* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author Alexander Rose <>
* @author David Sehnal <>
import { Structure } from 'mol-model/structure';
import { Task } from 'mol-task'
import { Loci, EmptyLoci } from 'mol-model/loci';
import { StructureRepresentation, StructureParams, StructureRepresentationStateBuilder, StructureRepresentationState } from './representation';
import { ComplexVisual } from './complex-visual';
import { PickingId } from 'mol-geo/geometry/picking';
import { MarkerAction } from 'mol-geo/geometry/marker-data';
import { RepresentationContext, RepresentationParamsGetter } from 'mol-repr/representation';
import { Theme, createEmptyTheme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
import { GraphicsRenderObject, getNextMaterialId } from 'mol-gl/render-object';
export function ComplexRepresentation<P extends StructureParams>(label: string, ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, P>, visualCtor: (materialId: number) => ComplexVisual<P>): StructureRepresentation<P> {
let version = 0
const updated = new Subject<number>()
const materialId = getNextMaterialId()
const renderObjects: GraphicsRenderObject[] = []
const _state = StructureRepresentationStateBuilder.create()
let visual: ComplexVisual<P> | undefined
let _structure: Structure
function createOrUpdate(props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}, structure?: Structure) {
if (structure && structure !== _structure) {
_params = getParams(ctx, structure)
_structure = structure
if (!_props) _props = PD.getDefaultValues(_params)
_props = Object.assign({}, _props, props)
return Task.create('Creating or updating ComplexRepresentation', async runtime => {
if (!visual) visual = visualCtor(materialId)
const promise = visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, structure)
if (promise) await promise
// update list of renderObjects
renderObjects.length = 0
if (visual && visual.renderObject) renderObjects.push(visual.renderObject)
// increment version
function getLoci(pickingId: PickingId) {
return visual ? visual.getLoci(pickingId) : EmptyLoci
function mark(loci: Loci, action: MarkerAction) {
return visual ? visual.mark(loci, action) : false
Alexander Rose
function setState(state: Partial<StructureRepresentationState>) {
StructureRepresentationStateBuilder.update(_state, state)
if (state.visible !== undefined && visual) {
// hide visual when _unitTransforms is set
visual.setVisibility(state.visible && _state.unitTransforms === null)
if (state.alphaFactor !== undefined && visual) visual.setAlphaFactor(state.alphaFactor)
if (state.pickable !== undefined && visual) visual.setPickable(state.pickable)
if (state.overpaint !== undefined && visual) visual.setOverpaint(state.overpaint)
if (state.transparency !== undefined && visual) visual.setTransparency(state.transparency)
if (state.transform !== undefined && visual) visual.setTransform(state.transform)
Alexander Rose
if (state.unitTransforms !== undefined && visual) {
// Since ComplexVisuals always renders geometries between units the application of `unitTransforms`
// does not make sense. When given it is ignored here and sets the visual's visibility to `false`.
visual.setVisibility(_state.visible && state.unitTransforms === null)
function setTheme(theme: Theme) {
_theme = theme
get groupCount() {
return visual ? visual.groupCount : 0