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Commit 37865407 authored by David Sehnal's avatar David Sehnal
Browse files

range set

parent d661fe64
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......@@ -10,28 +10,25 @@
* "Idiomatic" usage:
* const it = ...;
* for (let v = it.reset(data).nextValue(); !it.done; v = it.nextValue()) { ... }
* for (let v = it.nextValue(); !it.done; v = it.nextValue()) { ... }
interface Iterator<T, Data = any> {
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T, Data>,
interface Iterator<T> {
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T>,
readonly done: boolean,
readonly value: T,
next(): { done: boolean, value: T },
reset(data: Data): Iterator<T, Data>,
nextValue(): T
class __EmptyIterator implements Iterator<any, any> { // tslint:disable-line:class-name
class EmptyIteratorImpl implements Iterator<any> {
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this; }
done = true;
value = void 0;
next() { return this; }
nextValue() { return this.value; }
reset(value: undefined) { return this; }
class __SingletonIterator<T> implements Iterator<T, T> { // tslint:disable-line:class-name
class SingletonIteratorImpl<T> implements Iterator<T> {
private yielded = false;
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this; }
......@@ -39,13 +36,10 @@ class __SingletonIterator<T> implements Iterator<T, T> { // tslint:disable-line:
value: T;
next() { this.done = this.yielded; this.yielded = true; return this; }
nextValue() { return; }
reset(value: T) { this.value = value; this.done = false; this.yielded = false; return this; }
constructor(value: T) { this.value = value; }
class __ArrayIterator<T> implements Iterator<T, ArrayLike<T>> { // tslint:disable-line:class-name
class ArrayIteratorImpl<T> implements Iterator<T> {
private xs: ArrayLike<T> = [];
private index: number = -1;
private length: number = 0;
......@@ -63,7 +57,7 @@ class __ArrayIterator<T> implements Iterator<T, ArrayLike<T>> { // tslint:disabl
nextValue() { return; }
reset(xs: ArrayLike<T>) {
constructor(xs: ArrayLike<T>) {
this.length = xs.length;
this.done = false;
this.xs = xs;
......@@ -72,47 +66,37 @@ class __ArrayIterator<T> implements Iterator<T, ArrayLike<T>> { // tslint:disabl
type Range = { min: number, max: number }
class __RangeIterator implements Iterator<number, Range> { // tslint:disable-line:class-name
private min: number;
private max: number;
class RangeIteratorImpl implements Iterator<number> {
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this; };
done = true;
value: number;
next() {
this.done = this.value >= this.max;
this.done = this.value > this.max;
return this;
nextValue() { return; }
reset({ min, max}: Range) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
constructor(min: number, private max: number) {
this.value = min - 1;
this.done = false;
return this;
constructor(bounds: Range) { this.reset(bounds); }
export const EmptyIterator: Iterator<any> = new __EmptyIterator();
export function SingletonIterator<T>(value: T): Iterator<T, T> { return new __SingletonIterator(value); }
export function ArrayIterator<T>(xs?: ArrayLike<T>): Iterator<T, ArrayLike<T>> {
const ret = new __ArrayIterator<T>();
if (xs) ret.reset(xs);
return ret;
export function RangeIterator(bounds?: Range): Iterator<number, Range> { return new __RangeIterator(bounds || { min: 0, max: 0 }); }
namespace Iterator {
export const Empty: Iterator<any> = new EmptyIteratorImpl();
export function Singleton<T>(value: T): Iterator<T> { return new SingletonIteratorImpl(value); }
export function Array<T>(xs: ArrayLike<T>): Iterator<T> { return new ArrayIteratorImpl<T>(xs); }
export function Range(min: number, max: number): Iterator<number> { return new RangeIteratorImpl(min, max); }
export function toArray<T>(it: Iterator<T>): T[] {
const ret = [];
for (let v = it.nextValue(); !it.done; v = it.nextValue()) ret[ret.length] = v;
return ret;
export function toArray<T>(it: Iterator<T>): T[] {
const ret = [];
for (let v = it.nextValue(); !it.done; v = it.nextValue()) ret[ret.length] = v;
return ret;
export default Iterator
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* Copyright (c) 2017 molio contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <>
import Iterator from './iterator'
interface RangeSet {
readonly size: number,
has(x: number): boolean,
indexOf(x: number): number,
elements(): Iterator<number>
namespace RangeSet {
interface Impl extends RangeSet {
readonly min: number,
readonly max: number,
toArray(): ArrayLike<number>
export function union(a: RangeSet, b: RangeSet) {
if (a instanceof RangeImpl) {
if (b instanceof RangeImpl) return unionRR(a, b);
return unionAR(b as ArrayImpl, a);
} else if (b instanceof RangeImpl) {
