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Commit 59f5f0ca authored by David Sehnal's avatar David Sehnal
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Parse sec struct from mmCIF

parent dd475dc6
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......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import { OrderedSet } from 'mol-data/int';
import { Table } from 'mol-data/db';
import { mmCIF_Database } from 'mol-io/reader/cif/schema/mmcif';
import { openCif, downloadCif } from './helpers';
import { BitFlags } from 'mol-util';
import { SecondaryStructureType } from 'mol-model/structure/model/types';
async function downloadFromPdb(pdb: string) {
......@@ -39,6 +41,35 @@ export function atomLabel(model: Model, aI: number) {
return `${label_asym_id.value(cI)} ${label_comp_id.value(rI)} ${label_seq_id.value(rI)} ${label_atom_id.value(aI)}`
export function residueLabel(model: Model, rI: number) {
const { residues, chains, residueSegments, chainSegments } = model.atomicHierarchy
const { label_comp_id, label_seq_id } = residues
const { label_asym_id } = chains
const cI = chainSegments.segmentMap[residueSegments.segments[rI]]
return `${label_asym_id.value(cI)} ${label_comp_id.value(rI)} ${label_seq_id.value(rI)}`
export function printSecStructure(model: Model) {
console.log('Secondary Structure\n=============');
const { residues } = model.atomicHierarchy;
const { type, key } =;
const count = residues._rowCount;
let rI = 0;
while (rI < count) {
let start = rI;
while (rI < count && key[start] === key[rI]) rI++;
if (BitFlags.has(type[start], SecondaryStructureType.Flag.Beta)) {
console.log(`Sheet: ${residueLabel(model, start)} - ${residueLabel(model, rI)} (key ${key[start]})`);
} else if (BitFlags.has(type[start], SecondaryStructureType.Flag.Helix)) {
console.log(`Helix: ${residueLabel(model, start)} - ${residueLabel(model, rI)} (key ${key[start]})`);
export function printBonds(structure: Structure) {
for (const unit of structure.units) {
......@@ -122,7 +153,8 @@ async function run(mmcif: mmCIF_Database) {
// printBonds(structure);
async function runDL(pdb: string) {
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import { getSequence } from './mmcif/sequence';
import mmCIF_Format = Format.mmCIF
import { Task } from 'mol-task';
import { getSecondaryStructureMmCif } from './mmcif/secondary-structure';
function findModelBounds({ data }: mmCIF_Format, startIndex: number) {
const num = data.atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num;
......@@ -151,6 +152,9 @@ function createModel(format: mmCIF_Format, bounds: Interval, previous?: Model):
atomicConformation: getConformation(format, bounds),
coarseHierarchy: coarse.hierarchy,
coarseConformation: coarse.conformation,
properties: {
secondaryStructure: getSecondaryStructureMmCif(, atomicHierarchy)
symmetry: getSymmetry(format)
* Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <>
import { mmCIF_Database as mmCIF, mmCIF_Database } from 'mol-io/reader/cif/schema/mmcif'
import { SecondaryStructureType } from '../../types';
import { AtomicHierarchy } from '../../properties/atomic';
import { SecondaryStructure } from '../../properties/seconday-structure';
import { Column } from 'mol-data/db';
export function getSecondaryStructureMmCif(data: mmCIF_Database, hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy): SecondaryStructure {
const map: SecondaryStructureMap = new Map();
addHelices(data.struct_conf, map);
// must add Helices 1st because of 'key' value assignment.
