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Commit 623009b2 authored by Sebastian Bittrich's avatar Sebastian Bittrich
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ASA calc now uses lookup3d and ties results to atoms and residues

parent e403c371
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......@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ export interface Model extends Readonly<{
readonly chemicalComponentMap: ChemicalComponentMap
/** maps residue name to `SaccharideComponent` data */
readonly saccharideComponentMap: SaccharideComponentMap
/** brute-force way to add ASA data, prob should be a custom property */
readonly asa: number[]
customProperties: CustomProperties,
File added
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import { IntMap, SortedArray } from 'mol-data/int';
import { hash2, hashFnv32a } from 'mol-data/util';
import { getAtomicPolymerElements, getCoarsePolymerElements, getAtomicGapElements, getCoarseGapElements } from './util/polymer';
import { getNucleotideElements } from './util/nucleotide';
import { computeAccessibleSurfaceArea } from './unit/accessible-surface-area/compute';
import { AccessibleSurfaceArea } from './unit/accessible-surface-area/data';
* A building block of a structure that corresponds to an atomic or
......@@ -191,6 +193,12 @@ namespace Unit {
return this.props.nucleotideElements.ref;
get accessibleSurfaceArea() {
if (this.props.accessibleSurfaceArea.ref) return this.props.accessibleSurfaceArea.ref;
this.props.accessibleSurfaceArea.ref = computeAccessibleSurfaceArea(this);
return this.props.accessibleSurfaceArea.ref;
getResidueIndex(elementIndex: StructureElement.UnitIndex) {
return this.model.atomicHierarchy.residueAtomSegments.index[this.elements[elementIndex]];
......@@ -215,6 +223,7 @@ namespace Unit {
polymerElements: ValueRef<SortedArray<ElementIndex> | undefined>
gapElements: ValueRef<SortedArray<ElementIndex> | undefined>
nucleotideElements: ValueRef<SortedArray<ElementIndex> | undefined>
accessibleSurfaceArea: ValueRef<AccessibleSurfaceArea | undefined>
function AtomicProperties(): AtomicProperties {
......@@ -225,6 +234,7 @@ namespace Unit {
polymerElements: ValueRef.create(void 0),
gapElements: ValueRef.create(void 0),
nucleotideElements: ValueRef.create(void 0),
accessibleSurfaceArea: ValueRef.create(void 0)
import Unit from '../../unit'
import { Vec3 } from 'mol-math/linear-algebra';
import { AtomicHierarchy, AtomicConformation } from '../atomic';
import { ElementSymbol, MaxAsa, DefaultMaxAsa, MoleculeType } from '../../types';
import { VdwRadius } from '../atomic/measures';
import { AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParameters, AccessibleSurfaceArea } from './data';
import { isHydrogen, getElementIdx } from '../links/common'; // TODO move these functions somewhere more common
import { MoleculeType, ElementSymbol, MaxAsa, DefaultMaxAsa } from 'mol-model/structure/model/types';
import { VdwRadius } from 'mol-model/structure/model/properties/atomic/measures';
const defaultNumberOfPoints = 960;
const defaultProbeSize = 1.4;
const trigonalCarbonVdw = 1.76;
const tetrahedralCarbonVdw = 1.87;
const trigonalNitrogenVdw = 1.65;
......@@ -12,134 +12,137 @@ const tetrahedralNitrogenVdw = 1.50;
/** deviating radii from the definition in types.ts */
const oxygenVdw = 1.4;
const sulfurVdw = 1.85;
const missingAccessibleSurfaceAreaValue = -1.0;
function _computeAccessibleSurfaceArea(unit: Unit.Atomic, params: AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParameters): AccessibleSurfaceArea {
const ctx = initialize(unit, params);
return {
atomRadius: ctx.atomRadius,
accessibleSurfaceArea: ctx.accessibleSurfaceArea,
relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea: ctx.relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea,
buried: void 0 // TODO impl - rasa < 0.16 - find Rost reference
export function computeModelASA(hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy, conformation: AtomicConformation) {
const numberOfSpherePoints = defaultNumberOfPoints;
function normalizeAccessibleSurfaceArea(ctx: AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext) {
const { residues, derived } = ctx.unit.model.atomicHierarchy;
const { accessibleSurfaceArea, relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea } = ctx;
const ctx: ASAContext = {
probeSize: defaultProbeSize,
