David Sehnal authoredDavid Sehnal authored
model.ts 1.68 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2017 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <david.sehnal@gmail.com>
import UUID from 'mol-util/uuid'
import Format from './format'
import StructureSequence from './properties/sequence'
import { AtomicHierarchy, AtomicConformation } from './properties/atomic'
import { ModelSymmetry } from './properties/symmetry'
import { CoarseHierarchy, CoarseConformation } from './properties/coarse'
import { Entities } from './properties/common';
import { SecondaryStructure } from './properties/seconday-structure';
//import from_gro from './formats/gro'
import from_mmCIF from './formats/mmcif'
import { ModifiedResidues } from './formats/mmcif/modified-residues';
* Interface to the "source data" of the molecule.
* "Atoms" are integers in the range [0, atomCount).
interface Model extends Readonly<{
id: UUID,
label: string,
modelNum: number,
sourceData: Format,
symmetry: ModelSymmetry,
entities: Entities,
sequence: StructureSequence,
atomicHierarchy: AtomicHierarchy,
atomicConformation: AtomicConformation,
/** Various parts of the code can "cache" custom properties here */
properties: {
readonly secondaryStructure: SecondaryStructure,
readonly modifiedResidues: ModifiedResidues,
[customName: string]: any
coarseHierarchy: CoarseHierarchy,
coarseConformation: CoarseConformation
}> {
} { }
namespace Model {
export function create(format: Format) {
switch (format.kind) {
//case 'gro': return from_gro(format);
case 'mmCIF': return from_mmCIF(format);
export default Model