David Sehnal authoredDavid Sehnal authored
layout.ts 6.81 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <david.sehnal@gmail.com>
import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
import { PluginComponent } from './component';
import { PluginContext } from './context';
import { PluginCommands } from './command';
// TODO: support collapsed state control orientation
export const PluginLayoutStateParams = {
isExpanded: PD.Boolean(false),
showControls: PD.Boolean(true)
export type PluginLayoutStateProps = PD.Values<typeof PluginLayoutStateParams>
interface RootState {
top: string | null,
bottom: string | null,
left: string | null,
right: string | null,
width: string | null,
height: string | null,
maxWidth: string | null,
maxHeight: string | null,
margin: string | null,
marginLeft: string | null,
marginRight: string | null,
marginTop: string | null,
marginBottom: string | null,
scrollTop: number,
scrollLeft: number,
position: string | null,
overflow: string | null,
viewports: HTMLElement[],
zindex: string | null
export class PluginLayout extends PluginComponent<PluginLayoutStateProps> {
readonly events = {
updated: this.ev()
private updateProps(state: Partial<PluginLayoutStateProps>) {
let prevExpanded = !!this.state.isExpanded;
if (this.root && typeof state.isExpanded === 'boolean' && state.isExpanded !== prevExpanded) this.handleExpand();
private root: HTMLElement;
private rootState: RootState | undefined = void 0;
private expandedViewport: HTMLMetaElement;
setProps(props: Partial<PluginLayoutStateProps>) {
setRoot(root: HTMLElement) {
this.root = root;
if (this.state.isExpanded) this.handleExpand();
private getScrollElement() {
if ((document as any).scrollingElement) return (document as any).scrollingElement;
if (document.documentElement) return document.documentElement;
return document.body;
private handleExpand() {
try {
let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!body || !head) return;
if (this.state.isExpanded) {
let children = head.children;
let hasExp = false;
let viewports: HTMLElement[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i] === this.expandedViewport) {
hasExp = true;
} else if (((children[i] as any).name || '').toLowerCase() === 'viewport') {
viewports.push(children[i] as any);
for (let v of viewports) {
if (!hasExp) head.appendChild(this.expandedViewport);
let s = body.style;
let doc = this.getScrollElement();
let scrollLeft = doc.scrollLeft;
let scrollTop = doc.scrollTop;
this.rootState = {
top: s.top, bottom: s.bottom, right: s.right, left: s.left, scrollTop, scrollLeft, position: s.position, overflow: s.overflow, viewports, zindex: this.root.style.zIndex,
width: s.width, height: s.height,
maxWidth: s.maxWidth, maxHeight: s.maxHeight,
margin: s.margin, marginLeft: s.marginLeft, marginRight: s.marginRight, marginTop: s.marginTop, marginBottom: s.marginBottom
s.overflow = 'hidden';
s.position = 'fixed';
s.top = '0';
s.bottom = '0';
s.right = '0';
s.left = '0';
s.width = '100%';
s.height = '100%';
s.maxWidth = '100%';
s.maxHeight = '100%';
s.margin = '0';
s.marginLeft = '0';
s.marginRight = '0';
s.marginTop = '0';
s.marginBottom = '0';
// TODO: setting this breaks viewport controls for some reason. Is there a fix?
// this.root.style.zIndex = '100000';
} else {
let children = head.children;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i] === this.expandedViewport) {
if (this.rootState) {
let s = body.style, t = this.rootState;
for (let v of t.viewports) {
s.top = t.top;
s.bottom = t.bottom;
s.left = t.left;
s.right = t.right;
s.width = t.width;
s.height = t.height;
s.maxWidth = t.maxWidth;
s.maxHeight = t.maxHeight;
s.margin = t.margin;
s.marginLeft = t.marginLeft;
s.marginRight = t.marginRight;
s.marginTop = t.marginTop;
s.marginBottom = t.marginBottom;
s.position = t.position;
s.overflow = t.overflow;
let doc = this.getScrollElement();
doc.scrollTop = t.scrollTop;
doc.scrollLeft = t.scrollLeft;
this.rootState = void 0;
this.root.style.zIndex = t.zindex;
} catch (e) {
this.context.log.error('Layout change error, you might have to reload the page.');
console.log('Layout change error, you might have to reload the page.', e);
constructor(private context: PluginContext) {
super({ ...PD.getDefaultValues(PluginLayoutStateParams), ...(context.spec.layout && context.spec.layout.initial) });
PluginCommands.Layout.Update.subscribe(context, e => this.updateProps(e.state));
// TODO how best make sure it runs on node.js as well as in the browser?
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
// <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0' />
this.expandedViewport = document.createElement('meta') as any;
this.expandedViewport.name = 'viewport';
this.expandedViewport.content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0';