spherePoints: generateSpherePoints(numberOfSpherePoints),
cons: 4.0 * Math.PI / numberOfSpherePoints,
for (let i = 0; i < residues.label_comp_id.rowCount; ++i) {
// skip entities not part of a peptide chain
if (derived.residue.moleculeType[i] !== MoleculeType.protein) continue;
const maxAsa = (MaxAsa as any)[residues.label_comp_id.value(i)];
relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea[i] = accessibleSurfaceArea[i] / (maxAsa === undefined ? DefaultMaxAsa : maxAsa);
const { probeSize, spherePoints, cons } = ctx;
const { atoms, residues, residueAtomSegments, derived } = ctx.hierarchy;
const { type_symbol } = atoms;
const { x, y, z } = ctx.conformation;
const radii: number[] = [];
const residueAsa: number[] = [];
// TODO compare performance of lookup and naive approach
function computePerResidue(ctx: AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext) {
const { atomRadius, accessibleSurfaceArea, maxLookupRadius, spherePoints, cons } = ctx;
const { probeSize } = ctx.params;
const { elements: atoms } = ctx.unit;
const { residueAtomSegments } = ctx.unit.model.atomicHierarchy;
const { x, y, z } = ctx.unit.model.atomicConformation;
const atomCount = ctx.unit.elements.length;
const { lookup3d } = ctx.unit;
const position = (i: number, v: Vec3) => Vec3.set(v, x[i], y[i], z[i]);
const a1Pos =;
const a2Pos =;
// extract all heavy atoms
// TODO can be more elegant by obtaining residue info once and then using offset to navigate to next residue
for (let i = 0; i < type_symbol.rowCount; ++i) {
// skip hydrogen atoms
if (type_symbol.value(i) === 'H' || type_symbol.value(i) === 'D' || type_symbol.value(i) === 'T') {
radii[radii.length] = valueForIgnoredAtom; // -1 is used to signal atoms not to be considered downstream
// determine group this atom belongs to
const groupIndex = residueAtomSegments.index[i];
// skip entities not part of a peptide chain
if (derived.residue.moleculeType[groupIndex] !== MoleculeType.protein) {
radii[radii.length] = valueForIgnoredAtom;
const atomId = atoms.label_atom_id.value(i);
const compId = residues.label_comp_id.value(groupIndex);
const element = type_symbol.value(i);
// assign radius to all heavy atoms - depends on element and bonding patterns
radii[radii.length] = determineRadius(atomId, element, compId);
// set ASA of corresponding group to 0
residueAsa[groupIndex] = 0.0;
// calculate the individual ASA of each atom
// TODO again might be more elegant to use offsets
// TODO distance is symmetric, omit redudant calcuations
for (let i = 0; i < radii.length; ++i) {
const radius = radii[i];
// skip invalid entries
if (radius === valueForIgnoredAtom) {
// atomAsa[atomAsa.length] = valueForIgnoredAtom;
position(i, a1Pos);
// collect all neighboring atoms
const cutoff = probeSize + probeSize + radius;
const neighborIndices: number[] = [];
for (let k = 0; k < radii.length; ++k) {
const radius2 = radii[k];
if (i === k || radius2 === valueForIgnoredAtom)
position(k, a2Pos);
if (Vec3.distance(a1Pos, a2Pos) < cutoff + radius2) {
neighborIndices[neighborIndices.length] = k;
for (let _aI = 0; _aI < atomCount; ++_aI) {
const aI = atoms[_aI];
const radii1 = atomRadius[aI];
if (radii1 === missingAccessibleSurfaceAreaValue) continue;
// find suitable neighbors by lookup
const { indices, count } = lookup3d.find(x[aI], y[aI], z[aI], maxLookupRadius);
position(aI, a1Pos);
// refine list by actual criterion
const cutoff = probeSize + probeSize + radii1;
const filteredIndicies = [];
for (let ni = 0; ni < count; ni++) {
const _bI = indices[ni];
const bI = atoms[_bI];
const radii2 = atomRadius[bI];
if (bI === aI || radii2 === missingAccessibleSurfaceAreaValue) continue;
const cutoff2 = (cutoff + radii2) * (cutoff + radii2);
// accurately check for neighborhood
position(bI, a2Pos);
if (Vec3.squaredDistance(a1Pos, a2Pos) < cutoff2) {
filteredIndicies[filteredIndicies.length] = bI;
const r = probeSize + radius;
let accessiblePoints = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < spherePoints.length; ++k) {
const point = spherePoints[k];
// test sphere points
const r = probeSize + radii1;
let accessiblePointCount = 0;
for (let si = 0; si < spherePoints.length; ++si) {
const spherePoint = spherePoints[si];
const testPoint = [spherePoint[0] * r + a1Pos[0], spherePoint[1] * r + a1Pos[1], spherePoint[2] * r + a1Pos[2]] as Vec3;
let accessible = true;
