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Commit a81464dd authored by David Sehnal's avatar David Sehnal
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Table collection

parent ab2031f7
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......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import Column, { isTypedArray } from '../column'
import Table from '../table'
describe('column', () => {
const cc = Column.ofConst(10, 2,;
......@@ -38,4 +39,44 @@ describe('column', () => {
expect(numStr.toArray()).toEqual(['1', '2']);
\ No newline at end of file
it('permutation', () => {
expect(Column.permutation(arr, [1, 0, 3, 2]).toArray()).toEqual([2, 1, 4, 3]);
describe('table', () => {
const schema = {
n: Column.Type.str
it('ofRows', () => {
const t = Table.ofRows<typeof schema>(schema, [
{ x: 10, n: 'row1' },
{ x: -1, n: 'row2' },
expect(t.x.toArray()).toEqual([10, -1]);
expect(t.n.toArray()).toEqual(['row1', 'row2']);
it('ofColumns', () => {
const t = Table.ofColumns<typeof schema>({
x: Column.ofArray({ array: [10, -1], type: }),
n: Column.ofArray({ array: ['row1', 'row2'], type: Column.Type.str }),
expect(t.x.toArray()).toEqual([10, -1]);
expect(t.n.toArray()).toEqual(['row1', 'row2']);
it('sort', () => {
const t = Table.ofColumns<typeof schema>({
x: Column.ofArray({ array: [10, -1], type: }),
n: Column.ofArray({ array: ['row1', 'row2'], type: Column.Type.str }),
const { x } = t;
const sorted = Table.sort(t, (i, j) => x.value(i) - x.value(j))
expect(sorted.x.toArray()).toEqual([-1, 10]);
expect(sorted.n.toArray()).toEqual(['row2', 'row1']);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,19 +13,22 @@ interface Column<T> {
value(row: number): T,
valueKind(row: number): Column.ValueKind,
toArray(params?: Column.ToArrayParams): ReadonlyArray<T>,
stringEquals(row: number, value: string): boolean,
areValuesEqual(rowA: number, rowB: number): boolean
namespace Column {
export type Type = typeof Type.str | typeof | typeof Type.float | typeof Type.vector | typeof Type.matrix
export type Type = typeof Type.str | typeof | typeof Type.float | Type.Vector | Type.Matrix
export namespace Type {
export const str = { '@type': '' as string, kind: 'str' as 'str' };
export const int = { '@type': 0 as number, kind: 'int' as 'int' };
export const float = { '@type': 0 as number, kind: 'float' as 'float' };
export const vector = { '@type': [] as number[], kind: 'vector' as 'vector' };
export const matrix = { '@type': [] as number[][], kind: 'matrix' as 'matrix' };
export const str = { T: '' as string, kind: 'str' as 'str' };
export const int = { T: 0 as number, kind: 'int' as 'int' };
export const float = { T: 0 as number, kind: 'float' as 'float' };
export type Vector = { T: number[], dim: number, kind: 'vector' };
export type Matrix = { T: number[][], rows: number, cols: number, kind: 'matrix' };
export function vector(dim: number): Vector { return { T: [] as number[], dim, kind: 'vector' }; }
export function matrix(rows: number, cols: number): Matrix { return { T: [] as number[][], rows, cols, kind: 'matrix' }; }
export interface ToArrayParams {
......@@ -36,33 +39,39 @@ namespace Column {
export interface LambdaSpec<T extends Type> {
value: (row: number) => T['@type'],
value: (row: number) => T['T'],
rowCount: number,
type: T,
valueKind?: (row: number) => ValueKind,
export interface ArraySpec<T extends Type> {
array: ArrayLike<T['@type']>,
array: ArrayLike<T['T']>,
type: T,
valueKind?: (row: number) => ValueKind
export interface MapSpec<S extends Type, T extends Type> {
f: (v: S['T']) => T['T'],
type: T,
valueKind?: (row: number) => ValueKind,
export const enum ValueKind { Present = 0, NotPresent = 1, Unknown = 2 }
export function Undefined<T extends Type>(rowCount: number, type: T): Column<T['@type']> {
return constColumn(type['@type'], rowCount, type, ValueKind.NotPresent);
