Alexander Rose authoredAlexander Rose authored
controls.tsx 11.13 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <david.sehnal@gmail.com>
* @author Alexander Rose <alexander.rose@weirdbyte.de>
import * as React from 'react';
import { PluginCommands } from '../../mol-plugin/command';
import { UpdateTrajectory } from '../../mol-plugin/state/actions/structure';
import { PluginUIComponent } from './base';
import { LociLabelEntry } from '../../mol-plugin/util/loci-label-manager';
import { IconButton, Icon } from './controls/common';
import { PluginStateObject } from '../../mol-plugin/state/objects';
import { StateTransforms } from '../../mol-plugin/state/transforms';
import { StateTransformer } from '../../mol-state';
import { ModelFromTrajectory } from '../../mol-plugin/state/transforms/model';
import { AnimationControls } from './state/animation';
import { OverpaintControls } from './structure/overpaint';
import { RepresentationControls } from './structure/representation';
export class TrajectoryViewportControls extends PluginUIComponent<{}, { show: boolean, label: string }> {
state = { show: false, label: '' }
private update = () => {
const state = this.plugin.state.dataState;
const models = state.selectQ(q => q.ofTransformer(StateTransforms.Model.ModelFromTrajectory));
if (models.length === 0) {
this.setState({ show: false });
let label = '', count = 0, parents = new Set<string>();
for (const m of models) {
if (!m.sourceRef) continue;
const parent = state.cells.get(m.sourceRef)!.obj as PluginStateObject.Molecule.Trajectory;
if (!parent) continue;
if (parent.data.length > 1) {
if (parents.has(m.sourceRef)) {
// do not show the controls if there are 2 models of the same trajectory present
this.setState({ show: false });
if (!label) {
const idx = (m.transform.params! as StateTransformer.Params<ModelFromTrajectory>).modelIndex;
label = `Model ${idx + 1} / ${parent.data.length}`;
if (count > 1) label = '';
this.setState({ show: count > 0, label });
componentDidMount() {
this.subscribe(this.plugin.state.dataState.events.changed, this.update);
this.subscribe(this.plugin.behaviors.state.isAnimating, this.update);
reset = () => PluginCommands.State.ApplyAction.dispatch(this.plugin, {
state: this.plugin.state.dataState,
action: UpdateTrajectory.create({ action: 'reset' })
prev = () => PluginCommands.State.ApplyAction.dispatch(this.plugin, {
state: this.plugin.state.dataState,
action: UpdateTrajectory.create({ action: 'advance', by: -1 })
next = () => PluginCommands.State.ApplyAction.dispatch(this.plugin, {
state: this.plugin.state.dataState,
action: UpdateTrajectory.create({ action: 'advance', by: 1 })
// stopAnimation = () => {
// this.plugin.state.animation.stop();
// }
// playAnimation = () => {
// const anim = this.plugin.state.animation;
// if (anim.state.params.current === AnimateModelIndex.name) {
// anim.start();
// } else {
// anim.play(AnimateModelIndex, ParamDefinition.getDefaultValues(AnimateModelIndex.params(this.plugin) as any as ParamDefinition.Params))
// }
// }
render() {
const isAnimating = this.plugin.behaviors.state.isAnimating.value;
if (!this.state.show || (isAnimating && !this.state.label)) return null;
return <div className='msp-traj-controls'>
{/* <IconButton icon={isAnimating ? 'stop' : 'play'} title={isAnimating ? 'Stop' : 'Play'} onClick={isAnimating ? this.stopAnimation : this.playAnimation} /> */}
{!isAnimating && <IconButton icon='model-first' title='First Model' onClick={this.reset} disabled={isAnimating} />}
{!isAnimating && <IconButton icon='model-prev' title='Previous Model' onClick={this.prev} disabled={isAnimating} />}
{!isAnimating && <IconButton icon='model-next' title='Next Model' onClick={this.next} disabled={isAnimating} />}
{!!this.state.label && <span>{this.state.label}</span> }
export class StateSnapshotViewportControls extends PluginUIComponent<{}, { isBusy: boolean, show: boolean }> {
state = { isBusy: false, show: true }
componentDidMount() {
// TODO: this needs to be diabled when the state is updating!
