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Commit e3f49b61 authored by David Sehnal's avatar David Sehnal
Browse files

Sequence as more 1st class citizen

parent 369ff8e5
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......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export function residueLabel(model: Model, rI: number) {
export function printSecStructure(model: Model) {
console.log('Secondary Structure\n=============');
console.log('\nSecondary Structure\n=============');
const { residues } = model.atomicHierarchy;
const { type, key } =;
......@@ -90,20 +90,18 @@ export function printBonds(structure: Structure) {
export function printSequence(model: Model) {
const { byEntityKey } = model.sequence;
for (const key of Object.keys(byEntityKey)) {
const seq = byEntityKey[+key];
console.log(`${seq.entityId} (${seq.num.value(0)}, ${seq.num.value(seq.num.rowCount - 1)}) (${seq.compId.value(0)}, ${seq.compId.value(seq.compId.rowCount - 1)})`);
// for (let i = 0; i < seq.compId.rowCount; i++) {
// console.log(`${seq.entityId} ${seq.num.value(i)} ${seq.compId.value(i)}`);
// }
console.log(`${seq.entityId} (${seq.sequence.kind} ${seq.num.value(0)} (offset ${seq.sequence.offset}), ${seq.num.value(seq.num.rowCount - 1)}) (${seq.compId.value(0)}, ${seq.compId.value(seq.compId.rowCount - 1)})`);
export function printUnits(structure: Structure) {
const l = Element.Location();
for (const unit of structure.units) {
......@@ -133,10 +131,9 @@ export function printUnits(structure: Structure) {
export function printIHMModels(model: Model) {
if (!model.coarseHierarchy.isDefined) return false;
console.log('IHM Models\n=============');
console.log('\nIHM Models\n=============');
......@@ -144,10 +141,10 @@ async function run(mmcif: mmCIF_Database) {
const models = await Model.create({ kind: 'mmCIF', data: mmcif }).run();
const structure = Structure.ofModel(models[0]);
async function runDL(pdb: string) {
......@@ -103,6 +103,15 @@ namespace Column {
return lambdaColumn(spec);
/** values [min, max] (i.e. include both values) */
export function range(min: number, max: number): Column<number> {
return ofLambda({
value: i => i + min,
rowCount: Math.max(max - min + 1, 0),
export function ofArray<T extends Column.Schema>(spec: Column.ArraySpec<T>): Column<T['T']> {
return arrayColumn(spec);
* Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <>
export * from './sequence/sequence'
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* @author David Sehnal <>
export type AminoAlphabet =
| 'H' | 'R' | 'K' | 'I' | 'F' | 'L' | 'W' | 'A' | 'M' | 'P' | 'C' | 'N' | 'V' | 'G' | 'S' | 'Q' | 'Y' | 'D' | 'E' | 'T' | 'U' | 'O'
| 'X' /** = Unknown */
export type NuclecicAlphabet =
| 'A' | 'C' | 'G' | 'T' | 'U'
| 'X' /** = Unknown */
// from NGL
const ProteinOneLetterCodes: { [name: string]: AminoAlphabet } = {
'HIS': 'H',
'ARG': 'R',
'LYS': 'K',
'ILE': 'I',
'PHE': 'F',
'LEU': 'L',
'TRP': 'W',
'ALA': 'A',
'MET': 'M',
'PRO': 'P',
'CYS': 'C',
'ASN': 'N',
'VAL': 'V',
'GLY': 'G',
'SER': 'S',
'GLN': 'Q',
'TYR': 'Y',
'ASP': 'D',
'GLU': 'E',
'THR': 'T',
'SEC': 'U', // as per IUPAC definition
'PYL': 'O', // as per IUPAC definition
const DnaOneLetterCodes: { [name: string]: NuclecicAlphabet } = {
'DA': 'A',
'DC': 'C',
'DG': 'G',
'DT': 'T',
'DU': 'U'
const RnaOneLetterCodes: { [name: string]: NuclecicAlphabet } = {
'A': 'A',
'C': 'C',
'G': 'G',
'T': 'T',
'U': 'U'
export function getProteinOneLetterCode(residueName: string): AminoAlphabet {
const code = ProteinOneLetterCodes[residueName];
return code || 'X';
export function getRnaOneLetterCode(residueName: string): NuclecicAlphabet {
const code = RnaOneLetterCodes[residueName];
return code || 'X';
export function getDnaOneLetterCode(residueName: string): NuclecicAlphabet {
const code = DnaOneLetterCodes[residueName];
return code || 'X';
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@