export function Undefined<T extends Type>(rowCount: number, type: T): Column<T['T']> {
return constColumn(type['T'], rowCount, type, ValueKind.NotPresent);
export function ofConst<T extends Type>(v: T['@type'], rowCount: number, type: T): Column<T['@type']> {
export function ofConst<T extends Type>(v: T['T'], rowCount: number, type: T): Column<T['T']> {
return constColumn(v, rowCount, type, ValueKind.Present);
export function ofLambda<T extends Type>(spec: LambdaSpec<T>): Column<T['@type']> {
export function ofLambda<T extends Type>(spec: LambdaSpec<T>): Column<T['T']> {
return lambdaColumn(spec);
export function ofArray<T extends Column.Type>(spec: Column.ArraySpec<T>): Column<T['@type']> {
export function ofArray<T extends Column.Type>(spec: Column.ArraySpec<T>): Column<T['T']> {
return arrayColumn(spec);
......@@ -70,6 +79,10 @@ namespace Column {
return windowColumn(column, start, end);
export function permutation<T>(column: Column<T>, indices: ArrayLike<number>, checkIndentity = true) {
return columnPermutation(column, indices, checkIndentity);
/** Makes the column backned by an array. Useful for columns that accessed often. */
export function asArrayColumn<T>(c: Column<T>, array?: ToArrayParams['array']): Column<T> {
if (c['@array']) return c;
......@@ -80,8 +93,8 @@ namespace Column {
export default Column;
function constColumn<T extends Column.Type>(v: T['@type'], rowCount: number, type: T, valueKind: Column.ValueKind): Column<T['@type']> {
const value: Column<T['@type']>['value'] = row => v;
function constColumn<T extends Column.Type>(v: T['T'], rowCount: number, type: T, valueKind: Column.ValueKind): Column<T['T']> {
const value: Column<T['T']>['value'] = row => v;
return {
'@type': type,
'@array': void 0,
......@@ -94,16 +107,11 @@ function constColumn<T extends Column.Type>(v: T['@type'], rowCount: number, typ
for (let i = 0, _i = array.length; i < _i; i++) array[i] = v;
return array;
stringEquals: type.kind === 'str'
? (row, value) => value === v
: type.kind === 'float' || type.kind === 'int'
? (row, value) => +value === v
: (row, value) => false,
areValuesEqual: (rowA, rowB) => true
function lambdaColumn<T extends Column.Type>({ value, valueKind, rowCount, type }: Column.LambdaSpec<T>): Column<T['@type']> {
function lambdaColumn<T extends Column.Type>({ value, valueKind, rowCount, type }: Column.LambdaSpec<T>): Column<T['T']> {
return {
'@type': type,
'@array': void 0,
......@@ -116,18 +124,13 @@ function lambdaColumn<T extends Column.Type>({ value, valueKind, rowCount, type
for (let i = 0, _i = array.length; i < _i; i++) array[i] = value(i + start);
return array;
stringEquals: type.kind === 'str'
? (row, v) => value(row) === v
: type.kind === 'float' || type.kind === 'int'
? (row, v) => value(row) === +v
: (row, value) => false,
areValuesEqual: (rowA, rowB) => value(rowA) === value(rowB)
function arrayColumn<T extends Column.Type>({ array, type, valueKind }: Column.ArraySpec<T>): Column<T['@type']> {
function arrayColumn<T extends Column.Type>({ array, type, valueKind }: Column.ArraySpec<T>): Column<T['T']> {
const rowCount = array.length;
const value: Column<T['@type']>['value'] = type.kind === 'str'
const value: Column<T['T']>['value'] = type.kind === 'str'
? row => { const v = array[row]; return typeof v === 'string' ? v : '' + v; }
: row => array[row];
......@@ -153,16 +156,11 @@ function arrayColumn<T extends Column.Type>({ array, type, valueKind }: Column.A
? params => typedArrayWindow(array, params) as any as ReadonlyArray<T>
: params => {
const { start, end } = getArrayBounds(rowCount, params);
if (start === 0 && end === array.length) return array as ReadonlyArray<T['@type']>;
if (start === 0 && end === array.length) return array as ReadonlyArray<T['T']>;
