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Commit 99e829a1 authored by David Sehnal's avatar David Sehnal
Browse files

Cleaned up computation API

parent 9951dce6
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......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ function Category(data: Encoding.EncodedCategory): Data.Category {
export default function parse(data: Uint8Array) {
return new Computation<Result<Data.File>>(async ctx => {
return Computation.create<Result<Data.File>>(async ctx => {
const minVersion = [0, 3];
try {
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ interface TokenizerState {
currentTokenStart: number;
currentTokenEnd: number;
computation: Computation.Chunked
chunker: Computation.Chunker
......@@ -397,7 +397,8 @@ function createTokenizer(data: string, ctx: Computation.Context): TokenizerState
currentTokenType: CifTokenType.End,
currentLineNumber: 1,
isEscaped: false,
computation: Computation.chunked(ctx, 1000000)
chunker: Computation.chunker(ctx, 1000000)
......@@ -455,6 +456,7 @@ interface LoopReadState {
function readLoopChunk(state: LoopReadState, chunkSize: number) {
const { tokenizer, tokens, fieldCount } = state;
let tokenCount = state.tokenCount;
let counter = 0;
......@@ -464,16 +466,20 @@ function readLoopChunk(state: LoopReadState, chunkSize: number) {
state.tokenCount = tokenCount;
return tokenizer.currentTokenType === CifTokenType.Value;
return counter; //tokenizer.currentTokenType === CifTokenType.Value;
async function readLoopChunks(state: LoopReadState) {
const { computation } = state.tokenizer;
while (readLoopChunk(state, computation.chunkSize)) {
if (computation.requiresUpdate) {
await computation.updateProgress('Parsing...', void 0, state.tokenizer.position,;
function readLoopChunks(state: LoopReadState) {
const { chunker } = state.tokenizer;
// while (readLoopChunk(state, computation.chunkSize)) {
// if (computation.requiresUpdate) {
// await computation.updateProgress('Parsing...', void 0, state.tokenizer.position,;
// }
// }
return chunker.process(
chunkSize => readLoopChunk(state, chunkSize),
update => update('Parsing...', void 0, state.tokenizer.position,;
......@@ -634,7 +640,7 @@ async function parseInternal(data: string, ctx: Computation.Context) {
export default function parse(data: string) {
return new Computation<Result<Data.File>>(async ctx => {
return Computation.create<Result<Data.File>>(async ctx => {
return await parseInternal(data, ctx);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ export interface Tokenizer {
currentLineNumber: number
currentTokenStart: number
currentTokenEnd: number
computation: Computation.Chunked
export interface Tokens {
......@@ -27,15 +25,14 @@ export interface Tokens {
indices: ArrayLike<number>
export function Tokenizer(data: string, ctx: Computation.Context): Tokenizer {
export function Tokenizer(data: string): Tokenizer {
return {
position: 0,
length: data.length,
currentLineNumber: 1,
currentTokenStart: 0,
currentTokenEnd: 0,
computation: Computation.chunked(ctx, 1000000)
currentTokenEnd: 0
......@@ -105,20 +102,17 @@ export namespace Tokenizer {
/** Advance the state by the given number of lines and return line starts/ends as tokens. */
export async function readLinesAsync(state: Tokenizer, count: number): Promise<Tokens> {
const { computation, length } = state
export async function readLinesAsync(state: Tokenizer, count: number, chunker: Computation.Chunker): Promise<Tokens> {
const { length } = state;
const lineTokens = TokenBuilder.create(state, count * 2);
computation.chunkSize = 100000;
let linesAlreadyRead = 0;
while (linesAlreadyRead < count) {
const linesToRead = Math.min(count - linesAlreadyRead, computation.chunkSize);
await chunker.process(chunkSize => {
const linesToRead = Math.min(count - linesAlreadyRead, chunkSize);
readLinesChunk(state, linesToRead, lineTokens);
linesAlreadyRead += linesToRead;
if (computation.requiresUpdate) {
await computation.updateProgress('Parsing...', void 0, state.position, length);
return linesToRead;
}, update => update('Parsing...', void 0, state.position, length));
return lineTokens;
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ interface State {
tokenizer: Tokenizer,
header: Schema.Header,
numberOfAtoms: number,
chunker: Computation.Chunker
function createEmptyHeader(): Schema.Header {
......@@ -28,11 +29,12 @@ function createEmptyHeader(): Schema.Header {
function State(tokenizer: Tokenizer): State {
function State(tokenizer: Tokenizer, ctx: Computation.Context): State {
return {
header: createEmptyHeader(),
numberOfAtoms: 0
numberOfAtoms: 0,
chunker: Computation.chunker(ctx, 100000)
......@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ function handleNumberOfAtoms(state: State) {
async function handleAtoms(state: State): Promise<Schema.Atoms> {
const { tokenizer, numberOfAtoms } = state;
const lines = await Tokenizer.readLinesAsync(tokenizer, numberOfAtoms);