const testPoint = [point[0] * r + a1Pos[0], point[1] * r + a1Pos[1], point[2] * r + a1Pos[2]] as Vec3;
for (let j = 0; j < neighborIndices.length; ++j) {
const naI = neighborIndices[j];
// store position of neighboring atom in a2Pos
for (let ni = 0; ni < filteredIndicies.length; ++ni) {
const naI = filteredIndicies[ni];
position(naI, a2Pos);
const neighboringAtomRadius = radii[naI] + probeSize;
if (Vec3.squaredDistance(testPoint, a2Pos) < neighboringAtomRadius * neighboringAtomRadius) {
const cutoff3 = (atomRadius[naI] + probeSize) * (atomRadius[naI] + probeSize);
if (Vec3.squaredDistance(testPoint, a2Pos) < cutoff3) {
accessible = false;
if (accessible) {
if (accessible) ++accessiblePointCount;
const value = cons * accessiblePoints * r * r;
// atomAsa[atomAsa.length] = value;
// sum up values for each residue
residueAsa[residueAtomSegments.index[i]] += value;
const value = cons * accessiblePointCount * r * r;
accessibleSurfaceArea[residueAtomSegments.index[aI]] += value;
// console.log(residueAsa);
function assignRadiusForHeavyAtoms(ctx: AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext) {
const atomCount = ctx.unit.elements.length;
const { elements: atoms, residueIndex } = ctx.unit;
const { moleculeType } = ctx.unit.model.atomicHierarchy.derived.residue;
const { type_symbol, label_atom_id } = ctx.unit.model.atomicHierarchy.atoms;
const { label_comp_id } = ctx.unit.model.atomicHierarchy.residues;
// normalize by maximum value expected for a particular amino acid - needs lookup of max values
for (let i = 0; i < residues.label_comp_id.rowCount; ++i) {
// skip entities not part of a peptide chain
if (derived.residue.moleculeType[i] !== 4)
for (let _aI = 0; _aI < atomCount; ++_aI) {
const aI = atoms[_aI];
const raI = residueIndex[aI];
const aeI = getElementIdx(type_symbol.value(aI)!);
// skip hydrogen atoms
if (isHydrogen(aeI)) {
ctx.atomRadius[ctx.atomRadius.length] = missingAccessibleSurfaceAreaValue;
const maxAsa = (MaxAsa as any)[residues.label_comp_id.value(i)];
residueAsa[i] /= (maxAsa === undefined ? DefaultMaxAsa : maxAsa);
// skip non-peptide groups
if (moleculeType[raI] !== MoleculeType.protein) {
ctx.atomRadius[ctx.atomRadius.length] = missingAccessibleSurfaceAreaValue;
return residueAsa;
const atomId = label_atom_id.value(aI);
const element = type_symbol.value(aI);
const resn = label_comp_id.value(raI)!;
const valueForIgnoredAtom = -1.0;
ctx.atomRadius[ctx.atomRadius.length] = determineRadius(atomId, element, resn);
// while having atom->parent mapping at hand, initialize residue-level of information
ctx.accessibleSurfaceArea[ctx.accessibleSurfaceArea.length] = 0.0;
ctx.relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea[ctx.relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea.length] = 0.0;
* Gets the van der Waals radius of the given atom following the values defined by Chothia (1976)
......@@ -174,6 +177,37 @@ function determineRadius(atomId: string, element: ElementSymbol, compId: string)
return VdwRadius(element);
interface AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext {
unit: Unit.Atomic,
params: AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParameters,
spherePoints: Vec3[],
cons: number,
atomRadius: number[],
accessibleSurfaceArea: number[],
relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea: number[],
maxLookupRadius: number
function initialize(unit: Unit.Atomic, params: AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParameters): AccessibleSurfaceAreaContext {
return {
unit: unit,
params: params,
spherePoints: generateSpherePoints(params.numberOfSpherePoints),
cons: 4.0 * Math.PI / params.numberOfSpherePoints,
atomRadius: [],
accessibleSurfaceArea: [],
relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea: [],
maxLookupRadius: 1.4 + 1.4 + 1.87 + 1.87
function computeAccessibleSurfaceArea(unit: Unit.Atomic, params?: Partial<AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParameters>): AccessibleSurfaceArea {
return _computeAccessibleSurfaceArea(unit, {
numberOfSpherePoints: (params && params.numberOfSpherePoints) || 960,
probeSize: (params && params.probeSize) || 1.4
/** Creates a collection of points on a sphere by the Golden Section Spiral algorithm. */
function generateSpherePoints(numberOfSpherePoints: number): Vec3[] {
const points: Vec3[] = [];
......@@ -188,11 +222,4 @@ function generateSpherePoints(numberOfSpherePoints: number): Vec3[] {
return points;
interface ASAContext {