addSheets(data.struct_sheet_range, map, data.struct_conf._rowCount);
const secStruct: SecondaryStructureData = {
type: new Int32Array(hierarchy.residues._rowCount) as any,
key: new Int32Array(hierarchy.residues._rowCount) as any
if (map.size > 0) assignSecondaryStructureRanges(hierarchy, map, secStruct);
return secStruct;
type SecondaryStructureEntry = {
startSeqNumber: number,
startInsCode: string | null,
endSeqNumber: number,
endInsCode: string | null,
type: SecondaryStructureType,
key: number
type SecondaryStructureMap = Map<string, Map<number, SecondaryStructureEntry>>
type SecondaryStructureData = { type: SecondaryStructureType[], key: number[] }
function addHelices(cat: mmCIF['struct_conf'], map: SecondaryStructureMap) {
if (!cat._rowCount) return;
const { beg_label_asym_id, beg_label_seq_id, pdbx_beg_PDB_ins_code } = cat;
const { end_label_seq_id, pdbx_end_PDB_ins_code } = cat;
const { pdbx_PDB_helix_class, conf_type_id } = cat;
for (let i = 0, _i = cat._rowCount; i < _i; i++) {
const type = pdbx_PDB_helix_class.valueKind(i) === Column.ValueKind.Present
? SecondaryStructureType.SecondaryStructurePdb[pdbx_PDB_helix_class.value(i)]
: conf_type_id.valueKind(i) === Column.ValueKind.Present
? SecondaryStructureType.SecondaryStructureMmcif[conf_type_id.value(i)]
: SecondaryStructureType.Flag.NA
const entry: SecondaryStructureEntry = {
startSeqNumber: beg_label_seq_id.value(i),
startInsCode: pdbx_beg_PDB_ins_code.value(i),
endSeqNumber: end_label_seq_id.value(i),
endInsCode: pdbx_end_PDB_ins_code.value(i),
type: SecondaryStructureType.create(type),
key: i + 1
const asymId = beg_label_asym_id.value(i)!;
if (map.has(asymId)) {
map.get(asymId)!.set(entry.startSeqNumber, entry);
} else {
map.set(asymId, new Map([[entry.startSeqNumber, entry]]));
function addSheets(cat: mmCIF['struct_sheet_range'], map: SecondaryStructureMap, sheetCount: number) {
if (!cat._rowCount) return;
const { beg_label_asym_id, beg_label_seq_id, pdbx_beg_PDB_ins_code } = cat;
const { end_label_seq_id, pdbx_end_PDB_ins_code } = cat;
const { sheet_id } = cat;
const sheet_id_key = new Map<string, number>();
let currentKey = sheetCount + 1;
for (let i = 0, _i = cat._rowCount; i < _i; i++) {
const id = sheet_id.value(i);
let key: number;
if (sheet_id_key.has(id)) key = sheet_id_key.get(id)!;
else {
key = currentKey++;
sheet_id_key.set(id, key);
const entry: SecondaryStructureEntry = {
startSeqNumber: beg_label_seq_id.value(i),
startInsCode: pdbx_beg_PDB_ins_code.value(i),
endSeqNumber: end_label_seq_id.value(i),
endInsCode: pdbx_end_PDB_ins_code.value(i),
type: SecondaryStructureType.create(SecondaryStructureType.Flag.Beta | SecondaryStructureType.Flag.BetaSheet),
const asymId = beg_label_asym_id.value(i)!;
if (map.has(asymId)) {
map.get(asymId)!.set(entry.startSeqNumber, entry);
} else {
map.set(asymId, new Map([[entry.startSeqNumber, entry]]));
function assignSecondaryStructureEntry(hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy, entry: SecondaryStructureEntry, resStart: number, resEnd: number, data: SecondaryStructureData) {
const { label_seq_id, pdbx_PDB_ins_code } = hierarchy.residues;
const { endSeqNumber, endInsCode, type, key } = entry;
let rI = resStart;
while (rI < resEnd) {
const seqNumber = label_seq_id.value(rI);
data.type[rI] = type;
data.key[rI] = key;
if ((seqNumber > endSeqNumber) ||
(seqNumber === endSeqNumber && pdbx_PDB_ins_code.value(rI) === endInsCode)) {
function assignSecondaryStructureRanges(hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy, map: SecondaryStructureMap, data: SecondaryStructureData) {
const { segments: chainSegments, count: chainCount } = hierarchy.chainSegments;