const lines = await Tokenizer.readLinesAsync(tokenizer, numberOfAtoms, state.chunker);
const positionSample =[0], lines.indices[1]).substring(20);
const precisions = positionSample.match(/\.\d+/g)!;
......@@ -136,11 +138,13 @@ function handleBoxVectors(state: State) {
async function parseInternal(data: string, ctx: Computation.Context): Promise<Result<Schema.File>> {
const tokenizer = Tokenizer(data, ctx);
const tokenizer = Tokenizer(data);
// 100000 lines is the default chunk size for this reader
const structures: Schema.Structure[] = [];
while (tokenizer.position < data.length) {
const state = State(tokenizer);
const state = State(tokenizer, ctx);
const atoms = await handleAtoms(state);
......@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@ async function parseInternal(data: string, ctx: Computation.Context): Promise<Re
export function parse(data: string) {
return new Computation<Result<Schema.File>>(async ctx => {
return Computation.create<Result<Schema.File>>(async ctx => {
return await parseInternal(data, ctx);
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const file = 'md_1u19_trj.gro'
async function runGro(input: string) {
const comp = Gro(input);
const running = comp.runObservable(Computation.observableContext({ updateRateMs: 250 }));
const running = comp.runObservable(Computation.observableContext({ updateRateMs: 150 }));
running.subscribe(p => console.log(`[Gro] ${(p.current / p.max * 100).toFixed(2)} (${p.elapsedMs | 0}ms)`));
const parsed = await running.result;
......@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ export function _cif() {
import Computation from './utils/computation'
const comp = new Computation(async ctx => {
const comp = Computation.create(async ctx => {
for (let i = 0; i < 0; i++) {
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 500));
if (ctx.requiresUpdate) await ctx.updateProgress('working', void 0, i, 2);
......@@ -7,54 +7,27 @@
import Scheduler from './scheduler'
class Computation<A> {
run(ctx?: Computation.Context) {
return this.runObservable(ctx).result;
runObservable(ctx?: Computation.Context): Computation.Running<A> {
const context = ctx ? ctx as ObservableContext : new ObservableContext();
return {
subscribe: (context as ObservableContext).subscribe || NoOpSubscribe,
result: new Promise<A>(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (context.started) context.started();
const result = await this.computation(context);
} catch (e) {
if (Computation.PRINT_CONSOLE_ERROR) console.error(e);
} finally {
if (context.finished) context.finished();
constructor(private computation: (ctx: Computation.Context) => Promise<A>) {
interface Computation<A> {
run(ctx?: Computation.Context): Promise<A>,
runObservable(ctx?: Computation.Context): Computation.Running<A>
namespace Computation {
export let PRINT_CONSOLE_ERROR = false;
export function create<A>(computation: (ctx: Context) => Promise<A>) {
return new Computation(computation);
return new ComputationImpl(computation);
export function resolve<A>(a: A) {
return new Computation<A>(_ => Promise.resolve(a));
return create<A>(_ => Promise.resolve(a));
export function reject<A>(reason: any) {
return new Computation<A>(_ => Promise.reject(reason));
return create<A>(_ => Promise.reject(reason));
export interface Params {
isSynchronous: boolean,
updateRateMs: number
......@@ -70,14 +43,11 @@ namespace Computation {
export interface Context {
readonly isSynchronous: boolean,
/** Also checks if the computation was aborted. If so, throws. */
readonly requiresUpdate: boolean,
requestAbort(): void,
* Checks if the computation was aborted. If so, throws.
* Otherwise, updates the progress.
* Returns the number of ms since the last update.
/** Also checks if the computation was aborted. If so, throws. */
updateProgress(msg: string, abort?: boolean | (() => void), current?: number, max?: number): Promise<void> | void
......@@ -88,7 +58,9 @@ namespace Computation {
result: Promise<A>
export const contextWithoutUpdates: Context = {
/** A context without updates. */
export const synchronousContext: Context = {
isSynchronous: true,
requiresUpdate: false,
requestAbort() { },
updateProgress(msg, abort, current, max) { }
......@@ -98,37 +70,31 @@ namespace Computation {
return new ObservableContext(params);
declare var process: any;
declare var window: any;
export const now: () => number = (function () {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.performance) {
const perf = window.performance;
return function () { return; }
return () =>;
} else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.hrtime !== 'undefined') {
return function () {
return () => {
let t = process.hrtime();
return t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1000000;
} else {
return function () { return +new Date(); }
return () => +new Date();
export interface Chunked {
* Get automatically computed chunk size
* Or set it a default value.