* @author David Sehnal <>
// import { Column } from 'mol-data/db'
import { AminoAlphabet, NuclecicAlphabet, getProteinOneLetterCode, getRnaOneLetterCode, getDnaOneLetterCode } from './constants';
import { Column } from 'mol-data/db'
interface Sequence {
// TODO add mapping support to other sequence spaces, e.g. uniprot
// TODO sequence alignment (take NGL code as starting point)
type Sequence = Sequence.Protein | Sequence.DNA | Sequence.RNA | Sequence.Generic
namespace Sequence {
export const enum Kind {
......@@ -19,14 +20,83 @@ namespace Sequence {
Generic = 'generic'
export type ProteinAlphabet = 'X'
export type RnaAlphabet = 'X'
export type DnaAlphabet = 'C'
export type GenericAlphabet = 'X'
export interface Base<K extends Kind, Alphabet extends string> {
readonly kind: K,
readonly sequence: ReadonlyArray<Alphabet>
readonly offset: number,
readonly sequence: ArrayLike<Alphabet>
export interface Protein extends Base<Kind.Protein, AminoAlphabet> { }
export interface RNA extends Base<Kind.RNA, NuclecicAlphabet> { }
export interface DNA extends Base<Kind.DNA, NuclecicAlphabet> { }
export interface Generic extends Base<Kind.Generic, 'X'> { }
export function create(kind: Kind, sequence: string, offset: number = 0): Sequence {
return { kind: kind as any, sequence: sequence as any, offset };
export function getSequenceString(seq: Sequence) {
return seq.sequence as string;
function determineKind(names: Column<string>) {
for (let i = 0, _i = Math.min(names.rowCount, 10); i < _i; i++) {
const name = names.value(i) || '';
if (getProteinOneLetterCode(name) !== 'X') return { kind: Kind.Protein, code: getProteinOneLetterCode };
if (getRnaOneLetterCode(name) !== 'X') return { kind: Kind.RNA, code: getRnaOneLetterCode };
if (getDnaOneLetterCode(name) !== 'X') return { kind: Kind.DNA, code: getDnaOneLetterCode };
return { kind: Kind.Generic, code: (v: string) => 'X' };
export function ofResidueNames(residueName: Column<string>, seqId: Column<number>): Sequence {
if (seqId.rowCount === 0) throw new Error('cannot be empty');
const { kind, code } = determineKind(residueName);
return new Impl(kind, residueName, seqId, code) as Sequence;
class Impl implements Base<any, any> {
private _offset = 0;
private _seq: string | undefined = void 0;
get offset() {
if (this._seq !== void 0) return this._offset;
return this._offset;
get sequence(): any {
if (this._seq !== void 0) return this._seq;
return this._seq;
private create() {
let maxSeqId = 0, minSeqId = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (let i = 0, _i = this.seqId.rowCount; i < _i; i++) {
const id = this.seqId.value(i);
if (maxSeqId < id) maxSeqId = id;
if (id < minSeqId) minSeqId = id;
const count = maxSeqId - minSeqId + 1;
const sequenceArray = new Array(maxSeqId + 1);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
sequenceArray[i] = 'X';
for (let i = 0, _i = this.seqId.rowCount; i < _i; i++) {
sequenceArray[this.seqId.value(i) - minSeqId] = this.code(this.residueName.value(i) || '');
this._seq = sequenceArray.join('');
this._offset = minSeqId - 1;
constructor(public kind: Kind, private residueName: Column<string>, private seqId: Column<number>, private code: (name: string) => string) {
......@@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
import { mmCIF_Database as mmCIF } from 'mol-io/reader/cif/schema/mmcif'
import Sequence from '../../properties/sequence'
import StructureSequence from '../../properties/sequence'
import { Column } from 'mol-data/db';
import { AtomicHierarchy } from '../../properties/atomic';
import { Entities } from '../../properties/common';
import { Sequence } from '../../../../sequence';
// TODO how to handle microheterogeneity
// see
......@@ -20,12 +21,12 @@ import { Entities } from '../../properties/common';
// corresponding ATOM_SITE entries should reflect this
// heterogeneity.