this.subscribe(this.plugin.state.snapshots.events.changed, () => this.forceUpdate());
this.subscribe(this.plugin.behaviors.state.isUpdating, isBusy => this.setState({ isBusy }));
this.subscribe(this.plugin.behaviors.state.isAnimating, isBusy => this.setState({ isBusy }))
window.addEventListener('keyup', this.keyUp, false);
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener('keyup', this.keyUp, false);
keyUp = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (!e.ctrlKey || this.state.isBusy || e.target !== document.body) return;
const snapshots = this.plugin.state.snapshots;
if (e.keyCode === 37) { // left
if (snapshots.state.isPlaying) snapshots.stop();
} else if (e.keyCode === 38) { // up
if (snapshots.state.isPlaying) snapshots.stop();
if (snapshots.state.entries.size === 0) return;
const e = snapshots.state.entries.get(0);
} else if (e.keyCode === 39) { // right
if (snapshots.state.isPlaying) snapshots.stop();
} else if (e.keyCode === 40) { // down
if (snapshots.state.isPlaying) snapshots.stop();
if (snapshots.state.entries.size === 0) return;
const e = snapshots.state.entries.get(snapshots.state.entries.size - 1);
async update(id: string) {
this.setState({ isBusy: true });
await PluginCommands.State.Snapshots.Apply.dispatch(this.plugin, { id });
this.setState({ isBusy: false });
change = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => {
if (e.target.value === 'none') return;
prev = () => {
const s = this.plugin.state.snapshots;
const id = s.getNextId(s.state.current, -1);
if (id) this.update(id);
next = () => {
const s = this.plugin.state.snapshots;
const id = s.getNextId(s.state.current, 1);
if (id) this.update(id);
togglePlay = () => {
render() {
const snapshots = this.plugin.state.snapshots;
const count = snapshots.state.entries.size;
if (count < 2 || !this.state.show) {
return null;
const current = snapshots.state.current;
const isPlaying = snapshots.state.isPlaying;
return <div className='msp-state-snapshot-viewport-controls'>
<select className='msp-form-control' value={current || 'none'} onChange={this.change} disabled={this.state.isBusy || isPlaying}>
{!current && <option key='none' value='none'></option>}
{snapshots.state.entries.valueSeq().map((e, i) => <option key={e!.snapshot.id} value={e!.snapshot.id}>{`[${i! + 1}/${count}]`} {e!.name || new Date(e!.timestamp).toLocaleString()}</option>)}
<IconButton icon={isPlaying ? 'stop' : 'play'} title={isPlaying ? 'Pause' : 'Cycle States'} onClick={this.togglePlay}
disabled={isPlaying ? false : this.state.isBusy} />
{!isPlaying && <>
<IconButton icon='left-open' title='Previous State' onClick={this.prev} disabled={this.state.isBusy || isPlaying} />
<IconButton icon='right-open' title='Next State' onClick={this.next} disabled={this.state.isBusy || isPlaying} />
export class AnimationViewportControls extends PluginUIComponent<{}, { isEmpty: boolean, isExpanded: boolean, isUpdating: boolean, isAnimating: boolean, isPlaying: boolean }> {
state = { isEmpty: true, isExpanded: false, isUpdating: false, isAnimating: false, isPlaying: false };
componentDidMount() {
this.subscribe(this.plugin.state.snapshots.events.changed, () => {
if (this.plugin.state.snapshots.state.isPlaying) this.setState({ isPlaying: true, isExpanded: false });
else this.setState({ isPlaying: false });
this.subscribe(this.plugin.behaviors.state.isUpdating, isUpdating => {
if (isUpdating) this.setState({ isUpdating: true, isExpanded: false, isEmpty: this.plugin.state.dataState.tree.transforms.size < 2 });
else this.setState({ isUpdating: false, isEmpty: this.plugin.state.dataState.tree.transforms.size < 2 });
this.subscribe(this.plugin.behaviors.state.isAnimating, isAnimating => {
if (isAnimating) this.setState({ isAnimating: true, isExpanded: false });
else this.setState({ isAnimating: false });
toggleExpanded = () => this.setState({ isExpanded: !this.state.isExpanded });
stop = () => {
render() {
// if (!this.state.show) return null;
const isPlaying = this.plugin.state.snapshots.state.isPlaying;
if (isPlaying) return null;
const isAnimating = this.state.isAnimating;
return <div className='msp-animation-viewport-controls'>
<IconButton icon={isAnimating || isPlaying ? 'stop' : 'tape'} title={isAnimating ? 'Stop' : 'Select Animation'}
onClick={isAnimating || isPlaying ? this.stop : this.toggleExpanded}
disabled={isAnimating|| isPlaying ? false : this.state.isUpdating || this.state.isPlaying || this.state.isEmpty} />
{(this.state.isExpanded && !this.state.isUpdating) && <div className='msp-animation-viewport-controls-select'>
<AnimationControls onStart={this.toggleExpanded} />
export class LociLabelControl extends PluginUIComponent<{}, { entries: ReadonlyArray<LociLabelEntry> }> {
state = { entries: [] }
componentDidMount() {
this.subscribe(this.plugin.behaviors.labels.highlight, e => this.setState({ entries: e.entries }));
render() {
if (this.state.entries.length === 0) return null;
return <div className='msp-highlight-info'>
{this.state.entries.map((e, i) => <div key={'' + i}>{e}</div>)}
export class StructureToolsWrapper extends PluginUIComponent {
render() {
return <div>
<div className='msp-section-header'><Icon name='code' /> Structure Tools</div>
<OverpaintControls />
<RepresentationControls />