const ret = new (params && typeof params.array !== 'undefined' ? params.array : (array as any).constructor)(end - start) as any;
for (let i = 0, _i = end - start; i < _i; i++) ret[i] = array[start + i];
return ret;
stringEquals: type.kind === 'int' || type.kind === 'float'
? (row, value) => (array as any)[row] === +value
: type.kind === 'str'
? (row, value) => { const v = array[row]; return typeof v === 'string' ? v === value : +v === +value; }
: (row, value) => false,
areValuesEqual: (rowA, rowB) => array[rowA] === array[rowB]
......@@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ function windowTyped<T>(c: Column<T>, start: number, end: number): Column<T> {
function windowFull<T>(c: Column<T>, start: number, end: number): Column<T> {
const v = c.value, vk = c.valueKind, se = c.stringEquals, ave = c.areValuesEqual;
const v = c.value, vk = c.valueKind, ave = c.areValuesEqual;
const value: Column<T>['value'] = start === 0 ? v : row => v(row + start);
const rowCount = end - start;
return {
......@@ -194,11 +192,45 @@ function windowFull<T>(c: Column<T>, start: number, end: number): Column<T> {
for (let i = 0, _i = array.length; i < _i; i++) array[i] = v(i + start);
return array;
stringEquals: start === 0 ? se : (row, value) => se(row + start, value),
areValuesEqual: start === 0 ? ave : (rowA, rowB) => ave(rowA + start, rowB + start)
function columnPermutation<T>(c: Column<T>, map: ArrayLike<number>, checkIdentity: boolean): Column<T> {
if (!c.isDefined) return c;
if (checkIdentity) {
let isIdentity = true;
for (let i = 0, _i = map.length; i < _i; i++) {
if (map[i] !== i) {
isIdentity = false;
if (isIdentity) return c;
return permutationFull(c, map);
function permutationFull<T>(c: Column<T>, map: ArrayLike<number>): Column<T> {
const v = c.value, vk = c.valueKind, ave = c.areValuesEqual;
const value: Column<T>['value'] = row => v(map[row]);
const rowCount = c.rowCount;
return {
'@type': c['@type'],
'@array': void 0,
isDefined: c.isDefined,
valueKind: row => vk(map[row]),
toArray: params => {
const { array } = createArray(rowCount, params);
for (let i = 0, _i = array.length; i < _i; i++) array[i] = v(map[i]);
return array;
areValuesEqual: (rowA, rowB) => ave(map[rowA], map[rowB])
/** A helped function for Column.toArray */
export function getArrayBounds(rowCount: number, params?: Column.ToArrayParams) {
const start = params && typeof params.start !== 'undefined' ? Math.max(Math.min(params.start, rowCount - 1), 0) : 0;
* Copyright (c) 2017 molio contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <>
import Column from './column'
import { sortArray } from './sort'
type Table<Schema extends Table.Schema> = { readonly _rowCount: number, readonly _columns: ReadonlyArray<string> } & Table.Columns<Schema>
namespace Table {
export type Schema = { [field: string]: Column.Type }
export type Columns<S extends Schema> = { [C in keyof S]: Column<S[C]['T']> }
export type Row<S extends Schema> = { [C in keyof S]: S[C]['T'] }
export function ofColumns<S extends Schema, R extends Table<S> = Table<S>>(columns: Columns<S>): R {
const _columns = Object.keys(columns);
const _rowCount = columns[_columns[0]].rowCount;
return { _rowCount, _columns, ...(columns as any) };
export function ofRows<S extends Schema, R extends Table<S> = Table<S>>(schema: Schema, rows: ArrayLike<Row<S>>): R {
const ret = Object.create(null);
const rowCount = rows.length;
const columns = Object.keys(schema);
ret._rowCount = rowCount;
ret._columns = columns;
for (const k of Object.keys(schema)) {
(ret as any)[k] = Column.ofLambda({
type: schema[k],
value: r => rows[r][k],
valueKind: r => typeof rows[r][k] === 'undefined' ? Column.ValueKind.NotPresent : Column.ValueKind.Present
return ret as R;
/** Sort and return a new table */
export function sort<T extends Table<S>, S extends Schema>(table: T, cmp: (i: number, j: number) => number) {
