Alexander Rose authoredAlexander Rose authored
isosurface.frag 6.57 KiB
precision highp float;
precision highp sampler2D;
uniform sampler2D tActiveVoxelsPyramid;
uniform sampler2D tActiveVoxelsBase;
uniform sampler2D tVolumeData;
uniform sampler2D tTriIndices;
uniform float uIsoValue;
uniform float uLevels;
uniform float uSize;
uniform float uCount;
uniform vec3 uGridDim;
uniform vec3 uGridTexDim;
uniform mat4 uGridTransform;
// scale to volume data coord
uniform vec2 uScale;
varying vec2 vCoordinate;
#pragma glslify: import('../chunks/common.glsl')
#pragma glslify: decodeFloatRGB = require(../utils/decode-float-rgb.glsl)
// cube corners
const vec3 c0 = vec3(0., 0., 0.);
const vec3 c1 = vec3(1., 0., 0.);
const vec3 c2 = vec3(1., 1., 0.);
const vec3 c3 = vec3(0., 1., 0.);
const vec3 c4 = vec3(0., 0., 1.);
const vec3 c5 = vec3(1., 0., 1.);
const vec3 c6 = vec3(1., 1., 1.);
const vec3 c7 = vec3(0., 1., 1.);
const float EPS = 0.00001;
vec3 index3dFrom2d(vec2 coord) {
vec2 gridTexPos = coord * uGridTexDim.xy;
vec2 columnRow = floor(gridTexPos / uGridDim.xy);
vec2 posXY = gridTexPos - columnRow * uGridDim.xy;
float posZ = columnRow.y * floor(uGridTexDim.x / uGridDim.x) + columnRow.x;
vec3 posXYZ = vec3(posXY, posZ);
return posXYZ;
vec4 texture3dFrom2dNearest(sampler2D tex, vec3 pos, vec3 gridDim, vec2 texDim) {
float zSlice = floor(pos.z * gridDim.z + 0.5); // round to nearest z-slice
float column = intMod(zSlice * gridDim.x, texDim.x) / gridDim.x;
float row = floor(intDiv(zSlice * gridDim.x, texDim.x));
vec2 coord = (vec2(column * gridDim.x, row * gridDim.y) + (pos.xy * gridDim.xy)) / texDim;
return texture2D(tex, coord + 0.5 / texDim);
vec4 voxel(vec3 pos) {
return texture3dFrom2dNearest(tVolumeData, pos, uGridDim, uGridTexDim.xy);
void main(void) {
// get 1D index
float vI = dot(floor(uSize * vCoordinate), vec2(1.0, uSize));
// ignore 1D indices outside of the grid
if(vI >= uCount) discard;
float offset = uSize - 2.;
float k = 1. / uSize;
vec2 relativePosition = k * vec2(offset, 0.);
vec4 partialSums = texture2D(tActiveVoxelsPyramid, relativePosition);
float start = 0.;
vec4 starts = vec4(0.);
vec4 ends = vec4(0.);
float diff = 2.;
vec4 m = vec4(0.);
vec2 position = vec2(0.);
vec4 vI4 = vec4(vI);
// traverse the different levels of the pyramid
for(int i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
if(float(i) >= uLevels) break;
offset -= diff;
diff *= 2.;
relativePosition = position + k * vec2(offset, 0.);
ends = partialSums.wzyx + vec4(start);
starts = vec4(start, ends.xyz);
m = vec4(greaterThanEqual(vI4, starts)) * vec4(lessThan(vI4, ends));
relativePosition += m.y * vec2(k, 0.) + m.z * vec2(0., k) + m.w * vec2(k, k);
start = dot(m, starts);
position = 2. * (relativePosition - k * vec2(offset, 0.));
partialSums = texture2D(tActiveVoxelsPyramid, relativePosition);
ends = partialSums.wzyx + vec4(start);
starts = vec4(start, ends.xyz);