return unionAR(a as ArrayImpl, b);
} else return unionAA((a as Impl).toArray(), (b as Impl).toArray());
export function intersect(a: RangeSet, b: RangeSet) {
if (a instanceof RangeImpl) {
if (b instanceof RangeImpl) return intersectRR(a, b);
return intersectAR(b as ArrayImpl, a);
} else if (b instanceof RangeImpl) {
return intersectAR(a as ArrayImpl, b);
} else {
const ai = a as Impl, bi = b as Impl;
if (!areRangesIntersecting(ai, bi)) return Empty;
return intersectAA(ai.toArray(), bi.toArray());
class RangeImpl implements Impl {
size: number;
has(x: number) { return x >= this.min && x <= this.max; }
indexOf(x: number) { return x >= this.min && x <= this.max ? x - this.min : -1; }
toArray() {
const ret = new Array(this.size);
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) ret[i] = i + this.min;
return ret;
elements() { return Iterator.Range(this.min, this.max); }
constructor(public min: number, public max: number) {
this.size = max - min + 1;
class ArrayImpl implements Impl {
size: number;
public min: number;
public max: number;
has(x: number) { return x >= this.min && x <= this.max && binarySearch(this.values, x) >= 0; }
indexOf(x: number) { return x >= this.min && x <= this.max ? binarySearch(this.values, x) : -1; }
toArray() { return this.values; }
elements() { return Iterator.Array(this.values); }
constructor(public values: ArrayLike<number>) {
this.min = values[0];
this.max = values[values.length - 1];
this.size = values.length;
export function ofSingleton(value: number): RangeSet { return new RangeImpl(value, value); }
export function ofRange(min: number, max: number): RangeSet { return new RangeImpl(min, max); }
/** It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure the array is sorted and contains unique values. */
export function ofSortedArray(xs: ArrayLike<number>): RangeSet {
if (!xs.length) return Empty;
// check if the array is just a range
if (xs[xs.length - 1] - xs[0] + 1 === xs.length) return ofRange(xs[0], xs[xs.length - 1]);
return new ArrayImpl(xs);
export const Empty = ofRange(0, -1);
function binarySearch(xs: ArrayLike<number>, value: number) {
let min = 0, max = xs.length - 1;
while (min <= max) {
if (min + 11 > max) {
for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) {
if (value === xs[i]) return i;
return -1;
const mid = (min + max) >> 1;
const v = xs[mid];
if (value < v) max = mid - 1;
else if (value > v) min = mid + 1;
else return mid;
return -1;
function areRangesIntersecting(a: Impl, b: Impl) {
return a.size > 0 && b.size > 0 && a.max >= b.min && a.min <= b.max;
function unionRR(a: RangeImpl, b: RangeImpl) {
if (!a.size) return b;
if (!b.size) return a;
if (areRangesIntersecting(a, b)) return ofRange(Math.min(a.min, b.min), Math.max(a.max, b.max));
let l, r;
if (a.min < b.min) { l = a; r = b; }
else { l = b; r = a; }
const arr = new Int32Array(a.size + b.size);
for (let i = 0; i < l.size; i++) arr[i] = i + l.min;
for (let i = 0; i < r.size; i++) arr[i + l.size] = i + r.min;
return ofSortedArray(arr);
function unionAR(a: ArrayImpl, b: RangeImpl) {
if (!b.size) return a;
// is the array fully contained in the range?
if (a.min >= b.min && a.max <= b.max) return b;
const xs = a.values;
const { min, max } = b;
let start = 0, end = xs.length - 1;
while (xs[start] < min) { start++; }
while (xs[end] > max) { end--; }
const size = start + (xs.length - end) + b.size;
const indices = new Int32Array(size);
let offset = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < start; i++) indices[offset++] = xs[i];
for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) indices[offset++] = i;
for (let i = end, _i = xs.length; i < _i; i++) indices[offset] = xs[i];
return ofSortedArray(indices);
function unionAA(xs: ArrayLike<number>, ys: ArrayLike<number>) {
const la = xs.length, lb = ys.length;
let i = 0, j = 0, resultSize = 0;
while (i < la && j < lb) {
const x = xs[i], y = ys[j];
if (x < y) { i++; }
else if (x > y) { j++; }
else { i++; j++; }
resultSize += Math.max(la - i, lb - j);
const indices = new Int32Array(resultSize);
let offset = 0;
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (i < la && j < lb) {
const x = xs[i], y = ys[j];
if (x < y) { indices[offset++] = x; i++; }
else if (x > y) { indices[offset++] = y; j++; }
else { indices[offset++] = x; i++; j++; }
for (; i < la; i++) { indices[offset++] = xs[i]; }
for (; j < lb; j++) { indices[offset++] = ys[j]; }
return ofSortedArray(indices);
function intersectRR(a: RangeImpl, b: RangeImpl) {
if (!areRangesIntersecting(a, b)) return Empty;
return ofRange(Math.max(a.min, b.min), Math.min(a.max, b.max));
function intersectAR(a: ArrayImpl, r: RangeImpl) {
const xs = a.values;
let resultSize = 0;