const indices = new Int32Array(table._rowCount);
for (let i = 0, _i = indices.length; i < _i; i++) indices[i] = i;
sortArray(indices, (_, i, j) => cmp(i, j));
let isIdentity = true;
for (let i = 0, _i = indices.length; i < _i; i++) {
if (indices[i] !== i) {
isIdentity = false;
if (isIdentity) return table;
const ret = Object.create(null);
ret._rowCount = table._rowCount;
ret._columns = table._columns;
for (const c of table._columns) {
ret[c] = Column.permutation((table as any)[c], indices, false);
return ret;
export default Table
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ export namespace Field {
rowCount: field.rowCount,
valueKind: field.valueKind,
stringEquals: field.stringEquals,
areValuesEqual: field.areValuesEqual,
......@@ -79,14 +78,14 @@ export namespace Field {
function Vector(rows: number) {
return function(field: Data.Field, category: Data.Category, key: string) {
const value = (row: number) => Data.getVector(category, key, rows, row);
return create(Column.Type.vector, field, value, params => createAndFillArray(field.rowCount, value, params));
return create(Column.Type.vector(rows), field, value, params => createAndFillArray(field.rowCount, value, params));
function Matrix(rows: number, cols: number) {
return function(field: Data.Field, category: Data.Category, key: string) {
const value = (row: number) => Data.getMatrix(category, key, rows, cols, row);
return create(Column.Type.matrix, field, value, params => createAndFillArray(field.rowCount, value, params));
return create(Column.Type.matrix(rows, cols), field, value, params => createAndFillArray(field.rowCount, value, params));
......@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ export default function FixedColumnProvider(lines: Tokens) {
export function FixedColumn<T extends Column.Type>(lines: Tokens, offset: number, width: number, type: T): Column<T['@type']> {
export function FixedColumn<T extends Column.Type>(lines: Tokens, offset: number, width: number, type: T): Column<T['T']> {
const { data, indices, count: rowCount } = lines;
const { kind } = type;
const value: Column<T['@type']>['value'] = kind === 'str' ? row => {
const value: Column<T['T']>['value'] = kind === 'str' ? row => {
let s = indices[2 * row] + offset, le = indices[2 * row + 1];
if (s >= le) return '';
let e = s + width;
......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ export function FixedColumn<T extends Column.Type>(lines: Tokens, offset: number
valueKind: row => Column.ValueKind.Present,
toArray: params => createAndFillArray(rowCount, value, params),
stringEquals: (row, v) => value(row) === v,
areValuesEqual: (rowA, rowB) => value(rowA) === value(rowB)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ export default function TokenColumnProvider(tokens: Tokens) {
export function TokenColumn<T extends Column.Type>(tokens: Tokens, type: T): Column<T['@type']> {
export function TokenColumn<T extends Column.Type>(tokens: Tokens, type: T): Column<T['T']> {
const { data, indices, count: rowCount } = tokens;
const { kind } = type;
const value: Column<T['@type']>['value'] =
const value: Column<T['T']>['value'] =
kind === 'str'
? row => data.substring(indices[2 * row], indices[2 * row + 1])
: kind === 'int'
......@@ -33,16 +33,6 @@ export function TokenColumn<T extends Column.Type>(tokens: Tokens, type: T): Col
valueKind: row => Column.ValueKind.Present,
toArray: params => createAndFillArray(rowCount, value, params),
stringEquals: (row, v) => {
const s = indices[2 * row];
const value = v || '';
const len = value.length;
if (len !== indices[2 * row + 1] - s) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (data.charCodeAt(i + s) !== value.charCodeAt(i)) return false;
return true;
areValuesEqual: areValuesEqualProvider(tokens)
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