m = vec4(greaterThanEqual(vI4, starts)) * vec4(lessThan(vI4, ends));
position += m.y * vec2(k, 0.) + m.z * vec2(0., k) + m.w * vec2(k, k);
vec2 coord2d = position * uScale;
vec3 coord3d = floor(index3dFrom2d(coord2d) + 0.5);
float edgeIndex = floor(texture2D(tActiveVoxelsBase, position * uScale).a + 0.5);
// current vertex for the up to 15 MC cases
float currentVertex = vI - dot(m, starts);
// get index into triIndices table
float mcIndex = 16. * edgeIndex + currentVertex;
vec4 mcData = texture2D(tTriIndices, vec2(intMod(mcIndex, 64.), floor(mcIndex / 64.)) / 64.);
// bit mask to avoid conditionals (see comment below) for getting MC case corner
vec4 m0 = vec4(floor(mcData.a * 255.0 + 0.5));
// get edge value masks
vec4 m1 = vec4(equal(m0, vec4(0., 1., 2., 3.)));
vec4 m2 = vec4(equal(m0, vec4(4., 5., 6., 7.)));
vec4 m3 = vec4(equal(m0, vec4(8., 9., 10., 11.)));
// apply bit masks
vec3 b0 = coord3d +
m1.y * c1 +
m1.z * c2 +
m1.w * c3 +
m2.x * c4 +
m2.y * c5 +
m2.z * c6 +
m2.w * c7 +
m3.y * c1 +
m3.z * c2 +
m3.w * c3;
vec3 b1 = coord3d +
m1.x * c1 +
m1.y * c2 +
m1.z * c3 +
m2.x * c5 +
m2.y * c6 +
m2.z * c7 +
m2.w * c4 +
m3.x * c4 +
m3.y * c5 +
m3.z * c6 +
m3.w * c7;
// the conditionals that are avoided by above bitmasks
// vec3 b0 = coord3d;
// vec3 b1 = coord3d;
// if (mcIndex == 0.0) {
// b0 += c0; b1 += c1;
// } else if (mcIndex == 1.0) {
// b0 += c1; b1 += c2;
// } else if (mcIndex == 2.0) {
// b0 += c2; b1 += c3;
// } else if (mcIndex == 3.0) {
// b0 += c3; b1 += c0;
// } else if (mcIndex == 4.0) {
// b0 += c4; b1 += c5;
// } else if (mcIndex == 5.0) {
// b0 += c5; b1 += c6;
// } else if (mcIndex == 6.0) {
// b0 += c6; b1 += c7;
// } else if (mcIndex == 7.0) {
// b0 += c7; b1 += c4;
// } else if (mcIndex == 8.0) {
// b0 += c0; b1 += c4;
// } else if (mcIndex == 9.0) {
// b0 += c1; b1 += c5;
// } else if (mcIndex == 10.0) {
// b0 += c2; b1 += c6;
// } else if (mcIndex == 11.0) {
// b0 += c3; b1 += c7;
// }
// b0 = floor(b0 + 0.5);
// b1 = floor(b1 + 0.5);
vec4 d0 = voxel(b0 / uGridDim);
vec4 d1 = voxel(b1 / uGridDim);
float v0 = d0.a;
float v1 = d1.a;
float t = (uIsoValue - v0) / (v0 - v1);
// t = -0.5;
gl_FragData[0].xyz = (uGridTransform * vec4(b0 + t * (b0 - b1), 1.0)).xyz;
gl_FragData[0].w = decodeFloatRGB(d0.rgb); // group id
// normals from gradients
vec3 n0 = -normalize(vec3(
voxel((b0 - c1) / uGridDim).a - voxel((b0 + c1) / uGridDim).a,
voxel((b0 - c3) / uGridDim).a - voxel((b0 + c3) / uGridDim).a,
voxel((b0 - c4) / uGridDim).a - voxel((b0 + c4) / uGridDim).a
vec3 n1 = -normalize(vec3(
voxel((b1 - c1) / uGridDim).a - voxel((b1 + c1) / uGridDim).a,
voxel((b1 - c3) / uGridDim).a - voxel((b1 + c3) / uGridDim).a,
voxel((b1 - c4) / uGridDim).a - voxel((b1 + c4) / uGridDim).a
gl_FragData[1].xyz = -vec3(
n0.x + t * (n0.x - n1.x),
n0.y + t * (n0.y - n1.y),
n0.z + t * (n0.z - n1.z)
mat3 normalMatrix = transpose(inverse(mat3(uGridTransform)));
gl_FragData[1].xyz = normalMatrix * gl_FragData[1].xyz;