export function getSequence(cif: mmCIF, entities: Entities, hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy): Sequence {
if (!cif.entity_poly_seq._rowCount) return Sequence.fromAtomicHierarchy(entities, hierarchy);
export function getSequence(cif: mmCIF, entities: Entities, hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy): StructureSequence {
if (!cif.entity_poly_seq._rowCount) return StructureSequence.fromAtomicHierarchy(entities, hierarchy);
const { entity_id, num, mon_id } = cif.entity_poly_seq;
const byEntityKey: Sequence['byEntityKey'] = {};
const byEntityKey: StructureSequence['byEntityKey'] = {};
const count = entity_id.rowCount;
let i = 0;
......@@ -35,7 +36,15 @@ export function getSequence(cif: mmCIF, entities: Entities, hierarchy: AtomicHie
const id = entity_id.value(start);
byEntityKey[entities.getEntityIndex(id)] = { entityId: id, compId: Column.window(mon_id, start, i), num: Column.window(num, start, i) }
const _compId = Column.window(mon_id, start, i);
const _num = Column.window(num, start, i);
byEntityKey[entities.getEntityIndex(id)] = {
entityId: id,
compId: _compId,
num: _num,
sequence: Sequence.ofResidueNames(_compId, _num)
return { byEntityKey };
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import UUID from 'mol-util/uuid'
import Format from './format'
import Sequence from './properties/sequence'
import StructureSequence from './properties/sequence'
import { AtomicHierarchy, AtomicConformation } from './properties/atomic'
import { ModelSymmetry } from './properties/symmetry'
import { CoarseHierarchy, CoarseConformation } from './properties/coarse'
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ interface Model extends Readonly<{
symmetry: ModelSymmetry,
entities: Entities,
sequence: Sequence,
sequence: StructureSequence,
atomicHierarchy: AtomicHierarchy,
atomicConformation: AtomicConformation,
......@@ -7,59 +7,55 @@
import { Column } from 'mol-data/db'
import { AtomicHierarchy } from './atomic/hierarchy';
import { Entities } from './common';
import { Sequence } from '../../../sequence';
interface Sequence {
readonly byEntityKey: { [key: number]: Sequence.Entity }
interface StructureSequence {
readonly byEntityKey: { [key: number]: StructureSequence.Entity }
// TODO lift to model/sequence/ folder
// TODO add one letter code sequence string
// TODO add mapping support to other sequence spaces, e.g. uniprot
// TODO add sequence kind, e.g. protein, dna, rna (alphabets?)
// TODO sequence alignment (take NGL code as starting point)
namespace Sequence {
namespace StructureSequence {
export interface Entity {
readonly entityId: string,
readonly num: Column<number>
// _entity_poly_seq.mon_id
readonly compId: Column<string>
readonly num: Column<number>,
// Corresponds to _entity_poly_seq.mon_id
readonly compId: Column<string>,
readonly sequence: Sequence
export function fromAtomicHierarchy(entities: Entities, hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy): Sequence {
const { label_entity_id } = hierarchy.chains
export function fromAtomicHierarchy(entities: Entities, hierarchy: AtomicHierarchy): StructureSequence {
const { label_comp_id, label_seq_id } = hierarchy.residues
const { chainSegments, residueSegments } = hierarchy
const byEntityKey: Sequence['byEntityKey'] = {};
const byEntityKey: StructureSequence['byEntityKey'] = { };
// TODO get min/max of label_seq_id to handle missing residues at start and in between
// note that this assumes label_seq_id is monotonically increasing
for (let cI = 0, _cI = hierarchy.chains._rowCount; cI < _cI; cI++) {
const entityKey = hierarchy.entityKey[cI];
// Only for polymers, trying to mirror _entity_poly_seq
if (byEntityKey[entityKey] !== void 0 || !== 'polymer') continue;
const chainCount = hierarchy.chains._rowCount
for (let i = 0; i < chainCount; ++i) {
const entityId = label_entity_id.value(i)
const entityIndex = entities.getEntityIndex(entityId)
// TODO only for polymers, mirroring _entity_poly_seq, ok???
if ( !== 'polymer') continue
let start = cI;
while (cI < _cI && entityKey === hierarchy.entityKey[cI] && !== 'polymer') {
const entityKey = hierarchy.entityKey[entityIndex]
if (byEntityKey[entityKey] !== undefined) continue
const rStart = residueSegments.segmentMap[chainSegments.segments[start]];
const rEnd = residueSegments.segmentMap[chainSegments.segments[cI + 1]];
const start = residueSegments.segmentMap[chainSegments.segments[i]]
let end = residueSegments.segmentMap[chainSegments.segments[i + 1]]
// TODO better way to handle end???
if (end === undefined) end = hierarchy.residues._rowCount
const compId = Column.window(label_comp_id, rStart, rEnd);
const num = Column.window(label_seq_id, rStart, rEnd);
byEntityKey[entityKey] = {
compId: Column.window(label_comp_id, start, end),
num: Column.window(label_seq_id, start, end)
sequence: Sequence.ofResidueNames(compId, num)
return { byEntityKey }
export default Sequence
\ No newline at end of file
export default StructureSequence
\ No newline at end of file
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