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Commit 14c22147 authored by David Sehnal's avatar David Sehnal
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mol-script: added linkedAtomicPairs generator + fixed assembly-symmetry-axes...

mol-script: added linkedAtomicPairs generator + fixed assembly-symmetry-axes isApplicable for empty structures
parent 6d39bc4a
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......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export const AssemblySymmetryAxesRepresentationProvider: StructureRepresentation
defaultValues: PD.getDefaultValues(AssemblySymmetryAxesParams),
defaultColorTheme: 'uniform',
defaultSizeTheme: 'uniform',
isApplicable: (structure: Structure) => AssemblySymmetry.get(structure.models[0]) !== undefined
isApplicable: (structure: Structure) => structure.models.length > 0 && AssemblySymmetry.get(structure.models[0]) !== undefined
......@@ -119,6 +119,20 @@ export class QueryContextLinkInfo<U extends Unit = Unit> {
type: LinkType = LinkType.Flag.None;
order: number = 0;
swap() {
const idxA = this.aIndex;
this.aIndex = this.bIndex;
this.bIndex = idxA;
const unitA = this.a.unit;
this.a.unit = this.b.unit;
this.b.unit = unitA;
const eA = this.a.element;
this.a.element = this.b.element;
this.b.element = eA;
get length() {
return StructureElement.Location.distance(this.a, this. b);
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import { StructureQuery } from '../query'
import { StructureSelection } from '../selection'
import { Unit, StructureProperties as P } from '../../structure'
import { Unit, StructureProperties as P, StructureElement } from '../../structure'
import { Segmentation, SortedArray } from '../../../../mol-data/int'
import { LinearGroupingBuilder } from '../utils/builders';
import { QueryPredicate, QueryFn, QueryContextView } from '../context';
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ function getRingStructure(unit: Unit.Atomic, ring: UnitRing, inputStructure: Str
export function rings(fingerprints?: ArrayLike<UnitRing.Fingerprint>): StructureQuery {
return function query_rings(ctx) {
const { units } = ctx.inputStructure;
let ret = StructureSelection.LinearBuilder(ctx.inputStructure);
const ret = StructureSelection.LinearBuilder(ctx.inputStructure);
if (!fingerprints || fingerprints.length === 0) {
for (const u of units) {
......@@ -274,4 +274,69 @@ export function querySelection(selection: StructureQuery, query: StructureQuery,
return StructureSelection.withInputStructure(result, ctx.inputStructure);
export function linkedAtomicPairs(linkTest?: QueryPredicate): StructureQuery {
const test = linkTest || ((ctx: any) => true);
return function query_linkedAtomicPairs(ctx) {
const structure = ctx.inputStructure;
const interLinks = structure.links;
// Note: each link is called twice, that's why we need the unique builder.
const ret = StructureSelection.UniqueBuilder(ctx.inputStructure);
const atomicLink = ctx.atomicLink;
// Process intra unit links
for (const unit of structure.units) {
if (unit.kind !== Unit.Kind.Atomic) continue;
const { offset: intraLinkOffset, b: intraLinkB, edgeProps: { flags, order } } = unit.links;
atomicLink.a.unit = unit;
atomicLink.b.unit = unit;
for (let i = 0 as StructureElement.UnitIndex, _i = unit.elements.length; i < _i; i++) {
atomicLink.aIndex = i as StructureElement.UnitIndex;
atomicLink.a.element = unit.elements[i];
// check intra unit links
for (let lI = intraLinkOffset[i], _lI = intraLinkOffset[i + 1]; lI < _lI; lI++) {
atomicLink.bIndex = intraLinkB[lI] as StructureElement.UnitIndex;
atomicLink.b.element = unit.elements[intraLinkB[lI]];
atomicLink.type = flags[lI];
atomicLink.order = order[lI];
if (test(ctx)) {
const b = structure.subsetBuilder(false);
// Process inter unit links
for (const bond of interLinks.bonds) {
atomicLink.a.unit = bond.unitA;
atomicLink.a.element = bond.unitA.elements[bond.indexA];
atomicLink.aIndex = bond.indexA;
atomicLink.b.unit = bond.unitB;
atomicLink.b.element = bond.unitB.elements[bond.indexB];
atomicLink.bIndex = bond.indexB;
atomicLink.order = bond.order;
atomicLink.type = bond.flag;
if (test(ctx)) {
const b = structure.subsetBuilder(false);
b.addToUnit(, atomicLink.a.element);
b.addToUnit(, atomicLink.b.element);
return ret.getSelection();
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -93,6 +93,12 @@ const generator = {
'group-by': Argument(Type.Any, { isOptional: true, defaultValue: `atom-key`, description: 'Group atoms to sets based on this property. Default: each atom has its own set' }),
}), Types.ElementSelectionQuery, 'Return all atoms for which the tests are satisfied, grouped into sets.'),
linkedAtomicPairs: symbol(Arguments.Dictionary({
0: Argument(Type.Bool, { isOptional: true, defaultValue: true, description: 'Test each link with this predicate. Each link is visited twice with swapped atom order.' }),
// TODO: shoud we support this or just use queryEach to get similar behavior
// 'group-by': Argument(Type.Any, { isOptional: true, defaultValue: ``, description: 'Group the links using the privided value' }),
}), Types.ElementSelectionQuery, 'Return all pairs of atoms for which the test is satisfied.'),
rings: symbol(Arguments.List(Types.RingFingerprint), Types.ElementSelectionQuery, 'Return rings with the specified fingerprint(s). If no fingerprints are given, return all rings.'),
queryInSelection: symbol(Arguments.Dictionary({
......@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ const symbols = [
D(MolScript.structureQuery.generator.all, function structureQuery_generator_all(ctx) { return Queries.generators.all(ctx) }),
D(MolScript.structureQuery.generator.empty, function structureQuery_generator_empty(ctx) { return Queries.generators.none(ctx) }),
D(MolScript.structureQuery.generator.linkedAtomicPairs, function structureQuery_generator_linkedAtomicPairs(ctx, xs) { return Queries.generators.linkedAtomicPairs(xs && xs[0])(ctx) }),
// ============= MODIFIERS ================
......@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ export const SymbolTable = [
Alias(MolScript.structureQuery.generator.rings, 'sel.atom.rings'),
Alias(MolScript.structureQuery.generator.empty, 'sel.atom.empty'),
Alias(MolScript.structureQuery.generator.all, 'sel.atom.all'),
Alias(MolScript.structureQuery.generator.linkedAtomicPairs, 'sel.atom.linked-pairs'),
Macro(MSymbol('sel.atom.atoms', Arguments.Dictionary({
0: Argument(Type.Bool, { isOptional: true, defaultValue: true, description: 'Test applied to each atom.' })
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