Alexander Rose authoredAlexander Rose authored
context.ts 11.02 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <david.sehnal@gmail.com>
* @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de>
import { List } from 'immutable';
import { Canvas3D } from '../mol-canvas3d/canvas3d';
import { CustomPropertyRegistry } from '../mol-model-props/common/custom-property-registry';
import { StructureRepresentationRegistry } from '../mol-repr/structure/registry';
import { VolumeRepresentationRegistry } from '../mol-repr/volume/registry';
import { State, StateTransform, StateTransformer } from '../mol-state';
import { Task } from '../mol-task';
import { ColorTheme } from '../mol-theme/color';
import { SizeTheme } from '../mol-theme/size';
import { ThemeRegistryContext } from '../mol-theme/theme';
import { Color } from '../mol-util/color';
import { ajaxGet } from '../mol-util/data-source';
import { LogEntry } from '../mol-util/log-entry';
import { RxEventHelper } from '../mol-util/rx-event-helper';
import { merge } from 'rxjs';
import { BuiltInPluginBehaviors } from './behavior';
import { PluginBehavior } from './behavior/behavior';
import { PluginCommand, PluginCommands } from './command';
import { PluginLayout } from './layout';
import { PluginSpec } from './spec';
import { PluginState } from './state';
import { DataFormatRegistry } from './state/actions/data-format';
import { StateTransformParameters } from './ui/state/common';
import { LociLabelEntry, LociLabelManager } from './util/loci-label-manager';
import { TaskManager } from './util/task-manager';
import { PLUGIN_VERSION, PLUGIN_VERSION_DATE } from './version';
import { StructureElementSelectionManager } from './util/structure-element-selection';
import { SubstructureParentHelper } from './util/substructure-parent-helper';
import { ModifiersKeys } from '../mol-util/input/input-observer';
import { isProductionMode, isDebugMode } from '../mol-util/debug';
import { Model, Structure } from '../mol-model/structure';
import { Interactivity } from './util/interactivity';
import { StructureRepresentationHelper } from './util/structure-representation-helper';
import { StructureSelectionHelper } from './util/structure-selection-helper';
import { StructureOverpaintHelper } from './util/structure-overpaint-helper';
import { PluginToastManager } from './state/toast';
interface Log {
entries: List<LogEntry>
readonly entry: (e: LogEntry) => void
readonly error: (msg: string) => void
readonly message: (msg: string) => void
readonly info: (msg: string) => void
readonly warn: (msg: string) => void
export class PluginContext {
private disposed = false;
private ev = RxEventHelper.create();
private tasks = new TaskManager();
readonly state = new PluginState(this);
readonly commands = new PluginCommand.Manager();
readonly events = {
state: {
cell: {
stateUpdated: merge(this.state.dataState.events.cell.stateUpdated, this.state.behaviorState.events.cell.stateUpdated),
created: merge(this.state.dataState.events.cell.created, this.state.behaviorState.events.cell.created),
removed: merge(this.state.dataState.events.cell.removed, this.state.behaviorState.events.cell.removed),
object: {
created: merge(this.state.dataState.events.object.created, this.state.behaviorState.events.object.created),
removed: merge(this.state.dataState.events.object.removed, this.state.behaviorState.events.object.removed),
updated: merge(this.state.dataState.events.object.updated, this.state.behaviorState.events.object.updated)
cameraSnapshots: this.state.cameraSnapshots.events,
snapshots: this.state.snapshots.events,
log: this.ev<LogEntry>(),
task: this.tasks.events,
canvas3d: {
initialized: this.ev(),
settingsUpdated: this.ev()
interactivity: {
propsUpdated: this.ev(),
selectionUpdated: this.ev()
} as const
readonly behaviors = {
state: {
isAnimating: this.ev.behavior<boolean>(false),
isUpdating: this.ev.behavior<boolean>(false)
interaction: {
hover: this.ev.behavior<Interactivity.HoverEvent>({ current: Interactivity.Loci.Empty, modifiers: ModifiersKeys.None, buttons: 0 }),
click: this.ev.behavior<Interactivity.ClickEvent>({ current: Interactivity.Loci.Empty, modifiers: ModifiersKeys.None, buttons: 0 })
labels: {
highlight: this.ev.behavior<{ entries: ReadonlyArray<LociLabelEntry> }>({ entries: [] })
} as const
readonly canvas3d: Canvas3D;
readonly layout = new PluginLayout(this);
readonly toasts = new PluginToastManager(this);
readonly interactivity: Interactivity;
readonly lociLabels: LociLabelManager;
readonly structureRepresentation = {
registry: new StructureRepresentationRegistry(),
themeCtx: { colorThemeRegistry: ColorTheme.createRegistry(), sizeThemeRegistry: SizeTheme.createRegistry() } as ThemeRegistryContext
} as const
readonly volumeRepresentation = {
registry: new VolumeRepresentationRegistry(),
themeCtx: { colorThemeRegistry: ColorTheme.createRegistry(), sizeThemeRegistry: SizeTheme.createRegistry() } as ThemeRegistryContext
} as const
readonly dataFormat = {
registry: new DataFormatRegistry()
} as const
readonly customModelProperties = new CustomPropertyRegistry<Model>();
readonly customStructureProperties = new CustomPropertyRegistry<Structure>();
readonly customParamEditors = new Map<string, StateTransformParameters.Class>();
readonly helpers = {
structureSelectionManager: new StructureElementSelectionManager(this),
structureSelection: new StructureSelectionHelper(this),
structureRepresentation: new StructureRepresentationHelper(this),
structureOverpaint: new StructureOverpaintHelper(this),
substructureParent: new SubstructureParentHelper(this)
} as const;
* Used to store application specific custom state which is then available
* to State Actions and similar constructs via the PluginContext.
