject(ctx: UpdateContext, ref: Ref, transformer: Transformer, a: StateObject, b: StateObject, oldParams: any, newParams: any) {
if (!transformer.definition.update) {
return Transformer.UpdateResult.Recreate;
let cache = ctx.transformCache.get(ref);
if (!cache) {
cache = {};
return runTask(transformer.definition.update({ a, oldParams, b, newParams, cache }, ctx.parent.globalContext), ctx.taskCtx);