const { label_asym_id } = hierarchy.chains;
const { label_seq_id, pdbx_PDB_ins_code } = hierarchy.residues;
for (let cI = 0; cI < chainCount; cI++) {
const resStart = chainSegments[cI], resEnd = chainSegments[cI + 1];
const asymId = label_asym_id.value(cI);
if (map.has(asymId)) {
const entries = map.get(asymId)!;
for (let rI = resStart; rI < resEnd; rI++) {
const seqNumber = label_seq_id.value(rI);
if (entries.has(seqNumber)) {
const entry = entries.get(seqNumber)!;
const insCode = pdbx_PDB_ins_code.value(rI);
if (entry.startInsCode !== insCode) continue;
assignSecondaryStructureEntry(hierarchy, entry, rI, resEnd, data);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { AtomicHierarchy, AtomicConformation } from './properties/atomic'
import { ModelSymmetry } from './properties/symmetry'
import { CoarseHierarchy, CoarseConformation } from './properties/coarse'
import { Entities } from './properties/common';
import { SecondaryStructure } from './properties/seconday-structure';
//import from_gro from './formats/gro'
import from_mmCIF from './formats/mmcif'
......@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ interface Model extends Readonly<{
atomicHierarchy: AtomicHierarchy,
atomicConformation: AtomicConformation,
properties: { secondaryStructure: SecondaryStructure },
coarseHierarchy: CoarseHierarchy,
coarseConformation: CoarseConformation
}> {
......@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
* @author David Sehnal <>
import { SecondaryStructureType } from '../types';
/** Secondary structure "indexed" by residues. */
export interface SecondaryStructure {
type: number[],
index: number[],
flags: number[],
interface SecondaryStructure {
// assign flags to each residue
readonly type: ArrayLike<SecondaryStructureType>,
/** unique value for each "element". This is because single sheet is speficied by multiple records. */
key: number[]
\ No newline at end of file
readonly key: ArrayLike<number>
export { SecondaryStructure }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ export namespace SecondaryStructureType {
export const Turn = ['s', 't', 'l', '']
export const is: (ss: SecondaryStructureType, f: Flag) => boolean = BitFlags.has
export const create: (fs: Flag) => SecondaryStructureType = BitFlags.create
export const enum Flag {
None = 0x0,
......@@ -52,7 +52,11 @@ const residue = {
auth_comp_id: => !Unit.isAtomic(l.unit) ? notAtomic() : l.unit.model.atomicHierarchy.residues.auth_comp_id.value(l.unit.residueIndex[l.element])),
label_seq_id: => !Unit.isAtomic(l.unit) ? notAtomic() : l.unit.model.atomicHierarchy.residues.label_seq_id.value(l.unit.residueIndex[l.element])),
auth_seq_id: => !Unit.isAtomic(l.unit) ? notAtomic() : l.unit.model.atomicHierarchy.residues.auth_seq_id.value(l.unit.residueIndex[l.element])),
pdbx_PDB_ins_code: => !Unit.isAtomic(l.unit) ? notAtomic() : l.unit.model.atomicHierarchy.residues.pdbx_PDB_ins_code.value(l.unit.residueIndex[l.element]))
pdbx_PDB_ins_code: => !Unit.isAtomic(l.unit) ? notAtomic() : l.unit.model.atomicHierarchy.residues.pdbx_PDB_ins_code.value(l.unit.residueIndex[l.element])),
// Properties
secondary_structure_type: => !Unit.isAtomic(l.unit) ? notAtomic() :[l.unit.residueIndex[l.element]]),
secondary_structure_key: => !Unit.isAtomic(l.unit) ? notAtomic() :[l.unit.residueIndex[l.element]]),
const chain = {
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* @author David Sehnal <>
interface BitFlags<Flags> { '@type': Flags }
interface BitFlags<Flags> extends Number { '@type': Flags }
namespace BitFlags {
export function create<F>(flags: F): BitFlags<F> { return flags as any; }
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