readonly customState: unknown = Object.create(null);
initViewer(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, container: HTMLDivElement) {
try {
if (this.spec.layout && this.spec.layout.initial) this.layout.setProps(this.spec.layout.initial);
(this.canvas3d as Canvas3D) = Canvas3D.fromCanvas(canvas, {}, t => this.runTask(t));
this.events.canvas3d.initialized.isStopped = true // TODO is this a good way?
const renderer = this.canvas3d.props.renderer;
PluginCommands.Canvas3D.SetSettings.dispatch(this, { settings: { renderer: { ...renderer, backgroundColor: Color(0xFCFBF9) } } });
return true;
} catch (e) {
this.log.error('' + e);
return false;
readonly log: Log = {
entries: List<LogEntry>(),
entry: (e: LogEntry) => this.events.log.next(e),
error: (msg: string) => this.events.log.next(LogEntry.error(msg)),
message: (msg: string) => this.events.log.next(LogEntry.message(msg)),
info: (msg: string) => this.events.log.next(LogEntry.info(msg)),
warn: (msg: string) => this.events.log.next(LogEntry.warning(msg)),
* This should be used in all transform related request so that it could be "spoofed" to allow
* "static" access to resources.
readonly fetch = ajaxGet
runTask<T>(task: Task<T>) {
return this.tasks.run(task);
dispose() {
if (this.disposed) return;
this.disposed = true;
applyTransform(state: State, a: StateTransform.Ref, transformer: StateTransformer, params: any) {
const tree = state.build().to(a).apply(transformer, params);
return PluginCommands.State.Update.dispatch(this, { state, tree });
updateTransform(state: State, a: StateTransform.Ref, params: any) {
const tree = state.build().to(a).update(params);
return PluginCommands.State.Update.dispatch(this, { state, tree });
private initBehaviorEvents() {
merge(this.state.dataState.events.isUpdating, this.state.behaviorState.events.isUpdating).subscribe(u => {
private initBuiltInBehavior() {
merge(this.state.dataState.events.log, this.state.behaviorState.events.log).subscribe(e => this.events.log.next(e));
private async initBehaviors() {
const tree = this.state.behaviorState.build();
for (const cat of Object.keys(PluginBehavior.Categories)) {
tree.toRoot().apply(PluginBehavior.CreateCategory, { label: (PluginBehavior.Categories as any)[cat] }, { ref: cat, state: { isLocked: true } });
for (const b of this.spec.behaviors) {
tree.to(PluginBehavior.getCategoryId(b.transformer)).apply(b.transformer, b.defaultParams, { ref: b.transformer.id });
await this.runTask(this.state.behaviorState.updateTree(tree, { doNotUpdateCurrent: true, doNotLogTiming: true }));
private initDataActions() {
for (const a of this.spec.actions) {
private initAnimations() {
if (!this.spec.animations) return;
for (const anim of this.spec.animations) {
private initCustomParamEditors() {
if (!this.spec.customParamEditors) return;
for (const [t, e] of this.spec.customParamEditors) {
this.customParamEditors.set(t.id, e);
constructor(public spec: PluginSpec) {
this.events.log.subscribe(e => this.log.entries = this.log.entries.push(e));
this.interactivity = new Interactivity(this);
this.lociLabels = new LociLabelManager(this);
this.log.message(`Mol* Plugin ${PLUGIN_VERSION} [${PLUGIN_VERSION_DATE.toLocaleString()}]`);
if (!isProductionMode) this.log.message(`Development mode enabled`);
if (isDebugMode) this.log.message(`Debug mode enabled`);