Alexander Rose authoredAlexander Rose authored
units-representation.ts 10.81 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de>
* @author David Sehnal <david.sehnal@gmail.com>
import { Structure, Unit } from 'mol-model/structure';
import { Task } from 'mol-task'
import { GraphicsRenderObject } from 'mol-gl/render-object';
import { RepresentationContext, RepresentationParamsGetter } from '../representation';
import { Visual } from '../visual';
import { Loci, EmptyLoci, isEmptyLoci } from 'mol-model/loci';
import { StructureGroup } from './units-visual';
import { StructureRepresentation, StructureParams, StructureRepresentationState, StructureRepresentationStateBuilder } from './representation';
import { PickingId } from 'mol-geo/geometry/picking';
import { MarkerAction } from 'mol-geo/geometry/marker-data';
import { Theme, createEmptyTheme } from 'mol-theme/theme';
import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
import { UnitKind, UnitKindOptions } from './visual/util/common';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { Overpaint } from 'mol-theme/overpaint';
export const UnitsParams = {
unitKinds: PD.MultiSelect<UnitKind>(['atomic', 'spheres'], UnitKindOptions),
export type UnitsParams = typeof UnitsParams
export interface UnitsVisual<P extends UnitsParams> extends Visual<StructureGroup, P> { }
export function UnitsRepresentation<P extends UnitsParams>(label: string, ctx: RepresentationContext, getParams: RepresentationParamsGetter<Structure, P>, visualCtor: () => UnitsVisual<P>): StructureRepresentation<P> {
let version = 0
const updated = new Subject<number>()
const renderObjects: GraphicsRenderObject[] = []
const _state = StructureRepresentationStateBuilder.create()
let visuals = new Map<number, { group: Unit.SymmetryGroup, visual: UnitsVisual<P> }>()
let _structure: Structure
let _groups: ReadonlyArray<Unit.SymmetryGroup>
let _params: P
let _props: PD.Values<P>
let _theme = createEmptyTheme()
function createOrUpdate(props: Partial<PD.Values<P>> = {}, structure?: Structure) {
if (structure && structure !== _structure) {
_params = getParams(ctx, structure)
if (!_props) _props = PD.getDefaultValues(_params)
_props = Object.assign({}, _props, props)
return Task.create('Creating or updating UnitsRepresentation', async runtime => {
if (!_structure && !structure) {
throw new Error('missing structure')
} else if (structure && !_structure) {
// console.log(label, 'initial structure')
// First call with a structure, create visuals for each group.
_groups = structure.unitSymmetryGroups;
for (let i = 0; i < _groups.length; i++) {
const group = _groups[i];
const visual = visualCtor()
const promise = visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
if (promise) await promise
visuals.set(group.hashCode, { visual, group })
if (runtime.shouldUpdate) await runtime.update({ message: 'Creating or updating UnitsVisual', current: i, max: _groups.length })
} else if (structure && !Structure.areEquivalent(structure, _structure)) {
// console.log(label, 'structure not equivalent')
// Tries to re-use existing visuals for the groups of the new structure.
// Creates additional visuals if needed, destroys left-over visuals.