probeSize: number,
spherePoints: Vec3[],
cons: number,
hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy,
conformation: AtomicConformation
\ No newline at end of file
export { computeAccessibleSurfaceArea, missingAccessibleSurfaceAreaValue }
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interface AccessibleSurfaceArea {
readonly atomRadius: ArrayLike<number>,
readonly accessibleSurfaceArea: ArrayLike<number>,
readonly relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea: ArrayLike<number>,
readonly buried: any
interface AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParameters {
numberOfSpherePoints: number
probeSize: number
export { AccessibleSurfaceArea, AccessibleSurfaceAreaComputationParameters }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@
import { Color } from 'mol-util/color';
import { Location } from 'mol-model/location';
import { ColorTheme } from '../color';
import { ColorTheme, LocationColor } from '../color';
import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition'
import { ThemeDataContext } from '../theme';
import { ColorListOptions, ColorListName, ColorScale } from 'mol-util/color/scale';
import { StructureElement, Link, ElementIndex, Unit } from 'mol-model/structure';
import { StructureElement, Unit } from 'mol-model/structure';
import { missingAccessibleSurfaceAreaValue } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/unit/accessible-surface-area/compute';
const DefaultAccessibleSurfaceAreaColor = Color(0xCCCCCC)
const DefaultColor = Color(0xCCCCCC)
const Description = 'Assigns a color based on the relative accessible surface area of a residue.'
export const AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams = {
......@@ -24,27 +25,29 @@ export function getAccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams(ctx: ThemeDataContext)
export function AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorTheme(ctx: ThemeDataContext, props: PD.Values<AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams>): ColorTheme<AccessibleSurfaceAreaColorThemeParams> {
const scale = ColorScale.create({
listOrName: props.list,
minLabel: 'Start',
maxLabel: 'End',
const scaleColor = scale.color
let color: LocationColor
let scale: ColorScale | undefined = undefined
function asaColor(unit: Unit, element: ElementIndex): Color {
if (Unit.isAtomic(unit)) {
return scaleColor([unit.residueIndex[element]]);
return DefaultAccessibleSurfaceAreaColor;
if (ctx.structure) {
scale = ColorScale.create({
listOrName: props.list,
minLabel: 'Start',
maxLabel: 'End'
const scaleColor = scale.color
color = (location: Location): Color => {
if (StructureElement.isLocation(location)) {
if (Unit.isAtomic(location.unit)) {
const value = location.unit.accessibleSurfaceArea.relativeAccessibleSurfaceArea[location.unit.residueIndex[location.element]];
return value !== missingAccessibleSurfaceAreaValue ? scaleColor(value) : DefaultColor;
const color = (location: Location): Color => {
if (StructureElement.isLocation(location)) {
return asaColor(location.unit, location.element);
} else if (Link.isLocation(location)) {
return asaColor(location.aUnit, location.aUnit.elements[location.aIndex]);
return DefaultColor
return DefaultAccessibleSurfaceAreaColor;
} else {
color = () => DefaultColor
return {
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import { ColorTheme } from 'mol-theme/color';
import { SizeTheme } from 'mol-theme/size';
import { CartoonRepresentationProvider } from 'mol-repr/structure/representation/cartoon';
import { trajectoryFromMmCIF } from 'mol-model-formats/structure/mmcif';
import { computeModelASA } from 'mol-model/structure/model/properties/utils/accessible-surface-area';
const parent = document.getElementById('app')! = '100%'
......@@ -64,10 +63,10 @@ function getCartoonRepr() {
async function init() {
const cif = await downloadFromPdb('1acj')
const models = await getModels(cif)
const asa = computeModelASA(models[0].atomicHierarchy, models[0].atomicConformation)
(models[0].properties as any).asa = asa
// console.time('computeModelASA')
// const asa = computeModelASA(models[0].atomicHierarchy, models[0].atomicConformation)
// console.timeEnd('computeModelASA');
// (models[0].properties as any).asa = asa
const structure = await getStructure(models[0])
const cartoonRepr = getCartoonRepr()
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