for (let i = 0, _i = xs.length; i < _i; i++) {
if (r.has(xs[i])) resultSize++;
if (!resultSize) return Empty;
const indices = new Int32Array(resultSize);
let offset = 0;
for (let i = 0, _i = xs.length; i < _i; i++) {
if (r.has(xs[i])) indices[offset++] = xs[i];
return ofSortedArray(indices);
function intersectAA(xs: ArrayLike<number>, ys: ArrayLike<number>) {
const la = xs.length, lb = ys.length;
let i = 0, j = 0, resultSize = 0;
while (i < la && j < lb) {
const x = xs[i], y = ys[j];
if (x < y) { i++; }
else if (x > y) { j++; }
else { i++; j++; resultSize++; }
if (!resultSize) return Empty;
const indices = new Int32Array(resultSize);
let offset = 0;
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (i < la && j < lb) {
const x = xs[i], y = ys[j];
if (x < y) { i++; }
else if (x > y) { j++; }
else { indices[offset++] = x; i++; j++; }
return ofSortedArray(indices);
export default RangeSet
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......@@ -4,24 +4,22 @@
* @author David Sehnal <>
import Iterator, * as I from '../collections/iterator'
import Iterator from '../collections/iterator'
import IntPair from '../collections/int-pair'
import * as Sort from '../collections/sort'
import RangeSet from '../collections/range-set'
describe('basic iterators', () => {
function check<T>(name: string, iter: Iterator<T>, expected: T[]) {
it(name, () => {
check('empty', I.EmptyIterator, []);
check('singleton', I.SingletonIterator(10), [10]);
check('singleton reset', I.SingletonIterator(10).reset(13), [13]);
check('array', I.ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3]), [1, 2, 3]);
check('array reset', I.ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3]).reset([4]), [4]);
check('range', I.RangeIterator({ min: 0, max: 3 }), [0, 1, 2]);
check('range reset', I.RangeIterator().reset({ min: 1, max: 2 }), [1]);
check('empty', Iterator.Empty, []);
check('singleton', Iterator.Singleton(10), [10]);
check('array', Iterator.Array([1, 2, 3]), [1, 2, 3]);
check('range', Iterator.Range(0, 3), [0, 1, 2, 3]);
describe('int pair', () => {
......@@ -117,4 +115,66 @@ describe('qsort-dual array', () => {
test('sorted', data, false);
test('shuffled', data, true);
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describe('range set', () => {
function testEq(name: string, set: RangeSet, expected: number[]) {
it(name, () => {
// copy the arrays to ensure "compatibility" between typed and native arrays
const empty = RangeSet.Empty;
const singleton = RangeSet.ofSingleton(10);
const range = RangeSet.ofRange(1, 4);
const arr = RangeSet.ofSortedArray([1, 3, 6]);
testEq('empty', empty, []);
testEq('singleton', singleton, [10]);
testEq('range', range, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
testEq('sorted array', arr, [1, 3, 6]);
testEq('union ES', RangeSet.union(empty, singleton), [10]);
testEq('union ER', RangeSet.union(empty, range), [1, 2, 3, 4]);
testEq('union EA', RangeSet.union(empty, arr), [1, 3, 6]);
testEq('union SS', RangeSet.union(singleton, RangeSet.ofSingleton(16)), [10, 16]);
testEq('union SR', RangeSet.union(range, singleton), [1, 2, 3, 4, 10]);
testEq('union SA', RangeSet.union(arr, singleton), [1, 3, 6, 10]);
testEq('union SA1', RangeSet.union(arr, RangeSet.ofSingleton(3)), [1, 3, 6]);
testEq('union RR', RangeSet.union(range, range), [1, 2, 3, 4]);
testEq('union RR1', RangeSet.union(range, RangeSet.ofRange(6, 7)), [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]);
testEq('union RR2', RangeSet.union(range, RangeSet.ofRange(3, 5)), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
testEq('union RA', RangeSet.union(range, arr), [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]);
testEq('union AA', RangeSet.union(arr, RangeSet.ofSortedArray([2, 4, 6, 7])), [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]);
testEq('union AA1', RangeSet.union(arr, RangeSet.ofSortedArray([2, 3, 4, 6, 7])), [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]);
testEq('intersect ES', RangeSet.intersect(empty, singleton), []);
testEq('intersect ER', RangeSet.intersect(empty, range), []);
testEq('intersect EA', RangeSet.intersect(empty, arr), []);
testEq('intersect SS', RangeSet.intersect(singleton, RangeSet.ofSingleton(16)), []);
testEq('intersect SS', RangeSet.intersect(singleton, singleton), [10]);
testEq('intersect SR', RangeSet.intersect(range, singleton), []);
testEq('intersect RR', RangeSet.intersect(range, range), [1, 2, 3, 4]);
testEq('intersect RR2', RangeSet.intersect(range, RangeSet.ofRange(3, 5)), [3, 4]);
testEq('intersect RA', RangeSet.intersect(range, arr), [1, 3]);
testEq('intersect AA', RangeSet.intersect(arr, RangeSet.ofSortedArray([2, 3, 4, 6, 7])), [3, 6]);
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