_groups = structure.unitSymmetryGroups;
// const newGroups: Unit.SymmetryGroup[] = []
const oldVisuals = visuals
visuals = new Map()
for (let i = 0; i < _groups.length; i++) {
const group = _groups[i];
const visualGroup = oldVisuals.get(group.hashCode)
if (visualGroup) {
// console.log(label, 'found visualGroup to reuse')
// console.log('old', visualGroup.group)
// console.log('new', group)
const { visual } = visualGroup
const promise = visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
if (promise) await promise
visuals.set(group.hashCode, { visual, group })
} else {
// console.log(label, 'not found visualGroup to reuse, creating new')
// newGroups.push(group)
const visual = visualCtor()
const promise = visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
if (promise) await promise
visuals.set(group.hashCode, { visual, group })
if (runtime.shouldUpdate) await runtime.update({ message: 'Creating or updating UnitsVisual', current: i, max: _groups.length })
oldVisuals.forEach(({ visual }) => {
// console.log(label, 'removed unused visual')
// TODO review logic
// For new groups, re-use left-over visuals
// const unusedVisuals: UnitsVisual<P>[] = []
// oldVisuals.forEach(({ visual }) => unusedVisuals.push(visual))
// newGroups.forEach(async group => {
// const visual = unusedVisuals.pop() || visualCtor()
// await visual.createOrUpdate({ ...ctx, runtime }, _props, group)
// visuals.set(group.hashCode, { visual, group })
// })
// unusedVisuals.forEach(visual => visual.destroy())
} else if (structure && structure !== _structure && Structure.areEquivalent(structure, _structure)) {
// console.log(label, 'structures equivalent but not identical')
// Expects that for structures with the same hashCode,
// the unitSymmetryGroups are the same as well.
// Re-uses existing visuals for the groups of the new structure.
_groups = structure.unitSymmetryGroups;
// console.log('new', structure.unitSymmetryGroups)
// console.log('old', _structure.unitSymmetryGroups)
for (let i = 0; i < _groups.length; i++) {
const group = _groups[i];
const visualGroup = visuals.get(group.hashCode)
if (visualGroup) {
const promise = visualGroup.visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props, { group, structure })
if (promise) await promise
visualGroup.group = group
} else {
throw new Error(`expected to find visual for hashCode ${group.hashCode}`)
if (runtime.shouldUpdate) await runtime.update({ message: 'Creating or updating UnitsVisual', current: i, max: _groups.length })
} else {
// console.log(label, 'no new structure')
// No new structure given, just update all visuals with new props.
const visualsList: [ UnitsVisual<P>, Unit.SymmetryGroup ][] = [] // TODO avoid allocation
visuals.forEach(({ visual, group }) => visualsList.push([ visual, group ]))
for (let i = 0, il = visualsList.length; i < il; ++i) {
const [ visual ] = visualsList[i]
const promise = visual.createOrUpdate({ webgl: ctx.webgl, runtime }, _theme, _props)
if (promise) await promise
if (runtime.shouldUpdate) await runtime.update({ message: 'Creating or updating UnitsVisual', current: i, max: il })
// update list of renderObjects
renderObjects.length = 0
visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => {
if (visual.renderObject) renderObjects.push(visual.renderObject)
// set new structure
if (structure) _structure = structure
// increment version
function getLoci(pickingId: PickingId) {
let loci: Loci = EmptyLoci
visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => {
const _loci = visual.getLoci(pickingId)
if (!isEmptyLoci(_loci)) loci = _loci
return loci
function mark(loci: Loci, action: MarkerAction) {
let changed = false
visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => {
changed = visual.mark(loci, action) || changed
return changed
function setState(state: Partial<StructureRepresentationState>) {
const { visible, pickable, transform, unitTransforms } = state
if (visible !== undefined) visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => visual.setVisibility(visible))
if (pickable !== undefined) visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => visual.setPickable(pickable))
if (transform !== undefined) visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => visual.setTransform(transform))
if (unitTransforms !== undefined) {
visuals.forEach(({ visual, group }) => {
if (unitTransforms) {
// console.log(group.hashCode, unitTransforms.getSymmetryGroupTransforms(group))
visual.setTransform(undefined, unitTransforms.getSymmetryGroupTransforms(group))
} else {
visual.setTransform(undefined, null)
StructureRepresentationStateBuilder.update(_state, state)
function setTheme(theme: Theme) {
_theme = theme
function setOverpaint(layers: Overpaint.Layers) {
visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => visual.setOverpaint(layers))
function destroy() {
visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => visual.destroy())
return {
get groupCount() {
let groupCount = 0
visuals.forEach(({ visual }) => {
if (visual.renderObject) groupCount += visual.groupCount
return groupCount
get props() { return _props },
get params() { return _params },
get state() { return _state },
get theme() { return _theme },