chunkSize: number,
readonly requiresUpdate: boolean,
updateProgress: Context['updateProgress'],
context: Context
/** A utility for splitting large computations into smaller parts. */
export interface Chunker {
setNextChunkSize(size: number): void,
/** nextChunk must return the number of actually processed chunks. */
process(nextChunk: (chunkSize: number) => number, update: (updater: Context['updateProgress']) => void, nextChunkSize?: number): Promise<void>
export function chunked(ctx: Context, defaultChunkSize: number): Chunked {
export function chunker(ctx: Context, defaultChunkSize: number): Chunker {
return new ChunkedImpl(ctx, defaultChunkSize);
......@@ -136,9 +102,39 @@ namespace Computation {
const DefaulUpdateRateMs = 150;
const NoOpSubscribe = () => { }
class ComputationImpl<A> implements Computation<A> {
run(ctx?: Computation.Context) {
return this.runObservable(ctx).result;
runObservable(ctx?: Computation.Context): Computation.Running<A> {
const context = ctx ? ctx as ObservableContext : new ObservableContext();
return {
subscribe: (context as ObservableContext).subscribe || NoOpSubscribe,
result: new Promise<A>(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (context.started) context.started();
const result = await this.computation(context);
} catch (e) {
if (Computation.PRINT_CONSOLE_ERROR) console.error(e);
} finally {
if (context.finished) context.finished();
constructor(private computation: (ctx: Computation.Context) => Promise<A>) {
class ObservableContext implements Computation.Context {
readonly updateRate: number;
private isSynchronous: boolean;
readonly isSynchronous: boolean = false;
private level = 0;
private startedTime = 0;
private abortRequested = false;
......@@ -203,7 +199,7 @@ class ObservableContext implements Computation.Context {
get requiresUpdate() {
if (this.isSynchronous) return false;
return - this.lastUpdated > this.updateRate / 2;
return - this.lastUpdated > this.updateRate;
started() {
......@@ -221,43 +217,53 @@ class ObservableContext implements Computation.Context {
constructor(params?: Partial<Computation.Params>) {
this.updateRate = (params && params.updateRateMs) || DefaulUpdateRateMs;
this.isSynchronous = !!(params && params.isSynchronous);
class ChunkedImpl implements Computation.Chunked {
private currentChunkSize: number;
class ChunkedImpl implements Computation.Chunker {
private processedSinceUpdate = 0;
private updater: Computation.Context['updateProgress'];
private computeChunkSize() {
const lastDelta = (this.context as ObservableContext).lastDelta || 0;
if (!lastDelta) return this.defaultChunkSize;
if (!lastDelta) return this.nextChunkSize;
const rate = (this.context as ObservableContext).updateRate || 0;
return Math.round(this.currentChunkSize * rate / lastDelta + 1);
const ret = Math.round(this.processedSinceUpdate * rate / lastDelta + 1);
this.processedSinceUpdate = 0;
return ret;
get chunkSize() {
return this.defaultChunkSize;
private getNextChunkSize() {
const ctx = this.context as ObservableContext;
// be smart if the computation is synchronous and process the whole chunk at once.
if (ctx.isSynchronous) return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
return this.nextChunkSize;
set chunkSize(value: number) {
this.defaultChunkSize = value;
this.currentChunkSize = value;
setNextChunkSize(size: number) {
this.nextChunkSize = size;
get requiresUpdate() {
const ret = this.context.requiresUpdate;
if (!ret) this.currentChunkSize += this.chunkSize;
return ret;
async process(nextChunk: (size: number) => number, update: (updater: Computation.Context['updateProgress']) => Promise<void> | void, nextChunkSize?: number) {
if (typeof nextChunkSize !== 'undefined') this.setNextChunkSize(nextChunkSize);
let lastChunk: number;
async updateProgress(msg: string, abort?: boolean | (() => void), current?: number, max?: number) {
await this.context.updateProgress(msg, abort, current, max);
this.defaultChunkSize = this.computeChunkSize();
while (( lastChunk = nextChunk(this.getNextChunkSize())) > 0) {
this.processedSinceUpdate += lastChunk;
if (this.context.requiresUpdate) {
await update(this.updater);
this.nextChunkSize = this.computeChunkSize();
if (this.context.requiresUpdate) {
await update(this.updater);
this.nextChunkSize = this.computeChunkSize();
constructor(public context: Computation.Context, private defaultChunkSize: number) {
this.currentChunkSize = defaultChunkSize;
constructor(public context: Computation.Context, private nextChunkSize: number) {
this.updater = this.context.updateProgress.bind(this.context);
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